Hey everyone! Welcome to my newest (and first) RWBY fic! I got sucked into the series recently after binge watching all of seasons 1 and 2 including the newest episode of season 3. Now before I begin I'm going to warn you ahead of time I'm taking certain liberties with Revan's character including age and powers, I also am not using the Old Republic MMO either since I haven't played revans content and I don't like how they made him. This is a KOTOR 1 dark side ending Revan who (as in cannon) forms his own empire independent of the Sith. He understands the aspect of balance, light and dark but prefers one side over the other generally which will be explained much later on. I really hope I get the RWBY cast right (im using the Wiki for both revan and RWBY to make sure im staying as close as possible as I can to true character while taking some liberties here and there). Comments and reviews, as well as constructive criticism is always appreciated and I try to make sure I answer everyone who asks something, so sit back and enjoy! Also I own Nothing!
Command Bridge of the Battleship 'Hand of Justice'
Less than an hour ago it had been quiet, the Republic fleet had been patrolling hyperspace routes intelligence gathered that the Sith commonly used to avoid normal detection. Rumors also had circulated that Revan himself used such lanes to bypass defensive lines to reinforce beleaguered forces too far too reach from normal routes. The crew was doing their everyday activities such as maintenance and making sure everything was in order, the 212th battlegroup had been stationed here for over a week with little to no activity. While many considered this a waste of Elite troops and ships better put at the front, high command had discovered intelligence possibly leading to Revan arriving shortly, such an opportunity couldn't be missed as most believed if Revan was either killed or captured his empire would slowly devour itself from within.
"Anything on the scanners?" Commander Wolfe was a veteran of the Mandalorian war, as well as being in the heat of battle against the reborn Sith in the Jedi civil war. He'd never faced Revan personally, but on multiple occasions the two had found themselves on opposite ends of the same battlefield, each attempting to outmaneuver the other. The one time they clashed hadn't ended well, indicated by the scar on the right side of Wolfe's face and the cybernetic eye he needed to replace his old one. While the two were enemies as well as rivals, both held some respect towards one another, each were accomplished field commanders who lead their men from the front. Both were eager to join in battle once again, to finally settle the score on who was the better warrior, as well as who was the superior commander; today was going to be one such day.
"Nothing yet sir, just another day of- wait!" Alarms began to roar and lights flared signaling something had been picked up in the hyperspace lane. The young Lieutenant desperately looking at his commander for orders.
"Could be another group of smugglers or some lost supply convoy, but I'm not taking any chances! Tell the Interdictor to start up its gravity well generator!" Wolfe barked out his orders. The crew immediately scrambled to open comm channels to the other ships and all hands rushed to battle stations. Within moments the Interdictor opened its central hull, the generator emitting swirling energies in the air that disrupted any nearby ships navigation systems forcing them out of hyperspace. Within seconds multiple ships had dropped out of hyperspace, the hunt had ended and the battle was on.
Minutes Earlier, Revan's personal quarters on the Dreadnaught "Sword of Fury"
While the crew tended to their usual tasks as they weren't scheduled to exist hyperspace for some time, Darth Revan, Sith Lord and Ruler of the Eternal Empire was meditating. After slaying Malak and seizing control of the Star Forge, Revan reformed and began rebuilding the losses he'd inflicted on his own empire. He was preparing to eventually open an academy to teach other force users his ways, not simply of light and dark, not the narrow minded views of the Jedi or the uncaring brutal practices of the Sith; but of balance of the two. Ironically it was Malak himself who had finally made him realize his own title of Sith lord made no difference, he was not Jedi nor Sith, neither dark nor light, he walked in the shades of grey in-between and he walked alone
Kreia, his first and last teacher was the one who opened his eyes, she too had a thirst for knowledge, of understanding of all things. Neither of them accepted the Jedi's flawed views on the galaxy and of how to live one's life, she was also the most influential teacher Revan ever had. After she was banished from the Jedi order following Revan's turn to the dark side, Kreia had become a master of manipulation, able to bend almost anyone to her will by mere word of mouth. Inevitably these all lead to her betraying those she had once called ally, yet she always came out relatively unscathed. The woman had come to despise the force, seeing it as some sort of godlike being that toyed with the lives of the galaxy for some sense of balance. Ironically, she cherished Revan as one would a favored child or a precious gem. She herself had once told him he was the very heart of the force, the epitome of what many could never dream of in many lifetimes, and that she could have done no better to prepare him for his destiny.
Currently the dark lord was gathering his thoughts, he also was focusing his mind; attempting to see into the future to assist in his next battle. He knew one couldn't rely solely on visions, the future was often in motion and nothing was certain, many times attempting to stop a certain vision from coming true was the very thing that had brought it to fruition; a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yet so far his visions had proved useful if not pivotal at many moments during the war, he always planned around the possibility of a certain foresight coming true or not allowing him to be flexible for whatever situation would arrive.
In his mind he saw it clear as day, two battlegroups of warships firing round after round at one another, both sides unwilling to yield. He easily identified the Republic ship that lead the group, as was easy by the Wolf insignia painted on the side "Wolfe" he thought to himself. His mind then spurred inside the ship, as bodies began to litter the floor as boarding parties stormed into the ship as he lead the way. His mind began to wonder, he shouldn't be in combat for some time now yet this vision seemed urgent… warning even. Realizing he had no time to spare Revan stood up and began a fast paced walk to the bridge.
Bridge of the Sword of Fury
It didn't take long to reach the bridge from his quarters, he'd made sure he was never far from arguably the most important part of the ship in case of emergencies. The crew immediately stiffened at his arrival, occupying their minds with current tasks while the captain stood firmly at attention.
"Captain, I want all stations put on alert and ready for combat immediately, prime all guns and ready the group for combat." His voice was unnerving to those who were unused to it, but by now all who served alongside him had come to know him for it. He wasn't callous when it came to his men, contrarily he cared for his men and made sure every sacrifice was not wasted. He rarely formed bonds closer than comradery with his soldiers knowing all too well the next day they could be gone in an instant, he couldn't afford to be reckless or stricken with grief… he couldn't afford to, not sense last time.
The confusion was evident amongst the crew, they weren't scheduled to arrive in orbit near Taris for at least a week "May I ask what for my lord? Are you expecting trouble?" The room grew silent, hinging on his every word.
"I believe the Republic is waiting for us, be ready to fire on my command" walking by the captain he stood right at the viewport of the bridge, the streaming lights flying past his ship as was normal during hyperspace travel. He never looked again at the captain who he hear giving orders to his subordinates, he was focused, mentally preparing himself for the battle to come. Few men have actually seen their Lord's face, as he wore his famous Mandalorian mask at almost all times as well as keeping his face concealed beneath the shadows of his robes. His arms crossed against his chest as he mentally prepared battle strategies, there would be no time for the infamous battle meditation technique in such an engagement, he also didn't have enough time to see what kind of resistance he was up against.
His senses had sent a jolt up her spine, a clear warning of danger ahead; as such he prepared his body accordingly for the chaos that was to ensue. Within seconds the ship violently jerked, being pulled from hyperspace involuntarily. Facing his small fleet was a battlegroup he knew all too well, battle hardened veterans of the 212th who he had faced on many worlds. They outnumbered him currently, two battleships accompanied by five frigates, ten corvettes, and one carrier while he only had his dreadnought as well as a single battleship and seven cruisers. Thankfully his dreadnought was a monstrous beast in combat, able to go toe to toe with anything the Republic could throw at it and was used to unfavorable odds.
"Fire" with a single word the empty vacuum of space became a lightshow of death, turbolaser rounds flying across the lifeless vacuum accompanied by proton torpedoes and mass driver guns; each fleet throwing everything they had at one another. "Reorganize the fleet into assault position Delta" his voice was calm, yet firm as always. His ships immediately began to band together forming a spear like formation, charging head on at the wall of republic ships. "Deploy all fighters and bombers, have the first wave ignore the battleships and strike the carriers at the heart of the formation, we'll deal with the interdictor later." His eyes scanned the battle, uncountable amounts of fighter aircraft charging into one another as fireballs erupted and explosions tore through the black emptiness around them. While outnumbered and his enemy had the chance to prepare more readily, he knew his ships had superior quality which he planned to use to his advantage, while enemy broadsides gave them a wider array of firepower to bring against him, his slender ships and coordinated barrages would carve through them like a knife through butter.
"Sir! Shields holding at 92%" one of the lieutenants called out, it would take quite some time before they even had a chance at breaching his hull which allowed him moments to think of a battle strategy. If he knew Wolfe, and he did, he would be the commanding officer of the battlegroup. While the enemy forces wouldn't fall so easily into panic, eliminating him and his command ship would definitely disorient the enemy enough to allow him to strike where they were weakest, he could either mop up or retreat of need be afterwards.
"Increase speed by 72%, raise elevation by ten degrees, hold formation and continue sustaining fire on high priority targets." Normally such tactics made no sense, allowing the enemy to literally get under the ships setting them up for a rear flank attack after passing over. Yet the men complied, all of them had unwavering faith in their leader he had earned their loyalty as well as their respect by now, no matter how or when he spoke people rallied to him. Without as much as a warning he turned himself around and began walking towards the elevator, his cape flowing behind him, before the captain could question his actions he simply spoke as he passed "prepare all boarding pods for immediate launch, all boarding parties are to begin preparing their respective pods for immediate assault." The captain simply nodded and broadcasted his orders through the ships internal speakers as Revan descended to the launch bays.
It was an unorthodox maneuver, and a highly risky one at that, but he decided the risks were appropriate if they were to win this engagement decisively. From such a close angle a capital ships' anti fighter capability was heavily reduced as only a handful of guns could face completely upward, also fighters had little to no time to intercept the boarding craft because of the onslaught of fighter cover coming from directly above. It only took a minute to reach his pod, the only difference between his and any others was that it harbored a squad of elite Imperial Commandos, Shadow Squad. They were his personal elite guard as well as the top Special Forces team at his disposal, they were his iron fist as well as his silent dagger. Many objected to him using the same methods normal troops used to insert into enemy craft, some even pleading he waited until the first waves cleared secure drop points before he arrived in a personal shuttle. Such propositions were immediately dismissed, pragmatically it would make him no less obvious to the enemy where he was but more importantly, he sent his men into the fires of war and he'd be damned if he allowed himself to be treated any different.
Entering the pod he checked his restraints as well as both of his lightsabers attached to his side, not a word was spoken within the metal walls of the craft, none were needed. All four members of Shadow Squad were the full body covering black Sith armor, offering protection to everywhere possible while lightweight metals allowed for swift movement; as pre-launch checks finished the men within simply nodded to one another until the light turned green. "Begin the assault" Revan spoke on his communicator to the flight officer, within seconds they felt the world toss them from the safety of their ship, the sounds of battle echoing outside the walls of the pod, internally Revan calculated the distance they would travel and the time it would take for impact.
Time slowed to a crawl as he prepared himself for battle, when he was only a few years younger than now he approached it with anticipation, with an eagerness that was long lost to him now. Now he prepares himself mentally for what is to come, and to keep balance within himself less everyone around him suffer the consequences.Suddenly he felt the thumping of metal against metal, his pod impacting against the hull of the hostile vessel, the time had come for combat. He was the first to free himself of his restraints, swiftly grabbing his lightsabers he kicked off the jammed door and vaulted from the safety of craft. Immediately upon landing a hail of blaster fire rained down upon him, immediately igniting his crimson sabers his blades began to twist and swirl to redirect the assault. Within mere moments he heard his team landing behind him, each returning fire with equal vigor.
With his men behind cover Revan immediately began his assault, dashing forward with inhumane speed he jumped over the barricade that had been placed and separated the main gunner from his head; before the defenders could react he force pushed a nearby soldier into a nearby wall incapacitating him. Without suppressive fire, his team swiftly took advantage of their newfound freedom and unloaded an unending rain of firepower upon the dazed defense. Most were cut down immediately, the few that survived retreated frantically down the hall with the Sith lord and his strike team in pursuit, it wouldn't be long now before they called for help and revealed his position to the bridge so they would need to be swift. Turning the corner, he found himself facing several squads of Republic soldiers assisted by multiple war droids, this nuisance was definitely going to slow him down.
Bridge of the Hand of Justice
Wolfe had been caught completely off guard by the seemingly suicidal attack pattern his enemy used, surely they couldn't just sit above their ships hoping to use fighters or bombers to overwhelm them? And if they repositioned they'd be wide open to a flank attack.
"Sir! Commander Wolfe Sir! We're under attack *static* forces in multiple *static* oh god he's here!" the man was obviously panicking as he attempted to relay information to his superior, Wolfe didn't like where this was going.
"Say again trooper? Calm the hell down and tell me what's going on!" He hadn't noticed the rumblings of his ship assuming they were enemy bombers or turbolaser fire, and his eyes had become glued to his tactical screen to coordinate his formations.
"Enemy boarding parties on multiple decks!" the sounds of blaster fire echoed through the radio, as well as the humming of lightsabers "Priority target Alpha is on the ship! I repeat target alpha is- AAHHH!" the sound of searing flash followed by bloodcurdling screams was wall he needed to hear to know the fate of troops there.
"Well played Revan… well played" His mind raced, he had to think of something fast; Revan would no doubt come right for him to disorient his forces and take advantage of the ensuing chaos, yet this presented opportunity. Revan couldn't afford to be cautious, time was of the essence to win this battle and both knew it. The cost would be immense but it was the only way to salvage this fight.
"Captain Rex Report!" his holo screen whirred to life, one of his officers on the core decks saluting.
"Sir! I heard fighting on the upper decks, should I redeploy to-"
"No!" immediately cutting off his captain, Wolfe's eyes suddenly dimmed from their normal fiery demeanor "Initiate protocol Endless Night" the words barely escaped his lungs before he regretted saying them.
What felt like an eternity passed between the two, the pregnant silence Rex finally responded "I see, so he's here then… it's been an honor sir" Both men gave each other a salute before the transmission cut, the last one either would ever see. As his eyes returned to the command deck he noticed all his men looked at him as if they were seeing a ghost, many couldn't believe what they'd heard.
"Men, I've served with many of you for years now, I've fought and bled alongside most of you standing here today. Know that I don't give this order lightly, In fact I wish I never had to. We all knew what we were getting into when we signed up, and now we have a chance to make a difference; today may be the last time we draw breath, but we bring down the most feared man in the galaxy with us. His eyes scanned the room, his men, his soldiers, his family resigning themselves to their fate, it broke his heart to know he'd never see their faces again. It didn't take long to hear explosions and the pounding against metal against the door to know the end was near, and he would face death with no regrets.
As the last soldier fell to his blade, Revan looked back to see his team close behind him, securing hallways or possible ambush points he could've missed as they raced to the bridge. He could feel something was off, this was far from easy but it seemed like they were holding back for something; yet he didn't have the luxury of trying to find out as the clock ticked against him. Revan held his sabers back, preparing to carve them into the reinforced door to cut a hole for himself and his team, yet strangely enough they opened. Accepting the invitation he deactivated his blades and walked in somewhat casually, his squad keeping their eyes and guns trained on everything around them. At the end of the deck stood Wolfe, seemingly awaiting him, the staff and crew on board doing nothing to impede their advance, actually splitting away to allow them through.
"I must say I'm impressed, never would've thought of such an outrageous move." Wolfe's gaze never left the viewport, by now Revan had dismissed his team, having them guard the door as he approached his nemesis.
"Unpredictability serves well on an impromptu battlefield" the Lord retorted, standing only a few feet away from the commander, sharing in the view.
"Just like on Malachor V" Wolfe retorted
"And that time on Kuat when you convinced our forces you were held up in the ruins of some city, only to detonate a city block onto their heads" Revan reminisced as if it were only yesterday.
"You know, my offer still stands, we could use good men like you for our cause; I still say your potential is wasted on the dying, stagnant beast that is the Republic." His offer was gentler, less harsh than his normal speech speaking leagues about his respect for the man.
"And my response has not changed, I'll fight for the Republic till my dying breath, you've got your ideals and I have mine, and I'll happily take them to my grave." His hand lowered to the Vibroblade resting on his shoulder, knowing a blaster is futile against the Sith Lord.
"Very well, I shall take no pleasure in ending your life, but you have my word you will have a true warrior's death and your remains will be sent back to Alderaan." Both men took several steps away from the other, calmly they each turned to face their opponent and bowed.
Revan's lightsaber hilts jumped to his hands and activated, the red glow gleaming off of his black cloak. Wolfe drew his sword and held it in a defensive stance with both hands, and the dance of death had begun. Each fighter moved circularly, drawing an invisible circle in which their duel would take place; meanwhile each man analyzed the other. Eventually Revan charged first, engaging with a flurry of strikes meant to overwhelm his opponent, Wolfe immediately ducked the initial blow while swiftly bringing his sword to block the inbound assault. The blades hissed as they met one another, Vibroblades being one of the few melee weapons that could stand up to a lightsaber without being melted or chopped right through.
Wolfe dove under a strike meant for his head, quickly thrusting his blade behind him attempting to skewer his opponent from behind, yet the Sith would not be slain so easily. Revan rolled to the side, bringing his blades up as the Republic Commander began a counter assault of stabs and quick slashes. The soldiers of each sides stood silently watching the spectacle, this was a duel of honor amongst equals, and none dared to interrupt. Revan could have used his force powers and ended the fight quite simply, but he refused; the man had proved more than worthy to face him in single combat and it seemed the Mandalorians had rubbed off on him as he refused to defeat his enemy other than skill with a blade and that alone. What felt like hours in reality was mere minutes as the victor was obvious, Wolfe was skilled in melee but Revan's experience and vast knowledge of all lightsaber fighting styles would prove victorious in the end. Wolfe made a fatal mistake by overextending himself in an overt slash while he thought Revan was recovering from a dual stab maneuver he attempted; he was proven wrong when Revan simply deactivated his blades, flipped them backwards and reigniting them, sending both crimson streaks of light through his opponents chest.
Wolfe knew it was over, he only hoped he'd bought enough time, he found his legs failing him as he dropped to his knees, clutching his stomach. Revan taking his position over his defeated opponent, his blade at his adversaries' neck.
"Such a waste, you fought well Wolfe and you should be proud of that. May you die knowing you will be remembered in history." The two locked eyes as Revan removed his mask and lowered his hood, his dark black hair nearly blending in with the shadows around them while his piercing blue eyes resembled the depths of the ocean. No words needed to be spoken, warriors of such caliber needed no such things to communicate what was needed. Wolfe then lowered his head, eyes closed preparing to meet his end, Revan's blade ascended up, but as it came down he was jolted by alarms and warnings screeching throughout the ship.
"Warning Warning Core meltdown imminent, Overload inevitable all crew get to a minimum safety distance" the automatized voice rung out, Revan shocked at how he had fallen into such an obvious trap.
His eyes fell to meet the grinning gaze of Wolfe, blood trickling down his mouth "Checkmate?" Revan asked, seemingly nonchalant with his impending death.
Wolfe responded with a weak nod "Checkmate" The two immediately chuckled softly until it turned into something few had ever seen the dark lord do, laugh. Revan couldn't help the irony of the situation, he'd finally cornered his adversary who had been tasked to hunt him across the galaxy, and now they will both perish in flames, each defeated by the other leaving no clear victor. Revan put on his mask one final time, gazing out at the battle unfolding as he heard the explosion begin to rupture the ship from within, awaiting oblivion.
Damn that was a long first chapter, I really hope you guys enjoy it! I'm trying a new writing style with this story and I'm looking for feedback, I hope this wasn't too much to jam into a chapter but I really didn't want to have a 2 chapter prologue before the mix up happens.