Declaimer: I don´t own Detective Conan

A/N: SUP. Long time to see. I shall answer the reviews here. Only this time, I promise!

aoin88: I know, I know, not soon enough... Have a cookie!

Disconsolate Mist: As always, THANK YOU FOR HELPING. And I love the reviews... Always make me grin. But please, let´s be honest, the love interests of the Gosho boys are always so scary... Ran will kill you with a kick, Aoko behead with her mop, not to mention Kazuha with her judo -.- I would have ran away looooooooong ago.

I swear Kaito wasn´t supposed to appear at first! It´s just that... I may have a Kaito addiction... Just kind of... a small, really small... (I wanted to buy a Kaitou Kid figurine, but didn´t have any money... )

InsanityOwl: You probably will be angry at Luck in this chapter... but that´s kind of how I imagine her. XD That said, we all know Kaito won´t allow his Shin-chan to escape, so she is up for a major headache. XD

Once again, thank you everyone for reading. And cookies to Disconsolate Mist, she is an awesome beta-reader. Cookies and cakes!

Oh, weren´t they just adorable?

"Exactly how is bringing the target of an assassination to the assassination spot a good idea?" His reluctant companion asked acidly, but he skillfully ignored it. After all, the children weren´t going to die with him around. Why not have some fun?

"Tu, tu, you don´t understand." Ah, it was just so amusing. However, he wasn´t sure what was better. To watch his precious little demon find someone as crazy as the child himself, or the faces the long-haired being floating alongside him was making.

Annoying people was such an amusing thing.

"My Shin-chan needed a friend! And who better than the son of the Phantom Thief himself?" He said excitedly. All she could do was stare at him, unable to believe her own ears. "Those children around him are so boring, always trying to make him submit to the "norm". Can´t they see that Shin-chan is special?"

The dark haired being floated towards the young blue-eyed child, staring at him intensely, as violet eyes sparkled eerily. "No, no, no. We need to find someone who will cheer on him, who will bring more adventure towards his life… Going to school is boring; making normal friends is worthless. Humans are worthless, that trash trying to change my little one…"

The woman shivered slightly, as the tone grew lower, filled with hatred. Hatred for an entire civilization, a civilization he would have destroyed long ago hadn´t others intervened.

"But my Kaito is different?"

"Oh yes, yes, such an amusing human." Immediately lightening up, the being returned next to her, all smiles. "Your magician also had been rather interesting, but not as much as his son. Such a free spirit, with disregard to rules and norms of a society. Had he been born earlier, when the world was still filled with magic, surely he would have reached us by his own power."

She shivered, regretting her decision. Perhaps it had been better to deal with the situation without involving him. She had nothing against the Kudo boy, he seemed to have a good heart, but anything remotely compatible with her dear older brother was not to be trusted in her books. Even the small child such as the Kudo boy… Strictly speaking, she did not want him next to Kaito.

"Do wonder what they will do next… Look, look, they came up with a plan." Once that was over, she would need to find a way to keep Kaito away from the boy. No matter how.





Kaito was exited! Oh, this was the best adventure ever! And no one would even scold him, because it wasn´t his fault. Well, maybe his mother would worry, and say that he needed to be more careful and all that… but at that moment, he didn´t care. Because, because…

He was kidnapped! Not kid napped, he was not a kid anymore, but kidnapped! Like, taken away from somewhere against his will, that kind of kidnapping. Because he did not take a nap anymore, no, no, no.

And his brain went to somewhere strange once again.

Hm… perhaps his doctor had a point, he was somewhat hyperactive, but no way was he taking those stupid pills. They made people slow and stupid, he had seen it happen first hand with Juu, his first friend in elementary. They had had so many adventures, so much fun… but then he was forced to take those pills…

And once again, he strayed from his path. How amusing.

So, Kaito was kidnapped. It was the first time it had happened to him, so exciting. However, if the boy sitting next to him that looked eerily similar to himself was to be trusted, perhaps he hadn´t been the right target. But, then again, who cared! It wasn't like his mother, or his deceased father, had any enemies. Perhaps it had been his luck that allowed him to experience such a rare opportunity! And adventure! And he even got the chance to kick someone´s butt. Best fun ever.

"So, do you remember anything?" The boy, named Kudo Shinichi, or Shin-chan, as Kaito called him in his mind, asked with a serious tone. Strangely enough, he wasn´t freaking out like most would… then again, Kaito wasn´t either. "I passed out right away so…"

"Hm… I don´t know where they took us, but I was awake, pretending to be sleeping, when two of them came in arguing. They aren´t sure which one of us is you." Pretending to be asleep while restless on the inside had been hard, but he had many years of practice playing sick to escape classes.

"Only two? I think I heard three voices when they took me…"

"Ah, yes, there are three of them. The last one they called Ane-san, so I believe she's a woman, and their boss." Playing detectives was rather fun, to be honest.

"Boss… I see." The boy looked at the door, his gaze slightly vague. Kaito quite liked those eyes, they reminded him of some precious gems his father had once shown him. "I think I know who they are. Not exactly dangerous, but…"

"Not exactly?"

"Well, taking in account the fact we are being held in a closed room with no windows, reinforced walls and the smell of fresh meat… Last week, I helped solve a murder. A butcher killed his brother and stashed him in a freezing arc, before dumping in the river. Too bad for him that I saw him doing it." Murder case? "Apparently his wife isn´t happy about my interference…"

Murder case…

"So you're a detective!" Kaito exclaimed happily, still taking care not to rise his voice too much. "That´s so cool!"

"I… Yes, no, I mean…" The boy blushed rather vividly, looking startled. "I´m not a detective, not yet but… but I will be! One of the best detectives out there!"

Wow! That was so cool! They were probably the same age, and yet Shin-chan already had a goal in life and was working towards it. Kaito only had a dream of being a magician, but aside from practicing magic and doing pranks, he did nothing to fulfill it… How pathetic.

"That´s amazing!" Clutching both of Shin-chan´s hands, Kaito stared at him with big, glittering eyes. "You are so cool! Want to be my friend? No, we are going to be friends! Best friends, even!"

He would follow Shin-chan´s example and become the best magician out there, even better than his father! Surely father would be proud, right? Right? Right. Of course. And since it was Shinichi that opened his eyes, he would be Shin-chan´s best friend ever! The fact he had beautiful eyes had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

Note to self, take pictures of the eyes later when Shin-chan isn´t looking. We need to find that gem!

"Ah, friends, yes…" Shinichi looked rather uncomfortable, was he not used to other people? He did seem rather withdrawn… "Rather, shouldn´t we worry about our situation? Even though I said they aren´t exactly dangerous, they probably want me dead as to eliminate the witness."

"Hm… you are right. Butchers have big, long knives, right? I wouldn´t want to face one of those…" How dare they interrupt his carefully (randomly) made plans! "So, what do you think? Wait or escape?"

"Probably escape. Even though I was with friends, who knows how long the police will be looking for us…"

"Then we're in agreement! Let´s escape!" Wonderful. Shin-chan was wonderful; they were going to be best friends. Most would have chosen to wait for the police, but obliviously his companion was different.

The teen looked at him for a long moment, perhaps surprised by his choice. Kukuku, so funny, apparently his friends were as Kaito´s, normal people with no drive for the adventure.

"Once we escape the room, we need to be careful… I doubt that they have guns, but knives are easy to find in a butcher shop." As Shin-chan said that, Kaito nodded, remembering mom. She had always been careful with knives around him, hiding them as quickly as she could. Not his fault he still thought they were fun to juggle. "Of course, first we need to escape the room. Probably locked only, since we are children…"

"Leave it to me." It was rather laughable how much they had been underestimated. Simply because they were children… Please, the first thing his father had taught him was how to open locked doors.

Ignoring the puzzled look sent his way, Kaito skillfully studied the lock, as he pulled a small hair pin out of his hair. It was dark brown; one he had stolen from Aoko. Good thing it wasn´t pink, else he would have had to use his hidden tools.

"Easy…" Making sure to work carefully, the teen grinned. "peasy, lemon…" Shin-chan was watching him carefully, studying the way his fingers moved. One thing was certain, Kaito was totally teaching his friend later. "squeezy! And voila!"

The door opened without a sound, as Kaito proudly watched the completely and utterly surprised Shin-chan, that kept staring at the door. "So quickly… how?" The boy mumbled, Kaito´s grin widening. "It takes me at least five minutes… Need to work harder." It was for moments like that that he lived. The surprise, the amazement… Kukuku, yup, that was the feeling.

"Princess, the path is clear." Kaito grinned as a glare whipped his way.

"Call me a princess again, and your mom will never find you." Repressing the laughter as Shinichi slowly made his way out, carefully looking around, Kaito wisely followed. While the magician-in-training had no experience in escaping kidnappers, his companion obviously had. "Follow me, but be ready to run away at any moment."

Blue eyes stared at him for a second longer than normal, before Shin-chan´s face became completely serious and concentrated. After all, they were still just children, to run away from kidnappers… As they progressed further, eyes and ears attentive to any sign of movement, Kaito grinned. The second part of his adventure was about to begin!