AN: Hi All! This is going to be a mini Halloween story, four chapters. The chapters are all ready done and will be posted each day until October 31st. I am not giving up on my other stories, not at all! Actually, most of the updates are written and are just being cleaned up. So those should be posted soon. I am just going to throw this out there now; there will be sex in this story.

I had a pretty devastating blow last week. If it wasn't for evgrrl09 who brought me back from the brink of tears I wouldn't have even considered doing this story. I don't know how I will ever repay her for helping me the way she did. People do not know what you have been dealt with in your own life and should always take that into consideration, before you do or say anything to anyone. That being said she is an amazing person. So this whole story is dedicated to her for, helping me see that I am pretty awesome too. So thank you!

I also gotta thank FreelySheRoams and Ceecee333 for always being there for me too.

Emily and JJ were tired of Penelope dismissing her true feelings regarding a certain FBI profiler. Years they had skirted around their feelings, getting close to finally making a move, but then one of them would always back down. Not this time if they had any say in it. This year they had a plan to help their best friend finally get what she had always wanted.

"Okay, are we sure this is going to work?" JJ asked as her and Emily started walking to the round table room where Reid was currently working.

"It has to," Emily started. "Aren't you tired of them always screwing up their chances? This time we are just going to push their hand a little."

"And Reid is going to help?" JJ asked, shaking her head. Yeah, she wanted her best friend to be happy but she didn't like the fact they would be pushing them towards that happiness. They should be able to get there on their own.

"Reid," Emily said, excitedly, as her and JJ walked into the room, shutting the door.

"What can I do for you?" the boy genius asked as he looked up from his paperwork.

"Are you tired of Garcia and Morgan always just flirting?" Emily said getting right to the point.

"If you are referring to the fact that they are nauseating towards each other, but never seem to take the next step, then yes. But I don't understand what this has to do with me," Reid said, looking up at the two ladies.

"Good," Emily said with a smile. "Jayje and I have come up with a plan, and we need your help."


"Hey Morgan," Reid announced as he knocked on Derek's office door before walking in.

"Hey Pretty Boy, what can I do for you?" he asked, pushing aside the paperwork he was working on to look up at his friend.

Reid closed the door and sat down in front of the desk. "Uhh…" he started, but his nerves were getting the best of him.

"Reid, what's up?"

"I need your help," Reid stated.

"Okay, with what?" Morgan asked cautiously.

"I was invited to a Halloween party by someone that I am very attracted to. I need help with you making me sound awes - "

"A wing man?" he asked, arching his eyebrow while a smile spread across his face.

"I guess," Reid mumbled.

"Our boy is growing up!" Morgan said, as she jumped up from his seat, going over to the front of his desk. "When is this party?"

"Tomorrow night, Halloween. I mean, if you already have plans that's fine I am sure I could ask Ros-"

"Are you kidding? Even if I had plans, I would break them. We are finally going to get you laid," Morgan teased.

Reid shook his head before getting up. The girls owed him that was one thing he was sure of.


"Penelope, I don't see what the big deal is." Emily rolled her eyes. "I've never seen you back away from a challenge before."

"Yeah, well there is a first time for everything, and if I knew this was your game plan I would have never taken the challenge beforehand," Penelope said, rolling her eyes, annoyed.

"Garcie, you have to admit, you walked right into this one. And aren't you in love with him?" JJ asked with a smile.

Penelope looked at her two best friends. They did have a point. She was tired of always coming in second when it came to Morgan and his conquests. She wanted him, and everyone knew it. Their flirting was off the charts, and she wanted to finally take that last step, and then get them to where she wanted. She was in love with Morgan- everyone knew it but him. She was waiting for him to finally see it or possibly make a move.

But Emily and JJ played a dirty trick. They knew she did not back down from any challenge thrown at her.

If someone threw done the gauntlet, she would pick it up no questions asked. And those two knew that. So when they came into her office spouting crap about… her being too nice to take the bull by the horns... and how she is too tame to do it…

Of course Penelope wouldn't back away from that and before she knew it, Emily and JJ had thrown out the challenge: show up at Derek's house and seduce him.


"I look ridiculous," Penelope sighed as she modeled her outfit they had bought in front of Emily and JJ.

"No, Penelope, you look fucking hot." Emily beamed.

Penelope laughed. "This is too much." She looked down at her outfit. She had on a tight naughty police officers outfit, which hugged her hips and pushed up her breast beyond legal proportions. She wore fishnet stockings and black boots that ended right under her knees. The shorts she was wearing – if they could even be called shorts- were shorter than some panties she owned. When she turned around you could see the bottom on her butt poking out.

The shorts were held up by a utility belt, that held a plastic baton and her real life handcuffs that Emily wanted her to borrow- something about the fake ones didn't do the trick. However, she did refuse to carry the plastic gun.

The shirt was tight and left he chest almost fully exposed. She had to admit it, she felt pretty damn sexy in this outfit.

She finished off her look with low pigtails underneath her police officers cap. She did her makeup a little over the top, smokey eyes and deep red lips. She figured, go big or go home, right? She even went as far a putting her contacts in. There was no way she was going to let her poor vision hinder anything. She wanted to finally seer her chocolate god, and nothing was going to get in her way.

"No, Morgan is going to lose his shit. He has always had a thing for a woman in uniform." Emily twisted her finger in the air, signaling for Penelope to spin. When she did, Emily giggled with excitement. "God, I'll be surprised if he doesn't rip this off of you."

"Oh, see now that's not going to happen. If I do this, I'm in control. Wasn't it you two that said I couldn't take the bull by the horns? " Penelope smiled. "If I am going to do this, I am going to do it right." She held up the handcuffs that went along with her outfit.


Penelope stood outside Morgan's house. Her nerves were getting the better of her, but she knew Emily and JJ were right. If she wanted this – and she did- she was going to have to take it upon herself to get it.

She took a deep breath and walked up to his front door. She knocked sharply on the door.

The door opened and she was meet with an annoyed look which immediately turned into shocked.

"Good evening, Sir…we got a call about a disturbance."

AN:Want more? lol.