A/N: Posting the prompt would spoil the whole story so just read. Thanks to Rivrop for sending it to me!

The key slid into the lock and Aubrey took a deep breath before opening it. She'd been waiting to hear back from graduate admissions at Columbia, and everytime she opened the mailbox and found it empty or found a takeout menu, her stomach dropped. She opened the mailbox and found a large white, padded envelope. She took it out and walked up to her apartment without opening it. She absentmindedly closed the door, still staring at the envelope in her hand. She ran her finger over the embossed crown, still standing just inside her door.

The door opened and hit her in the back, making her drop the envelope and move to the side. "What the- oh, sorry, Bree."

Chloe entered the apartment carrying bags full of liquor bottles. She put them down on the floor next to the door and looked at the blonde. "Are you okay? Why are you just standing in front of the door?"

Aubrey waved the envelope next to her face. Chloe gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "Is that?" Aubrey nodded. "What does it say?"

"I don't know, I haven't opened it." Aubrey walked to the living room and sat on the couch, placing the envelope in front of her on the coffee table.

Chloe closed the door and jumped over the liquor bottles, chasing after Aubrey. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm nervous."

Chloe sat next to her and examined the envelope. "It looks too thick to just be a rejection letter."

"I know." Aubrey bit her lip. She knew it wasn't a rejection letter from the moment she saw it inside her mailbox, but actually opening it would change her life.

"Then what's stopping you?"

Aubrey sighed. "The moment I open that, it becomes real, and I don't know if I'm ready for that. Barden, the Bellas, it's been my life for the last four years. This -" She picked the envelope up. "- has a whole lot of unknowns."

"I know how scary unknowns can be, but you just have to trust everything's going to be okay."

Aubrey arched an eyebrow at her. "Coming from the girl who flunked Russian Lit on purpose to stay in college a year longer, that's very reassuring, Chlo."

"That's different, you already know what you want to do, you have a path, you just have to take the first step." She pat Aubrey's knee a couple of times and stood up. "I'm gonna go get the rest of the alcohol from the car, that envelope better be open by the time I get back."

Aubrey watched her go and then focused back on the envelope. Chloe was right, she was only delaying the inevitable. The sooner she got it over with, the sooner she could start enjoying her last days at Barden.

Aubrey tore open the envelope and took out her acceptance letter. She read it smiling and looked through the booklets inside. She took the envelope and its contents to her room and left them on top of her desk.

She was weeks short of graduating with honors, they had just won nationals, she had nothing left to do except have fun, and she already knew what she wanted to do first. Or rather who she wanted to do.

Stacie had been flirting with her ever since she got into the Bellas, and even though Aubrey had never encouraged her, Stacie had persisted. At first it was just a smile or wink, especially after groping herself during rehearsal, and the occasional suggestive comment directed at her. But as the year went on, Stacie started to get more serious. She'd stay after rehearsal, chatting up the blonde. She'd even asked her out a couple of times but Aubrey always said no, claiming it wouldn't be good for the team if she started hanging out with her. Aubrey knew Stacie didn't want to just hang out, she knew the younger girl's reputation, and Aubrey would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it more than once, but she had her own reputation to uphold. Now, with her leaving, it didn't matter. She could give into Stacie's advances and then be on her merry little way to New York with no regrets.

She heard Chloe coming back in and went out into the kitchen. She kept pulling bottle after bottle out of the bags and lining them up on the counter. "Chloe, there's more than one bottle per person here, no one's going to make it to the club if we're drinking this much."

"We don't have to drink it all, I just didn't want to run out." Chloe shrugged and pulled out some plastic cups.

"We could have a party every night for a week and we wouldn't run out." She turned and walked out of the kitchen. "I'm gonna shower and get ready before the girls start arriving."

Aubrey smiled to herself. She could get a few drinks in before the girls arrived, get enough courage to flirt back, maybe more. If it all went wrong she could always blame it on the booze.

Aubrey heard the doorbell and went into the kitchen while Chloe hurried to open it. She poured herself a shot of vodka and threw it back as she heard Fat Amy's voice drifting in from the livingroom. As she approached the kitchen door, Chloe came in holding a couple more bottles. "Fat Amy and CR brought them, they didn't know if we were gonna have enough."

"We could open our own liquor store." Aubrey stepped out into the living room and said hi to the girls. Stacie wasn't there yet. She felt her nerves rising up in her stomach at the prospect of seeing the brunette and went back into the kitchen for another shot. "Chlo, do you need help with the drinks?"

Chloe shook her head. "Just hold the door for me?"

Chloe walked past her carrying a tray. Aubrey went inside the kitchen and poured herself another shot as she heard the doorbell again. She looked at the shot glass in her hand. She wasn't sure about her plan anymore, what if Stacie rejected her? She heard Fat Amy yelling hi at the newcomers. She heard CR whistle and Stacie's voice thanking her, Aubrey rolled her eyes thinking the brunette had probably even turned and posed for them. She threw the shot back and went back outside.

Aubrey could feel her heart start beating faster the moment she saw Stacie. She was wearing a short black dress with a lacy design that started above her breasts and continued up the thick straps and down her back. Stacie spotted her from across the room. She gave her a small smile and made her way towards her.

Stacie stopped a couple of steps before reaching her, a step closer and she would have had trouble staying focused. Aubrey looked stunning in a tight black skirt and a dark green halter top shirt that left most of her back exposed. "Hey."

Aubrey smiled. She didn't know if it was the fact that Stacie was finally here, or the two shots of vodka, but she felt a little woozy. "Hey."

Chloe handed Stacie a drink and looked at Aubrey's empty hands. "Bree, you're not drinking? I'll get you a drink."

Before Aubrey could respond, Chloe had already left. Aubrey looked at Stacie's drink and put her hand over the brunette's on the cup. "What are you drinking?"

Stacie shucked in a breath when she felt Aubrey's index finger tracing circles over the back of her hand. "I'm not sure, I told Chloe I'd have whatever people were having." Stacie's voice came out shaky.

Chloe came back and Aubrey turned, dropping Stacie's hand to grab the offered drink. She took a small sip and looked at Stacie over her cup. "We should join them."

Aubrey motioned with her head to the rest of the girls sitting around her living room. Chloe handed out the last of the drinks she'd poured and sat on the recliner with Beca. Aubrey took Stacie's hand and pulled her to the sofa, sitting down on one side and pulling Stacie down next to her. Chloe and Fat Amy exchanged a look but didn't say anything.

Stacie tried to join a conversation but she was having a hard time focusing with Aubrey's hand still on hers. Stacie's hand was resting on her leg with her palm up and Aubrey's fingers were curled up on her palm; the blonde would occasionally move her fingers, her nails scratching lightly over her skin, sometimes making it all the way down to her wrist and back up, running her fingers in between Stacie's. She didn't understand what was happening, she had spent the best part of a year trying to seduce Aubrey and not once had she given her any indication that she was interested until now.

Stacie felt Aubrey shift next to her. She felt the blonde's hand on her shoulder, one of her fingers tracing light circles there. "Stace, would you refill my drink?"

Stacie stood up abruptly and took her cup. "Of course, anyone else need a refill?"

A lot of the girls nodded so Chloe offered to help her and took the tray with them to the kitchen. Stacie started pouring the drinks while Chloe ordered the filled cups on the tray. "Is something going on with Aubrey?"

"What do you mean?" Chloe smiled innocently. She didn't know what Aubrey's plan was but she had seen the way she looked at Stacie during rehearsals and she knew she had a thing for the tall brunette.

"I don't know, she seems different today. Did something happen?"

Chloe shrugged. "I guess she's just happy. She doesn't have anything to stress about anymore, she's having fun." Chloe bumped her shoulder. "You should do the same."

Chloe grabbed the tray and Stacie hurried to hold the door for her. She grabbed Aubrey's drink and sat next to her, handing the cup to the blonde who thanked her with a smile that made Stacie melt. She was about to say something when she saw Aubrey swaying a little bit. "Bree, how much have you had to drink?"

Aubrey looked up thoughtfully. "Well this, and the other one, and the shots?" She smiled and put her hand on Stacie's thigh, moving to whisper in her ear. "Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?"

Stacie's stomach flipped. She wanted nothing more than to turn around and kiss Aubrey but she couldn't. The fact that there were eight other girls there wasn't even important, she didn't care what they thought, but she wanted Aubrey sober, not like this. She didn't want to risk her not remembering or brushing it off as a drunken hookup, Stacie wanted more. So she just closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Her eyes snapped open when she felt Aubrey's fingers brushing her hair behind her ear and moving closer, she felt Aubrey's breath on her and a shiver ran down her spine. Aubrey took a strand of Stacie's hair and twirled it on her finger. Her other hand was still on Stacie's thigh, her thumb brushing over the hem of her dress. "I really love your lips too. I think about them a lot."

"Oh god." Stacie stood up. "I need to… bathroom?"

Chloe pointed to the first door down the hall and Stacie hurried inside, leaning on the closed door. "Shit, shit, shit, shit."

She needed to stay in control and not give in to Aubrey's advances. Maybe after tonight she'd agree to go on a date with her, a real date, no alcohol involved. She just had to hold back for tonight. She took a another deep breath, letting the air out slowly through her mouth. There was a knock on the door. "Stace, we're leaving for the club in a bit. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I'll be right out. Thanks, Chlo!" She moved to the sink to wash her hands to give herself more time to collect herself. She heard another knock on the door and she rolled her eyes. "I'm going!"

She turned to grab the towel and heard the door open. She was about to turn around and tell whoever was being so impatient to fuck off when she felt a pair of hands on her hips. She heard Aubrey hum appreciatively. "You look really hot tonight."

Stacie turned around and put her hands on Aubrey's waist, keeping her at a safe distance. "Aubrey, you need to stop this."

Aubrey pouted. "You don't want me?"

"No, no, of course I want you." Stacie hadn't noticed she was moving forward until Aubrey's back hit the door. "I don't think I've ever wanted anything so much."

Aubrey's hands moved up her arms and Stacie started unconsciously moving her thumbs up and down Aubrey's ribs. "Then have me."

Stacie whimpered and let go of Aubrey, grabbing the doorknob behind her and opening the door. "We better go catch up."