Thank you to everyone who has had the patience to bare with me on this one, it's definitely been a while but I've just got to say that your responses make me want to continue writing.

Alessandra.12: You're right Klaus definitely needs Caroline in New Orleans, Klaus will definitely be jealous of Kol and Caroline's closeness but he'll want to know how Kol is alive and why he never shared the news with the rest of the Mikaelsons. All I'm going to say is that there are going to be some pretty explosive scenes involving Kol and the other Mikaelsons about everything that has happened.

jordanbear: I absolutely love your long reviews, they make me aware of bits and pieces of this story that I hadn't actually thought about before. I'm ecstatic that you believe I'm a good writer, I've deliberately kept you in the dark about what's happened but all will be revealed eventually in pieces.

Yes Caroline is friends with Tyler and she is also an aunt to his son Mason but I didn't necessarily say that no one else can't know about it. You'll find out who knows and who doesn't in a chapter or two.

Did Klaus kill Cass' parents...hmm...I knew people would jump straight at Klaus to be behind the deaths but it would be a bit too obvious if he was behind it, wouldn't it?

Kol and Caroline's relationship will be explored in a few chapters, I still need to get the wheels spinning for the background of the story first and then we'll delve further into how close characters are.

I completely agree, what the wolf-girl said at the beginning was uncalled for, Hope was born into her position I guess, she's the heir to the wolf clans and a supernatural princess but the isolation she feels is pretty evident and that's what's going to strengthen her ties with others in Charleston. No one knows who she is and she can build her own relationships without having to hold the position of supernatural princess over her head.

FraryFreakObessed: If Kalijah happens, it will definitely be a slow process, building up a constant 500 year on/off trust will be hard work and throw on top of that an entire city and problems and new discoveries it's going to be a mess.

Guest (7/12/15): As of now Freya and Dahlia are not going to be in this but I may change my mind once we get deeper into the story. Klaroline reunion may take a while sorry but I'll be doing pov's for everything that's happening in Charleston and New Orleans and since Klaus is now wondering what happened to Caroline be sure to have him try to find her.

HouseOfBellarke: You're right, Caroline can't make it to Vancouver in one night. A lot can change in 17 years...wouldn't Caroline tell Elena herself that she's alive...? Unless of course something happened and they don't share the relationship they once had.

Hiba Syria: I haven't watched TVD since 5x03 I think and I've only seen one episode of TO so anything that happened after what I've seen will not feature in this. But I may have some tiny glimpses of information in here but nothing too important I think so the Phoenix Stone will not be mentioned in this story. Continue to ask me as many questions as you want, I love hearing what you think about the story and what theories you've got :D

Hellzz-on-Earth: I'll be bringing the OC in once Katherine and Elijah meet again and let me just say now that the OC won't just be a random person, Katherine and the OC will have a pretty deep bond I guess. Tyler and Caroline after Mystic Falls...yep, I wanted to throw in an extra dynamic to the story seeing as Caroline and Klaus meeting in a new city and falling in love seemed a bit too simple. This story is definitely going to be filled with unexpected turns. About Tyler, you'll find out who knows about him and who doesn't in a chapter or two.

LoveOfAVampire: Cass' parents death is down to one of the characters, it's not a little tid-bit I've placed in randomly, it may be Enzo...or not...I can't give away all my secrets but try to think of a few more characters who could be responsible...I'm actually undecided at the moment about anyone finding out about Hope before the big reveal, it would certainly change the direction of the story is someone found out before but...hmmm...there may be a small possibility. Stefan, Damon and Elena are going to be mentioned a few more times but will become permanent fixtures later on. I won't be mentioning anything major that has happened in TO or any characters that appeared after season 1. From TVD there won't be any new characters mentioned in here except for Enzo.

I hope you enjoy this one, don't forget to tell me what you think :D

"Now…we party!" Cassandra exclaimed as she skipped across towards the ledge of the balcony, Hope leaned over the ledge, her eyes widened as she observed at the sapphire blue sky which was being lit with fireworks and fairy lights.

"Wow…" the blond whispered as she watched the streets fill with people and street vendors, the roads were illuminated. "What the…" Hope gasped as she leaned over the balcony to see a woman throw red specks of dust into the air before blowing them away only to have a giant scarlet dragon's head erupt from the dust and soar into the sky. "Holy shit!" Hope exclaimed as she clutched to the balcony and watched in amazement.

"Girls!" The both looked over their shoulders to see Katherine dressed in a shimmery red bodycon dress paired with night black stilettos. "What the hell are you both doing here when the party's down there?" She raised her brow as she stood with her hand on her hip.

Hope swallowed as she saw Katherine's stern features and dark eyes shooting daggers at her, the brunette saw the fear in the blonde's eyes and rolled her eyes. "Come on." She smirked as she gestured towards the doors, Cassandra let out a shy smile as she moved back through the doors as Hope followed only to have Katherine rest her hand against the blonde's arm. "Grow a backbone, Blondie, if you keep having that look of fear in your eyes, the wolves are going to eat you up for breakfast." She murmured into her ear before patting her arm gently and striding down the steps.

Hope bit her lip, the woman put the fear of the devil into her bones and yet her words rang incredibly true. You're the Original hybrid's daughter, start acting like it! The blond straightened her back and painted a smirk across her face as she stepped down the stairs, she caught sight of her reflection in one of the mirrors and frowned, Ok, maybe we've got to work on that smirk.

"Come on, Hope!" Cassandra said as she smoothed her dress and made her way towards the open doors of the citadel.

Hope bit her lip as she followed, "Let's party." She whispered as she walked through the doors into the vibrant streets merging with the hoard of people going past her, Cass grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Follow me…" She said over the booming music as she led Hope into the midst of the celebrations.

"I need to talk to you." Caroline murmured as she flicked her eyes towards Marie making sure the woman was occupied with Mason.

Tyler observed Caroline's features carefully, finding no glimmer to hint at what was running through her mind, he set his plate quietly into the sink and eyed her carefully before she turned her head back to meet his gaze.

In the years that had come to pass both had come to the realisation that there was only a handful of people either could trust with the secrets they each held. Caroline soon became one of the very few beings the brunette trusted and vice-versa. The blond was the first Tyler had told about Maria and also the first to find out about Mason. The only two precious treasures of his life.

They had lost touch for a while after the events 17 years ago-

"Caroline!" Tyler hissed as he edged his way deeper into the forest, he spotted his family's cellar-which now was under Matt's name as was the mansion- he instinctively knew the way forward as he pushed himself away from the trees further into the forest. "Caroline!" He tried again keeping his voice low trying not to alert anyone who could be nearby.

He continued moving steadily, his head fully focused in finding the blond.


He froze not moving an inch, he couldn't hear anything or smell anything out of the ordinary. Being human was definitely not an advantage.

Keeping his breathing steady he shifted forward a step before coming to a halt as a burning light illuminated his surroundings. He kneeled immediately squinting his eyes as he focused on the origin of the light.

Plumes of incandescent air rippled before evaporating in the blink of an eye, the only thing being left behind was a figure standing in the shadows.

Tyler inched closer trying to get a better look before his eyes widened as the figure's face was illuminated by another cloud of illuminated light.

Connor Jordan...and Galen Vaughn...

Tyler began retreating as he realised who both the figures were-hunters.

"Dammit where are you?" Tyler murmured keeping to the shadows as he entered the centre of town, he pushed himself into an alley as figures rounded the corner. He watched surreptitiously as they were joined by a few more people, the flickering streetlights allowed a glimmer of observation.

"Mr Tanner?" Tyler whispered as he recognised the man who had been his history teacher and football coach. He observed the people carefully, many of whom had died a long time ago and a few he didn't recognise.

"I was dead." His eyes snapped to the woman who spoke those words. "I was dead, I don't understand..." her voice trailed as the pale blond ran her fingers hesitantly along the curve of the stone fountain. "How are we here?" She whispered to herself before Mr Tanner moved towards her.

"Just be glad we are." He murmured, his eyes leaped from place to place before a smirk spread across his lips, "I've got some unfinished business here." He walked past the woman who shook her head in disbelief.

"I don't understand..." she repeated once again, "How am I alive?" She looked around her surroundings letting Tyler catch a glimpse of her features. Her blond hair whipped over her shoulder as her hazel eyes took in the darkness.

"Jenna..." Tyler whispered as he recalled the woman from his memory, Elena and Jeremy's aunt. "What the hell is happening?' He asked himself as he spotted a few more faces walking up and down the street which he recognised.

"Mom, we've got to go!" Caroline hissed as she grabbed Liz' wrist and pushed her into Matt's truck that Caroline had parked outside of the Sheriff's office. The blond ran to the other side of the car and dropped the sun-visor feeling a hint of pride as the keys dropped into her hand.

"Caroline, let me drive-" Liz began before scrambling for her seatbelt as Caroline spun the car round without any thought and began racing towards the outskirts of town. "Caroline, slow down." Liz said as she looked at her daughter who remained focused on the road. "Caroline-"

"We can't slow down mom, we need to get out before the barrier becomes permanent." She turned into a quiet road sheltered by trees, "I can't leave you behind." Caroline murmured keeping her eyes on the road.

Liz watched her daughter carefully, the younger blonde's eyes were wide with fingers curved over the steering wheel in a death grip with pale white knuckles.

"You told me not to worry."

After a moment's hesitation Caroline replied. "I lied."

"Oh my-" Caroline breathed out as the car stilled.

Stefan was standing in front of the car. Liz made to get out of the car.

"Stefan? I don't-" Caroline grabbed her mother's wrist stopping her from leaving.

Caroline watched as the man tilted his face and a manic smile crawled across his lips.

"Silas." The blond breathed out uncontrollably as fear consumed her body. "That's not Stefan, it's Silas."

Tyler raced through the forest heading back towards the barrier he had first entered. Searching Caroline's house and the Sheriff's office lead to no clues. Both places had been absent from either women and he had no choice but to stop looking any further and return.

He had seen the Travellers begin to grow stonger acting like a swarm through the town, there was no way of him escaping the town filled with darkness if he didn't make the barrier by the next few minutes seeing as the moon was coming to it's peak in the night black sky.

The brunette continued to charge through the branches that scratched at his hands and face, being a hybrid certainly would have had it's advantages at that point but seeing as he no longer held that ability there was nothing more to do than to keep running and hoping that he made it back in time.

"Dammit." Tyler gasped as a thick tree branch sliced against his side pulling away his shirt and cutting through his skin allowing blood to seep out. "Shit." He hissed as he pushed the branch away and stepped forward, catching a good look at the wound he sighed a breath of relief, it wasn't deep and as long as he kept moving he could fix it soon enough. He stumbled over a root in the leaf covered dirt and ended up on a narrow road leading out of town.

Tyler ground his teeth together as he pulled the shirt over the cut and pressed onto it harshly putting pressure on the wound, his hand was blotched in his own blood which he would have been annoyed at if it wasn't for the two red lights he could see shining in mid air.

Scrunching his forehead, he cautiously got closer squinting as he tried to make out why the lights were shining at such an odd level. It was as if they were floating in mid air. Fog started to descend on the road and curl itself around the thick tree trunks as he walked closer.

Two red

The brunette started to jog closer when he realised that what previously seemed to be a car was now a blue truck with it's bonnet smashed against a large tree that hadn't been damaged in any way.

"Matt?" Tyler murmured once he figured out that the truck was Matt's. "Matt." He repeated coming to a full sprint until he reached the ruined truck.

The windscreen was smashed, glass was lying everywhere and the front end was completely merged with the wooden trunk. The hood had ripples and dents in it whilst the wipers were hanging off snapped in half from the impact.

He glanced around before peaking into the passenger seat that was covered in bloodstained glass, roaming his sight around the interior he noticed the driver's door slightly open. He walked steadily to the other side making sure to keep the awarness of his surroundings at optimum level. As he rounded the corner of the truck he froze.

There lay Liz, her eyes open staring up at the dark starless sky with her arms outstretched and her sheriff's badge on the ground stained in blood.

"Sheriff Forbes..." Tyler rushed towards her coming to kneel beside her but avoiding the pool of blood encompassing her murky blond hair. He reached out to touch her face but stilled not being able to bring himself to feel the air of death around her. He took a solemn moment before pulling himself up and scanning the area."Caroline." He said loudly as he searched for a sign of the blond. There had been blood on the passenger's side, she must have been in the car. "Caroline!" He shouted louder. His breath left in white clouds as he panted in confusion and desperation.

Liz Forbes was dead.

Caroline was nowhere to be found.

-but eventually their paths had crossed once again.

Tyler grabbed the trash bag and lifted it up as he made his way out towards the back as Caroline followed. They stepped down the creaky wooden stairs and walked a few yeards further.

"What is it?" Caroline placed her hands in her pockets as she watched the brunette place the trash bag into the bin before setting his focus on her.

"I need to know how confident you are of the Bhaltairs." Tyler narrowed his eyes.

"What happened?" The blond rolled her eyes.

"Why do you assume somethings happened?"

"Because you never involve yourself in wolf business in areas outside of your rule unless it's a threat." Tyler shrugged. "So?"


"Is it?" A beat passed. "A threat?"

The blond glanced over her shoulder back to the house hearing that Maria was occupied with Mason and looked back to face Tyler.

"Abel is dying. He's made Jesse the new alpha-" Tyler nodded.

"And because he isn't blood his ascent will be objected by wolf clans close by in order to take the clan." Tyler cocked his brown, "The Baltairs are no direct threat to you. You know that."

"I wasn't going to ask about me." Caroline raised her eyebrow, Tyler blinked as the cool air swept past them.

"They're a diffiult group to deal with." He paused trying to find the right words but sighed once he failed. "They'll move in the moment Abel takes his last breath. You know that."

Caroline nodded slowly reading between the lines. "They're not known for their peace negotions." She murmured.

"My advice to you is keep them away. Shut down any possibilities of a takeover before they step a foot onto your soil, Care."

The blond pressed her lips together in fustration as the depth of the situation completely dawned on her.

"They're going to want the city." She stated with an air of finality.

"And they're not going stop until they've exhausted each and every way to do it..." was it?

I know it was quite short but due to school and other commitments I haven't been able to update as quick as I would like so I uploaded as much as I've written so far because I didn't want to leave it any longer.

I hope this chapter added a little more to what you already knew and brings bigger questions and twists into play.

See you soon, I hope...:D