Summer before Junior Year of HS

It was the summer after fifth grade that changed her. No one really knew what had happened, only that Helga Pataki had went from school bully to almost mute. At first Arnold just thought he hadn't been paying enough attention to her, but now he realized she just was never around. She never played softball with them, or hung out at Slausens, she even stopped watching wrestle mania with Harold. Obviously there had been a small divide between the guys and girls as they got older, but it didn't become obvious to him until their freshman year of high school that Helga tended to avoid everyone.

Every guy that asked her out got a polite no.

"Maybe she's just waiting until college to date," Gerald commented, not taking his eyes off the screen. "Honestly, you should just ask her out and get it over with."

Arnold sighed, he really needed to stop thinking out loud. "Has Phoebe mentioned anything to you?"

"Hmm… not really. I don't think she and Helga are that close anymore." Gerald shrugged.

That was another thing that bothered him, who were her friends? It didn't matter though, she was moving away now. She'd always just be a mystery to him, nothing more.

"Hey guys! Guess who I ran into," Phoebe grinned as she entered the room, a familiar red head entering behind her.

"Wow, Lila, it's been ages!" he stood, forgetting the game.

Gerald paused it and stood to greet his girl friend. "Hey babe, hey Lila."

"It's ever so wonderful to see you all again," Lila smiled.

"How is it at Hillwood Prep?" Arnold asked.

"It is ok, but I miss you guys," she sighed.

"She hates it," Phoebe chuckled. "Imagine going to school with a bunch of Rhonda's"

"Rhonda's not that bad," Arnold said, knowing that Phoebe's animosity toward her came from back in eighth grade when Gerald took her to a dance.

"She isn't compared to the kids I go to school with," Lila replied.

The four of them spent the rest of the day hanging out. Arnold couldn't believe that Lila hadn't made a single friend at Hillwood Prep, she was so sweet. Then again, those kids were probably spoiled brats who looked down on everyone. The day had marked the rest of the summer for them. They pretty much found themselves hanging out together everyday. Even though Arnold was hanging out with Lila, his thoughts often drifted to Helga. What was she doing? Did she really just runaway?

The raven haired girl packed and repacked her suitcase. Nothing would be the same anymore. She had known all along that eventually she would have to attend school with her peers, with kids like herself, but the thought of leaving Nadine behind left her feeling a little scared. Nadine was her best friend, and the girl who never judged her, and now Hillwood Prep Academy would be separating her. It was for the best though, her parents were right, she needed to focus on her future, which didn't include frog hunting, and baseball games with the guys.

"Oh sweetheart!" her mother rushed into the room. "Look, you're not the only one from PS118 middle school attending HPA!"

She snatched the paper from her mother's hand and frowned. Miss wannabe tomb boy. Sighing she pulled out her cell phone and sent a text. "Thanks mom, do you think she can be my roommate?"

"Oh of course," she smiled, "I'll have daddy get right on it."

As soon as her mother left her cellphone went off.

"Look Princess I'm a little busy at the mome-"

"You're transferring to HPA," she deadpanned.

"Sheesh, it's a little freaky how you always know everything."

"I'm going their too, I just requested that we be roommates," she said matter-of-factly. "Now come over so I can help you with your look."

She heard Helga sigh, "I… ok, I'll be right over."

"I'm sending a car-"

"No, its ok, I kind of don't stay with Bob and Miriam anymore."

"Oh… well I'll be here then."

Rhonda was a little nervous, considering that she hadn't hung out with Helga Pataki in ages, but an event in eighth grade had sealed their friendship. Rhonda would forever consider Helga a friend, and figured Junior year was as good a time as any to start furthering their friendship.

"Hey princess," Helga stood in jeans and a t-shirt, her hair pulled in a messy bun.

"Hey," she gave a small smile. "I had Darota make us smoothies, Vanilla for you and Strawberry banana for me."

The blonde gave a slight nod and followed her into the massive kitchen. They both sat at the counter.

"Wow, it's really good, better than slausens," the blonde said after taking a sip.

"Darota's the best," she grinned.

They were quiet for awhile, just sipping their smoothies. Helga spoke first, "So... what is this exactly? I mean, we don't hate each other but..."

"I just need a friend, ok Pataki?"

Helga nodded, "I guess I do too. Do you have your class schedule already?"

Rhonda nodded, "the general classes with a focus on art. You?"

"English major," she shrugged. "Olga talked me into taking ballet. This school feels more like college."

Rhonda agreed, "Well its to prep us for the real world. We'll get first pick at colleges and universities. How'd you wind up getting in?"

"Olga... we had a rough year," Helga coughed uncomfortably, "But... it's coming together."

"You know the rumors, I didn't start them," she said.

"I know," Helga chuckled. "You would've been way more creative, and way more believable."

"So what did happen? I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Helga shrugged, "Olga happened. Divorced her husband, insisted I emancipate myself from our parents, and moved us to the fancy part of Hillwood."


"Yep, it's not so bad either, I mean she's been through a lot, but it really brought us closer. Crimeny, I'd never thought I'd say this but she really is my best friend."

"Wow, I've always wanted a sibling," Rhonda sighed. "That's really cool."

"Speaking of Olga," Helga looked at her phone. "She wants to take us shopping."

Rhonda grinned, "Only if you give me free reign over your wardrobe."

Helga hesitated but then shrugged, "We wear uniforms to school, so it's not like it'll do much damage. Fine, you and my sister can have your little makeover."

Rhonda was surprised at how cool Olga Pataki was. She picked them up in a bmw, and sped across town to all of Rhonda's favorite shopping spots. Then after tiring themselves out at the clothing departments Olga checked them into a mini day spa. A massage and manicure later the three girls were pretty chummy with each other.

"Oh my, I had a stalker once," Olga said after hearing Rhonda tell a story about curly. "I was so frustrated with him I... oh I'm so ashamed."

"Spit it out, it couldn't have been that bad," Helga rolled her eyes.

"I pummeled him with a dictionary," Olga said red faced.

It took a second for it to sink in before both girls burst out laughing.

"It isn't funny... I broke his nose and they took my library card away for a week," Olga grimaced.

Lila grinned as Arnold handed her an ice cream. Sure she didn't like him like him, but he was still ever so sweet to her. She had been hanging with Arnold, Gerald, and Phoebe everyday, and had to say she was really enjoying herself. She turned to Arnold but saw his gaze transfixed on something behind her, she turned and felt her stomach drop. There was Olga Pataki, her pretend sister who she hadn't heard from in ages, laughing with a real sister. Helga looked completely different from the angry ten year old she remembered, and adding an even stranger piece to the puzzle, Rhonda Wellington Lloyd all smiles.

"Isn't that Helga?" Gerald said. Arnold blushed but didn't turn his gaze away. Lila glanced at Phoebe who wore a hurt impression, but then changed to one of anger.

The four watched as the three women linked arms, laughing, and stumbling over themselves.

"Since when are Helga and Rhonda friends?" Gerald asked.

"Oh, Helga look! It's Phoebe!" Olga exclaimed. "And Lila! Lila how are you?"

Olga walked swiftly to the auburn haired girl and pulled her into a hug. "How are you my little sister"

Lila noted that Olga smelled like Vanilla. "I'm well, thank you."

Lila also noted how plain she looked compared to the three of them. Rhonda, as usual was decked out in designer clothes, with her signature black mascaraed eye lashed, winged liner, and red lipstic. Olga had always seemed like a model to her, but now Helga, tall and elegant with strikingly blue eyes, she looked even prettier than her sister. No wonder Arnold had a crush on her.

"Hey Pheebs," Helga said softly.

"I thought you were busy?" Phoebe said in an icy tone.

"I was..." Helga shrugged. "We were just doing some last minute school shopping."

"I heard you switched schools, thought you left town," Gerald commented. "We missed you on Gerald field."

"Yeah, I'm not into baseball anymore," the blonde replied, she turned her gaze to Arnold who quickly looked away, uncharacteristically shy.

"Oh it's my fault, I've basically been holding Helga hostage," Olga replied. "Plus she's the cheapest babysitter in town."

Lila also noted that Rhonda was unusually quiet.


"Hey Pataki! Where ya been hiding?" Sid came from out of no where. "Miss Wellington Lloyd," he blushed and gave a small smile. "and love birds."

"Oh Lila and i aren't-" Arnold said frantically but no one paid him any mind.

"I've been around," Helga shrugged.

"Well any plans for tonight?"

"You're asking her out? Now?" Rhonda frowned.

"Jealous?" he grinned.

"Oh My_" Before Olga could finish Helga put her hand to her mouth and shook her head.

"We're trying to beat Zombie Call of Duty, it has to be finished before school starts," Helga explained.

"Oh, Arnold and I finished it the beginning of summer, we could give you guys some pointers," Gerald offered, when Phoebe elbowed him.

"Ow babe," he winced.

"Well you don't have to if Phoebe has a problem with it," Helga said.

"I don't," Phoebe quickly recovered. "I just want to go see a movie, that's all."

"Well come by after your movie," Sid said. "We'll still be playing."

"Or Arnold could just go with you guys now," Gerald said. "He's already seen the movie we're going to go see."

Lila stayed quiet. She had gotten good at watching people, and something was definitely weird. Arnold was acting all nervous, Rhonda refused to look at Gerald, or even speak, and Phoebe seemed angry for absolutely no reason.

"Well tonight's not a good night for your video game marathon," Olga said. "We're having a girl's night, why don't you guys do it tomorrow?"

Helga gave a nod, "I'll call you when I'm free."

"Ditching me for Rhonda?" he faked hurt.

Helga smirked, "I guess so, jealous?"

"Nah, I gotta get going," he grinned. "I have a ton of errands to run."

"Well after your movie why don't you girls come over and join us," Olga grinned.

"I'll be too tired," Phoebe said quickly.

"Phoebe can I talk to you, alone," Helga said and the two walked a ways away from the group.

"Well Lila you can still come," Olga offered. Rhonda gave a slight nod, but remained silent.

"Oh... I'm not so sure I will be able to, but thank you ever so much," Lila said politely. There was obviously some kind of divide and if she had to pick sides, she was definitely choosing Phoebe.

"Well tell baby sister to catch up to us, we're headed to the baby clothing store," Olga said cheerfully, linking an arm with Rhonda and pulling her away.

"Well I'll catch you guys later-"

"Hold on a sec," Gerald cut him off. "You still hang with Pataki?"

Sid shrugged, "She pops through from time to time. Not often though."

"Man, she looks..."

"Hot? I know," Sid chuckled, "Uh no offense Lila."

"Its ok," she mumbled, her gaze on Phoebe and Helga who were obviously having a heated conversation. Lila flinched when Phoebe suddenly slapped Helga, it got the guys attention as well.

Phoebe looked stunned, Helga just hung her head down, both girls were crying.

"Whoa," Gerald rushed to his girlfriend and pulled her away from the blonde, "What's going on?"

"I'll..." Helga's voice was barely above a whisper. "I'll see you guys later."

It only took Arnold a second to follow her. He gently grabbed her arm and swiveled her into him. Surprisingly she didn't pull away and he slowly pulled her into a hug. Helga... she literally took his breath away, but he could always find other ways to tell her he loved her, because he was pretty sure he did. He inhaled her scent, she smelled like Vanilla, sweet. She felt super small in his arms too.

"Arnold," she whispered once her tears let up.


"I'm... I'm sorry for being a bully," she said.

He chuckled, "Helga, you were never a bully. You're my friend, friends pick on each other from time to time."

She laughed, "Ok football head." She unlatched herself from him and wiped her face. "Any idea where my sister went?"

"I'll walk you," he said, saddened that she was leaving.

"You don't have to-"

"I want to. I really miss you Helga, and usually you just seem so unapproachable, and sometimes I feel like you're avoiding us," he sighed.

"Oh, I've just been busy with family stuff, I didn't think you guys..."

He took her hand as her voice trailed off, "You know, you're really pretty."

She flushed red. "I..."

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

Helga studied Arnold. He was handsome, and if she was being completely truthful, she still loved him. She had promised Olga that she would be happy. She wouldn't doubt anything good coming her way, but just accept it. It was why she agreed to hang out with Rhonda. It was why she was standing their with two perfectly shaped eyebrows, and a smile on her face. She would forget her parents and the last two years and move on. The sheer fact that Arnold, who had seemingly been on a date with Lila was now standing in front of her nervously shifting from side to side made her want to pinch herself.

"Um... Rhonda and i have to move into our dorm, and then I'm free I guess," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Ok, I'll call you, promise to answer my call?" he asked. "We have a lot of catching up to do Pataki."

Helga blushed, "Whatever you say Arnold."

He chuckled, "I thought that was my line."

He gently nudged her and started walking towards the baby store.

"Thanks Arnold."

"Anytime Helga."