Zephyr: What do I mean, bad ending? You've played the game wrong, chosen all the wrong options, so you get a premature bad ending. This is like a The Simpsons Halloween special: it's just an alternative (this fic is all about alternatives!) chapter 13, with Manjoume already possessed by the Light when Sui arrived. It has no continuity with the rest of the story. But all bad endings teach you more about the universe of the story, uncovering some details you wouldn't see otherwise. Since you like this alternative universe where Manjoume represents the Darkness and Judai the Light, it will be fun to take a look. And since it's Halloween, I decided to give it a slight dark flavor. You'll see, you'll see…

Conversely, you can just skip this chapter; you won't miss anything story-wise.

The usual Light versus Darkness chapters are Manjoume-centric. This one, however, is Sui-centric, as she is the only remaining hero.

Oh, yeah—I realize Change of Heart is a forbidden card by the GX time, but then again Painful Choice is too, and Manjoume uses it in canon. (To make sure, I just checked GX Duel Academia for GBA, and both cards are forbidden). So yeah. The card is very symbolic in this story, as you'll see.

A word before continuing: if you are reading this, you already read past the warnings in chapter 1 that this fic was going to contain a lot of adult stuff. This chapter contains non-consensual sex (not rape, there is a difference). I've toned it down a lot, but if you are not okay with that stuff, you shouldn't read at all. I don't think it's too traumatic... it's kinda on the level of a dark lemon. But warned, just in case.

Disclaimer: I don't own GX or Dynasty Warriors, yeah?

Everything okay with you? Then, let's go!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Season 2: Light vs. Darkness

Chapter 13 version 2: Bad Ending

Asuka looked haughtily at her dazed opponent, and placed her arms akimbo. The raven haired duelist's skin was as blue and frozen as the ice encasing him, his eyes closed. The last of his life was quickly seeping out of him.

"You still have some Life Points, Manjoume-kun. Why, you look completely frozen. Is this it? Has the evil flame of your life finally been put off?"

No response. Asuka ripped Manjoume's right hand out of the ice coffin and placed it on his Duel Disk.

Purification Duel (Duel of Light)

White Asuka: 4000 Life Points

Manjoume: 200 Life Points

Winner: White Asuka, by opponent surrendering.

The dense ice environment vanished, as the surroundings of Obelisk Blue Girls' dorm reappeared, and with it, the frozen coffin trapping Manjoume. He heftily fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Welcome to the Light… 'Underworld King'," Asuka laughed. "With you by our side, nothing will stop us anymore."

Asuka looked up as she heard hurried steps. A dark figure was running to them. She made a satisfied smile, as the newcomer's eyes widened.

"M-M… Manjoume-san…!" Sui gasped.

"Hello, Sui," Asuka maliciously smiled. "What brings you here?"

Sui gawked at her, and then at Manjoume's form on the floor.

"What… what have you done to him!"

"Done? I showed Manjoume-kun a wonderful new world… A world with no Darkness…"

"Manjoume-san!" Sui crouched to his side, fearing the worst. But just before she could touch him, he stood up, swiftly but ceremoniously.

"Tenjoin-kun… Sui… I have seen it…"

"Manjoume-san…" Sui stood up as well.

"A wonderful new world… A world of white…"

As Sui gasped, Manjoume approached Asuka.

"It was a wonderful experience…The Light…"

"You've received the baptism of Light, Manjoume-kun. Now you're one of us. A wonderful world of white—"

"Wh-what?!" Sui ran to him. "Manjoume-san, what happened to you?! It can't be… You're starting to talk like those zombies controlled by the Light! But you're Darkness, like myself!"

Asuka turned to her. "I haven't changed Manjoume-kun. He realized by himself how right the Light is."

"That's true," Manjoume said. "A world ruled by the Light… We should do our best to make it happen."

Eyes wide, Sui slowly sank to her knees.

"This… this is all my fault…" Sui gasped. "Because of my hunger for power first… and now I was too late to save you…"

"That's not it, Sui," Asuka said. "It had been decided by fate. You could have done nothing about it. Come with us, and we'll all live happily under the guidance of the Light," she offered her hand to her.

Sui stared at her hand, tears barely repressed, and slapped it away.

"Tenjoin-kun, Sui still doesn't get it. I understand; I was like that. The way she will see the Light—is in a duel!"

"What?!" Sui grimaced.

"Let me show you the Light personally, my dear Sui. In two days, at the Duel Arena after class," and with that, Manjoume and Asuka walked into the horizon, leaving a fretting Sui behind.

Night was long and torturous to Sui. The thoughts in her mind didn't let her get a wink of sleep until she finally fell out of exhaustion, tears in her eyes.

But worse was the surprise she found when she returned to the dorm after class. The whole place had been painted white! So bright it hurt the eyes!

"What is the meaning of this?!" she asked the secretary.

She shrugged. "It was the work of those Society of Light weirdos. There are a lot of the girls that converted to them, so they made another base here."

"Grrr! I'm definitely not going to live in a place like this!" But which were the options? To move to Ra Yellow, or…

Manjoume had been all alone at the Red dorm. If he had moved to Obelisk White, then that meant—

"Sheena, help me gather my things. We're moving out of here," she said with a dull look.

"Move? To where?"

"I'm sorry… but I'll be living at Osiris Red until this mess clears up."

Sheena opposed some remonstrance, but finally helped Sui move to the Red dorm.

As expected, it was deserted.

Sui entered the Manjoume room. It was open, with nobody inside.

"So this is where you lived, Manjoume-san…" she mused as she stared around. Signs of being hastily abandoned were still around, including—

Sui picked Manjoume's usual clothing from the couch. She hugged them to herself.

"I can't help but screw your life, over and over…" she mused, gaze lost in the horizon. Then she closed her eyes. "I only wish… I only wish I could do something for you, even once."

You shouldn't feel guilty.

Huh? Sui knew that voice. She looked around. It was the voice of one of those spirits at the Halloween night, the female one.

"What? What… do you mean?"

It was too big of a mission to start with. You did your best.

This made Sui start to cry. "No matter… I can never protect the ones I love! I can't do anything for myself or for anyone else! All I can do is harming people even if I don't want to! I'm so useless…"

None of the others could withstand the Light, so you shouldn't beat yourself for something you just can't do. Sui, take a look at your deck.

Sui took out the cards from her deck holder. The first card in it was The Bringer of Spring.

Look at her. Does she look weak or strong?

Sui stared at the innocent-looking girl. "She looks kinda weak," she honestly said.

The Bringer of Spring is a reflection of your soul. If she looks weak to you, is because you're weak.

"Wha…" Sui frowned.

Let me tell you something about this card. The Bringer of Spring is actually a queen.

"A queen…?" Sui whispered, incredulous.

But she can't become queen on her own. She has incredible potential, but only by the side of the king she can realize it.

Sui stared at the card. Was it so powerful?

When the Bringer of Spring evolves into the Queen, then no other card is a match for her, except the King. And certainly not the Light of Destruction.

In any case, as the only one who can activate the King's powers is Jun, the power of Darkness is barred to you now. Sui, you have absolutely no chance to defeat the Light like this.

"But…" Sui looked at her side. "I just can't leave Manjoume-san like this. I have to at least give it a try!"

I see… I had a feeling nothing I could tell you would dissuade you.

Sui shook her head. "No."

Fine, give it a try. See it for yourself. But if things get dangerous, run! Jun probably can't be saved at this point.

"I'll never know until I try," Sui nodded.

The next day, lots of people had gathered at the Duel Arena to watch the Duel. Thanks to their latest incorporation, the Light had vastly increased their ranks. Lots of white uniforms could be seen among the public.

Manjoume smirked. Working for the Light was so very gratifying!

He looked up. From the stands, Saiou appeared at Asuka's side. It was amazing how fast he had gained Saiou's trust. He really knew what a special, worthy duelist he was!

"Saiou-sama!" Asuka said. "Is it really okay to let Manjoume-kun do this?"

"It's okay," Saiou smiled.

"But—what if those rulers of the dark dimension take possession of them again? What if they take Manjoume-kun back?"

"There is no risk of that. By accepting the Light, Manjoume-san has forsaken his dark legacy. And the girl can't awaken her dark powers without him."

"What is the meaning of this?!" Manjoume glared as Sui climbed to the Duel Arena.

"You threw it away, but I'll keep it."

Manjoume glared as Sui hugged the coat she was wearing—his old North Academia coat. She also had his aubergine-colored turtleneck on, while her lower body garment was the usual she wore.

"That makes me furious. Why are you wearing that old smelly thing? I really want to rip that off you—for more than one reason," he smirked. But his eyes were not smiling.

Sui blinked at him. "Manjoume-san…"

Manjoume's eyebrows lifted. "Rejoice, Sui! The day when you finally see the Light has arrived!"


He waved a hand. "You will refer to me as Manjoume White Thunder."

Sui hunched her shoulders. "Jun."

Manjoume narrowed his eyes. "I don't recall giving you permission to call me that."

"Like I need your permission to call you whatever I want! Jun, don't you remember? The Light is evil. We should stay clear of them!"

"I thought so too, until I saw the Light with my own eyes. We will be guided by the Light to a great future! Just accept it, Sui."

Sui growled. "Don't you realize how bizarre you sound? I know it means jack shit to you, but… you are nothing like the man I fell in love with!" She looked down and to the side, a hand on her chest. "You were such a marvelous, chivalrous guy… Even now," she closed her eyes, "your blood inside of me is giving me life… Jun," she glared at him, "I'll bring you back—no matter what it takes! I'm not holding back!"

"Sui… Come to me. We'll see a wonderful future together, guided by the Light illuminating our paths—not a couple of dubious spirits of Darkness."

"I'll open your eyes even if I have to beat you up!" Sui growled.


Purification Duel (Duel of Light)

Turn 1

Manjoume White Thunder: 4000 Life Points

Sui: 4000 Life Points

"The first move is mine! Draw!" Sui took out her card. "Jun, I chose my old favorite deck for today. Do you still like this?" She placed a card on her Duel Disk. "I activate the Continuous Spell Call of the Mummy. If I don't have any monster on my field, then once per turn, I can Special Summon a Zombie-type monster from my hand. I summon Despair from the Dark, in Attack Mode." (ATK 2800)

"Wow! A 2800 ATK monster all of a sudden!" the people in the public gawked.

Manjoume stared at the gigantic, ominous shadow.

"You certainly are not holding back," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"You used to have this card in your deck, didn't you?" Sui softly said.

"Hah. There are no shadows for me anymore."

"Jun… This is how my heart feels like now. Just like the monsters in this Zombie deck, you brought me back to life… but my heart is full of despair. I… I want you at my side, again."

Manjoume narrowed his eyes. "Oh? So poor little Sui has a lot of despair in her heart, doesn't she? But you didn't care about me when you so nonchalantly dumped me."

"I-I already confessed why I did it. I never stopped loving you…" Sui made an effort to not cry.

"Is this the end of your turn?"

Sui sobbed, but quickly composed herself. "No… I summon Life-Absorbing Bone Tower, in Defense Mode." (DEF 1500) A huge tower surrounded by lost souls and darkness appeared on Sui's field. "Then I set a card. You go, Jun."

"Manjoume White Thunder! My turn. Draw!"

Turn 2

Manjoume White Thunder: 4000 Life Points

Sui: 4000 Life Points

"Here's something you'll like," Manjoume smirked. "First, I activate Offerings to the Dead. I discard one card to the cemetery to destroy a monster in your field! Naturally, it'll be Despair from the Dark!"

"Wah!" Sui covered herself as the shadow blew in pieces.

"No darkness is going to last in the presence of the Light," Manjoume smiled. "Not even the darkness in your heart! I summon White Knight's Lancer, in Attack Mode!" (ATK 1500)

'Phew, safe,' Sui sighed. "What is that monster?"

"Just wait and see, Sui. This is the deck that Saiou-sama bestowed unto me, as my proof of loyalty to the Light!"

"Oh, shit!" Sui said. "Fuck it, that thing probably brainwashed you?!"

"What are you saying?" Manjoume shook his head. "The card I sent to the cemetery earlier is White Knight's Swordsman, which makes Lancer gain 300 ATK Points!" (White Knight's Lancer's ATK 1500 - 1800)

"Busted!" Sui gawked.

"Go, White Knight's Lancer! Erase all the Darkness in Sui's field!"

The shining knight slashed at the fearsome tower, making it blow.

"Wah!" (Sui's Life Points 4000 - 3700) "Damn, that monster has a piercing ability?!"

"Don't underestimate the power of the Light, Sui," Manjoume smirked. "I set a card. Your move."

"Before your turn ends, I activate my Continuous Trap: Skull Zoma. I Special Summon Skull Zoma. When it is first summoned, it needs to be in Defense Mode."

A cadaverous black bird appeared in the field, batting wings and emitting a piercing shriek. (DEF 500)

"My turn. Draw!"

Turn 3

Manjoume White Thunder: 4000 Life Points

Sui: 3700 Life Points

'I never thought I would face Jun like this… never! But then again, my whole life has been about bad luck… I really should not be surprised,' Sui though, eyes sad. Then she looked at her hand.

"Unsure what to do? The Light will show you the path, always," Manjoume said.

"Stop spewing shit like a madman," Sui growled.

"Who is the crazy one here? I wonder."

"Jun… I'll bring you back from your delusion, even if it's the last thing I do," Sui closed her eyes, and then opened them again. "No matter how many times I die, I will come back again… Like this!" She took out a card. "From my hand, I activate Book of Life! Just like you gave me your life back then, I will suck the life out of that monster of Light in your cemetery and give it to the Darkness! I choose to revive Despair from the Dark while removing White Knight's Swordsman from the game!"

"Lame! Reverse card, open! Call of the Haunted! I bring back White Knight's Swordsman to the field!"

The new shining knight appeared at the lancer's side. (ATK 1200)

"Argh! You're a good match for me, Jun… Please, why don't you just give up on this madness and return to the Dark?"

Manjoume smirked. "The Light has accepted me. You abandoned me."

"You-you don't realize the reason why I stopped talking to you?! My heart is full of evil… and I didn't want to ruin your life more than I already did!"

"Then why would I join you?" Manjoume shrugged.

"Let me finish! I want to become better! We can build a better future! But the Light is evil. It only aims to do harm to you, to me, and to everyone! There is no future for the ones who join the Light! If you don't want to be friends with me anymore, so be it! But please, don't join the Light!" Sui's eyes were moist with tears.

"Sui… Your words clearly indicate how lost you are. Come to the Light, and your insecurity will vanish!"

"Argh… The Light this, the Light that… Don't you realize you sound like a nutcase? What has the Light done to you?" She looked down. "I switch Skull Zoma to Attack Mode (ATK 1800). Next, I summon Pyramid Turtle, in Attack Mode."

The earth roared as a giant turtle crawled from it. (ATK 1200)

"Battle! I am sorry, Pyramid Turtle, Skull Zoma!"

Pyramid Turtle and White Knight's Swordsman finished off each other, the same with Skull Zoma and White Knight's Lancer.

"Skull Zoma's effect activates! And I chain it to Pyramid Turtle's effect activation! When Pyramid Turtle's destroyed in battle, I can Special Summon one Zombie-type monster with 2000 or less Defense Points from my deck! I Special Summon Patrician of Darkness!"

A myriad of black bats coalesced into one blue skinned caped vampire. (ATK 2000)

"And for the second chain: when Skull Zoma is destroyed in battle, it deals damage equal to the Attack Points of the monster that destroyed it to my opponent!"

"Waaaaaahhh!" (Manjoume's Life Points 4000 - 2200)

"I'm not done! Patrician of Darkness, attack Jun directly!"

"Argh!" Manjoume was thrown on his back, several yards away, as the vampire clawed him. (Manjoume's Life Points 2200 - 200)

Sui made a pained sigh as Manjoume wiped his face and stood up again. "Jun, wake up! Come back to me…"

"Heh… Hahaha! Nice, Sui! So relentless… You're an opponent worth destroying," Manjoume smiled, a murderous look in his eyes.

"Jun… Jun!"

"You will be a valuable asset to the Light… or a worry off our heads when you're down."

"Jun… Please…" Sui looked down.

"Are you done?"

"Yes… I'm done."

"My turn. Draw!"

Turn 4

Manjoume White Thunder: 200 Life Points

Sui: 3700 Life Points

Manjoume looked at the card he had just drawn. "At last, Sui."

"Wh-what…?" she cringed.

"I used to treat you like a kid, but you're one heck of a woman. I'm glad Tenjoin-kun chose Judai instead of me. You're something I want for myself."

"What are you saying…?" Sui couldn't decide whether to frown or to arch her eyebrows.

"This turn, everything ends—with my victory!"

Sui's eyes widened.

"At last, I will show you the Light… a new, shining world. Get ready, Sui… here I come!"

"What…?" Sui frowned, making a step back.

"From my hand, I activate Hand Collapse! I send White Knight's Guardna and The Sealed Gates to the cemetery. Then I draw two cards."

Sui frowned as she threw two of her cards and drew another two. Why was Manjoume calling the cards he was throwing away? Something was coming…

"The Sealed Gates is a trap that activates when it is sent to the cemetery. I remove one White Knight's Swordsman, Lancer and Guardna from my cemetery to Special Summon White Knight's Lord from my Deck!"

Sui stared, eyebrows knit, as the leader of the white knights stepped into the field. (ATK 2000)

"This is the strongest card bestowed upon me by Saiou-sama as the proof of my devotion to the Society of Light! The herald of Light that will vanquish your Darkness!"

"Shut up, Jun. It has the same Attack Points as my Patrician of Darkness!"

"I'm afraid your vampire will only become fodder for the power of Light!"


"I activate the Spell Change of Heart. Come to the Light, Patrician of Darkness! Just like Sui will!"

Sui gawked as Patrician of Darkness flew from her side of the field to Manjoume's.

"So, if I receive both attacks…"

"Rest assured, your Dark monsters aren't worthy to serve me. But their life force will be nourishment for my monsters' victory! I activate Hell Gauntlet! By sacrificing a monster in my side of the field," Manjoume smiled, pleased, as Patrician of Darkness vanished, "my White Knight's Lord can attack twice."


"White Knight's Lord! Wipe out that infidel's Life Points!"

The white knight slashed twice at Sui, the barbaric force making her fly back on the field.

Manjoume White Thunder: 200 Life Points

Sui: 0 Life Points

"Welcome to the Light… It is a wonderful world, guided by fate… There will be no more pain, no more doubts, no more worries in your life…" Manjoume smiled as he walked to Sui, who was unmoving on the floor.

"So callous…" Asuka mused.

Saiou chuckled to himself. "Both of them are relentless… But they will never be a problem again." Laughing, he walked away, followed by Asuka.

Slowly, the young girl moved up. She looked at her hand. All her cards were absolutely white.

Uncapable of reacting, she fainted.

"So what's up with this?" Emi Ayukawa frowned.

"Dunno," Manjoume said.

"Sui-chan was doing quite okay. Her anemia was out of dangerous levels. I can't believe she fainted for that."

"…" Manjoume looked at his side, where Sui was lying on the infirmary bed, unconscious.

"I don't know what's going on here, but I don't like it. And Manjoume-kun, stand up from that bed and stop touching her!"

Manjoume pouted, and removed his hand from Sui's knee as he stood up.

"I don't know what's up with this Society of Light, but you seem changed. As much as you took care of Sui earlier, it doesn't feel safe if I leave you alone with her now. But I need to go out for a second. You step out of the infirmary too, Manjoume-kun."

He lifted his index. "I won't touch her while you're away. Cross my heart."

Emi frowned, and slowly turned to the door. "I'll be back soon. You'd better not try anything."

"Sure…" Manjoume placed a hand on his chin as he sat on a chair at Sui's side. He waited for several seconds after the nurse had left, and then turned to Sui. "So I can't touch you, huh?"

Sui said nothing, a rather troubled expression on her face.

"But nobody said anything about touching your clothes," Manjoume said as he slowly lifted her skirt. "Hmm, what's this? Black panties? I sure don't like this. Are they—made of leather? Whoah, kinky!" He looked at her face. "Hey, Sui."

He quickly moved away, restoring order to her clothes, as Ayukawa-sensei returned.

"You didn't do anything weird, did you?"

"A white angel like me?" Manjoume put an innocent face.

"It pains me to run so many blood analyses on her, but… Her blood is normal, except for the hemoglobin count that indicates some anemia. She can't have fainted for this at these levels."

Suddenly, Sui sobbed. The other two people turned to her.

"Are you awake, Sui-chan?" Emi asked.

"Where…" she whispered. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and made a mien.

"Are you okay?"

"My head… What happened… Yeah, that duel… I saw all white after the duel…" she said, sitting up.

Suddenly, she noticed her white clad tormentor at her side.

"Yo," Manjoume said.

"What are you doing here?" Sui frowned.

"I'm always there for you when you faint, aren't I?"

Sui glared at him. Then she looked around. "My deck… Where is my deck?" She found her Duel Disk at the night table at her side. She removed the cards from it.

"Can't… be…" she stared, wall-eyed, at them.

"What is it, Sui-chan?"

"The cards… they're all white…" she said, her deck dropping from her hand.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Emi stared at the cards, which looked perfectly normal to her.

"All white?" Manjoume asked. But he could see the cards perfectly as well.

"The Bringer of Spring… Where is the Bringer of Spring…?" she asked, frantically searching her deck. But no card contained any image.


"Ayukawa-sensei! You mean you can see the cards?!"

"Of course, Sui-chan. What do you mean, they are all white?"

Sui grimaced, desperation starting to get a hold of her. "Please! Is there a card named The Bringer of Spring here?!"

"Huh?" the nurse quickly searched her deck, but her response was negative.

"You don't need that card anymore," Manjoume said.

"You… son of a bitch! What have you done to me!" Sui grabbed Manjoume by the neck, trying to strangle him. She shoved him with such force that they both ended up struggling on the floor.

"Sui-chan!" Emi Ayukawa pushed her away.

"Ugh…" Manjoume rubbed his neck. "What is it… You should be welcoming the Light by now… Why are you so angry…?" he slowly stood up.

"What happened to me! It's all your fault, isn't it! That I see all cards white! That the Bringer of Spring is no more! You idiot! You have doomed us all!"

"I don't understand anything here…" the nurse rubbed her forehead.

"Waaah!" Sui ran away from the infirmary.

"Sui-chan, it's dinner time."

"…" Sui stared at her cards, lying on her side on one of the Manjoume room's beds. Not only the deck she had used in her duel with the raven-haired, all her other decks were blank.

"Sui-chan…" Sheena sighed.

"Why… why did this happen… Why couldn't I save Jun…"

"It was fated to be like this."

Both Sui and Sheena startled. The bright figure of Manjoume was standing at the bedroom's door.

"My skills and your skills were quite matched. But it was fated to be that I would come out on top. Just like how our fate is to be together," Manjoume said, arms folded, an arrogant expression on his face.

"How did you enter here?!"

"This was my room. Is it so strange I got the key to it?"

"Please leave," Sui looked down.

"Nuh-uh. I want to know why haven't you joined the Light by now. The people who see the Light find peace and harmony in it. Yet all you say is that you can't see your cards and get pissed off. Even in this you're weird."

Sui narrowed her eyes. She really hated to be called weird. "If you've come to insult me, I—"

"Trust me, Sui. All I want is for us to be happy together," he sat at her side.

She glared at him. "You've been blabbering about that for a while now. What is it? I heard what happened: that Asuka is dating another guy. I see, you tried to go to the Society of Light to get Asuka, and since she's taken you try to show up with me by the arm so you can fake it's all cool with you. Tell you what, mister—"

"No. I was on my way to see you that night, when Tenjoin-kun showed me the Light. Why else would I be around the Obelisk Blue Girls' dorm a few minutes after you sent me that mail?"

Sui stared at him, like trying to decipher his actual thoughts, for some good long seconds.

"Suppose… Just suppose I do believe you for a second… Then why do you say this stuff? You never liked me before."

"I… I was on my way to ask you out that day you kicked me out."


He nodded. "It's true."

Sui stared at him again, unsure what to do.

Manjoume raised an eyebrow. "Sheena, I would appreciate if Sui and I could speak alone."

"S-sure," Sheena, who had been listening intently to the conversation, went out to the cafeteria.

Manjoume sighed. He stood up from the bed and locked the door, both with a key and barring it. He then returned to the bedroom.

Suddenly, he hugged Sui by the opposite shoulder and stole a kiss from her. Sui yelped and shoved him away.

"What are you doing!"

"Kissing you. I thought you loved me?"

"What the… fuck…"

Manjoume got closer and kissed her again. This time, Sui let him kiss her, but didn't kiss back.

"What do you think you're doing…" she whispered.

"I like you too. The Light has told me we are fated to be together."

"The Light…" Sui said. "Manjoume-san, I love you, I do. But something's wrong with you, and I think with me too. This is not the correct time for this. You need to snap out from this Light thing."

"You know what… I have an idea…" Manjoume said, as he gently pushed Sui back so he was over her.


"I haven't been able to make you see the Light… I couldn't dye you in white as I expected… So, maybe, we need to take things slowly."

Sui wasn't sure what did he mean by this. "You certainly don't seem to be taking anything slowly."

He smiled. "Dying you in white… We can start from the inside."

Sui's eyes widened hugely. "What are you saying!"

He giggled. "I think you have realized what I mean."

Manjoume lowered his head and kissed her again, forcing his tongue inside of her mouth. Sui's face became beet red, but she surely found it pleasant. His words echoed in her heart.

Small tears came to her eyes. Did Manjoume actually love her? She couldn't read into his heart anymore. She was sure she would regret it if she left him do what he pleased…


It was like a dream and a nightmare entwined coming true. Manjoume, kissing her, aiming for much more as he opened her clothes—but Manjoume was clearly not in his sane mind. If she let him do this, it was to some extent like having sex with someone drunk that may never do it while sober.

Or were Manjoume's words actually true? Did he actually love her? It was a mystery.

But, on the other hand… this was a chance she never thought she would have. Manjoume loved Asuka. Sui had fallen in love with him from the first day, but thought she would never get a chance with him. Asuka was really beautiful, while her looks had been stolen by her disease. Never in her life had men found her attractive, and she was sure a guy who lusted after such a beautiful girl would never want her. If she said no, this could be an opportunity that would never repeat.

She let out a loud moan as he kissed her neck. Looking down, she realized her clothing had been half-torn, exposing all her intimate zones.

"No black underwear, Sui," he said, as he pushed her black leather bra to the sides. Sui looked to the side and closed her eyes. She could feel his lustful hands everywhere.

"Ah!" she cried as Manjoume pinched both of her nipples, pulling them up. "Don't do that—it hurts!"

"Enjoy the pain," and he licked her left nipple. Sui grimaced, the sensitive, abused flesh sending lightning bolts through her body so intense they washed her in delicious, intense pleasure.

"Manjoume… san…" she gasped, as he kneaded both of her breasts as he made his way down, leaving nips in his path.

Manjoume pinned both her thighs to her sides, and heartily licked the space between them. Sui cried out loudly, wanting to thrust her hips, but found it impossible. She gripped the pillow behind her, as Manjoume relentlessly licked her, his tongue sliding inside the folds of her hymen and into her virginal entrance, then back outside over the head of her clitoris.

Just when she was about to come, he stopped.

"Ah…" she moaned as she barely registered him sitting on his toes and opening his pants. Her eyes widened as a large pink shape appeared between the white cloth.

"Get me ready…" he said, straddling Sui's face. In any other moment, she would have complained, but she was so horny, her pussy throbbing from all the stimulation before, that she grabbed his big cock and placed it inside her mouth. She had no idea how to fellate him, besides of knowing she shouldn't use her teeth, but she licked it up and down, which seemed to satisfy him. She moved her hand down to masturbate herself, but Manjoume stopped her. Sui gave him a last lick and moved away, her saliva still joining her mouth and his cock.

She looked inside his eyes as he maneuvered to position her. There was something about this man… Something she just couldn't resist.

As he lifted one of her legs, his dark pink, large head stretched the folds of her hymen. Sui cried out, as Manjoume intruded on her ever farther, his breath on her ear. It was very rough, but the very thought of having him inside helped her resist the pain. And it was then when she heard it.

"I love you…" his whisper in her ear.

Had she dreamed that…?

"I love you, Sui," he said, as he moved out of her, and then in again. Sui gripped the sheets again, incapable of answering him, as she felt his hearty penetration, his breathing, his heartbeats. She soon forgot about the pain, the delicious sensation escalating so quickly that nothing else mattered. She was sure nobody could make her feel like Manjoume did.

Manjoume cried out, his enormous cock wholly inside of Sui, who was so tight it was making him dizzy. "Feels so good…" he whispered.

"Manjoume-san…" Sui wished for this moment to become forever. But she knew… she just knew…

"Getting… ready…" he gasped, as he frantically thrusted inside of her, his hands moving to her hypersensitive breasts.

"Ah… ah… Manjoume-san… Ahhh!" Sui cried out, her orgasm coming from both her boobs and her pussy. Her eyes widened as she suddenly felt her insides drenched, in places she didn't even realized she had, with Manjoume's hot semen, coming in violent spurts.

He shook his hips, over and over, as loads of cum coated Sui's insides. Before he was done, he took his cock out and spurted over Sui's abdomen and breasts.

"Hah… hah…" Manjoume gasped, and then smirked. "Well, this is a start. How do you feel, dyed in white?"

But there was no response. Such activity had been too taxing on Sui's weak body.

Manjoume looked at her. She was asleep, her cheeks red, with an exhausted look in her face.

It was then when he realized someone was knocking at the door. With an annoyed sigh, he took out some paper napkins and wiped his cock before zipping his pants up again.

"Going! Shit…" Manjoume unbarred and then unlocked the door. "What do you want now, Sheena?"

"What do you mean, what do I want! I heard screaming, and then I find out the room is locked," she said as she walked inside and headed for the bedroom.

"Hold it. Don't go there."

"Why not?"

"Sui wouldn't want that," he smirked. "Go out. We don't need you here."

"What… have you done?" she hasted to the bedroom.

"I said don't," Manjoume blocked the way. "Make one step more, and you're fired."

"You can't do that," she frowned.

He chuckled. "I can't? We, the Society of Light control the world. And have you heard of the Manjoume Group? If I send word I don't want anyone to give you a job, you'll have to move to Afghanistan to ever work again."

Sheena made a step back. "You… What have you done to Sui?"

He made a small grin. "You nurses have to keep the patients' secrets, don't you? I suppose I can tell you, then. I just took her virginity."

Sheena's eyes widened in shock.

"She's a little disheveled there, so I suggest you don't take a look. She will get pissed at you."

"You… Monster!"

Manjoume chuckled. "She must feel proud that I, a high member of the Society of Light, personally took the trouble to dye her in white. By the way, Sheena… Next time I come by, I want you out of here. You're ruining the romance."

"Why you…!" Sheena cried as Manjoume made his way out of the room.

"Remember," Manjoume said, a hand on the door's mark, "what I said about Afghanistan. And keep it in mind. Later," he closed the door behind him.

The next day…

"Manjoume-san, you have accomplished a great task. Congratulations," Saiou walked to Manjoume's kneeling figure. "I hereby acknowledge you as my right hand—"

"What?! Saiou! I thought I was your right hand!" Judai pouted.

"Manjoume-san has achieved some extraordinary performance in the name of the Society of Light. His merit is recognized."

"I admit Sui is a strong duelist. But I would have won too!" Judai pouted.

"Shut up, dropout. Stop talking bullshit," Manjoume made a knowing smirk.

"This won't end like this! I challenge you, Manjoume!"

"Manjoume White Thunder!" he growled.

"Both of you have made an excellent job. Soon the Light will cover this whole Academia—and the rest of the world."

"I challenge you by tomorrow!" Judai said.

"Bring it on! I won't lose to you!" Manjoume said.

"Please take your fight elsewhere. There is someone important I have to meet," Saiou said, as he stood up and walked out of the room.

"Someone important?" Judai asked.

"Yes. A person of noble origins," Saiou smirked as he left.

"Which reminds me, I gotta go see someone as well. No time to waste with you, dropout. I'll see you tomorrow at the Arena."

"You're on, Manjoume!"

"Manjoume White Thunder!" he growled as he left.

Life was nothing but perfect. Everything was in its proper place. A place where he belonged; where he was respected. He had finally gained the upper hand on Judai. And the girl he wanted was now his. It was only a matter of time before she would see the Light as well—

Manjoume reached the Red Dorm. It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was setting in the ocean. The world looked beautiful, golden tones that reminded him of Sui's eyes everywhere.

He shook his head. No, colors that were not white weren't beautiful. And it was time Sui got another dose of his white love…

He opened the door to the Manjoume Room. No sound came from the inside. It appeared to be completely empty.

His eyes turned to the sofa. On it were lying his old clothes, the North Academia uniform.

He took them in his hands, and sniffed their neck. He could smell Sui's perfume in them. Sui always wore the same perfume, some kind of floral with a slight oriental note. It was quite impregnated in her room at Obelisk, and he could faintly smell it here as well.

He walked to the bedroom. Empty. Nothing from her belongings remained. So Sui has moved back to Obelisk? What did it mean?

Suddenly, a big smile formed in his face. Now the girls' dorm was the second Obelisk White. Was it that Sui had… accepted the Light!

Quick on his feet, he exited the room and headed to Obelisk White Girls' dorm. It pleased his soul how every building was becoming white. He needed to do that as well with the Red dorm!

"Hm? Sui?" the secretary asked. "I thought she said you weren't allowed in anymore, Mister Manjoume."

"Well… Please tell her I am here. She might want to speak with me."

"I am sorry, but Miss Sui has moved out of this dorm a couple days ago. She was headed to the Red dorm, I believe."

"What—I was just there, but there was nobody!"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Want to ask at the main building? She hasn't been here for sure."

"I-I think I'll do that. Thanks," with that, he headed out.

"Oh? Manjoume-kun," Asuka said.

"Tenjoin-kun? What is it?" he asked.

"Great news. This morning, Sui has left the island. Our brethren saw her embarking with an old woman. Now that she's out of the picture, nothing will stop the Light."

"I-I see…" Manjoume suddenly felt hollow inside.

"What is it? I heard what you said on your duel. You didn't take a liking to her, did you?"

"Uh… no, of course not…" Manjoume's voice was frail.

"I have other great news. More than half of the students have joined the Society of Light. Many thanks to your efforts." She smiled. "Judai is waiting for me. How about you join us? We're going to duel more people this afternoon."

"S-sure. You go, Tenjoin-kun. I'll be there in a minute."

Asuka nodded and left.

Manjoume looked at the lake, and then at the setting sun behind the trees. At the world full of golden tones, just like Sui's eyes.

He stared.

And stared.

But, his mission was to make the world white.

Wiping a lone tear, he ran after Asuka.

The Society of Light prospered thanks to the combined efforts of Judai Yuki, Asuka Tenjoin and Jun Manjoume. Soon afterwards, all of the students had joined them. The Academia became the center of a cult that expanded to the rest of the world, conquering every soul in its white embrace.

Meanwhile, Takuma Saiou defeated the prince Orgene through a duel and gained control of a satellite named SORA. Said satellite had the power to destroy the world with a single, swift swipe. As Saiou had gained total control, nobody was there to stop him if he decided to use the keys.

The Society of Light was in everyone's heart. If the Light decided to wipe all life in the planet, then it would be a welcome decision by every white soul that populated it.

And quoth the historians:

Strength of the Inferno,

Mind of Lightning,

Speed of the Tempest.

Thus, the world was changed.


Zephyr: *takes a deep breath* Wow, was that a downer ending or a "shoot the shaggy dog" ending? It would be interesting if the story actually ended like this, wouldn't it?

Yeah, I know I promised chapter 14 as next update, but I got this idea later and wanted to publish it. By the way, like the cover? I made it like the official cover art, only with everyone in white. Check it out here:fav. me / damulvy. I've been making a ton of Light versus Darkness fanart lately, including a Halloween pics series, so check out my deviantArt. Cheerio!