New Update! This story will soon be taken down and in its place a new version. The reason for this is because I have a different writing style as I did before. Despite the time of the upload, this story was made in 2013 and thus uses my old writing style (1st Person). I'd prefer to tackle this story in my new style (3rd Person) and will be uploading it soon. As stated in my previous update, I never intend on abandoning a story. I will complete it don't worry and to answer any questions as to why this took so long I will briefly explain.
I had to focus on my school work in order to maintain my high GPA and on top of that I had to juggle between two jobs. Shortly after that I moved. My free time has been far and few but recently I've gotten a ton of free time and I want to use it doing this.
I already have beta readers but if you're interested in getting to read chapters early and give me input before I upload, PM me! Same for anyone who has questions feel free to shoot me a PM.