"By the way, one last question, Miss, are you single?"

"What?" I stammer, glad he can't see my blushing face from over the phone, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Please answer the question, Miss."


"Is that a question or an answer."

"An answer."

"Goodbye, Miss, I'll see you tomorrow morning at the office."

"But what does that-"

"Goodbye, Miss." What?

I log onto my laptop, still flustered from the inquiry. Is that even professional? Hovering over the familiar icon, I tap in my email and password, and the blue and white borders of Facebook pop up.

I'm twenty-two. I just graduated from Fiore University and I double-majored Computer Science and Web Design. And I just became some sort of website manager at some law firm in Magnolia. I don't even know anymore.

I scroll through my feed, liking pictures, hoping that Mark Zuckerberg adds a dislike button. Disinterested, I almost close the page, but one profile picture update catches my eye. Did this gorgeous specimen of a man actually go to highschool with me? That's Laxus?

"B-b-but," I say out loud. That is definitely not what he looked like seven years ago. I reach out the touch the picture of my old best friend. I miss him now. I haven't thought about this man at all for the past five years, and damn he's hot now. Is that really the first the I think about? I laugh to myself quietly. I wonder if he's the same boy I met when I was eight years old. Does he still watch Phineas and Ferb? Nichijou? Bravest Warriors? Play Battle Cats? Never, ever skip a song on his iPod? Obsessed with the Chris Pratt and raptor scene? Jurassic Park in general? More importantly, is his Doctor Doofenshmirtz voice still on point? His Kermit imitation? I brush a hair out of my face, and shake my head. Ridiculous. He's twenty-three. There's no way in hell. I purse my lips, glance at the picture again, and click the red x in the top corner. Does he still remember me? Sighing, I push my chair backwards and wander towards my bed.

"It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling." The incessant noise won't stop.

Oh, fuck.

I look in the direction of my persistent phone.


That's my 8:15 alarm, judging from the neverending garble of Michael Buble's voice.

Fuckety, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Just fucking perfect.

Absolutely fucking delightful.

I scramble onto the subway, straightening my skirt and blouse as I stand near the door.

"Next stop, Magnolia Business Center," the monotone voice blares over the speaker. My heels click onto the pavement and I try to run towards the tall, reflective building.

Slipping into the closing elevators, I check the time. 8:43. Maybe I'll be punctual. Not early. Not late. Maybe I'll arrive at the door of that goddamn office on the dot at 8:45.

It's 8:46 by the time I reach the tenth floor. Eight fuckin' forty-six. Grumbling, I knock at the large mahogany doors.

"You're late, Miss Heartfilia." I recognize the voice.

"I know, Mr. Why-do-you-ask-unrelated-unprofessional-questions."

"Anyone can call me that but you, Miss Heartfilia. You may call me Mister All-Seeing-Lord Justine." I scowl at him, and I almost open my mouth to make another biting remark.

"Freed, honey, just the girl in." He blushes at the sound of the melodic voice.

"Thank you, Mister-I'm-completely-whipped-by-my-girlfriend."

"I said, it's Mister All-Seeing-Lord-Justine." I scoff, and glide through the now-open door.

"And she's not my girlfriend," he says between his teeth.

"Yet, Mr. I'm-totally-whipped-by-my-coworker" I reply smoothly, sailing by him towards secretary.

"I'll assume you are Miss Heartfilia," says the woman, tying her long, silvery hair into a ponytail.

I nod briskly.

"Don't mind, Freed, he's a bit salty sometimes."

I stifle a giggle, and ignore the glare from the green-haired man.

"A bit, huh?" She laughs and points me through the hallway.

"First door on your left."

okay, maybe i'm neglecting my other stories, but i really had to at least start this. i had meant for this to be only a one shot buuuuuut. meh.

read and review at your leisure.

zephy out.