Season 1 Episode 6: Feeding

Flora was currently lying in her bed, her form hidden beneath her quilt. Her eyes closed as slept on blissfully ignorant to the waking world. That is until she was roused from her sleep by a mixture of low moans. Her eyes slowly opened, she was met with the sight of her bedroom wall. Flora frowned in confusion as she attempted to recall what had occurred the day before. The memories struck her all at once, the memories of her first day at Alfea, of them going to Magix, Daphne's attack and her sitting at her bedside, decidedly not leaving until her friend awoke.

'How did I get back here?' Flora mused, her frown deepening only to have it replaced by an expression of worry when she once again heard the low moans that had woken her. She sat upright with a start, her head swivelling round to locate the origins of the sound. Her gaze soon landed on the still sleeping form of her roommate.

Daphne's eyelids were creased, her form tossed and turned, a thin layer of sweat coating the visible flesh of her face and arms, her blonde hair clinging to her forehead and cheeks and her face contorted with fear and discomfort. Flora leapt from her bed and rushed to Daphne's side, taking hold of her left arm and shoulder, steadying Daphne's movements before giving them a quick shake. Another moan sounding similar to 'no' escaped Daphne's lips. She shook her again, this time more violently, Daphne's eyes shot open, her form bolting upwards as she gasped for breath, leaning forward.

"What…happened…?" Daphne gasped out, attempting to regain control of her breathing and banish the images of her nightmare, images of three silhouette figures attacking her from all sides, bringing her to her knees before proceeding to slowly gut her with a cold blade, such a cold blade. They would pull out her organs one by one and show them to her before proceeding to use her own intestines to hang her, laughing the entire time. That laughter. It sent shivers down her spine. Her heart pounded within her chest, her breathing becoming more and more chaotic as she continued to fail to banish the nightmare from her mind.

"Daphne calm down, it was just a dream." Flora said in a frantic tone as took hold of Daphne's shoulders and looked her in the eye, hoping to avoid a panic attack. Daphne's pupils were dilated, she looked right through Flora. Lost in the scenes of her nightmare as they flashed before her mind's eye in a never ending cycle.

"Daphne, Daphne!" Flora screamed, now violently shaking her roommate. The blonde blinked, the images beginning to fade as she attempted to stabilise herself and stop the shaking, she took hold of Flora's arms at her elbow and steadied them.

"You can stop now." She muttered in a small tone.

"Daphne are you okay? What's wrong?" The lavender haired fairy asked in her usual soft tone.

"Nothing…just a bad dream is all." She muttered.

"Daphne people don't normally come to the brink of a panic attack due to a bad dream. Tell me. What's wrong?" Flora stressed.

"It's nothing…I'm just a little shaken up from what happened last night…I'll be fine." Daphne reassured, not liking the attention Flora was giving her. She wanted to forget about her dream, about what happened. Not talk about it.

"Daphne…" Flora began.

"Just drop it okay!" Daphne snapped. Flora leaned back. Shocked by her roommate's reaction.

'Then again I shouldn't be too surprised. Considering what happened. I'd want to forget it too but she can't just bottle it up and burry it…but I can't force her to talk about it either…I guess all I can do is wait and be here for her when she's ready.' Flora internally sighed, her shoulders dropping, a void opening in the pit of her stomach. She hated not being able to help her friend, even if they'd only met a couple of days ago.

"Okay…I'll drop it." Flora sighed.

She stepped back from her roommate's bed and took a good look at her, her lower half was still concealed by her quilt, her upper half, however, was not. Flora surveyed her friend's condition and couldn't help but feel worse for her. Her skin was pale, her top clung to her torso with her sweat so tight she could just make out the shape of her bra. Her hair too clung to her skin, barley blocking her eyes from view. Her eyes were a bloodshot whether from unshed tears or sleep deprivation she didn't know. But one thing was for sure Daphne needed to rest.

The nature fairy raised her hand, her lips parted and she whispered softly "somno immoderateque somnia." (1) Her hand was illuminated with a soft golden glow that flowed from the tips of her fingers to just past the base of her wrist. Daphne seemed to be ignorant of Flora's chant, refusing to so much as, turn her way. The glow soon appeared around Daphne's head. She swayed slightly, her eyelids slowly closing before she fell back. Her head landed on her pillow, her body lightly bouncing on her mattress from the impact of her landing.

Flora watched on for a moment, a small smile upon her face as she watched her roommate enjoy her dreamless sleep. She may have slept for a long time the night before but all that rest was used to restore the magical energy she had expelled during the attack and as such she hadn't received the full rest she actually needed. Her smile fell into a frown when she noticed Daphne was wearing the clothes she'd worn the day before, her gaze fell downwards and assessed her own attire and sure enough she too was wearing the clothes she'd been wearing yesterday.

She turned and briefly glanced around their room, looking for anything that was out of place, for any sign of an intruder having been there. There was nothing, everything was just how they had left it. Well almost nothing. Flora caught sight of a small white object at the end of Daphne's bed, a small triangular shape peeking out and past her bed post.

She approached the object, lowering herself to the floor she picked it up. It was a note, she unfolded the piece of paper and read its content.

Well girls it would appear that you and your friends had one rather exciting night last night. Don't worry about your classes today, I have spoken to your teachers and excused you two from classes for the day in order to recuperate. Your other friends, however, will still be attending lessons as from what I understand of the situation it is one Flora Rosewood who will require more rest this morning and one Daphne Lehane who will require some time alone. If the latter of you requires some psychological aid just come to my office and I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

Headmistress Faragonda

Flora felt a light pressure on her lower lip, she frowned, she hadn't even noticed she had started forcing her teeth against her lip, or the light metallic taste that now caressed her tongue. Her eyes slammed shut as an involuntary shiver shot through her. She wiped her lip, briefly glancing down at her hand to see a light smear of her own blood. She shrugged her shoulders and returned her gaze to the note.

'So the headmistress has taken an interest in Daphne…swell, as if she doesn't have enough problems to contend with already.' Flora internally sighed before placing the letter down on Daphne's dresser so she would find it before resolving to changing her clothes and leaving the room. Deciding since she was excused from her classes she would do something productive with her time. Research the Sacred Flames.

Night came far too quickly. At least that was Bloom's view. As the final dregs of light vanished from Magix she was forced from her slumber. A low groan escaped Bloom's lips. She didn't want to wake up. She wanted to remain asleep and enjoy this feeling for the rest of eternity. The feeling that was the sensation of being complete. A sensation that grew more and more as her mate nestled deeper into her bare breasts as if attempting to become one with her.

Bloom begrudgingly opened her eyes. But she was glad when she did as she was met with the heart-warming sight that was Mirta. Fast asleep. Using her voluptuous breasts as a pillow. Her expression so innocent, so natural it made her instincts scream. She remained as she was, laid on what was supposed to be her side of the bed, watching on in a daze. A small moan escaped the sleeping Fruit Vampire, her body curling up into a small ball as she pushed herself further into Bloom.

'If she pushes me much further she's gonna push me out of the bed.' Bloom mentally chuckled. They remained in silence for several minutes, Mirta sleeping on while Bloom was unable to bring herself to disturb her mate. The silence though was soon shattered by an all too familiar growl. The Blood Drinker immediately mentally cursed her stomach for ruining this moment before. Then again what could she suspect after only eating breakfast the night before. It was no surprise she was hungry.

Bloom felt her body stiffen. Her gaze never leaving Mirta as she started to move. Fearing she had woken her peach before she meant too. But Mirta remained asleep and merely extended her neck, tilting her neck to the side, as if allowing Bloom access. As if she had heard Bloom's stomach announce its discomfort and sought to ease it.

The Blood Drinker found herself captivated by her mate's neck. The skin was so soft. So vulnerable. She licked her rather dry lips. Her irises slowly turning a scarlet shade. Her gaze focusing on her neck to a point where she could make out the pounding of Mirta's pulse in her neck, right beneath the scar that marker Mirta as hers. Bloom felt her mouth filling with saliva as she remembered the sweet taste of Mirta's blood. Remembered the euphoric sensation of the thick, warm liquid gliding down her throat as she drank her.

Her fangs lengthened. Sharpening. Pushing against her lower lip. Her instincts and her stomach screaming at her. She swallowed the saliva and began to inch close to Mirta's neck, her mouth gradually opening as she grew closer and closer. She was met by her delectable scent, the pit in her stomach grew. Soon her fangs scraped the flesh of Mirta's neck. Mirta shivered in her sleep, extending her neck more so. A small smirk spread across Bloom's lips.

The taller redhead pulled back slightly before bestowing a chaste kiss against the scar atop Mirta's neck. A small groan escaped Mirta's lips as she extended her neck further, even going so far as to alter the position of which she slept. Bloom's lips parted once again. She shot forward and buried her fangs deep in Mirta's neck.

Mirta's eyes shot open. A startled scream escaping her lips. A scream that soon turned into moans and groans as Bloom began to drink her. A dark crimson blush quickly spread across Mirta's cheeks, her eyes closed once again though this time for an entirely different reason than to sleep, her breathing became ragged. She felt her nipples press against her bra. A fire ignited within her loins that was quickly growing into an inferno with every drop of her that Bloom drank.

Bloom moaned into Mirta's neck at her taste. The hot, thick liquid filled her mouth and slid down her throat. The fruity flavour mixing with the natural taste of Mirta along with her arousal in her mouth. The flavours. That tastes combining for the most delectable of cocktails.

Mirta moaned into Bloom's ear, spurring her mate to drink her heartily. Mirta felt her hands move on their own accord. Her right hand cupping her right breast, her thumb lightly massaging her nipple while her left hand ever so slowly descended down her body, caressing the side of her breast, her stomach, her thigh before curving inwards and she felt her fingertips caress her lips.

Bloom increased the force of her bite. A silent moan escaped Mirta's lips along with a slight gasp. Her fingers slipped into her folds and discovered the flowing reservoir of her juices, now gushing out of her. The drinking slowed. Mirta couldn't help but groan in protest. Bloom released her neck from her bite. She extended her tongue and licked the full length of Mirta's neck, capturing any and all of the Fruit Vampire's blood that had escaped her. Mirta felt her form shiver once again when she felt Bloom's warm tongue caress her neck, lasting until she had licked her neck clean. She felt her wetness grow as the shivers travelled south. Bloom pulled away and the scar healed itself as it had the first time Bloom had fed on her, when she had claimed her as hers.

Mirta could only look up at Bloom. Her eyes filled with lust as the Blood Drinker reared her head and allowed the blood she had rescued from Mirta's neck slide down her throat. Mirta followed the small bump in her neck as it slithered downwards until it disappeared behind her breasts. Another pleasurable shiver shot through her as she witnessed her mate enjoying her taste.

Mirta continued to gaze at Bloom. Half asleep, half lost in the afterglow of her bite. She took in her naked form, her blood lightly coated Bloom's lips, in a few places it had begun to dribble, coating her chin, sliding down her slender neck before pooling on her breasts. Drawing close to sliding down them too. She watched as Bloom extended her tongue once again, licking her lips and surprisingly her chin too. Mirta felt her brilliant blush deepen and a shiver erupt down below as she briefly considered what else such a tongue would be capable of.

Bloom glanced downwards. Taking notice of her current state, of Mirta's blood now coating her pale flesh, she took her hand and using her index finger collected most of the blood from her neck, leaving a faint smear in its place. She brought the said finger up to her lips before pushing it past them, into her mouth where her tongue swiftly licked it clean. Her hand returned to her neck and she proceeded to repeat the process until she had recovered every drop. Her hands then moved lower, cupping them together she proceeded to collect a small pool of the blood. She quickly drank it from her hands before repeating the process until her breasts were clean. Once the last pool vanished from her hands Bloom proceeded to lick them clean. Very thoroughly. Mirta squirmed in place as she watched her mate lap up her blood like a child would lick honey from there palms and fingers.

"Ohh…you taste absolutely divine." Bloom groaned as she sucked the last of Mirta from her index finger "Perhaps we should make breakfast in bed a regular thing." She giggled. By this point every inch of Mirta's body had its own scarlet blush, she turned over, averting her gaze from her mate.

'Yep. No Feminine modesty. Whatsoever.' Mirta internally sighed.

"Mirta? Are you okay?" Bloom asked, suddenly growing concerned she had overstepped her boundaries by feeding on Mirta when she was asleep.

"Err…yeah I'm fine." Mirta stammered. Bloom rested herself on her elbow on the bed, she reached out and placed a hand on Mirta's shoulder.

"I went too far didn't I?" Bloom sighed, "I'm sorry…it's just I didn't eat a lot yesterday and you just…looked and smelled so good…I couldn't help myself…I'm…" She explained only to be cut off by her mate.

"Don't apologise…we're m…m…mates now. Right? It's only natural for you to feed off me…and it wasn't all that bad." Mirta stammered, if her face hadn't been glowing before it certainly was now. A small sigh escaped Bloom's lips.

"Mirta…it may be common for mates to feed on each other but…but it's not required and it's not exactly hard to see you're not too comfortable with it…I'll slow down…I can wait." Bloom stated, her tone soft, nearly falling over her words as she attempted to correct her mistake and ease the young Fruit Vampire.

The vampiress in question felt a new warmth overcome her. Her heart skipping a beat. She glanced over her shoulder. Bloom wasn't looking at her but at the dark silk sheet of the bed. And for the first since Mirta met her Bloom didn't exert an aura of confidence nor danger and neither power, but rather insecurity and concern. She turned so she was fully facing her mate. She inched closer. Bloom averted her gaze further, still searching for the right words to aid her situation. Mirta shot herself forward. Bringing her arms around her mate. Burying her head in her cleavage as a result as she embraced her.

Bloom's eyes shot open in surprise. Her gaze falling to the patch of red hair nearly between her breasts. This was the last thing she had expected considering how Mirta was acting just seconds ago. She expected to receive the cold shoulder at least. Not a hug.

The door opened.

Bloom's head snapped round as did Mirta's. Both of them stiffening though for entirely different reasons. Mirta from being caught in a rather compromising position. And Bloom…well let's just say she doesn't exactly lack a temper.

"Bloom! You and Mirta better hurry up or you'll miss breakfast." Selina yelled as she burst into the room only to stop and take in the sight before her, the sight of Mirta's face buried into the chest of one very naked Bloom with a fairly familiar scent in the air. "Oh…sorry for interrupting." She stated in an amused tone before backing out of the room again and closing the door.

"Oh Selina you are so dead." Bloom muttered in a dark tone.

"We…err…better get ready." Mirta stammered, quickly scrambling out of bed. She headed over to her wardrobe. Unaware of her current state. Bloom's gaze left the door and followed the mate, quickly picking up on what Mirta had forgotten. Her top clung to her torso with sweat, providing a vivid outline of her bra. Her crimson panties riding up, providing a clear view of her…peaches. Mirta turned to open her dresser, allowing Bloom to see the front of her panties, not only clinging to her crotch, leaving even less to Bloom's perverted imagination, but also revealing just how much she had enjoyed Bloom's wake up call.

A small giggle escaped Bloom's lips. Mirta glanced over to Bloom, a small frown atop her face. She glanced downwards to where Bloom had been looking. Her blush returned with a fiery vengeance, coating her entire body with a healthy glow as she saw the wet patch. A high pitched 'eep' erupted from her as she quickly turned, covering the crotch, bending over slightly and allowing Bloom a very good view of her rear.

Mirta peered over her shoulder after a moment or two only to 'eep' again and cover her rear with both her hands, thrusting out her chest as she did so. Such a pity, that Bloom found herself denied such a sight.

Bloom released a small sigh and proceeded to close her eyes, allowing Mirta her privacy. Once Mirta was sure she wasn't going to peak she set about the task of getting dressed. She removed her soiled underwear, discarding them where she had piled her clothing from the day before, before doing the same with her top and bra. She proceeded to attire herself as quickly as she was able to.

"I'm done." Mirta said in a small tone. Bloom opened her eyes once again. She took in Mirta's appearance; there was a light tinge to her cheeks. She was attired in a black frilly skirt, a white shirt and a black jacket with torn sleeves. Bloom offered her a small smile before slipping out of the bed.

She stood to her full height, not an ounce of shame being felt as she exposed her body. She gracefully approached her own wardrobe and set about the task of getting dressed. She made sure to make each and every movement a slow and deliberate one, she couldn't help but love how her mate responded to such innocent actions.

But despite the amusement she found in the Fruit Vampire's responses the task was soon complete and Bloom was attired in torn black jeans, a strapped ruby shirt that exposed an ample amount of cleavage and a black leather jacket.

"Now what do you say we go get some breakfast?" Bloom proposed, keeping a mental note to teach Selina why it was a bad idea to enter her room without knocking, her territory and an even worse one to interrupt a moment between her and Mirta.

"Uh sure." Mirta replied in her usual small tone.

'Damn. I'm really gonna have to do something about her confidence.' Bloom internally sighed before proceeding to lead the way for the two of them.

It was of little surprise that Selina and Eleanor had decided to go ahead of them. Once the two were sure their other roommates were gone Bloom and Mirta preceded to head down to the dining hall. The hall itself was identical to the night before, numerous tables scattered about, walls lined with tables filled with particular dishes, the windows concealed by blackout curtains. The sound of mixed conversations filled the air.

"What do you say we eat alone tonight?" Bloom offered, Mirta's cheeks once again fell victim to a light blush.

"Uh, okay." Mirta replied.

"Okay, why don't we go get some breakfast and then I'll find us a table." Bloom proposed, the shorter vampiress responded with a slight nod before heading off towards the tables filled with fruits while Bloom headed over to the tables filled with raw meats and blood at an accelerated rate.

"And once again not a scrap of human meat…not even a drop of human blood either." Bloom sighed before proceeding to place a bloody steak onto her table before lathering it in pig's blood. She grabbed a handful of sugar packets before turning away and quickly locating a well-hidden table with two seats, taking note that Selina and Eleanor had opted to take a similar choice. Taking up a table seating only two in an obscure spot.

'So she's decided to give me time to cool off…wise choice but trust me, it ain't gonna work!' She internally snarled before taking her seat. When Mirta started to retreat from the table Bloom waved her over, ensuring that the Fruit Vampire could actually find her without any difficulty.

Mirta took the seat opposite Bloom, placing her plate down in front of her, filled with an assortment of peaches, strawberries and grapes.

"So…err…what should we do about Selina…she probably got the wrong idea when she…" Mirta began.

"Don't know worry about her Mirta. Trust me I will resolve the issue. Tonight. Her and I have Combat 101 later (2)." Bloom explained with a small yet dark smirk, her irises illuminating with scarlet glow, the whites of her eyes consumed by darkness. Mirta's eyes widened as she took in the subtle but rather dramatic change to her mate's eyes, she admittedly had looked scary enough with just red eyes but now, she was terrifying. Her smirk grew, revealing her rather pointed fangs.

"Don't you think attacking her is a little overkill?" Mirta questioned.

"Nope, not at all." She replied with a dark smirk "In fact…after the way grew up anything short of beating her to a pulp would an insult." She smirked. Mirta's eyes widened further.

'Is this really how rivalries work with Blood Drinkers?' She mentally questioned, sure she had learned long ago about the differences of the subspecies that humans referred to as vampires. She knew how territorial, how strong and downright demonic Blood Drinkers could be. But actually seeing it happening before her eyes was an entirely different story.

A/N Was going to be longer but felt this was enough for the chapter, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and please review. The more of you who review the quicker I'll write the next chapter and trust me when I say things will be picking up soon, just be patient.

(1) Latin in google translate for 'sleep without dreams'.

(2) Each subspecies of vampire are usually kept in the same classes, especially when it comes to physical classes due to their physical biology so since Bloom has Combat 101 it's safe to say so will Selina.