"We'll get the ship and take out that energy dome thingy. Stall for time," I stated, starting to walk away. I paused. "But, you know, you gotta, like -make it look good," I finished, before running out of the area. "Oh, I'll make it look real good..." Gamora stated.

Rushing towards the edge of the dome, I looked it up and down. "Oookkayyy... Ideas?" I said turning. "How do we get around this?" I jerked my thumb towards the dome.

"Whoa!" I suddenly yelped, as Rocket aimed one of his guns towards me and shot. Dunking, the blast hit the dome and bounced off. I coked an eyebrow at Rocket. "Really?"

"Eh," he shrugged. "Force of habit." He looked up as Groot touched his shoulder.

We were in the Conjunction Arena, of the space station Conjunction, the place I had once hoped to easily get a Pandorian Crystal from my old contact, Lunatik. But due to us crashing, needing new parts for my ship, getting in a fight with Lunatik and Lucy, Rocket betting on my ship and losing, and the fact that the Grandmaster had set this all up to see Gamora and Drax fight..., well it wasn't off to a great start. And now that we were stuck trying to get past the Grandmaster's energy dome that was forcing Gamora and Drax to fight, get my ship back, and stop the Grandmaster... well, this just wasn't my day.

"I am Groot," Groot said, bending down and ripping up the dirt of the arena. "I am Groot."

"Yeeaah," I said. " Underground works too."

Leaping down into what looked like an old abandoned cement- floored hallway, Rocket said, "Alright buddy. Lead us to my ship."

I was quick to react. "You mean my ship? That you gambled on without my permission!?"

Rocket was quick to snap back. "Your ship?! I fixed up over half of that junker! By now, it's more mine than yours!"

"It is not!"

"I am Groot," Groot muttered, walking off, completely ignoring us. "Hey! Wait!"


The lights flicked as we approached the hallway's intersection. "Where to now Groot?" I muttered. All around us was very dim light and water dripping off of old ripped up or broken pips, with silence echoing in our ears, with the exception of the drip drops of the water and the constant flickering. "I am Groot," Groot said , pointing towards the hallway on the left and walking into it. Rocket and I followed in pursuit. I mentally groaned at the silence. "It's too quiet," I thought as I mentally cursed myself for leaving my Walkman behind. (I had been secretly terrified Lunatik that would had tried to break it, again. ) Trying to pinpoint some noise, I got distracted in listening to the sound to the water. I was secretly humming a song to the beat of the water ,when the lights flickered again and I noticed it. Off to the side in the corner, was a ripped up old black journal. Bending down, I noticed that though it had noticeably been down here for years, with it's water soaked, faded, ripped up, broken lock, and slightly destroyed outside and inside, that you could still barely read the title. It read:


The journal track record of Subject 89P13

My eyes widened. "What the hell?" I muttered. Rocket turned. "You say something Quill?" "Hu-wha- no," I said, sliding the journal into one of my jacket's pockets and racing to catch up to them. I'll have to save that for later.