And now! The chapter that everyone has been waiting for! That's right! It's the epilogue! (Insert party noises here). I want to thank each and every one of you for your support in the story. If it weren't for you, this story wouldn't have made it to the end.
And at the end of this story which is this chapter, I'll explain what I'm doing next.
Thor94: You're not the only one who can't wait, I've been eager to do this one forever!
Animeandgamerlover2: Thanks!
James2ds3: Don't worry, I didn't forget!
Fanfic Tache: Chapter 11 was going be the final and only appearance of the Team Rocket trio, but then you gave me an idea.
Brinow: Glad you like it!
God of the Challenge: Well now that you told me and I can understand a bit better, I thought up a scenario in which to put it in.
Guest: I'm gonna have to be pretty creative with their fates, and if I could PM guests, I would tell you what type of fanfic I'm doing. But I can't, so all will be revealed at the end of this chapter.
Pokémon and the song in this don't belong to me.
"This trial is now in session!" the judge's voice ran through the court room. "Samuel Oak, you are charged with murder, Pokémon abuse, kidnapping, and many other numerous charges. How do you plead?" The judge did the usual speech that judges do and turned to The Hated One who was sulking in his seat.
"...not guilty," he said after a minute of silence. Everyone in the room laughed hysterically until a man burst in looking angry.
"LEAVE PROFESSOR OAK ALONE!" he screamed in anger. Many more appeared shouting at the judge while Oak had a sneer on his face. But that turned into shock and anger when he saw Ash pull a device out of his jacket.
"Looking for this?" he taunted, causing The Hated One's face to turn red from rage. Ash crushed the stone in his hand. The intruders and many other people around the world were freed from the brainwashing that Oak put on them. Ash used this moment to insert the information of what Oak's been doing to the dazed protesters who looked very angry when Ash was done.
"BURN THE WOOD!" shouted a familiar protester who Ash recognised as Paul.
"STOP THE VOILENCE!" someone else shouted giving the judge a look that said: "GET ON WITH IT!"
"END THIS NOW!" a priest shouted and that was all the judge needed to hear.
"Order in the court! ORDER IN THE COURT!" he shouted banging his gavel and almost instantly, everyone shut up immediately and listened in anticipation.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," he glared at the former brainwashed people as he said this. "Ash Ketchum, second ruler of the universe has agreed to share his memories with us of what Oak has done with his life. Mr Ketchum, if you please," the judge rambled on making everyone extremely happy that he finally stopped talking. Ash used his powers to recreate what Oak and his lap dogs did to him. When it was done, everyone was outraged and the result was clear.
"Samuel Oak, in response to your crimes against the world, we have brought back the death penalty especially for you. How you die and your servant's fates shall be entirely up to Mr. Ketchum." The judge decided, slamming his gavel and Ash teleported himself along with Oak to avoid being mobbed.
In mid teleport, Oak asked a question that would devastate him. "Where are you taking me?" was the question that came out of his mouth that proved to be a massive mistake.
"A place to hold you, I have a few errands that need taking of." Oak found himself a high maximum security jail cell while Ash went to do his business.
Ash's business was of course, taking care of the traitors and after talking with Goodshow, he set them free and made their lives a living hell.
Brock was the first to fall. After being set free, he lost his title as Gym Leader and breeder, was disowned by his relatives, and was hated and called rude names by men, while girls ran away or vomited the instant they saw him, which drove the disgraced man crazy. Eventually, he somehow managed to get a date. The only problem was that Ash was watching Brock take his date in a restaurant and with the help of Uxie, he made the extremely lucky man blurt out how he wants to take his date home to his zero-star apartment and keep her. This resulted him in being punched by the men and slapped by the women in the entire restaurant. However a man who was Brock's date's tricked boyfriend, came in looking extremely angry and punched him so hard, he hit his head and until the day he died, he lived in his horrible apartment and developed a phobia of women, making him wet himself whenever he saw one.
Misty was one of the worst to suffer. She lost her Gym Leader status, was rejected by her sisters, and was sentenced to a lifetime of community service in the Viridian Forest. Due to her fear of bugs, this didn't go well with her and eventually, she snapped. Ash was watching her when she was attacking the bugs in the forest, so he sent a word to the police who brought all the bug Pokémon they could gather. Misty was not happy and she was arrested for trying to attack them which obviously failed and she earned herself 25 years in prison. Reports vary on how she died, some say she died in prison while others claim she died when she got out. No one knows for sure.
Tracey the silent received more or less the same rejection as his friends. He had his job as Pokémon sketcher removed and his home was sold to a person who had his Pokémon stalked by him. He was pissed and tried to break into a law enforcement building to steal the house's document to get his sanctuary back. But thanks to Ash who set off the alarms, he failed and was put in prison in the visitor's section where he was stared at, which drove him insane. He was said to have died in the desert because the guards couldn't put up with his ramblings any longer.
The little pip-squeak Max was disowned by his parents and was shipped to juvenile detention for five years. When he was released, he saw a trainer winning a battle and accused him of cheating. When the trainer denied that he wasn't, Max challenged him and lost making him madder than he had ever been before. As if that wasn't enough, Ash sent a report to an orphanage that came and took him in. Due to his crimes, he got adopted by a very poor family whom he continues to live with to this day.
At long last, Dawn was on the receiving end of all the abuse she had given to dirty people. Disowned by her mother and her clothes filthy, she suffered regular hate from everyone as well as losing her coordinator licence. Eventually, the hate turned into attacks so she fled to the country where she lived in rags, until she died.
Iris was a bad one. She was banished her from the Village of Dragons which labelled her a disgrace among all dragons. She refused to be thrown out like trash and tried to battle her way up to glory. Needless to say, that didn't work and thanks to Ash, she was banished into the wild where the Pokémon ran away from her as soon as they saw her. It took a very long time to realise her mistakes and by the time she did, she was living in a cave with nobody to visit until she expired.
Cilan was disowned by his brothers and lost his job as chef. Like Iris, he didn't know when to give up and this ended up in his dishes being blacklisted by the government. He set up an unsuccessful backstreet shop where he sold food made of... unnatural things like sawdust and other horrible things. He never sold a single item and to this day, his cause of death remains unknown.
Clemont was disowned by his father and lost his job as Gym Leader. He was forced to live in an abandoned house with no money. Eventually after five years, he received the remains of the Clembot which had been dismantled for parts. This made him sneak into his old home to get his money and parts back, but he was blabbed on. Not by Ash, but by the Team Rocket trio who wanted to get revenge for their mistreatment. They told the police and they were quick to arrest him and put him in an underground prison where he died of unknown means. The Team Rocket Trio served the police until they died from old age.
For Bonnie, Ash put her in one of her underground cells where he made an android version of her which served as cleaning lady in the Battle Chateau. Even then, she is taunted and labelled a murderer by passersbys. The real Bonnie was never found.
Serena was disowned by her mother and was ganged up on by various boys, who told her to stay away from them for as long as she lived. She was bashed even more by families that had their heirlooms and money stolen by her who stole HER money and other needs. She had nowhere to go; even charities refused to help her. She was found dead in a garbage can searching for food, some of the food had expired.
Gary was seen as disgrace and a over-arrogant kid. He was disowned by his parents and went missing to this day.
Now about Oak; when Ash was done delivering justice, it was time for The Hated One to be executed. He found him in his cell and teleported him to the same cave where his plan to kill Ash failed. Ash also summoned all his life's work and put them next to gas cans and some had spilt. As soon as Oak hit the ground, he was soaked to the brim with gasoline.
"Goodbye," Ash said firing a Fire Blast at the cave making it explode along with Oak and his 'achievements'. Ash found it slightly amusing as Oak tried to burn him alive as well, only Ash made him explode.
As soon as Oak died, there was massive celebration in the entire world. People and Pokémon alike were partying over the death of the Hated One. Somebody actually bothered to put a funereal, but nobody attended so the priest started celebrating along with his monks.
When Ash got back, he was applauded with cheers and blesses from all the legends.
"It is done! The Hated One is dead! We can now live in peace!" he shouted and everyone was looking forward to a live of peace and solitude.
"Time for bed Barty!" Ash called out to his son who was playing with Pikachu and Lunatone in the gardens.
"But dad!" Barty started, but Ash cut him off.
"Bartemius! We're going to see Mr. Funshow tomorrow! You must save your energy!" Ash ordered with Barty coming to his side while Pikachu and Lunatone said their goodbyes and went away.
As Ash walked Barty back to his room, he couldn't help but think how much has changed. He used his powers to give May a second life as she lives happily with Manaphy in her room, but she still goes to visit her parents so as not to worry them. Ash was upset at the death of Goodshow, but he couldn't use his powers as they needed to recharge because he died a few minutes after May lost her first life. But he was uplifted by Goodshow's son who went by the name of Mr. Funshow, who told Ash it was fine as he was sick for some time and he would do him proud. Something which Ash liked him for.
Eventually, they reached Barty's room where the younger Arceus jumped into his bed while his father put the blankets on him while singing his favourite song which he heard from a story that Ash told him.
I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside.
But thick as you are, Pay attention. My words are a matter of pride.
It's clear from you vacant expressions; the lights are not all on upstairs.
But we're talking kings and successions, Even you can't be caught unaware.
By this point, Barty had started to doze off and Ash sung a bit more quietly.
So prepare for a chance of a lifetime.
Be prepared for sensational news.
A shining new era is tiptoeing near.
Barty was now fully asleep and so Ash left him in dreamland. As he went for his room where Arceus was waiting for him, he passed by May and Manaphy who greeted him and left for their room as they were tired as well. He smiled at how they haven't changed a bit. Eventually he reached the room of wonders where Arceus was waiting for him.
"I thought you were never going to come," she said jokingly.
"I was thinking how much has changed, I'm definitely not the same naive little boy I was before," Ash replied.
"I know, it's like you're a completely different person or Pokémon," Arceus said with a bit of confusion as what to call her lover.
"I know, it's been 10 years since Barty was born..." Ash responded and they went into a wonderful dream together, a world of peace inhabiting the world underneath them.
This is Wrath of the Chosen One completed! I am absolutely amazed at all of your support. Thanks.
If you think I'm being too harsh on the traitors, I have one response: they did grizzly things, so I made them suffer grizzly deaths.
And for God of the Challenge: I got the right song this time, I hope you like it.
Now as for what I'm going to do next, I plan on doing a crossover. I had two options, but I settled on one at long last. It is...
Pokémon with Fire Emblem Awakening.
I love this game so much, and I thought to combine it with one of my all time favourite games. In this, I plan on having an OC get stuck in Ylisse and he (that's a first) and his Pokémon have to fight with the Shepherds, in order to find out why he got there. I know there are two fics on this topic already (one of which is abandoned), but I thought: why not join in and make my own?
If you follow me, I'll see you then!