Another story. This time, about the dreading days of heat season in Ponyville. You're in for one hell of a trip. Enjoy!

Day 1.

It's official. The annual Heat Season has begun once again. While it may be a paradise to mares, it's a living hell for stallions.

I'm Shadow Cloud. All you need to know is I'm a Unicorn. I'm jet black, with dark blue eyes, and a blueprint as a cutie mark. Yes, I'm a construction worker, if you haven't realized it. Thankfully, my boss told all of us to avoid staying outside for too long and we don't have work for the next month.

After I boarded up the windows, and even laying down black paint on the windows to make it a mere illusion there's no one home, I trotted to the living room and sat on the couch.

So far, there's no activity outside my house. In hopes any mares won't come snooping by my house, I left a note, simply saying I'm gone for a month. Hopefully, it works. Now, what to do for the next month can be a challenge. I decided to just sit on the couch to relax and think on what to do. But sadly, that relaxation evolved into me dozing off.


I awoke to the sound of somepony yelling for help. But I ignored it. It's every stallion for themselves during this event.

And, jeez. I fell asleep, which is something you do NOT want to do. It doesn't matter how highly secured your home is, the mares won't give up on you once they found you, or another stallion comes into sight. I sat there, laying on the couch on high alert to hear any sound from anywhere throughout the house.

I heard banging at the door, and I stopped moving. I heard "PLEASE, LET ME IN!" or "I NEED HELP!" I don't care who it was. If they had any indication I am home, I'm fucked. Especially if there are a pack of mares sitting outside my house. There were a few more bangs until I heard "GET HIM!", which followed with screaming afterwards outside my door. Those damn mares never give up do they?

After a few moments, I was relieved to hear nothing. I let out a sigh of relief. That is, until I heard pounding on my door. I jumped immediately off the couch and onto the floor with a 'thud'.

I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm SO FUCKED! I quietly exited the living room, and into the kitchen while the pounding continued. I quickly hid underneath the sink, in hopes the pounding will reside. While that was going on, I heard things that made my blood go cold.

"I KNOW a stallion's in here! I can smell him!"

"I can smell a stallion in this house!"

"Come out, there's no point in hiding anymore!"

"Break down the door!"

I then heard the front door break off its hinges, which made me froze. And it didn't help the back door was off its hinges as well. The sounds of the wood snapping in half was the only sound that filled my ears. I was beyond terrified at this point.

3rd POV

While underneath the sink, Shadow went invisible, in hopes they can't detect him. For a while, mares were looking top to bottom throughout the entire house, even checking the cabinets, and the most unlikely of places for anypony to fit in hopes to find him. Shadow went pale when they opened underneath the sink. But luckily, they didn't detect anything, not even the hormones. Some were claiming they found him, but were met with disappointment he wasn't there.

Eventually, they gave up. One of them said to move out of the house. When another stallion came into view, being terrified. One of the mares spotted him, and shouted "THERE'S A STALLION OVER HERE! GET HIM!" And all left the house, via the back door to chase the lone stallion.

Shadow's POV

After I didn't hear anything, I slowly peeked out from underneath the sink. Okay. Coast is clear. I let out another sigh of relief and disabled the invisibility spell.

I observed the damages. Besides the doors being broken off its hinges, and stuff thrown off the shelves, everything was fine. It was then I realized I can't stay here. Those mares will be back eventually, and then where will I hide?

With that, I quickly grabbed my saddlebags, filled it up with things I will definitely need, and checked if it's clear before heading out.

While I was walking, I noticed the streets were empty. The businesses were deserted, every house has been broken into, and there were a lot of long hoofmarks on the roads. Probably from the stallions being dragged away. I also felt like I was being watched, which didn't help the fact that I was already on high alert.

I was debating in my head if I should teleport or not. Well, let's see, I know Twilight went into a deep sleep to avoid having an unexpected pregnancy, so I don't have to worry about her. And I'm pretty sure Celestia and Luna don't go into heat, at least I pray they don't. can't imagine trying to run away from them. I decided not to for now, and continued walking through the deserted market place, looking for anything useful.

Rarity's POV

I was wandering around, desperately trying to find some stallion.

'Oh, I can't stand this anymore. I need a strong stallion to rut me until this gets worse. Ooh, I definitely can't stand this anymo-.' I stopped when I noticed this lone black stallion at the market place.

'What's this? A lone stallion in the market place? Ooooh, he looks strong and handsome. I bet he would love to rut me. What stallion could resist me? My beautiful looks have never failed me. Oh, I would have him make love to me, whether he likes it or not.' I then began to make her way over there, while this unknown stallion was looking around.

Shadow's POV

As I was looking at the stalls, I can't shake the feeling someone's watching me. I tried to ignore the feeling, but during an event like this, it's almost always someone's watching.

Okay, I'm getting uncomfortable. I can guarantee you someone's following me. I looked around my surrounding but found no one there. As I turned around, I see two eyes staring at me.

"AHHH!" I fell backwards, and looked up at who could that be. It was… Oh god, no. It's Rarity. And it didn't help her eyes were dilated. My breathing increased as I continued to look at her. I mentally freaked out.

"Why, hello darling." She said, seductively. "I couldn't help but notice you all alone out here, and I thought I give you some company."

I couldn't help but notice she wasn't even looking at me. Nope, she was staring at my junk below. But, a few moments later, she closed her eyes. Why? I didn't care. Seeing this opportunity, I ran like hell away from Rarity.

Rarity's POV

'This is it Rarity, you have the stallion right before your eyes. All you need to do is lure him right back to-' I opened her eyes, only to realize he was gone. 'Aw, damn it Rarity. You done it again.'

Shadow's POV

I continued to run, until I reached the entrance to the Everfree Forest. I then heard Rarity behind me, saying "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME! I WILL FIND YOU!". How am I going to escape? Maybe, the Everfree Forest would be my best bet. With that, I bolted along the path, and into the Everfree.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I was flying around, just looking for my favorite sleeping spot. I was trying to sleep my sexual urges away, but it didn't work. However, I will not quit looking for a stallion.

All of a sudden, I heard somepony yelling "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME! I WILL FIND YOU!" I turned to find the source being Rarity yelling, and, 'GASP.'

And just my luck. I saw this sexy stallion running on the trail. Oooh, I could smell its hormones from here, oooh, it's making me horny. Immediately, my body didn't need any sleep, for it now desires something else. Yep, it's a lone stallion, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. I flew after him immediately. I'm not letting him get away.

Rarity's POV

I was about to run after him, when I noticed Rainbow Dash flew straight toward him. No, no, no, NO. I'm not letting Rainbow have this stallion to herself. I ran straight towards Rainbow's direction.

Shadow's POV

I continued to run until I couldn't see Ponyville behind me anymore. Damn it, now I have Rarity chasing me, and Celestia knows she might have warned others about my presence.

I stopped in a small clearing, trying to catch my breath until I realized something. Although I'm far from Rarity by now or anypony for that matter, I have something else to worry about. I FORGOT MY SADDLEBAGS! Damn it. I had everything in there that I needed for this terrifying event. And now I'm left with nothing. I swear, my day can't get any wo-.

I didn't even finish what I was saying when I was suddenly tackled to the ground by somepony. Whoever this pony was, this pony had on hell of a grip that's so strong, I couldn't even move. For a moment, I thought it was some scared stallion running away, looking for cover, and accidently hit me on the ground. But, that thought was blown away the second I heard the voice I dreaded the most.

"Hey stud" Rainbow said lustfully, while having me still pinned to the ground. "Do you want to have a little race with me?"

"Ah, no." I said, struggling underneath her. I'm getting extremely nervous and terrified, due to me feeling her sopping wet pussy below me. "Can you please get off of me?" I struggled even more. Rainbow seemed displeased by my actions.

"Aw, but why would I do that?" She said, playfully. "All I asked for is a little race. Unless, you want to cut to the prize." The moment she said that, she grinded her rear end on my left leg slowly, soaking my leg in her juices as she moaned to herself in pleasure. She continued to do this until she said playfully.

"You're missing out." She said while still rubbing her pussy against my leg. I got very uncomfortable, but there was nothing I can do. My muscles were burning from running far, so pushing her off won't help. And I've seen how fast she flies while doing weather patrol. So, there's NO way I'm outrunning her.

So, I sat there, staring at the trees while she continues to pleasure herself on my leg. Even though it was very awkward for me, she was screaming up to the heavens, and I'd rather not bother her as she was in her own fantasy. Her moans filled the air as she increased speed in humping my leg, while I wasn't enjoying a single second of it. Eventually, she screamed and climaxed and a few moments later, heard soft snoring.

I looked over, and saw here on her side, snoring peacefully with a soft smile. With this, I slowly got up, since her rump was still touching my leg, got up and walked away quietly. I found the trees quite more interesting than the awkward humping Rainbow was giving me.

Alright, I'm going to have my leg smell for a long time, but at least I didn't lose my virginity. That was good enough. I continued to walk through the Everfree forest until I just realized something.

I'm a unicorn for god's sake. All this time, I completely forgot I was a unicorn, and I didn't even realize it. I teleported all of my items to me. Alright, now that I have everything, I should be good for the next few weeks. In fact, I was so focused on what happened a few minutes ago that I didn't even realized it was getting dark. I spotted another opening with the Everfree surrounding the clearing. I didn't want to go any further, so I placed my saddlebags down on the grass and rested my head on it. And before you know it, I was out like a light.