I'm Still Alone

Chapter 10: Bad Endings and New Beginnings


October 4, 2015, 8:30 PM

Maybe, Darling Academy wouldn't be so bad. Pitch shook the Headmaster's hands and walked off the field. Jack was sure, that if Pitch had a plan, he had a total set back. After tryouts, Jack walked back to the boy's locker rooms and dressed back into his uniform. He met Elsa and the other Headmasters outside the Gym. Elsa and Headmistress Darling went to her office to discuss something, (most likely plans for the lacrosse tryouts) while Jack followed Headmaster North to his office. The office seemed more cozy that Ms. Darling for sure, most likely it was because of the cackling fire and the homemade cookies and milk siting everywhere.

"Mr. Frost, did you see me pointing to your wooden snowflake?" Mr. North replied as he sat down.

Jack rolled his eyes, "Yes I did." Still standing.

"It was because it was glowing." Mr. North smiled.

Jack raised his eyebrow and pulled out his wooden snowflake from under his dress shirt. It wasn't glowing but something had changed about it. On one of the wings of the flake a word was written.

"Mr. North I can't read it what does it say?" Jack asked.

"Ah, looks like, Mischievous." Mr. North Smiled.

"Thank you. Headmaster." Jack smiled.

"I did nothing, you however stood up to Pitch, your father would be very proud."

Jack was puzzled, "Wait, you knew my father?"

Headmaster North smiled. "You should correct that, I never KNEW your father, I KNOW your father. You must be starving, go on ahead to the Mess Hall."

Jack's eyes were widened with surprise. He shook his head, clutching his wooden snowflake, "Wait, you know my father?"

"I believe I have already said that Mr. Frost."

"Who is he? Where is he? How do you know him?" Jack slammed his hand on the desk.

"I cannot tell you any of that, but you look a lot like him." Mr. North smiled.

"The only thing different from you and your father are your eyes." Mr. North continued.

Jack instinctively went up to his eyes, he knew they were icy-blue, but he had always hated his eyes, how they were sunken-in, and it made him hate the color blue.

"You have your mother's eyes." Headmaster North smiled.

"I swear I would have called you Robert if your eyes were not blue." Headmaster North continued on.

Jack paused, "Robert? That's his name?"

"I said nothing Mr. Frost." Mr. North winked.

Just then, Ms. Darling knocked on the door, "Headmaster we must discuss the schedule for American Football, can I come in?"

"Yes of course, Headmistress Darling."

Ms. Darling walked on it, her eyes widened when she saw Jack.

"Headmistress, Mr. Frost was just leaving."

Jack turned to Headmaster North, he wanted to know more about his father, but the look on North told him otherwise. "Umm…Right."

With that Jack ran out of Mr. North's office, but he wasn't hungry. Jack ran all the way past the boy's dormitories. He could've sworn he saw Flynn and Rapunzel as he flew past the many people. He ran all the way to the courtyard, it was Pitch Black outside, but Jack didn't care. Breathing heavily, he came upon a cherry blossom tree, it was out of season so there were no blossoms, but he had sworn he had seen it before.

To tired to walk any father, Jack sat under the tree in the darkness. Trying to calm himself, he pulled out his wooden snowflake. The words on it seemed to glow in the darkness. He rested his head against the tree. 'North knows my father? Why didn't he tell me? Why can't he tell me all about him?' he thought. Then there was the subject of Pitch, Jack seriously doubted that he could do any of that to Elsa, they aren't engaged anymore. However, he believed that Elsa's parents and Pitch's where seriously rich, that's how they got into that mess. The only reason why Jack at that point wanted to help Elsa was because she had a reason to live and people to live for. Jack was only living to find his parents tell them what he had been through, and kill himself. He didn't care about anyone else.

Jack sighed, "If my friends in New York saw me now…" he muttered to himself.

Just then, behind him, he heard shoveling behind the tree. He pulled himself up and walked around the tree. In the darkness, he saw a shadow-looking figure of a girl, not just any girl.

"Elsa?" Jack spoke.

The figure stood up, "The one and only…"

Jack looked closer to Elsa; she looked like she had been crying.

"Elsa what are you doing out here?" Jack asked considered.

She sniffled, "I should ask the same about you! No students are allowed out of their dormitories unless an adult has accompanied them or they have a note from an authority!" She stammered.

Jack rolled his eyes, "Okay you caught me, what are you doing outside?" Jack asked.

"You first." Elsa spoke.

Jack sighed, "I just found out that the Headmaster knows my father."

Jack could barely see the expression on Elsa's face, but she seemed calm.

"I see…" she spoke.

Jack raised an eyebrow, "Wait. Did you know that?"

"Know what?" Elsa replied.

"That Headmaster North knows my father." Jack pressed on.

"No, Course not!" Elsa stammered.

"Then why are you so calm?" Jack asked.

"Because I am happy for you." Elsa spoke.

"What?" Jack scowled.

"I know that you've wanted to find your parents, I'm glad you have some new discoveries about your family." Elsa smiled.

"Oh, thanks." Jack muttered.

Elsa frowned, "Ms. Darling and my parents are fighting."

Jack cocked his head, "About what?"

"Me and Pitch's engagement, my parents are still forcing me to marry him someday." Elsa frowned.

Jack was stunned; it was odd for Elsa to speak so openly. Jack was a little surprised himself when he told Elsa about his father. There was just something about Elsa that calmed him it helped him think clearly.

"Wait, even after all he has done to you?" Jack frowned.

"Umm…yea." Elsa explained.

"They also don't want me to hang out with…with…" Elsa stammered.

"With me?" Jack figured out what was going on. He gets to be captain of the lacrosse team and Elsa suffers for it.

"Yea… Ms. Darling is standing up for you, however, with your background, they don't want you and me to hang out." Elsa spoke.

Jack shook his head, "So? We never hang out anyway, the only time we see each other will be in class and at lacrosse practice."

Elsa lifted her face up; Jack could literally see the gears turning in her head again. "Yea, my parents have nothing to worry about."

Jack nodded, "What about Pitch?"

Elsa signed, her British accent kicked in, "I reckon that he will come after me again."

Jack then got the best and most possible worst idea in his head, " What if we…um…date…"

Elsa flipped her head up at Jack. "What?"

Jack panicked, "I mean like fake date, it will keep Pitch out of the way, and I can meet your parents and, if I act like a gentleman, they will stop forcing you to stay away from me." Jack rubbed his hand through his hair.


October 4, 2015, 9:00 PM

Jack must have been an idiot or a genius at that point. Elsa only stared at him in disbelief. She hated herself that she opened up to him so easily, but she owed him. Now Jack was offering help again? I thought he hated her, Elsa definitely hated him at first, but now… she had no idea.

"Ok, but first you need to answer one question." Elsa put a hand on her hip.

"Ok, sure." Jack shrugged.

"Why are you helping me? I thought you hated me." Elsa spoke.


Elsa had caught Jack off guard, but she wanted to know, "Well?"

"Why are you so open to me all of the sudden?" Jack asked.

'Damn it.' Elsa mentally slapped herself.

"Because I owed you one for saving me…so I spoke openly." Elsa defended.

"Ok, I'm helping you because…"


"You have a reason to live, people to live for, and some stupid guy is forcing you to marry him! Your parents cannot force you to do that, because it's your life. Your parents have their own." Jack spoke up dominantly.

Elsa was stunned, she remembered when she tried to kill herself, but now she knew she wanted to live. However, Elsa thought Jack didn't care about that. She still has to go to daily visits to the nurse and once a year she needs to go to a doctor, but she knew that she wanted to live for herself and her friends and family. Why would Jack care about those things?

"Ok…so Boyfriend?" Elsa smirked and held out her hand.

Jack shook it, "Girlfriend." Smirking back.

"Ok, so lets set some boundaries." Elsa spoke up.

"Ok, like."

"We can hold hands and hug, but no… kissing..." Elsa murmured.

"Yea, totally." Jack agreed.

"Oh by the way…" Jack asked.


"Have you ever…kissed anyone?" Jack asked.

Elsa most likely by now had been bright red; she could see that this was embarrassing for Jack as well.

"No. I haven't even kissed Pitch yet." Elsa spoke up. "Have you?"

"Huh? Umm…No. I haven't." Jack turned his head the other direction.

"Oh, ok." Elsa said.

Elsa cleared her voice, "Now, Mr. Frost it is late, and you are out of the dormitories! Get to bed now! Before I call the Headmistress!" Elsa yelled smiling.

Jack turned to Elsa; he smirked, "Alright! All right! Goodnight, Snow Queen." Jack smirked.

"Night, Captain Frost. NOW GO!" Elsa smiled.

Idk...honestly...I needed to get the story to move on faster...so I hope you liked it! Sorry for such a short chapter...I NEED MORE IDEAS! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! also I would like to thank BattyBigSister for helping me edit my chapters! I seriously need to give you more credit for what you do for me! Thank you so much! I tried and edit my chapters after your advice then i sorta give up cause, I have to do something stupid for school or something... ANYWAY...I DON'T THINK I'LL BE UPDATING ANYTIME SOON UNLESS I GET A BRILLIANT IDEA. OH I HATE WRITERS BLOCK...
