Based on the moment in the IDW comics issue #32 where Leo holds his sword over Koya. Everyone watches in silence as Leo holds his sword over her.
There's no way to stop time, but sometimes you can pretend there is.
Emotions brush past him, biting cold like winter bites the passing autumn. Everything ends. His emotions are no expectation, they go with the wind. There's no reason to try and stop them from going.
Like the trees around, he's stripped off of everything. A falling leaf touches his arm, reminding him of that.
Of course he's got back what he lost, now, but it's hard to forgive how it felt to lose it. Losing himself and drifting away from his family had meant losing it all. It feels like he'll never fully have back what he once had, the trust of his family, the love of his family. It feels like things won't go back to the way they were. When a leaf falls, you can't just glue it back to the branch it fell from. It's the same with Leonardo.
It won't take long for snow to swallow the land. It won't be long now before the ground is white. Purified.
He knows the winter will hide all his sins. It'll never be cold enough to erase them, so it'll only hide them. They'll pretend everything's okay. The glue will hold.
The falling leaves make no sound. It' quiet. Everyone holds their breath.
Expect for Leo. There's no reason. The leaves fall, the wind blows. He breathes and holds his sword over his head. Everything is in order.
When the spring comes, well, when it comes, it must feel nice. For those who have nothing to hide when the snow melts.
In the spring, his sins won't be hidden anymore. Maybe this moment is already Leo's spring. Another leaf falls and his grip tightens.
It would be alright to do it. It would be alright to have a winter without snow.
He lowers his sword, and with it he lowers the expectations. They all expected him to do it.
It hurts; they're not disappointed and it hurts. Leo himself is. It's hard to put the sword down, but Leonardo knows that it's not spring yet.
He hopes for a long winter. Maybe they could all pretend that time could be stopped, so that the spring would never come. Because when it comes, Leo knows that they'll realize the glue won't hold.
It's better when it snows. It's better to pretend that once you've lifted your sword it's possible to put it back down completely. The truth is it needs to be pried from his cold, dead hands. But his family doesn't understand that. They don't understand how easy it is to hold the sword.
Leo looks at the falling leaves, feeling jealous.
How nice it would be to let yourself fall freely. Nobody tries to hold the leaves back when they fall. Everybody expects them to fall.
And maybe that, too, is the case with Leo. He's expected to fall.
The truth is he already did.
It won't be until spring that they notice.