HEY! ANOTHER MARAUDER'S FIC HERE! I guess when I said at the start that some of my fics might not be Harry Potter I lied. :D Anyway this for the Sims 3 Progression Challenge. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, just the story.



James was grumpy. Lily had finally agreed to go out with him. The date was going perfectly, and then the dog showed up. Lily was petting the dog and squealing and cooing over him. But James recognised the dog. And he wasn't going to be petting and squealing and cooing.

Lily looked up at James, and the dog looked up too, looking at James with innocent adorable eyes.

"Isn't he cute, James? He's so adorable and friendly!"

James tried to glare subtly at the dog. "I've seen him quite a few times before actually. Always around here. He loves Remus."

Lily giggled. "He's so friendly. I'm surprised I've never seen him before! What do you call him?"

James blanched and tried to come up with something. "Ummm… Snuffles. We call him Snuffles."

The dog growled and stepped on James' foot. Lily laughed. "I don't think he likes that name James. We should come up with a different name for him!"

James looked at her, bewildered. "Like what?"

"I don't know. But he reminds me of someone. It's the eyes I think…" She examined the dog thoughtfully. "Sirius! That's it! He has Sirius' eyes! What's that stupid name you call Sirius? Padfoot, that's it! Well, this friendly guy is exactly like Sirius but in animal form. So I'm going to call him Padfoot!"

It took James a while to catch up with what she had said, but when he did he immediately burst out laughing.





"So, that dog. You're telling me that dog was Sirius? You're telling me that dog was actually you?"

James and Sirius winced.


Lily blinked. James bit his lip. Sirius scratched the back of his neck.

"That dog? That cute, adorable, friendly dog? Was your doofus of a best mate?"

Sirius frowned. "Oi!"

James just nodded slowly. He was ready for it, whatever she said. He was expecting yelling. A massive lecture about why he should have told her sooner. Glares and the silence treatment for a few days. She might even threaten to divorce him like last time she got mad. He was not expecting her to burst out laughing.

James and Sirius shared a worried look.

She finally stopped and looked at Sirius with an evil smirk.

"You realise I'm going to have to call you Snuffles from now on, right?"