Co-writer: HaretaSora
Universal disclaimer: Don't own anything from Naruto, DC Comics or Deadman Wonderland. Just borrowing some things from all three universes to make a story.
''Pain is temporary, but the glory is eternal.''
''So that's the kid?'' Questioned a gruff, blond, middle aged policeman. Gesturing to the bundle in his friends arms.
''Mhmm~ this is her, Jimmy. Her name's Shiro. Looks just like her mother. She's only a little bit over seven months.'' Replied his friend with a chuckle while coming closer to his friend's desk and extending the bundle.
Gently taking the bundle into his hands, Jimmy, otherwise known as James Gordon, newly promoted Lt. that had just recently moved to Gotham along with his wife and son. Uncovering the bundle to reveal a pale white baby with equally white hair, Jimmy smiled.
''You sure? Ellie had black hair, if something I would say that she looks like you.'' Chuckled Gordon while softly rocking the baby in his arms and gesturing for his friend to sit in the chair opposite to his desk.
''Me? I guess you could say that, though me and Ellie were always best friends and her heart always belonged to Roger. You should see her eyes, it is almost as if looking at her mother.'' Spoke the man with a tint of sadness in his voice, taking off a light blue backpack from his back and placing it on the ground, then sitting on the chair.
True to that, the baby did indeed look like him, with the exception of the three whisker marks on either of his cheeks, both shared the same snow white skin and hair. His attire consisted of black business pants and a white, long-sleeved, button up shirt, his eyes hidden by pitch black sun-glasses.
''So you will take her in? Are you sure of this, Naruto? Given the circumstances, are you sure you can do it? Blackgate isn't one of the most hospitable place to raise a child.'' Gordon spoke with genuine concern, revealing the white haired man to be Naruto.
''Gotham isn't a good place to raise a child in general. I have to do it, Ellie was family and as Shiro's Godfather it is my duty to take care of her.'' Naruto replied with determination, extending his arms in a gesture for Jim to pass her back.
Complying and returning the baby to Naruto, Jim leaned back into his chair and released a long sigh, ''Then there is no helping it... How's Sarah taking it all? She and Ellie were very close, knowing her she will probably want to start taking her role as a Godmother.''
''She's devastated. It is a bad time for her, Jim. You know how much she wanted to join the Police, and now she had just been promoted to Sergeant... We talked about what to do with Shiro and she wanted for me to transfer to Chicago. But you know how things are, me leaving Blackgate is like you leaving the GCPD. The corruption is bad already, were we to leave then there is no telling how bad it would become. You catching the bad guys and me making sure they stay where they should, we are a good team eh Jim?'' Naruto said with a small smile of his own, gently rocking the baby on his arms.
Gordon gave a low throaty chuckle and then nodded to his friend, he could count in a single hand how many people he trusted and still have fingers to spare, people of trust were scarce in Gotham, at a moments notice one of his own men could end up selling him to some mafia boss.
''In around three months she will transfer to Blackgate, just giving her some time to cope with it before coming. Ellie and Roger's death took a toll on all of us, and taking care of a baby is a big step. But I'm sure we can work something for the best of little Shiro-chan.''
Jimmy nodded once more, their deaths was taking a toll on everybody, and taking care of a baby wasn't a easy task. A small sense of nostalgia from hearing the affectionate suffix, that and his name were the only indications of his friend's nationality, something that even he occasionally forgot, it still felt like it was yesterday that the bright Japanese transfer came into his had kicked it off since day one, getting into trouble, pulling off pranks on everyone, good times.
His time with the cheerful Japanese man had helped him mature over the years, as well as getting a better understanding of both the world that he would face as a police officer and his friend in itself. Understanding Naruto was a difficult thing in the start, cheerful, smart, silly, wise, goofy, serious, so many different sides that it was difficult to know which was the true, eventually he understood that he was just as much all of them as he was none. Like a mirror that reflects what is in front of it, his best friend's attitude would adapt to suit the situation.
''I guess you two will indeed...On to the other reason I called you here, what do you think of this new vigilante?'' Gordon asked, changing the subject.
Adjusting Shiro in his arm, Naruto rubbed his temple in thought, ''The guy's been the talk of the prison. Haven't met him personally, but heard a lot of him from the new prisoners, some say that he is rage incarnate, others that he is darkness, all rather vague descriptions.''
''That doesn't answer my question, Naruto. What do you think of him.'' Gordon replied sharply, making emphasis with the word 'you', yet keeping his tone low as to not awaken the baby.
Naruto however ignored Gordon in favor of humming softly to Shiro that was starting to stir. Once Shiro had calmed down once more, Naruto replied ''I don't think much, he's only been active for a week and so far he has been doing what is the job of the GCPD, arrest criminals. He's also making things a tad bit more difficult to deal with in Blackgate, with all the sudden income of prisoners, yet I find it to be good, all help is needed when it comes to fighting crime. My personal comfort aside, one criminal less in the streets is all that matters.''
Gordon leaned back once more into his chair and furrowed his brows in thought, one of the things that he didn't like about the vigilante was that he was doing HIS job, but he had to agree with his friend, one criminal less in the streets was all that mattered.
''I guess so. Thanks Na-'' Gordon started to thank his friend, halting his voice when the sound of gurgles and giggles started coming from the bundle in Naruto's hand.
Naruto was the first to register them as he had felt her stirring even more, a large goofy smile making his way to his face as Shiro's large, red eyes opened up.
''Aww~ look who's up? Rise and shine my tiny wittle snowflake. Who's my wittle snowflake? Yes it's you!'' Naruto cooed, bringing little Shiro to his face and rubbing his nose against her owns, earning giggles of happiness from the baby, who was now using her tiny arms to try and grab his face. Completely forgetting of Gordon's presence in the room, in favor to giving full attention to the baby.
Seeing his best friend interact with the baby that wasn't even his, made James re-think some things of his life. Here was his best friend showing more affection than he ever done to his own child, to a baby that isn't even his! Images of him and his own son flashing by in his head along with questions.
Was he really a good father? Or a good husband?
Time seemed to slow down for Gordon as he tried to recall the last time that he had a family dinner with them, or the last time that he had actually interacted with his three-year old son.
'Perhaps I should try more... Maybe I can still do something about this!' He thought to himself, finding determination to try again with his family.
''Hey Jimmy, here, I think she wants to see you,'' Naruto said, bringing him back to reality, ''Ne ne Shiro-chan, you want to see uncle Jimmy?''
Shiro giggled and squealed, giving the impression that it was something that she wanted, Naruto then nodded and extended the girl to Jimmy, who almost lost his breath when he saw the girl's blood red eyes.
'Just like her mother indeed...' Gordon thought while taking the baby from Naruto and getting a good look at her, those were the reason that he had became a policeman, to help protect the innocence of the children and help make a better place.
Glancing up to Naruto, who was now leaning on his desk, head rested on his elbow, his ever present sunglasses making it hard to read what was going up in his mind. In all of his life he had never seen Naruto without sun-glasses. Never had they been taken off in his presence, even in school when the teachers asked to do so, the darkness shading the lens being too much to even catch a glimpse of what his eyes looked like behind of them.
Now it didn't bother him as much as it did before, not knowing where exactly he was looking, and making his expression even harder to read.
Getting up from his position as if realizing something, Naruto picked up the backpack and walked to Gordon, ''I think we better get going now Jimmy. Can't leave Blackgate for long and soon Little princess will start demanding for food. I swear, sometimes she's like a bottomless pit, I got no clue how something so small can eat so much!''
Scooping her up from Gordon's hands while nuzzling his nose against her once more, Naruto bid his friend farewell and left the Police station.
'He will be a great father... were it not for the circumstances I would say that the girl is very lucky... If she gets his pranking habits I'm screwed.' Gordon though with a small smile on his face as he watched Naruto's retreating back from the window of his office.
''The sun is shining brightly today, right Shiro-chan?'' Naruto asked the baby, who was now in a holder strapped to his chest. Now out of her bundle, Naruto dressed her in a fluffy pink, kitten costume with a hoodie that he had bought a few days back along with more sets of clothing that he had found to be cute on her.
As if somehow understanding him, Shiro started giggling and flailing her arms around.
True to his statement, the sun was indeed shining brightly over Gotham, illuminating the entire city and bathing it in a sunlight that sometimes seemed to be foreign.
Right now the white-haired duo were in the entrance of Gotham's prison, Blackgate. An extremely large structure created to house Gotham's most notorious non-insane criminals, located in a island in Gotham's bay.
''Home sweet home... Ugh... Can't wait to start dealing with Hugo and getting back to paperwork.'' He groaned before rubbing his cheeks against Shiro's in a loving manner, ''Luckily for you, you are still a baby and don't need to deal with these things.''
''Da-buh!'' Replied Shiro with enthusiasm as Naruto proceeded to go up the very long staircase leading to the large metal doors that separated the residents of the prison and freedom.
Naruto smiled at the baby, at least now he had company.
As Naruto neared the gate, the guards keeping post of it immediately started to open up the doors for him to pass.
Not wasting much time, Naruto simply flashed them a smile and waved to them as he passed, going directly to a hallway on the right of the entrance that led to a staircase upwards, passing by various cells, many empty, others with criminals of all size and shapes, that mostly either ignored him, or looked at him in curiosity, more specifically at the baby strapped to his chest.
Ignoring them and continuing his path, Naruto noticed Shiro start grizzling and immediately started to panic, knowing what was about to happen he started rushing his way up the stairs, chanting something along the lines of ''C'mon! Please don't cry, please don't cry!'' various times repeatedly.
However it was all for naught and while he was half-way through the staircase, a loud, ear-piercing cry made itself known.
Her cry however soon turned into giggles as Naruto started to speed up even more, flailing around her arms and giggling as the stairs passed by, her still developing eyes only managing to register the change of colors in the ambient.
Smiling as the crying stopped, Naruto removed her from the holder and brought her to his arms, slowing down as he started to reach his living place, a simple wooden door in a hallway on the top floor, marking the area reserved for him to live in.
Stopping in front of the door, Naruto held her in front of his face and kissed her nose, ''Shiro-chan's hungry right? Naruto will make something real quick okay princess?'' Naruto asked, talking mostly with himself.
Adjusting his hold on her as to that she would be sitting on his left palm, he pulled a key from his right pocket and swiftly unlocked the door.
In contrast to the heavily cemented and plain structure of the prison his room contained a more ''homey'' feeling to it. The floors being decorated by white ceramic tiles with pink flower petals spread across its surface.
With space to spare, his 'room' being more so like a apartment other than just a room. Having a comfortably spacious living room in the center with a medium sized wooden table with five very neatly made wooden chairs, one of the chairs being made to suit a baby, two three people leather sofas on the intersection of the left side of the living room, all being illuminated by a large, netted, window on the side, giving a nice and wide view of Gotham bay and the city in itself.
To the right was a small corridor that leaded to two rooms a bathroom, while to the left of the was a small area reserved for the kitchen, which was exactly to where he was heading to.
Getting in and closing the door behind of him, he went straight towards the kitchen. A rather simple area, consisting of a sink, several small drawers above it, opposite to the sink being a balcony that gave view to the living room, a four lid stove, a fridge finishing with a glass wardrobe where the dining tools were.
''Let's see what we have here...'' He muttered, roaming through some of the contents of the kitchen until he found a pile of bananas along with other fruits on a basket atop of the fridge.
Stretching himself slightly and picking a medium sized banana, he placed it on the balcony and then went over to one of the drawers, where he took a bag containing a special milk powder for babies, then took several other kitchen objects and placed them all above the balcony.
''Better get started then... Mashed bananas and warm milk, that okay for you?'' He asked, once again mostly to himself, idly wondering if talking to himself was bad or if other parents did that as well.
As he proceeded to prepare her food, Shiro watched from her spot on his left hand with her ever so large eyes glued onto the bottle, eagerly waiting for the divine bottle of sustenance to be filled, clapping her hands and giggling ever so often.
Finishing the preparations, he placed it all in a tray except for the milk, leaving it in a bowl of warm water for later, and left to the living room along with Shiro, placing the now becoming impatient baby on her chair while placing a napkin on her collar.
''Okiee Shiro-chan, open wide and say ah~'' Naruto said with a childish voice while making exaggerated expressions, getting a spoon-full of his mix of mashed banana with milk and a tad bit of sugar.
Clapping her hands and imitating the gesture that he was doing, Shiro opened her mouth and allowed Naruto to feed her, who seemed to be enjoying his time with the child, going as far as making plane noises and silly faces.
''You sure know how to deal with children eh?'' Spoke a male voice from behind Naruto, his voice making Shiro stop giggling and turn to look at the newcomer.
''Mmm~ why of course, Ra's... Why wouldn't I?'' Naruto questioned the now identified Ra's Al Ghul while using the napkin on Shiro's collar to wipe the stray food that went to her cheeks, not bothering to look back and greet the newcomer.
''Nothing, I just never imagined you of all people to be good with children.'' The man replied with a chuckle.
''I won't even ask what that is supposed to mean... To what do I owe the honor of having the great Ra's Al Ghul? I don't believe it is to see my parenting skills.'' Naruto questioned with a clear amount of sarcasm in his voice.
''Oh? Can't an old friend stop by to say hello?'' Ra's questioned, feigning mock pain and taking a seat around the table.
Naruto scoffed, ''You don't visit anybody just to say hello. If it is about me taking the League then just turn away and get out of here..''
''You wound me old friend, why so much bitterness? While I haven't given up on you taking up my spot, it isn't my reason for coming here. You see, one of my reasons really is to see your parenting skills, I heard of the unfortunate death of your two friends and your duties as a Godfather, so I came to see how the child looked like.''
''... Just get to the point already, my patience is running thin and I would rather not have Shiro-chan watch me erasing you.''
Death threats were something common for the Demon's head, came along with the job and they never fazed him, yet the way of which the white-haired male spoke about killing him was enough to send shivers up his spine. ''You are familiar with David Cain correct?'' He asked, using the experienced gained through centuries of leading an army of assassins to maintain his composure.
''The assassin? Yeah I remember, what about him?'' Naruto questioned, removing Shiro from her chair and taking a seat on another one with her on his the sides.
''Recently he found a talent in the name of one Sandra Wu-San, seeing her as being hindered by her love for her sister, he killed her and she has come to the League for revenge where she was defeated and imprisoned in our dungeon to await for her fate. When she fought my subordinates I noticed something in her eyes, the eyes of a warrior. I want to see her once she reaches her full potential...''
''...So you want me to train her.'' Naruto finished, releasing a sigh.
''Yes. As of three years from now, she will have a duel against David.''
''What would happen to her is she were to win or lose this duel?''
''If she lose, as per David's suggestion, she will bare his child to create the perfect assassin for the League. If she manages to defeat him, then I will allow her to go.''
A low throaty chuckle escaped Naruto's lips, ''You will allow her to go? Just like that?''
Ra's brow twitched but he gave a short nod, ''I only desire to see how far that girl's wind will take her, I have no need for a 'perfect assassin'. It doesn't matter how well mixed the child's genes are, it still wouldn't be enough.''
Releasing a sigh, Naruto nodded and leaned back into the chair, settling his gaze on the ceiling, an action mimicked by Shiro, ''You owe me a lot of favors already, Ra's. Wasn't long ago that you had asked for me to train that Wayne kid, now you want me to train this girl... You are accumulating favors with me Ra's, one day I will charge you for them.''
''I am aware of that, will you accept?'' Ra's replied, nodding once more and getting up from his seat.
Getting up from his seat as well, Naruto sighed, ''Sure, I guess that I can take on another disciple...''
''Very well, then she will be arriving in exactly a week. Farewell old friend.'' Ra's said, giving a slight bow and leaving the room.
''Farewell old friend...'' Naruto repeated to himself, testing the words mouth ''...Well it seems like we will be getting company soon, huh Shiro-chan?''
Shiro merely looked at him curiously.
''Well the milk must be getting warm now, let's go grab it, then I should probably get started on the weekly paperwork.'' Naruto wondered, giving Shiro a kiss on the cheek.
The day flew by for the duo, Shiro quickly fell asleep after drinking her milk, leaving Naruto to deal with the wonders of Paperwork.
Contrary to popular belief, paperwork wasn't so much of a villain as people made it out to be. Between signing up papers for the newest residents and tickling a sleeping Shiro, he actually found himself enjoying his time.
Sometimes a pang of guilt would strike him for thinking of Shiro as his own daughter, but nothing could be done about it because it was what he really felt. During the short amount of time that he had been with the baby, he had became very much attached to it.
She brightened up his life, a small white ball of happiness in the gloomy place called Blackgate. He could only hope that his friends would forgive him for his selfishness, but he really found himself loving the child.
Parenting however never can be considered easy, taking care of her required lots of time, dedication and patience. Just during his time of paperwork he had to clean her up twice.
Finishing the last of papers and placing down the stamp, Naruto released a sigh and settled his gaze at the sleeping baby curled up in his lap, covered by a small pink blanket. For some reason Shiro was incapable of sleeping without him, trying to get her to sleep alone would result in her crying her lungs out, only to stop when he picked her up again.
''What a needy princess... You sure are going to be a handful aren't ya?'' He asked, keeping his tone low as to not wake her up, gently stroking his thumb against her cheek, rubbing off the few bits of drool that were escaping her lips.
Tucking in the blanket and scooping her into his arms, he carefully made his way to his room, humming a soft lullaby during the way.
His room was a rather modest one, containing a small bed one-person bed, neatly covered with dark-orange sheets, in the far right corner of the room, next to it in the center of the wall, right below a large window was a medium sized work-desk, in the left side of the room were two, two door, wooden wardrobes.
However what mostly stood out in the room was the royal red carpet with an extremely large array of pint-sized golden kanji, organized in a very complex structure that resembled a web.
Going over to his bed, he carefully crawled his way over to the center of the bed and sat on the center of it crossed-legged with Shiro on his lap.
A big genuine smile on his face as he observed Shiro, ''So pure and innocent... Sleep well my little princess...''
...Warusa bakari no uddopekka
Kyou mo ana ake
Moriboro darake
okotta uddo godo
Kuchibashi wo doku ni kaeta
Komatta uddopekka
Su ana ga doku ni
gohan mo doku ni
Tomodachi ni furereba shinubakari
Kanashinda uddopekka
Doku no namida ga kira kira hikaru...