We have finally come to the final chapter. I hope you have enjoyed my first ever fan fiction. Thank you for taking the time to read it. - sissylks

Chapter 31 Bellamy

When Lincoln made it back to the Ark. He made his way immediately to Marcus. He called Abby and Clarke into the room.

"Clarke, I just left TonDC. They rescued Bellamy from Seven Rivers. He's alive," smiled Lincoln.

He looked at Marcus and Abby, he smiled. "He's good." He said.

Clarke just stood there, shocked. Tears began streaming down her face. "He's alive?" she asked.

She turned and buried her face in Abby's arms. Abby held her and laughed and cried at the same time.

"Where has he been ? Where is he? Is he in camp? He's alive?" she had too many questions.

"He wants to see you, he's waiting at the drop ship, he was too nervous to come back here right now, and he's been through a lot Clarke. You need to understand." Then Lincoln filled her in on all that was done to him over the past two and a half years.

It was dark when Lincoln had arrived at the ark and making Clarke wait till morning was difficult. She realized she couldn't run off in the dark and she had obligations at the ark that needed to be taken care of.

News spread fast about Bellamy, The next morning, all his friends were waiting with messages to give Bellamy. Monty sent along some of his moonshine, as a celebration. They all wanted to go but knew they couldn't. Everyone wanted to know where he had been and what had happened, they didn't know the details, only that he had been held as a prisoner.

Lincoln and Clarke made their way towards the drop ship. Lincoln talked to Clarke more about what Bellamy may have been through, and how lucky it was that Indra had come along and got him out, before the Ice Nation had attacked and killed everyone in Seven Rivers. He told Clarke how Lexa wanted to work towards a new relationship with the Sky People. Clarke was torn, she could never fully trust Lexa's word again, but she could never thank her enough for bringing back Bellamy.

Finally about mid-day they reached the drop ship. Clarke's heart was pounding, she was nervous, what if he had changed. What if he didn't feel the same about her anymore.

"Bellamy " she shouted.

He ran out of the ship, stopped and stood, looking at her, his eyes were warm, but had an uncertain, worried expression. Clarke stopped short. Looking at him, tears streaming down her face. "Bellamy" she said, she walked up to him, reached out and touched his cheek, "It's really you," she said, her chin quivering, and she bit her bottom lip, trying to stay calm. She pulled her hand down onto his chest, then laid her head against it, wrapping her other arm around him. "I thought you were dead," she cried. He just held her, his face buried in her hair, taking in her scent. Wondering if this were real or a cruel dream, and he would wake up in chains again, like so many times before. But it was real and he was holding Clarke in his arms. She was really here.

'I'm here, I'm not leaving" he whispered.

He pulled back and looked at her, taking her face in his hands he kissed her, everything seemed new, and electric, but familiar at the same time. He held her, he wanted to just stay there and never move. "You're so beautiful," he said softly.

Octavia finally moved past the couple. She went to Lincoln and hugged him, turning to look at Clarke and Bellamy. She motioned to Lincoln, they should leave. Lincoln unloaded a few supplies; he and Octavia mounted and was about to start back.

"I'm not sure it's safe to stay here,' Bellamy said, before Lincoln and Octavia left. "Someone's been living here I think."

"No it was me" said Clarke. "I come here every few weeks." She said sadly. "I couldn't let go" she cried, I missed you so much."

"I'm so sorry," he said.

'Bellamy," shouted Lincoln.

Bellamy looked up at him.

"You've got supplies enough for three days," he smiled, as he held up three fingers.

Bellamy smiled and looked down, embarrassed. Then looked back up more serious, "Thank you," he mouthed silently.

As Lincoln and Octavia rode back towards Camp Jaha, Clarke took Bellamy's hand and led him into the drop ship.

Once inside, she turned towards him. Looking up at his face, "Lincoln told me'" she said.

He just squeezed his eyes shut, and took a deep breath. "All I wanted to do was get free, and come back to you," he said looking into her eyes. "Thinking of you and Octavia, it's what kept me alive. I love you Clarke. I'm so sorry."

He wrapped his arms around her, she melted into his embrace. If she could crawl into his skin, she would. She couldn't get close enough. She reached to take his shirt off, he stopped her. He took a step back, and turned away. Looking down, he couldn't face her.

"Bellamy?" She went around him, trying to look at his face. He turned his head, eyes closed. "You don't understand, I can't…" he trailed off, unable to explain.

"Hey, whatever it is, It's okay," she said, reassuring him.

She went to him, touching his face, looking into his eyes, saw his sadness. She began to lift his shirt. He just looked at her, waiting for the look of disgust he knew would come; when she saw the scars.

She looked at his chest, there were a few, but his back was covered, she caught her breath, knowing he was embarrassed, and she knew her reactions would affect him. She softly touched his back, and then walked back around to face him again. He looked at her, waiting; he was opening up himself, allowing her to see the humiliation of his torture. She put her hands on his face and leaned up and kissed him. Tears were streaming down her face and his. "I love you Bellamy" she cried. She wrapped her arms around him reaching up and held her hands open across his back. Then she stepped back and removed her top, and stood bare before him. Taking his hand, she led him towards the bed.

Lying together was all they needed for now. Wrapped in each other's arms, he didn't want to let her go. She couldn't stop staring at his face, still not believing he was alive, wondering how he kept from giving up. The scars on his wrists, his back, his sides; the torture he endured was heartbreaking. He was here now, and she felt like she was alive again. The last three years was full of mixed emotions, she had felt so many things; happiness, sadness, hope and longing. She knew everything would be right now, and she could be whole again.

He saw her staring at him. He leaned down and kissed her, rolled her onto her back, and leaned over onto her and kissed her with a deep hunger. Their hands grasping the others, fingers intertwined. His body found hers, she was longing for him to take every part of her. Her desires were unhidden from him. She didn't care about anything in the moment except him, he was everything, and he was inside her, she was as close to him as she could be, wrapping her legs around his waist, she clung to him like she was drowning. Finally they both succumbed to their passion, spent and exhausted. Clarke still wrapped around him, began to sob.

Bellamy pulled back, feeling her sobbing hiccup. "Clarke?" he asked, worried. "What?" he asked trying to comfort her, not knowing.

She cried, then looking at him, "I can't believe, your back, I love you so much, you just don't know." She said, clinging to him. "Don't ever leave me Bellamy."

"shhh" he tried to hush her, "I love you princess" he said softly to her. "I'm not going anywhere." He leaned in and kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, devouring her with a longing deep passion. Moving his mouth around and kissing below her ear, then down her neck, taking in her breast and lingering there, then slowly moving downward. Her breaths becoming deeper, she was trembling, anticipating, her entire body quivering, he looked up towards her face as she pulled him up to her and he took her again, sending her into a frenzy as her body enveloped him. They couldn't get enough of each other, every soft spoken word, touch, or glance would drive their desire for more, until they were both completely drained and sated.

They both finally slept deeply and peaceful, wrapped in each other for the first time in years.

Three days weren't enough to make up for their separation, but they needed to get to camp. Bellamy had apprehensions about going home, but Clarke wanted desperately for him to get there. He wasn't sure what her driving force was, but he was looking forward to seeing his friends again. Clarke helped him see that his scars were not something of shame, but they were a part of him, and everything he endured to make it back.

The ride back, was difficult. Every time Clarke glanced at him, he wanted to drag her off her horse and make love to her. He wondered if he would ever grow tired of running his hands along her body and tasting her lips.

She could see the looks he gave her, and it made her blush, but she needed to get home, she needed to share with him everything that she had gone through since he had been taken.

When their horses finally stepped out of the forest, the guards on duty alerted the camp, they had been expected, so it was no surprise when they saw their friends emerge to greet them.

Bellamy was surprised at how much the camp had grown and how much his friends had changed, Monty had grown his hair long, past his shoulders and he was openly affectionate with Harper. Monroe had cut her hair short, well above her shoulders, and Jasper had shaved his hair short. Miller, Raven and Wick all still looked the same. They tried not to crowd Bellamy because Octavia had warned them not to overwhelm him.

Raven approached Bellamy and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm glad your back," she whispered, holding back tears. She pressed something into his hand. He looked into his palm and saw the ring that he had asked his three friends to make so long ago. He smiled a big toothy grin at her and kissed her cheek.

Clarke, unaware of Ravens gift, took his hand "I want you to meet someone special," she said.

Bellamy turned and saw Octavia, holding the hand of a child. A little boy, with olive skin, freckles, Black curly mop hair and crystal blue eyes. There was no doubt, the child was his.

Bellamy looked at Clarke as the child ran to her, wrapping his little arms around her leg, "Momma" he said with a big smile.

"It wasn't the mushrooms" she said to Bellamy smiling, with tears in her eyes. She reached down and picked up the little toddler. "Bellamy, this is your daddy," she smiled.

Bellamy looked at the little boy, tears in his eyes, as he smiled "Hello Bellamy," he said. The little boy laughed, reached out and touched Bellamy's hair, then touched his own hair, then laughed again.

Bellamy looked at Clarke, smiling full of joy. He took her hand and slipped on the ring, reached over and kissed her. He held his hands out and his son reached out and climbed into his arms.

Bellamy embraced his family. He had never felt more joy in his life, ever.