(Trigger warning this story has some dark themes, pls review)

Karma was walking home late one evening. It was already eleven but his parents were never home, so there was nobody to yell at him if he broke curfew, sometimes it was lonely, but he was used to his independence so he didn't want to change anything. He was walking over an old bridge that was empty and didn't even have any street lights. He thought he was all alone but a dark figure caught his eye. There was somebody stood on the top of the railing.

Before Karma could do anything the person leaned forward and jumped of the edge falling silently into the river bellow.

"No!" the red head shouted, he dropped his school bag and ran over. He didn't know who the guy was who'd attempted suicide, but he knew that he had to save him while he still could. Karma quickly threw of his black jacket and looked at the water below; It was black and lurching like some monster, the jumper still hadn't resurfaced. Not caring for his own safety, class E's number 1 delinquent jumped into the water after the first guy.

I wont let you die, idiot!

The water was icy cold but Karma was a trained assassin so he didn't let that bother him. He dived under, it was too dark to see but he could feel another body underneath him. He grabbed it, pulling it to the surface of the water, hooking his hand's under the person's underarms. Then he swam to shore as quickly as he could. The person he'd just rescued was a boy, he seemed to be the same about the same height as him, but it was hard to tell in the river.

Karma dragged the body out of the water, shivering in the cold night's air, but the other boy was completely motionless. For one terrible moment he thought that the boy was dead.

"Hey, are you awake? can you hear me?" Karma asked, he turned the boy around to face him to if he could check if he was breathing. Then he recognized him- It was Asano Gakushu, the number one, the ace, the school's idol, the student council president. Karma didn't believe it a first, there was no way someone as unshakeable as Asano would do this, but there was no doubt this was him.This guy has everything going for him, why would he try to throw his life away? It made Karma mad.

"Asano! wake up you idiot! And thank me for saving you from dying in such a dumb way!" Karma yells, shaking him. Asano doesn't respond, but an empty pill bottle falls out his pocket. Sleeping pills. Why? That's what Karma wanted to know. "Asano!"

Asano opened his eyes, they are a bleary violet color, karma feels relieved and angry at the same time. The Ace blinked a few times then his vision seemed to focus. He looked up at Karma then his eye's widening, he pushed the red head away suddenly.

"Akabane! What do you think your doing?"

"That's my question, why'd you do something so dumb as to take a bottle of pills then jump of a bridge." Karma said, "And is that really how you speak to the guy who just saved your life?"

Asano looked at the bridge then at the water then at Karma "I- I didn't!" He spluttered, denying it. He was shaking in the cold.

Karma raised his eyebrow "Okay so why are we both sat here under a bridge soaked?"

"That was- I mean- I fell in on accident, I didn't, I didn't try to- " Asano trailed of, Karma didn't know why he was trying to deny it, they both knew what he'd just tried to do. Karma hid his annoyance, and instead opted to sound more calm.

"Just tell me why- I'm not great at this stuff but I could help." Karma said, he didn't like Asano but he didn't want him jumping of bridges. He'd always thought of him as the flawless ace, total asshole with a type A-personality, basically a robot. But apparently there was more to him than that.

"Didn't I just say it was an accident?" Asano pushed himself out of Karma's hold and stood up looking annoyed. He clearly wasn't going to talk about it. "Thank you for your assistance, I am indebted to you, but don't you dare tell anybody about this, got it?"

"I can't believe your trying to act all bossy in your condition. look at you, you can hardly stand." Karma says he raised a doubtful eyebrow. Asano began walking away on shaky legs he only made it a few steps before he slipped. Seriuosly. the hell was up with this guy?