Disclaimer: Don't own, but wish I do, RWBY.

Story will be an AU and slightly OC Ruby. Please give me feedback on what you think, thanks!


To Ruby, Beacon seemed to be a great place to be at first. Although unsure of herself at being team leader, things seemed to be going okay halfway through the year. The fights with Weiss seemed to occur less now, for which she was grateful for. Every once in awhile, her and Blake would compare books they liked to read. And Yang was, well Yang.

Ruby though, was slightly worried. Last week on the last class outing to the Emerald Forest, her semblance felt off. The more she trained as the week went on, it started to feel weirder. As a result she had quieted down and became a little more contemplative. She was worried there was something wrong with her Aura. Her teammates had noticed and asked what was wrong, not Weiss, and all she could say was she was thinking about new battle tactics they might be able train in, and would let them know what she comes up with. Yang was good with that answer, but Blake just kept staring for a minute and then walked away. Ruby was pretty sure Blake didn't believe her. Weiss didn't care because as she put it, "About time the dunce did something as a team leader." The comment had hurt Ruby and cemented the idea of not to bring this up with the team.

It was now Monday, and the first class of the day was Battle Class with Professor Goodwich. ' I think I am going to have to bring this up to someone. I don't really trust anyone here besides Professor Goodwich or Ozpin. I'll have to see her after class, and not volunteer us for a match until this is worked out. I could get someone hurt if something happens.'

Walking to the class with her teammates Ruby looked at them, " Hey guys, I'm going to stay after class to talk to Goodwich about those tactics I was thinking about. I'll meet you at the cafeteria for lunch ok?"

Weiss just shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes, Yang nodded her head, and Blake just stared at her some more. At Blake's staring, Ruby just kind of smiled and started rubbing the back of her head nervously. Blake's eyes narrowed a bit, but finally nodded her head. Ruby let out a sigh and kept walking.

All through class Blake kept an eye on Ruby. It was unusual of her not to pay attention in this class or volunteer them for a match. Although no one else in the team seemed to notice or care that something else was going on. Blake had noticed that while Yang loved and was over protective of her sister at times, she also ignored her for other friends she had at the school. It struck Blake at how differing Yang's attitude was toward her sister. As for Weiss, the less Blake thought or said about her was best.

As class wound down Blake signaled to Yang to go ahead. Blake walked up to Ruby and waited for everyone to leave. When the last person walked out the door and it was just Ruby, Goodwich, and herself she spoke softly, " Hey Ruby, I just want you to know that whatever is going on, you can talk to me and I will tell no one." Silver eyes met and held Amber eyes in contemplation.

Blake could see a flicker in Ruby's eyes just before she smiled and nodded her head. On instinct Blake reached out as she did to younger Faunus and petted Ruby's head. She had no idea why she did that til she felt them, Blake's and Ruby's eyes widened at the same time. Ruby's held slight panic in them, but Blake reacted fast and pulled Ruby into a hug. As Ruby shook in her arms, Blake noticed Goodwich looking at them in wonder. Blake held up a finger to signal for a moment and Goodwich nodded and went back to the paperwork on the desk.

" Shhh Pup, I got you," Blake breathed out so only her and Ruby could hear her words. "I want you to come get me when you are done with Goodwich, ok?" Blake felt Ruby tense up and shake even more in her arms. "Pup, I would never do anything to harm you." Blake tightened her hold on Ruby til the shakes dissipated. She gave one last squeeze and then held Ruby at arms length. Blake looked into Ruby's eyes til she nodded her head yes. She reached up and ran her thumb across Ruby's cheek, " Good Pup." Blake backed up and then turned to leave the room.

Ruby watched as Blake left the room. She was slightly panicky now and she still had to talk to Professor Goodwich about her messed up semblance. Ruby took a few deep breaths and turned to face Goodwich. Ruby noticed Goodwich looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Ruby sighed as she made her way down.

Glynda for her part was very intrigued by what was going on. She knew Ms. Belladonna was very solitary, yet she grabbed Ms. Rose and hugged her. Then continued to have a whispered conversation. As she watched Ms. Rose walk towards her, she noticed she was slightly hunched in on herself. ' I hope this has nothing to do with Ms. Schnee.'

" Ms. Rose, how may I help you?"

Ruby looked up and sighed as she stopped in front of the desk. She stared at Goodwich for a minute. " I..I have a problem," Ruby mumbled.

" I see," Glynda said with a raised brow. " Does this have anything to do with what you and Ms. Belladonna were discussing?"

Ruby shrugged her shoulders, " I'm not sure," she said softly. Ruby grabbed her cloak and pulled it tighter around herself and started to tremble slightly.

Glynda sat and watched Ruby's actions and was becoming more concerned by the second. She had never seen Ruby look this insecure before. "Ms. Rose, please tell me what is bothering you, and I will do my best to help you." Glynda has had a slight attachment to Ruby Rose ever since they fought together on the rooftop that night before the start of term. She had not seen someone that skilled at such a young age in quite some time. She knew she was slightly hard on Ruby that night, but she was extremely worried for her. That woman on the Bullhead was on the same class level as herself. Ruby could have been seriously injured if she had not shown up.

Ruby took a deep breath, " I...I...there is som-something wrong with m-my semblance."

Glynda was deeply surprised. First of all at the stuttering and then when she finally registered what Ruby was saying. "What do you mean something is wrong with your semblance?" she snapped out. She didn't mean to sound angry, but she was shocked.

Ruby's head dipped down and she started to sniffle, " It feels weird, like when I go to dash off I feel my Aura pulse and I feel like it's trying to do two things at the same time. It hurts for a second and then my speed kicks in. I...I'm scared."

Glynda could see some tear streaks making their way down Ruby's cheeks, and stood up. She moved around her desk and started to rub Ruby's back to help calm her down. She might know what's going on, but she won't know for sure unless she could get Ruby to tell her everything.

"Is that what you and Ms. Belladonna were discussing?"

Ruby shook her head, " No, Blake or anyone else doesn't knows about my semblance. Just you."

" Then may I ask what you two were talking about?"

" Please promise you won't tell anyone?" was asked softly.

" I will have to tell Professor Ozpin as it does pertain to your well being," Glynda replied.

Ruby looked up with tears still silently running down her cheeks. She took a stuttering breath and let her ears up.

Glynda's eyes widened as she saw the Faunus ears stand up on Ruby's head. She nor Ozpin had any idea that Ruby was not Human. In her file it listed her as Human, 100% as a matter of fact. To Glynda they looked like dog ears but not quite. "Ruby what type of Faunus are you?"


Glynda gasped. Wolf Faunus were very rare. She had in fact never seen one herself. The only ones she had heard of were over in Mystral, and even then she didn't know if that was true or not. Ruby's ear were pitch black with crimson tips, which explained the hair color quite well. 'Actually Ruby being a wolf Faunus explains a lot about her attitude and ability to wield a Scythe of that size. The rambunctious nature, child-like qualities, all of Ruby summed up to being a wolf Faunus. Oh my, she's just a Pup. She must be starting her maturity soon, that would explain her pulsing Aura.'

"Who knows about this?"

"Just Blake, and now you." Ruby's ears twitched as she said this. She was sorely tempted to hide them again. Her mother always told her to hide her ears and to never show anyone.

Glynda's eyebrow raised at that, " Doesn't Ms. Xiao Long know?"

Ruby shook her head, " Yang is my adopted sister," she whispered.

Glynda wanted to hug Ruby right then. The poor girl has so much going on right now. 'At least she is talking to Ms. Belladonna. How many more secrets does this poor girl have?'


Blake entered the cafeteria and headed straight over to the food line. She was still slightly shocked at finding out that Ruby was a Faunus. Not only that, but that she was such a young one at an advanced battle school no less. She couldn't conceive how Ozpin had let such a young Faunus into school. She was sure he knew all about Faunus Maturity. ' Her Aura will start to be all...Oh Dust! That is what is happening to Ruby. Why she is quiet and insecure right now. It looks like she has no idea what is going on with her. Why haven't her parents said anything to her?'

After she grabbed her food she made her way over to where her team and team JNPR were sitting. Yang was giving her a questioning look,"Ruby wanted to ask me about Gambol Shroud. I told her I would show her and explain after lunch. We decided I would give her a grounding in my weapon's workings after Port's class though."

Yang nodded her head and went back to stuffing her face and looking at her Scroll. Blake could feel eyes on her and looked over to see Ren and Pyrrha staring right at her.

"Yes?" She asked with one raised brow.

Pyrrha opened her mouth to say something, but shook her head and mouthed 'Later'. Blake nodded her head then looked to Ren who just tilted his head to Pyrrha. Blake shrugged her shoulders and went back to her Tuna sandwich. Every couple of minutes she would look up to the doors looking for Ruby.


"Ok Ruby, lets go back to your semblance problem for now. I think I know what is going on based on everything that you have told me. I need to discuss this with Professor Ozpin though, to make sure I have everything correct."

"Thank you Professor Goodwich," Ruby sniffled a few times. She impulsively hugged Goodwich then turned and ran out the door leaving a bemused teacher behind.

Ruby slowed her run down to a walk when she was halfway to the cafeteria. She was still extremely nervous about talking to Blake. She and everyone else on the team knew she was a Faunus too, but Ruby has never before opened up like this to anyone.

She looked up and realized her feet had already carried her to the doors of the cafeteria. Ruby didn't want to walk in there right now. She felt exposed and vulnerable at the moment. As she stood in the doorway she saw Blake sitting at their normal table with everyone else.

"Blake," she called out in a normal voice. She knew Blake would be able to hear her from the doorway.

Blake's head shot up and she looked around to the door. She saw Ruby standing there. Blake raised her sandwich then nodded over towards the food. Ruby looked over for a second then nodded her head at Blake. As she stood up everyone sitting with her looked at her, " Ruby is by the door waiting." Everyone looked over and waved at Ruby, She gave a small smile and waved back. Blake noticed Ren and Pyrrha frown a little, but they both went back to their food.

Blake walked over to the food line once again and grabbed a couple of sandwiches for Ruby and also a cookie. She then turned and made her way over to Ruby. As she was looking at her, Blake could tell that she was really nervous. Blake nodded her head and she started moving towards the dorms. Ruby just fell into a walk beside her, with her head down. Blake frowned at this, that was not typical Ruby style. With everything going on though she could understand how Ruby was feeling at the moment though.

"We're going to the dorms to talk. Yang is going to hang out with her friends before next class and Weiss mumbled something about going to the library. Even if she turns up we'll be able to hear her," Blake then winked at Ruby.

Ruby managed a small smile and chuckle which made Blake happier. It was hard for the quiet girl to see Ruby be so silent and morose. When they came upon their door Ruby pulled out her Scroll and unlocked the door. She opened the door and let Blake in first.

Blake walked over to her bed and set the plate of food on the side table then sat down. She looked up and patted the seat next to her.

Ruby shuffled over and sat down next to Blake with her head down.

"Ruby, remember when you said I don't have to hide in the dorm? Well when it's just me and you here I don't want you to hide either ok?" With that Blake reached up and pulled her bow off. Her ears twitched and swiveled around. To be honest her ears were hurting and she couldn't imagine how Ruby went all day with her ears pinned back like they were. "Now that I know you are Faunus as well I do understand your need for touch. So come over here I promised earlier I wouldn't hurt you."

Ruby looked over with her ears swiveling back and forth. She hesitated for a minute then slowly scooted over to Blake and leaned against her. Ruby sighed, then jumped a little when she felt Blake's hand rubbing her ears.

"Shh Pup, I know this helps your ears to feel better after having them pinned back for a long time. Here eat this, then we'll talk." Blake passed over the plate of sandwiches to Ruby. Ruby smiled up at her when she saw the cookie. Blake just smiled back and continued to rub Ruby's ears. She was a little surprised to notice that Ruby's ears were actually a darker black than hers. She liked the crimson tips though. They blended well with her hair. It made her wonder if that was how Ruby's hair was naturally or dyed.

It didn't take long for Ruby to finish off the plate of food. She looked up at Blake again and smiled then hugged her. Blake just chuckled a little and hugged her back.

"Ok Pup, I need to know what's going on so I can help you. You don't have to talk about everything, but I need to know how much you know."

"I don't know hardly anything Blake," Ruby whispered then snuggled into Blake some more.

" Shhh, It's ok sweetie. I'll help you. I've noticed you been quiet a lot recently, is everything ok?"

"I don't know, my Aura and semblance has been weird and it hurts sometimes. That's why I wanted to talk to Goodwich. Blake I'm scared," Ruby trailed off with a small whine.

'Ya know, that totally explains how her whines are so high pitched, hahaha.' Blake squeezed her a little more. " Ruby, didn't your parents explain what Faunus Maturity is to you?"

Ruby shrunk down and started whining like a little sad puppy. Blake looked down in surprise and held Ruby tighter. " Shhh Pup, I'm here. I won't let you go. What's wrong?"

Ruby's voice cracked, " I don't have parents.."

" Isn't Yang your sister? I know she has a dad."

Tears started trailing down Ruby's face again as she sniffled, " I only had my mom, and she died when I was 6. Yang's dad used to be her partner on their Hunter team so he took me in and adopted me. They don't know I am Faunus. Mom said I had to hide it all the time, even around other Faunus."

Blake looked sharply at her, "Why do you have to hide from other Faunus as well?"

"I'm wolf."

Blake gasped loudly. She herself had never met a wolf Faunus. All other Faunus had hunted them down themselves. They were afraid of the strongest, most resilient breed of Faunus there were. ' No wonder her mother told her to hide her ears from everyone. I wonder if Ruby knows why though. It's so sad that she has no one to rely on. That explains why Yang loves her but doesn't always treat her right. Well she has me now, I won't let her be alone in this anymore.'

" Do you know why you have to hide all the time?" Ruby shook her head. " You have to hide because even other Faunus will hurt you if they find out you are wolf." Ruby started to pull away from Blake with a panicked look in her eyes. " No sweetie, remember I said I would never hurt you." Blake repeated as she kept hold of Ruby.

Ruby had no idea that everyone didn't like her kind. She was at that moment so glad she had Blake. Ruby felt as if she had no one in the world to help her anymore til now. She looked back up at Blake and smiled a little.

" Now Ruby, about Maturity. It happens around your 16th birthday and will continue for about a month after that. You will start to grow and mature. It will mean you are now an adult in the Faunus community. Also your teeth will sharpen, your attitude will mellow, and your need for touch will lessen. Your Aura will continue to pulse and... flex for a lack of a better word, until you finish your Maturity stage. Now I don't know why your semblance is doing that though and that has me worried slightly."

" Professor Goodwich said she might know what is happening with my semblance but wanted to talk to Professor Ozpin before she said any more to me."

"Did you tell her what Faunus you are?" Blake asked sharply.

Ruby shrunk back a little and Blake sighed. " I hope your trust in them is not misplaced Ruby. If the wrong people find out about you, it could be bad."

" I trust them Blake. Goodwich helped and fought with me. That's why Ozpin let me in Beacon so early."

Blake looked back down at Ruby in surprise. ' Phew, this girl sure is full of secrets.' Blake never knew the exact circumstances on how Ruby got in early. " You know Ruby if they had known you were Faunus they would not have let you into beacon no matter how good you looked. Cause they know Faunus go through Maturity around their 16th birthday. That's why all first years are around 17. It's for yours and everyone's safety."

Blake looked over at the clock on the side table and sighed. " Come on Ruby, it's almost time for Port's class. We'll talk some more after class. I cleared our day up with the team. They think I am showing you how I use Gambol Shroud." Blake picked up her ribbon and tied it back on and Ruby pinned her ears back again. They both reached down to get their bags by the door. " I'll sit by you in class so you don't fall asleep. You are in no condition to fight one of Port's Grimms if you do, ok?"

" Thanks, Blake," Ruby looked over with a megawatt smile and then walked out the door.

Blake just smiled back and shut the door behind her, making sure it locked.


Well, there you go, chapter one! Lol! That was a lot for me. I am looking for a Beta for this. So if anyone is interested let me know! Again Feedback please!