Fonzie was washing the tables at Arnold's when he heard footsteps behind him. Turning around, he noticed Danny had come in with his backpack in hand.

"School go okay,Danny," he asked as he sat down at his usual table. Danny shrugged his shoulders and then sat down across from Fonzie,putting his bag on the floor besides him. He looked around the room,ignoring Fonzie as he tried to get his attention.

"Can you speak a little louder."

"It's school." Fonz slammed his fist on the table left and pointed at his son.

"I knew it! Now, tell me. What is bothering you? Someone bullying you? Do they know who your father is?" Fonz standed up in defense.

"Calm down,dad. It's not like that at all." Fonz paused to tbink and then snapped his fingers.

"I get it,you need a Halloween costume!" Just then, a few girls came up behind him. Danny chuckled.

"No,dad." The Fonz kissed them and turned back to his son.

"Well,then,I can't help if you don't tell me." Danny's stomach turned as he tried to continue.

"These kids at school were telling me about this scary story about someone who used to live here. Someone who never returned." The Fonz laughed and sat back down with his son.

"Danny,people who mess with the Fonz never dare to return here."

"It's not like that though," he continued.

"Don't tell me who it's Mork! I knew it!" The Fonz smiled.

"He was a strange fellow. He was an interesting freak of nature,if I do say so,myself." Danny shook his head.

"What kind of name is that?" The Fonz grinned.

"I'll save that story for another time. Now,let me see. Was it Pinky,the Malacchi brothers, Arnold..."Danny rolled his eyes and then covered them with his hands,his voice sounding muffled when he answered him.

"What did you say," the Fonz said in disbelief.

"It's Chuck." Fonz got up and started pacing the floor.

"I heard you the first time." Danny gasped.

"I wish I had answers for you.I really do."

"What happened? I heard he left one day and never returned. Someone said he died mysteriously." Danny paused.

"He was uncle Richie's older brother,wasn't he? Then why was he never mentioned?" Fonz stood up abruptly.

"Whatever they said, it's not true. Do you hear me?" He replied,his voice becoming choked up. He got up and stormed into the bathroom,leaving Danny alone.