Hey guys! This is just some random story I got while I was watching ' The little Mermaid' on Disney Channel. It's literally about the SA acting as 'The Little Mermaid' characters. It just popped into my head since I thought the characters were just fitted in perfectly!

Some parts are changed up but I hope you like it anyway. RRE!

It was just another adventurous day for the young princess and her best friend , Sakura, as they swam through the depths of the ocean they called home. The princess was on her way to see another one of her friends, Takishima Kei, the wise segul.

"Come on, it's just over here!" The young girl cried out. Just as she was on her way there, she caught the glimpse of a mysterious, abandoned ship. Megumi gave her friend a mischievous look.

"Oh no, not gonna happen. Not now, not ever!"

"You always say that".

Although Sakura tried to pursued her not to go, the princess' curiosity took her over. And supporting her friend, she couldn't help but follow her.

"Do you really want to be here?" Sakura complained, "I mean, look at how dirty this place is. How about we go back to your palace we go see if your brother's there!"

"Would you really rather go drool over Jun at this moment instead of discover something this interesting!" the curious princess replied. The inside of the ship was bleak and bland. On the right were the damages on the ship and to the left, many pieces of broken furniture.

"Umm, Megumi, I don't think we'll find anything here". Suddenly Sakura heard a noise. Something was hiding in the shadows. "Uh, Megu-chan, what was that?" All of a sudden a huge shark lunged at them in a split second coming out of his dark and dreary hiding place. Sakura stood there petrified while Megumi swam away.

"Sakura! Come on! Don't just stand there... Sakura!" Megumi called. The shark quickly swam toward. Just before the shark could get her, the brave princess grabbed her wrist and escaped at her attempt. But her fight wasn't over yet, the shark still fought for his food. The two decided to hide behind a wall but the aggressive fish could still see them. Megumi rushed behind a door and blocked it with a piece of wood where the shark was lunging at the door as it slowly broke.

"You should be more careful next time", Megumi complained as she held the door shut.

"Me?! You're the one that got us into this mess"

"Hey let's not point fingers here. But if we did it'd be at you"

Just like that the door smashed open and the shark was free to roam around the abandoned boat. Megumi and Sakura were cornered.

"What do we do now?"

Megumi could then see a piece of wood standing right next to Megumi.

"Hey, grab that piece of wood", she whispered to her loyal friend as the shark enclosed on them. Sakura quietly reached for the piece of wood standing next to her and- WHAM! The shark was out cold and the two looked relieved.

"Is it still alive?"

"Lets not stick around to find out" Sakura tugged on her arm pulling her toward the exit.

"Wait, I see something", she leaned closer to what she saw. Suddenly she finally found it. She found... a fork.

"Look at this Sakura!" Megumi examined the silver object with interest.

"Oh, what is it! It looks so... awkward".

"Come on, let's take it to Kei and then we'll find out".

"Finally we're getting out of here!"

"Whatever, let's just go"

"Hey Kei!" the two friends yelled in unison as they approached their feathered friend. They'd just reached the surface of the ocean where they knew Kei lived and were about to show him the newest treasure they'd found- the fork.

"So, find any new stuff on your way here?" the pelican asked.

"Nothing much, except this", the princess presented.

"Ah, I've seen this kind of thing before", Kei explained, "I-It's called an... a...ummm... a d- di... a dinglehopper!".

"A dinglehopper? What in the heart of king Neptune is a dinglehopper?"

"Exacly this my dear. The humans of the above world use this weird device to curl their hair. Why don't you give it a go!"

The young princess took the dinglehopper to her hand and started playing around with it. "Wow! Take a look at this Sakura, this is sooooo cool!"

"Hey lemme have a try", Sakura grabbed the object from her friend and did the same. After some time the two felt quite satisfied with the information that they'd gotten.

"Thanks Kei, tomorrow I'll find something even better for you to see".

"See you later!"

"I can't wait to show Jun what I found this time, he's gonna be so surprised to see the dinglehopper" Megumi rambled on to her friend.

"Yeah he could be surprised... or he'll be totally mad at you for going up to the surface again and go tell your dad this time".

"Yeah, what buzzkill".

"Jun is NOT a buzzkill. He's just being responsible and kind and worried about you and trying to protect you as all. He's totally cute and totally dreamy like a prince. Even though he is a prince he's my Prince and-"

"Listen Sakura I know you like my brother and all but really do you have to go on and on about him?"

"I'm just saying... Jun is the perfect guy!"

"Whatever", the young princess scoffed at her. Soon they were entering the palace- or maybe not.

"I can't wait to put this into my collection. Any time I'll have to go to some royal ball or party or anything, I'll just come here and take this off the shelf to curl up my hair and my hair will look absolutely beautiful!"

"Yeah, yeah. Lets hurry it up. I don't wanna miss Jun's daily work out!"

"Hello, stalker much". It was a long way to get to the Megumi's secret chamber of found objects. To get there she had to go through the hallway, into the garden, up the stairs, past the fountain, through the doors, past the guards, turn into the right hallway, into the secret hatchet on the left and down the secret stairs. Anything normal like that.

"You have really got to find an easier way to get here. My tail is completely worn out!"

"Its not that far. Come on."

Megumi and Sakura went into the congested room filled with various objects. The shelves in the room averaged to about one hundred and the room was extremely large. Many dilliwags and doohickeys were scattered across the floor. It was really hard to walk in there.

"Megumi, you really need to try cleaning up in here. It's filthy!"

"You say that every time you come in here. Hold on a second I'll be right back".


Prince Jun was walking along the same corridor in which Megumi's secret room was under right after his training session. He was just about to go up to his room before he and his sister were dragged down to dinner by their stepmother.

"Hmm, I wonder where Megumi is" he thought , "She's probably with Sakura. I hope she's not collecting those things agai- SMASH!

"What in the name of King Neptune was that!" Jun cried aloud. He accurately pointed out where the sound came from. Guess where it came from... Megumi's secret hiding place. Jun rushed over to the door and found the way to where Megumi was.

"Is this a door? Was it here this whole time?"

Without fright, he entered. Megumi was in a boatload of trouble.

Meanwhile with Megumi...

"Megumi!" Sakura yelled, "A-Are you okay?" Megumi was now under a pile of various objects with her shelf toppled on top of them.

"I'm fine, it's just that I could use some help to get up"

"You really need to be careful! Someone could've heard that! And this is not the first time!"

"I'm sorry let's get this cleaned u-" soon enough, someone whose voice was very familiar interrupted her. Guess who it was...

"Megumi, w-what is this?" Jun's eyes were wide open as he stared at Megumi and Sakura's background absolutely astounded.

'Oh no', Megumi gulped.

Okay so maybe I ended it too soon but I've had this story in my Doc Manager for over a month now and I just can't write any more. I'm sure you guys probably know who their stepmother is right? If you don't then you'll find out. The story will be updated in 31 days. Hope you liked this chapter. Remember to review and if you've got any ideas for characters then do tell. Ja nee!