Hey guys. I really hoped that I have no reason to upload this but because we are on the fourth anniversary of this fic and by extension, Mattheus, I think that I owe you guys an explanation.

Pretty much saying.

This story is on a break.

It's not dead, it's not disowned, it's not dormant.

It is on a break.

For a good while.

Which for me, really sucks to admit.

If you're wondering why that is, it is simple to explain.

When I was done with the original canon story, back in 2016, I had some ideas on what I could write and at the time, I started chatting with some guys who gave me ideas on to do next.

The hateful thing is that he and I fell out of touch and I haven't been able to contact him.

What didn't help was the fact that I started other fics like Infinite Stratos and Masou Gakuen HxH Afraid to Shoot Strangers and those fics began to take my attention.

And this year, I got En Route revived and Brave New World took a lot of my attention so those are four pretty serious fics.

What also doesn't help is the fact is the fact that I brought over the co start of his show, Mattheus and his Street Punk Joel over to the Infinite Stratos vs Masou Gakuen HxH fics, ATSS being a sort of spin off from this fic.

Couple that with one fucked up school year and internal issues, it is one fucked up cocktail.

So that is why you guys, I really hate myself for doing this one.

The Graduated Student and the Irish Street Punk have been a fic that I enjoyed writing and something that I would say to check out as a middle ground of my niche Hackers.

It gave me a blank canvas to fill in and in the last four years, Mattheus turned out and grew in his character.

This fic has given me 185 reviews, second highest views, 87 favorites and 90 followers. Might be small for some but I am taking that as a lot for me.

That's why I don't like doing this but I gotta be fair.

For now, this fic is on break.

I am also not big a fan of self-advertisement but if you guys would like to read about more of this Luck Making Student and his Punk, Afraid to Shoot Strangers and Stories Told are both fics that feature them.

That's all I can offer. I hope to see you guys on those fics.

If not, again, thank you all for the support.
