
It was not hard for him to answer the questions due to his years of experience along all the teaching he got from his mother during his childhood. He has even easily found out the real meaning for the tough questions in exam for any normal genins.

Cheating without being cut was old school to his team and the intimidation later on by the T&I department head was being child play for them but it was still able to weed out the weak one. Many were brave to keep strong in such situation for genins and he respect them but there was fool like the mutt boy who openly challenge the jounin and call him wrong on doing so. Really it was the way to keep those not ready back.

"Hello maggots it's me the lone sexiest kunoichi in Konoha, Mistrashi Anko. I am the proctor for second round of chunin exam." the new entry to the class breaking the glass announced while arranging her scantily clad dress which were little more than those in his patent odd jutsu for perverts due to the overcoat and micro skirt.

"Really Ibiki, Is this the best you can do? You must be losing your taste to let so many teams pass. No problem, for it will be less than half when they pass by my test. Now follow me to next site for your second test."

Soon the class was empty and everyone was going to training ground 44. Within short all team passing first exam was talking with each other in front of training ground 44.


A Kusa genin was fidgeting nearby forest of death while many were silently staring at the giant trees of so called forest. Many look very nervous to enter the forest which according to the second proctor, the self proclaimed sexiest Kunoichi in Konoha.

The Kusa genin was not so irate looking for that reason though as She or rather he was just some time ago meet by number one loyal of the masked man Zetsu who give a clear order from his master to not harm the boy which really means he can't give the boy his gift. He might reject the order but he knows all secret of who truly lies behind the mask and he doesn't want the wrath of that man.

"The gate will open in a minute. Get ready to proceed for the second round of the chunin exam." The voice of the proctor for second round boomed through surrounding speakers and every genin ready themselves for the next round of exam.

Soon they were all travelling across the forest. Unknown to nearly everyone, someone quietly follow every group partaking the exam. The person was following a safe distance away covering by a special way.


"And here I thought it will take a little effort from our side to gain the required scroll" a blond twirl two scrolls one blue with white borders and another reverse in color "Guess taking us lightly as some rookie team help a lot"

True as he admits, those ame nin have considered themselves superior and attack with no care. With three swift chop all opponent were sprawled to ground in a heap and luck may have favored as they got just the scroll they need.

"So should we monitor potential leaks in these genin team or just walk to tower. "The only girl in the group addresses her teammates.

"I say we go rest in tower. We can get proper rest there." Third member display his smile which still look a little creepy "Beside we have various way to monitor the forest. Not to count I won't want my Shiro-hime suffering in this creepy forest."

Both his teammate sweat drop at the boy's odd way he use in that comment. Really, he was creeper than the forest itself when he wants and the tutelage of Yamato-taicho was just added bonus for his creepiness.

Just as he was going to remark at the weirdness, Naruto froze for a moment and then took off toward tower zone at high speed instantly. Pleas of his teammates to wait or stop for explanation fell on deaf ears as his only concern was saving his first friend from an evident danger. Shaking their head both follow their teammate.


Unlike team shadow, most teams have yet to even confront other teams just being a few hours into second round. But few teams have the chance one such was the team 8. Though they too luck out as opposite team take them as regular rookies and neglect any danger of nature where they fell victim to big leeches and lost. Now the team 8 was in their way to tower.

"Hey Shino I smell some people over there. Let's go and take a quick peek." Kiba took one more whiff "They are nearby. Maybe they will tire themselves and we can defeat another to minimize competition."

They have small discussion before they agree for checking them from a far and travel toward the people. They were shocked to their core when they find how the red-headed ninja from team of Suna take life of that ame-genin.

"Where do you think you are going?" the red haired boy dryly asked looking toward the busy where Team 8 was hiding and slowly creeping away from.

"Hehe. We kinda stumble upon this side looking for tower." Kiba weakly spoke afraid what the boy could do as now they were found.

"So, you have both scrolls." Gaara drawls out and ready his sand which was still outside the pot "Mother wants more blood and you will do fine."

Gaara was unable to charge his sand ahead as an invisible powerful wind gust blew it back and a boy their age land in front of team 8.

"I think they are going to tower." The boy looks back and smiles "Tower is to the left of here around 10 minutes walk."

Gaara was irritated by the boy arrival forbidding his hunt. Instantly his sand sprang up and devours the boy and completely engulfs him.


"Shit my clone at the area dispels." Naruto curse while increasing his speed even more.

He soon arrives at the location which resembles a mini desert in between the huge forest. He was looking for the target when he saw team 8 running around the sandy field avoiding the sand coming for them. He hurried toward them ignoring the two quiet sand nin who were looking to their crazy teammate.

"Hey you Gaara, I presume. Leave them alone and complete your exam." Naruto yelled and the named boy looks behind to see a blond.

"I need to prove my existence and give blood to my mother. I will take your blood as well. You look very strong."

"I don't think Shukaku will like my blood if he knows what good for him." Naruto calmly reply which tense the teammates of Gaara. Crying out loudly Gaara tried to lift his sand and attack the blond but the sand raise too slowly and Naruto easily thwart away the sand.

"Don't you try that again if you won't like dying sandy" Sai walk toward Naruto calmly who was responsible to soak the sand totally.

Seeing as he was not gaining much Gaara turn towards his teammates and called them out for travelling towards tower and soon they were gone.

"Thanks dude I really thought I was dead meat when you were killed previously. Well your clone or something" Kiba grinned at Naruto as he was relief to be safe.

"No problem there Mutt boy as we are of same village." Sai lip twitch upward which creep team 8 "So are you all alright?"

"We are and thank you for your assistance." Shino calmly walk ahead "Guess we didn't trouble you much."

"Except running to reach here fast not really much I guess." Yakumo reply to the question asked which startle team 8 members who didn't felt her presence though Shino didn't show it.

"I see you arrive here just as soon as he reaches. " Naruto turn to address her "You are getting faster Nee-chan."

"Yeah yeah, it's not like he is the only one getting fast. Now I think it's time to walk for tower seeing both our team have required scrolls."

"Hey how do you know we have both scrolls?" Kiba retorted.

"Your free attitude and the way you are travelling toward tower is all I need to know." Yakumo reply with a tiny smile "Beside you just confirm it yourself. So let go shall we?"


'Damn that girl is very smart not to mention have hot and perfectly filled out body' Kiba was thinking about the girl who has easily outsmart him and his teammates and also decipher the meaning of poem written in the wall of tower easily.

They have just separated from the team who save them. Currently they were walking to their allocated room and have just past Suna team where they involuntarily shivered.

"Man I am never going to get fine in front of that boy. He reeks of blood and craziness." Kiba shivers yet again forgetting the mystery team of Konoha who have save them.

"My insects buzz wildly so I guess its safe putting distance with them." Shino input his thought in the subject.

"Hey what do you think Hinata? You know you are like in trance since we get save by the team." Kiba develop a perverted grin "I hope you are not wet thinking about that blond."

Hinata who really have been in deep thought was suddenly jolted to the reality only to get red. Even if she was not thinking along such lines she happens to think of the blond.

Somehow he looks familiar and if she has to guess it was the one with mask who has encourage and train her to be stronger just around six months ago in her 12th birthday near the graduation. She really has lost her insecurities and even begins learning more on her clan techniques.

"I guess we should just go to room and rest for now." Hinata quickly input her thought to prevent any question and walk toward the room. No good will be achieved thinking about that.


Five days were soon over and not much happens in forest. Some event worth mentioning were mostly funny like how team 10 stumble upon a team killed by wild animal with an intact heaven scroll which they required or the team who open the scroll in forest and were knock out for 5 days.

Only odd and bad thing to occur to was team 7 who from their record got attacked twice and has somehow managed to defeat second team happening to be Oto team even killing one of them.

"I, Mistrashi Anko, welcome all those who pass the second round." The proctor from second round address to all genins present at the hall of tower.

'I really hoped 4 teams will pass at maximum.' Anko thought which she has unknowingly had been loud to be heard by most.

"Well as our lovely Anko has revealed, due to high number of genin passing the second round we are going to perform a preliminary round." Minato the fourth Hokage come forth and then begin to reveal the actual meaning of Chunin exam.

During the time Naruto was thinking of the number of genin passing the exam, 7 teams 21 in total. If single genin could have pass there will have been 22 as his clone was able to save a girl a year or two older than himself from a wild bear. Oddly she was Uzumaki. Sadly or good grief as she said her teammates get killed which she was somehow happy for.

"So that is why we organize and participate on this exam. Now we will begin." Minato ended his speech and soon a sickly jounin make his appearance coughing loudly.

Well the exam was beginning so Naruto thought of pushing the talk with the Uzumaki girl Karin he rescued for after this round.

"Hello everyone I am Gekkou Hayate and I will be the proctor of the third round." The jounin cough violently once more before continuing "Now this round is a one on one battle and the winner will go to actual third round. Also anyone not up to challenge can leave now as it won't hamper your teammates."

Hand of Yakushi Kabuto raise and he fake his unfitness due to 5 days spending in the forest. After addressing his forfeit which the veteran ninja found odd, the preliminary was officially started as no more hand raise.

"Now the board will choose the pair to fight. I will judge when one win or lose or if one is unable to continue or die thought I will interfere if necessary." Hayate cough once more.

The electronic board beside the huge Ram sign Statue begins to flick passing through various name finally stopping at a couple of name who were to fight first. Leaving those two in fighting arena, all other genin walk toward the balcony above to watch the match.


A/N: Sorry got busy unexpectedly. This is a hastened chapter I planned for the completion of a year of the story. I might recheck and re-upload it at later day if I found many errors. No luck with good beta reader and reviews I guess.