Hello friends, I'm on writing after a break. I still haven't developed much in writing, yet I'm trying this out. This story is an idea from my friend in Fan fiction and the title is a working title for now which might change later. I have tried to do it fair but I'm not sure if it will suffice. I'll like to know how it is.

I really have no idea how I can own Naruto, so I don't own Naruto in any way.


"I wish we could just stay like this forever!"

"I know it's nostalgic, still we can't be even seen like this let alone stay forever." The young lady playfully added "Beside you are a busy man Minato. After all you are a Hokage now."

"I know it Kushina. That's more of a reason I want to spend much time with you when I can. I never thought there was such a silly rule which prevent us from getting together which we dream so much of." The young man, Minato, sulked looking toward the peaceful village below.

"It can't be help now, can it? You got to follow the rule for others to follow you."

"Still, it really hurts Kushina."

They both stay quiet for a while enjoying the nature in each other's arm. Minato suddenly broke the silence as if having a great idea with a quiet smile.

"I know; Kushina, let's run away. I am sure Sandaime-sama can still run the village properly for few years. Beside I doubt I'll do any good with you away from me."

With blazing eyes Kushina look at the man ahead"How can you say so Minato? It's always been your… our dream to be Hokage and protect this village we love so much."

"B-but… my dream includes our sweet little family. How can I forget it and be happy. I wish I had studied the details properly before accepting the post. "

"Minato, we swear to protect the village and when you protect it, I get protect too." Kushina curled her long red hair "Beside I am really happy, for you finally achieve our dream."

"At what price, losing you is the ultimate price I got to pay." Minato was still pouting.

"It's not that I want to be away…" She leaned closer "It's just some decisions are hard to make but essential. Think of it as one of them."

"You know Kushina; I won't be able to win against you no matter what I do."

"That's why you like me so much -ttebane" She begins to giggle "And I love you for you understand me so well. You have to protect the village and bring peace Minato."

"Guess I have to. Kushina, can we still meet sometime?" he was hoping she won't say what he fears he will hear but he can only hope.

"I am afraid we can't do so Minato. You can't risk your position."

Staying silently for next few minutes they look over to horizon where sun was just setting down.

"Minato, you gotta go back to Hokage tower and work. You can't stay like this anymore." Loathing the next word to come, she stands up abruptly and begins walking away determine not to show her watering eyes "Sa-sayonara Minato."

"Sayonara… Kushina" Minato stay still for few seconds and vanish in a flash of yellow wiping the tears around his eyes.


"Wh-What do you mean? Is what I am hearing really true?" Minato was trembling unsure how to feel.

"It is Hokage-sama." A female ANBU in Tori mask reply.

"But I just met her yesterday. Why would she hide such a thing from me?"

"My guess, she doesn't want you worried." Unsure if she should continue, she looks up to see a curious face demanding explanation. "She truly is a logical woman albeit a bit hot-headed. She knows what you'll do if you know it which she won't like. I regret spilling it unknowingly."

"I know that Taji. Yet I can't stay still. So this is all I can do right now, I guess." Minato pause a moment when the ANBU now named Taji has million fearful thoughts. "Today onward I assign you on Kushina's care and protection till her due date as a medic ninja not an ANBU."

Visibly relaxing Taji could only blurt a word before vanishing"Hai!"

He was tempted to directly confront Kushina right away but it needs to wait till the day work gets finished. He had a lot to think on.


Kushina was staying on her bed lost on her own world which was why she jumped out of her bed when she suddenly saw someone join her in the room. Turning around she don't know how to feel.

"Hokage-sama, what a pleasure to see you visit me so unexpectedly,"

"Come on Kushina don't joke like that right now. I want to know why you hide about your pregnancy from me." Seeing a serious face of Minato with his eyes sparkling, she could hardly suppress any truth.

"I… I don't want you to leave everything to be with me feeling responsible." She laced onto him and begins crying. "I want you to continue living our dream even if it means a great sacrifice. I wish for a peaceful life for our child unlike ours."

"I will surely bring peace but our child needs us both to be happy. I can secretly come and live with you. No one will ever know."

"Don't be so frantic Minato. Think logically, what if people see you even by accident. We won't want such things." Kushina separates from him wiping her eyes "Beside I can easily provide him a good life."

"I have no doubt you will. Still-"

"No 'but' and 'still' Minato." Kushina ushered him to door. "Now go on before anyone sees you her. Beside I have Taji to help thanks to you."

"Alright I will but you need to be in my office tomorrow strictly and ... a question." Minato has a wicked but sheepish smile "How long till I saw my child?"

"Around 5-6 months I guess." She replies still pushing him to go.


"Did you summon me Hokage-sama?" Kushina replied calmly standing in front of Hokage desk.

Going through few hand seals, Minato activated the silencing seal before facing her. "It's too odd to hear you say Hokage-sama to me. Come take a seat Kushina."

"It's a standard procedure whether you like it or not Minato. So why am I being summoned."

"Well, it's little complicated and I am unsure where to begin." Minato scratch his neck "You know of complications on pregnancy of Jinchiruki's right. So after discussing with Sandaime-sama, we thought it was best for you to give birth away from village."

"So where am I going?"

"Well you see you will be travelling to a village at the edge of Uzushiogakure tomorrow with Taji and an ANBU guard Alias Yamato."

Giving her a moment to sink in the information, he continues. "Also in few days Sandaime and his wife will be joining you till your due date."

"So, Biwaki-san will be assisting me." She visibly gets excited.

"Yeah, that she is. So be ready to travel by 8 at morning tomorrow."

"Sure, that I will do. Do I need any other thing to know?"

Whatever she was thinking was not what she heard but it makes her happy.

"Yeah, just that I will miss you and will always love you." Minato said with conviction.


"So, how long till we reach there?"

"Are you serious Kushina-san? You of all people should know." Taji rolled her eyes "After all it was your homeland."

"Yeah, Yeah I know but all this walking with nothing to do is boring, dattebane."

"You should be little more patience Kushina-san. I'm sure we will reach there soon." Yamato speaks in his monotonous sound which quiet down Kushina.

After few more hours of quiet travel they reach the gate of the destined town. They slowly begin to walk to the small house prepared at forest edge near mountain side for rest.

"Finally we reached. No more boring walking -ttebane" Kushina's boastful voice chase many of wild animals in surrounding.

"Can't you keep a low profile Kushina-san? Shouting and jumping won't do any good to your health. At least think of the child."

"So it seems Kushina-san. What Taji-san suggested is true." Yamato finally suggest after straightening himself.

"Fine whatever, I can't even be happy." Kushina enter the house brooding.


"Wow, I never knew Yugao was coming, else I'll have borrowed her instead of this Yamato guy. They were no fun at all."Kushina pouted when she come to meet Sandaime's group.

"You should be a little low considering your condition Kushina." A new voice spoke which Kushina knew belongs to Sandaime's wife Biwaki-san.

"Come on Biwaki-san, what bad can happen. I'm sure I can deal with anything. Still …" Kushina look thoughtful for some moments before speaking low "Does it hurt really badly while giving birth."

No one was giving her a verbal answer though all present sweat-drop hearing her concern.

Kushina actually don't require the answer for she knew it really hurt when her due date arrived. Jiraya was finally present to stabilize the seal. Well not before he have a detour for his research.

"Come on Kushina, just take deep breaths." Biwaki-san has a booming voice tonight "Taji, stay focus on her and Jiraya stabilize the seal."

"We are concentrating as hard as we can Biwaki-sama." Taji swept her forehead to remove the sweat forming "It's just too hard on her case." Jiraya nodded sagely on the comment.

"Quit whining. And Yugao-san, please quite those fool in the next room." Biwaki was getting irritated. Yugao sagely accepted the order and went out.

At the same moment, a lone dark cloaked figure, who had just disposed two parameter guards quietly walk to the room passing the security barrier and the wall easily.

"Whoa, finally baby is out. Now we can-"Taji was slumped to ground with a thud. Being curious, Jiraya looked ahead to find a cloaked figure with the baby on his hand.

"Hey, who are you and … hey leave the baby." Jiraya shouted when the figure slowly walked ahead.

"Sure, I have no use of the child. Just I'll take his mom in exchange." Throwing the child, the cloaked figure grabbed Kushina and begins retreating.

Unfolding the blanket, Jiraya quickly deactivated the exploding tags attached before shouting order to the group who just arrived "Get the cloaked man, he got Kushina. I'll handle things here."

The group was out soon. Jiraya kneeled down to check on the two injured on floor who look fine except few cuts.

"Thank god you both are fine. Rest here; I'll go check on others." He hurried out quickly gripping the child on his hands.


A few distances away in the pond just below the mountain, a young lady was tied on trees around by dark ink seal. In front of her was a cloaked man laughing menacingly.

"Finally, I can extract the nine-tails beast and cause havoc on Konoha to avenge myself. I will completely destroy the village once I have control over the beast. I better hurry though."

The cloaked man run through some hand seals and then his hand began to glow which he instantly jabbed on the seal on Kushina's stomach beginning the process of extraction of Kyuubi no Kitsune, the nine tailed beast.


Xxtra Shot

"Hey Yamato" Kushina called out to her companion feeling bored.

"Yes Kushina-san."

Kushina knew all ANBU are bad in conversation yet she has to ask "I know you are only Mokuton user alive. So why won't you marry and produce more Mokuton user. It will do really good for village."

Yamato visibly slip from the branch he was jumping "Well Kushina-san, what do you expect. I'm only 14 you know right."

"Still, at least you got to like a girl right." Seeing no reaction from Yamato, She decided to ask the question she has on her mind "You are not a different type are you?"

This time he was so distracted he fell off the side cliff. A little while latter a big scream could be heard from below which sounds a little like a girl.

"Well I thought so. That might be why he is so attached to Kakashi, always following him."


A/N: Well this is it for the first chapter. So please tell me how it begins. I'll try to make it as good as I can. This is my first genuine try on writing long fiction. I can take any complaint.

Also, a very big thank you to Darth Bud, who provided me with this idea to write. I'll try to update soon!