Hello Organic Lifeforms. I haven't posted on this account before because BetterNameToCome and I (my sister) usually post our stories on hers as she types them.

Disclaimer: If you recognise it I don't own it.



1:05pm"Is performing an autopsy on a living person still illegal?"

1:07pm"YES! I believe it's called torture."

1:08pm"Oh shut it, RARA. If you had to sit through three classes with Toolhead turning your paperclips into helicopters you'd want to open him up and check for gears too."

1:10pm"Though I am a strong believer in medical investigations you should probably wait until he dies p.s not RARA."

1:11pm"Oh is this Kelp Head then? I didn't know you could spell investigations or medical or believer or well any of the words you just said."

1:12pm"My head is not full of kelp. I think you have the wrong number."

1:13pm"You can do that? I thought you just click on the person's name and type."

1:15pm"Not quite."

1:17pm"Oh sorry. "

1:50pm"I didn't torture him. But he will be unconscious for the next 10-40 minutes due to the surprising weight of textbook I hit him with."

1:53pm"Wrong number again. I suddenly just realized that you could be a sociopath."

1:55pm "Was there ever any question? And I know I thought I'd update you on whether or not I'm going to prison."

1:58pm "Why thank you. A few more years before you have to wear orange then, from what I've seen you'll probably murder someone eventually. And a textbook? Really?"
2:01pm "If anyone tries to get me to wear orange I'll end up murdering one more person. And they don't let us have weapons in class."

2:03pm "I have officially saved your name on my phone as sociopath, and don't be rude. Orange is my second favourite colour after yellow."

2:05pm "I am disgusted. I can't talk to you anymore. You're one of those people who dress obnoxiously bright and are always happy aren't you?"

2:07pm "And you're one of those people who always obsessive amounts of black and hate everyone, aren't you?"

2:09pm "Are you stalking me? Black is a calming colour and I don't hate everyone… just most people."

2:11pm "Friendly, aren't you? And since I'm a complete stranger I could very well be stalking you. Didn't anyone ever teach you about cyber safety?"

2:13pm "What does cyber mean? We don't have computers in my house if that's what you mean. Father just gave me this… thing because apparently most teenagers have them."

2:15pm "WHAT CENTUARY ARE YOU FROM? And yes yes we do. I am oddly relieved you're not a middle aged man."

2:18pm "I'm fifteen so I'm far from being middle aged… according to Kelp Head I have the computer skills of someone from the nineteen forties."
2:20pm "Did his parents name him Kelp Head or are you just a kind friend? And I'm fifteen too."

2:22pm "His girlfriend's calls him Seaweed Brain. It suits more than you will ever know."

2:24pm "Do they have a name for you?"

2:25pm "Not that I'll ever admit to."

2:28pm "I'LL GUESS! Lets see… you're old fashioned, goth and a psychopath…"

2:30pm "I thought I was a sociopath?"

2:35pm"Um… something to do with death…"

2:42pm "-_-"

2:44pm "YAY I'M CLOSE! And I'm surprised you can do emojis, old man."

2:46pm "ToolBrain just woke up. He showed me."
2:47pm "You almost kill him and he helps you with your phone?"

2:50pm "I think he booby trapped it…"

2:52pm "Deservingly. How do you not understand technology? Don't you go to school?"

2:54pm "Tragically. It's full of posh prats that I despise."

2:56pm "Tool Brain is a posh prat? And Sociopath are you rich?"

2:59pm "He's a scholarship kid, and…possibly…"

3:01pm "I KNEW IT! I just go to public school. And this question is a little late but RARA? Do her parents hate her or do you?"

3:03pm "They're her initials which Superman and I cruelly mock her with. She's my neighbour."

3:05pm "Superman? So many nicknames I don't understand."

3:06pm "He's just so… superman."

3:09pm "Still wondering about your name."

3:11pm "Keep wondering."

3:13pm *Pouts* and for safety purposes I won't give you my real name… call me Glowstick or Sunspot, or at least that's what Rainbow head calls me."

3:15pm "Oh god, you are one of those bright people. Do you actually glow?"

3:16pm"Sadly not. I'm just very blonde."

3:18pm "I'm the polar opposite if you didn't guess. Black hair, not blonde like at all."

3:20pm "I didn't think so, Death Head."


3:26pm "Good. Die."

3:28pm "So mean!"

3:31pm "Don't call me that, sunspot. ToolBrain nearly has his hair set on fire every time he tries."

3:33pm"Considering what I've heard of him that doesn't sound like an irregular occurrence."

3:33pm "His hair is rarely not on fire to be honest."

3:35pm"I wouldn't want to sit by him in class either. He sounds like a fire hazard."
3:37pm "Which is coincidentally one of our names for him."

3:40pm "I'll text you later. I have surf practice."

3:42pm "Surf? Where in Hades name are you?"

3:45pm "LA. What about you?"

3:47pm "Los Vegas. My father owns some casino's so we're stuck in the heat."

3:49pm"Wow you are rich. I love the heat! And I live here with my foster family."

3:52pm "Oh. I used to live in the foster system before they tracked down my father."

3:53pm "I really should go, stranger who texted me with murder plans."

3:55pm "Alright, stranger who replied with advice on murder."

3:58pm "Go be all athletic or whatever surfing entails."


6:34pm "Wrong number again and I am oddly impressed that you can swear in other languages. What did Tool Head do?"

6:51pm "Oh you again. The piece of shit made my ringtone Barbie Girl. He called me in the middle of dinner with my family. And I should be impressive at Italian considering it's my first language."

6:54pm "FIRST LANGUAGE? ARE YOU ITALIAN? And omg I'm dying."

6:58pm "So is Tool Head, and yes I was raised in Italy."

6:59pm "How did I not know this? Why did you leave? Italy sounds amazing!"
7:01pm "It was but Mama became a representation for the Italian government here in America so we moved."

7:04pm"You mentioned being a foster kid before, did you Mom pass away?"

7:11pm "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked."

7:14pm"It's fine. The building collapsed with us inside. My sister and I barely survived."

"I'm sorry. I never knew my parents, but my mom left a note explaining that she was too young to be a mother."

7:16pm "I'm sorry."

7:20pm"Is it still singing?"

7:21pm "I threw the APhone repeatedly against the wall. It stopped but the screen keeps changing. My sister is still laughing and my fathers face still has a slight purple tinge."

7:23pm "That poor IPhone. What kind of a teenager are you? My foster brother treats technology like they're his children… which they usually are."

7:25pm"You're all obsessed. It's unhealthy."

7:27pm"Excuse you I am a strong believer in a healthy lifestyle."


7:29pm"And dinner's finished. Thank gods."

7:31pm "Is your sister still laughing at you?"

7:38pm "Once my step mother explained what a ringtone is she found it hilarious."

7:40pm. "Was your sister frozen for seventy hears to, Capsicule."

7:42pm "She makes me look like Tool Brain."

7:48pm. "For comicon you need to go as either Aang or Captain America. Or you can go with your sister as both."

7:45pm. "Kelp head suggested that last year for Halloweed. As if he could judge about being oblivious."

7:47pm. "How so?"

7:47pm. "Firstly out of us you're the one who talks like they're from the forties. Secondly he is the most oblivious person in the world, especially when it comes to people liking him. He didn't notice: Merida, RARA, Ghost King and his girlfriend. They had had crushes on eachother (Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl) for four years!"

7:50pm. "Firstly I wish to comment on your gift at nick names. Do you actually use them or are they for my possibly stalkerish benefit? And he had to have noticed he liked her. It's kind of hard not to."

7:51pm. "We sometimes use them and no he didn't realize. He's special that way."

7:52pm "Wow. That is special."

7:54pm. "We're 90% sure he has brain damage from spending too much time underwater."

7:56pm. "I don't know him but that sounds likely. I should go to bed. It's getting later."


8:03pm "The sun's is down therefore I'm going to bed. I'll be up bright and early at 5am when the sun returns."

8:05pm "I was joking before about stopping talking to you, but this? This is horrifying and detrimental to our relationship."

8:07pm. "We have a relationship, do we?"

8:10pm "I correct myself. Mutual texting over murder."

8:13pm. "How sweet. I really should sleep, the sun has been down for like twenty minutes I NEVER STAY UP THIS LATE!"

8:13pm. "I'm nocturnal so fuck off you annoyingly bright fire bender."

8:15pm. "YAY! YOU WATCH AVATAR! I am so glad. I thought you wouldn't know what a television is."

8:18pm "Kelp Head forced me. Apparently he's a waterbender and Hazel and I are earthbenders."

8:20pm. "I KNOW SOMEONES NAME! Now to stalk you I must just find every person who knows a Hazel…"
8:20pm. "Good luck with that, Sunspot. I'll be hanging from my ceiling like a bat."

8:23pm. "And I'll be sleeping like a normal person."

8:25pm. "Normal people aren't sleeping at 8."

8:26pm. "Oh shush."

8:29pm. "Fine. Even if it barely counts goodnight."

8:31pm. "Night to you too, Dracula."