So, someone asked for this a while back and I can't find the message but they asked for a fic when Loki turns Thor into a kid and has to take care of him, so here it is. I'm not sure if it's what you wanted though, I'm not super sympathetic to Loki but I'm not going to make him cruel in this. I hope you guys like it!
Thor gritted his teeth and offered yet another offer of peaceful resolution to Loki. Loki for his part sneered at it. All of his protestations that they were brothers amounted to nothing. They had never really been brothers. Their lives had been tales of lies and nothing Thor said would change that. However unwitting he had been, he had still been a part of it. Loki had a million spells and it would take more than a few bolts of lightning to stop him. He would end Thor and humiliate him as he did so. He wouldn't have a hero's death. He would die painfully and mercilessly and the world and all who thought he was special would see it.
Loki's lip curled as he thought of it. He would strip Thor of his glory and leave him exposed as the same selfish, weakling that everyone else was. He would show the world and their father that he was a flawed nothing. Brotherhood meant nothing. Their magic clashed as these thoughts filled his head. The lightning flew and Loki snarled. He might have been more outmatched than he had originally anticipated. In a rush he twisted to the side to avoid a hammer strike. Thor looked at him with pathetic eyes, asking him to stop the fight. To give himself up peacefully. Loki's snarl twisted more grotesquely.
With desperation he cast the first spell he could think of and with luck he hit Thor straight in the chest. The other Asguardian stopped in his tracks with wide eyes and Loki leaned forward, shocked that of all the magic he had at his disposal he had hit his mark with one of his least aggressive spell. He watched with somewhat cruel fascination as Thor fell to his knees and began to change. Then a sudden jolt went through him as it dawned on him what kind of spell he'd cast. Slowly before his eyes Thor grew smaller and more child-like and then very suddenly he was a simple child, looking wondrously lost and dazed in his now oversize armor.
Loki didn't like it. His intent had been to kill. To rid himself of his foolish brother. Not to do this. Even when the thought that his brother was now helpless before him crossed his mind he was repulsed by it. He took a step backwards and his face crumpled with horror. He wanted to flee. To leave the place and find shelter from his mistakes. This was too much. He was repulsed by the child now standing, clutching at the armor his wore, now to heavy for him. Thor looked at him with wide and puzzled eyes. "Loki!" He said with surprise as he figured out who was standing in front of him. Loki hissed in displeasure as the sound of the boy's voice evoked memories. He wanted them to be bad memories. He wanted them to be memories of suffering and cruelty but they were not. They were memories of good times of childhood merriment and play. "Don't speak." He hissed. He wanted to clamp his hands to his ears. He didn't think he could take this.
Thor instead broke into a smile of boyish delight. "Why are you grown up?" He asked, voice echoing with curious wonder.
Loki wanted to escape. He didn't want to be faced with his brother like this. It was painful. "I just am." He found himself saying lamely.
"Can you make me grown up too?! I want to see what I'll look like."
Loki wanted to hurt him to make him stop talking and he felt a sudden rush of pain because he couldn't hurt him now. Not like this. Not his brother like this. But he didn't think he could take the boy talking. He made him think of things. Good things and he didn't want to think of those. It was wrong. It was terribly wrong. He didn't want to think of hearing stories at his father's knee or of his mother. He didn't want to think of Thor dragging him into adventurous games. Those had been good times but they were built on lies. Lies. He reminded himself. All lies. And Thor even this child Thor was part of those lies. An unknowing liar.
He turned away. He was justified in his hate. He was justified in his actions. He was justified pure and simple. Lies were unbecoming. Lies were unforgivable. He looked through the corner of his eye at Thor. The boy was smiling and looking around. He couldn't have been more than eight,."Loki where are we?"
"We're having an adventure." He said simply, quietly.
Are we? What is the adventure?"
"Sleep." Loki cast a spell, unable to endure the brightness in the voice, the happiness, the trust, the love. The boy's eyes drifted close and it was only with effort Loki caught him before the child hit the ground. He held him for a moment. An older brother for once and how his skin burned at the contact. Thor's flesh was hot and full of life and energy. Full of trust and love. He didn't think he could stand it.
He debated leaving the boy there. Leaving him on the grassy slope. They were somewhere in Midguard. A mountain rage perhaps. Not important where. They would not be found. If he left him Thor would not be found. He would simply sleep. He could make him sleep. Make him sleep forever. Just lie there and sleep like in a fairy tale. He wanted to. It wouldn't be a cruel death for a child. Yet this was his brother. Visions of childhood flashed through his mind. Visions of playing and learning and growing and so many other things shared. Love and happiness. But those weren't for him anymore. He had set his path to hatred and now this sleeping child of love and good memories burned his flesh to hold. He wanted to be rid of the boy. It was painful to be near him and made his heart hurt.
This will only be about four chapters and I'm finishing the last chapter now so the updates should be pretty quick. I'm also happy because this story is a little different from all of my other deaged fics in that there isn't such a formulaic plot (which Im not criticizing too much because I still love that kind of story)
Thanks for reading!