Unconventional Chapter 2

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Y'ALL! Hope the new year goes well and brings in a lot of happiness for you guys :)

Back to business, this is for people who don't know- the term 'nii-sama' is one denoting high respect. Normally, brothers are addressed as onii-san or nii-san.

Also, I've changed the names some characters address others as, mainly for Rukia, to distinguish her from Byakuya. Hope you guys don't mind!

And as for reviews for the last chapter...I didn't get as many as I'd liked to, so that made me a little dejected, hence the late update...I was kinda demotivated. Okay, very demotivated. As for those who did review, thank you so much! I was able to write this only because of your kind words. Thanks also for those who followed and faved.

"Holy shit. Byakuya." Ichigo said, his eyes widened as he took in the man standing before him. Byakuya's eyes widened too.

"Wait wait wait wait wait...how do you know nii-sama?" Rukia interjected.

"Nii-sama?" Ichigo questioned incredulously.

"Yeah well see when we were young we used to pretend we were nobles because our family was rich and so I started calling him nii-sama and it just kind of stuck. But screw that...how do you know him?"

"Guys, I don't even get what's going on, but Byakuya, you're looking as fine as ever" Renji said and winked at Byakuya.

"Shut up!" Rukia and Ichigo exclaimed in unison whilst Byakuya raised his eyebrow in amusement at the compliment. Renji whined but fell silent.

"Kurosaki Ichigo. I see you're acquainted with my sister." Byakuya spoke for the first time.

"Yeah I am. But isn't your last name Kuchiki? Rukia's is Orikasa!" Ichigo asked, confused.

"Buffoon, didn't I tell you that I don't use our family name because I don't want others to give me preferential treatment just because my family is rich and influential?"

"Yeah but I didn't know your last name was Kuchiki!"

"I told you that day, don't you remember, dumbshit?"

"Hey, you spout a lot of crap! I don't listen half of the time, and even when I do listen, I don't remember! How was I supposed to know that what you were saying was actually important?"

And so, Ichigo got smacked.

"Well at least now I get why Byakuya's surname sounded really really familiar to me.." He said and got smacked again.

"Hey, Byakuya, let's go in. Leave these immature bickering idiots outside." Renji told Byakuya, seeing as Ichigo and Rukia weren't paying him any attention.

"Oy, pineapple head, we can hear you." Ichigo said.

"Nii-sama, let's go in." Rukia said, deciding to ignore both Ichigo and Renji. Byakuya looked highly amused at this exchange and let them in.

Rukia, Renji and Ichigo trooped in and made themselves comfortable on the couch facing Byakuya.

"So, what's going on?" Rukia questioned.

"Rukia, if you don't mind, could you give us some privacy? And take him with you too" Byakuya said, gesturing towards Renji.

"Aw, no, Byakuya I'm seeing you after nearly forever! Let me stay please, I promise I won't interrupt!" Renji pleaded, but in vain as Rukia grabbed him by the collar.

"Then nii-sama, Ichigo, we'll be at the cafe round the corner of the street. Join us when you're done. Oh, and feel free to throw Ichigo out if he misbehaves." Rukia said and dragged Renji off.

The atmosphere in the room turned awkward. What were they supposed to say to each other? What were they to each other anyways? Friends or acquaintances or even less?

"Kurosaki." Byakuya spoke up, breaking the silence. For some reason, Ichigo really liked it when Byakuya said his name. He didn't know why. Maybe it's because Byakuya had a nice voice.

"Yeah." Ichigo replied.

"I want to apologize."

Now this surprised Ichigo. "What for?"

"Not turning up."

"It's okay, Byakuya, it's not like I told you to be there."

"Some things don't need to be said out loud."

Ah, yes, so true. So Byakuya too understood the unspoken agreement they had between them.

"Don't sweat it. You must have had your reasons."

"I did, actually. To be honest, talking to you made me feel kind of...happy. A graveyard, especially my grandfather's grave, is no place to feel happy. I felt like I was being disrespectful to him, to all the people there."

"Byakuya, didn't we talk about this already? Your grandfather would rather you be happy than solemn in front of his grave. I mean, I don't know him so I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure."

"That last line made no sense."

"Well, you catch my drift."

"I suppose I do. I've been told that I tend to overthink things. Maybe that's what I was doing."

"I guess. But it's cool now."

"I'm relieved that you are Rukia's friend. I would be displeased if we never met again and I never got to apologize."

"Well, maybe we were fated to meet again."

"Fate...?" Byakuya got a faraway look on his face. "Maybe. But I am glad to have met you, Kurosaki Ichigo."

"And I you, Kuchiki Byakuya."

"Hey, Rukia." Renji nudged her. They were currently seated in plush leather chairs sipping on hot cups of coffee.

"Hm" She replied, absentmindedly.

"How do you suppose Ichigo knows your brother?" He asked her curiously. "I mean, they've never mentioned each other before."

"Now that you mention it, I wonder..."

"Maybe they had an illicit relationship before?" Renji suggested.

"Oy! Just what do you think my brother is?"

"A very hot piece of ass." Renji smirked. Rukia glared daggers at him, and looked like she was about to pour her remaining coffee on his head. "Ok, I'm sorry! I was just kidding anyway. Not that he isn't hot, but I'm not into him. I swear." He said hastily.

"Good to know."

"Wait, what do you mean by 'good to know'? Huh?" He asked, waggling his tattooed eyebrows. She nearly choked on her coffee.

"I-I mean, it's good to know that there's no chance that my brother will end up with a buffoon like you! He's way too good for you!" She spluttered, flushing.

"Uh huh, of course that's what you meant..." He said, grinning at her reddening face.

"So, you know, I did mention Ichigo to nii-sama, but I didn't mention his full name, I just called him 'Ichi' so that's why nii-sama didn't recognize him. I should've used his full name..." Rukia said, changing the topic quickly and regaining her composure. Renji noticed but decided to let it go.

"Wow, you're stupid."

"I don't need to be told that by you. You're like the king of idiots."

"At least I'm king."

"Shut up."

At that point, Byakuya and Ichigo entered the cafe. They made their way to where Rukia and Renji were seated, oblivious of the stares they were receiving from women (and a few men).

"Hi! Now that you guys are finished with your talk, mind telling me how you know each other?" Rukia asked, staring at her brother with bright eyes.

"It's a long story, Rukia." Byakuya said.

"I want to know!"


"Byakuya, hang on, before you start, didn't Rukia ever mention me to you? We've been friends for maybe a year now."

"No, I don't recall her telling me anything about you."

"I did mention him! Remember when I told you about 'Ichi'? That's him."

"Ah, yes, I remember you telling me about a friend named Ichi. I also recall you described him as a frowny orange strawberry." Byakuya said. Then he looked at Ichigo scrutinizingly. "That description suits you, Ichi." He smirked.

"Shut up, asshole. And what's up with that weird description, Rukia? I am not a frowny orange strawberry!"

"Yes you are." Coughed Renji from the side.

"Then you're a fucking stupid red pineapple." Retorted Ichigo.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"What are you two, five year old toddlers? Cut it out!" Rukia commanded.

"Yes ma'am." They said meekly. Byakuya observed in interest, proud of his little sister's skills of intimidation.

"Oh, nii-sama, I forgot to tell you, two more friends of ours will be turning up. I've already texted them to come here, they'll be here any minute.

"Well then, I will take my leave, I don't want to impose upon you." Byakuya said and got up to leave.

"Hey, stay for a while, you won't be imposing, right, Rukia?" Ichigo said, grabbing Byakuya's wrist. Byakuya's eyes widened a little at the contact.

"Of course he won't. I want you to stay, nii-sama!" Rukia said too.

"Yeah, Byakuya, please don't leave me alone with these idiots." Renji pleaded. "Or rather, we can go somewhere where we can be alone..." He added with a wink.

"I'll sue you for harassment now, Renji." Byakuya said smoothly as he sat down again. "But I can't stay for long. I have work at 8:00."

"So you really are a lawyer, Byakuya?"

"That's one of the things I do, yes, but today I have a photoshoot."

Ichigo's jaw nearly hit the floor. "You-you're a model too?!" He demanded.

"That's also one of the things I do, yes."

"Yeah, and he's the best model ever. That Calvin Klein underwear shoot..." Renji interjected. Rukia shot him a dirty look.

"How many professions do you have?!" Ichigo demanded.

"Who knows." Came the abstract reply. "I rather enjoy surprising people, Ichi." He added.

Normally, Ichigo had a huge problem with being called Ichi, but when Byakuya called him that, he actually liked it. Something was definitely wrong with him.

"Nii-sama is also a bestselling author, Ichigo." Rukia stated, clearly proud of her brother.

"And an architect." Renji added.

"Now you'll tell me he's also a porn star." Ichigo said. Rukia hit him so hard he saw stars.

"That is something I'm definitely not. The job is too demanding." Byakuya said.

"That is your main problem?" Ichigo asked incredulously. God, he'd never met a man as unique as Byakuya Kuchiki before. And amazingly handsome too, added his subconscious, which he hurriedly silenced.

"Well, yes."

"Alright, whatever, but how do you manage all these jobs at once?" Ichigo asked.

"I do not fully commit myself to a single job. Whatever I feel like doing, I do."

"Makes me jealous." Ichigo said.

"Me too." Renji sighed.

"Me three!" Rukia exclaimed.

"I thought you loved your job, Rukia?" Byakuya asked her, surprised.

"I do, nii-sama, but sometimes I wish I could do whatever I want to too." Rukia explained.

"And you, Kurosaki? Do you dislike your job?" Byakuya asked Ichigo.

"Of course not, it pays well and I get to meet a lot of people, but like Rukia said, it'd be nice to have more freedom." Ichigo answered, wondering why he was 'Kurosaki' again. "And we're friends now, so call me Ichigo." He added. It was the normal thing to do. Besides, Byakuya called Renji by his first name so... Byakuya nodded and turned to Renji.

"Renji...well, you should hate your job, with the colleagues you have." He said.

"Aw, Byakuya, don't mind them, they hit on anyone and everyone even remotely good looking. Though I don't blame them for trying to hit on you..." Renji said and brought his face closer to Byakuya's leeringly. Byakuya just moved away.

"That Grimmjow person was particularly insistent..."

"Oh yeah, he still keeps on mentioning you to me. Maybe you should give him a chance."

"I do not swing that way."


"Wait, when did you meet his colleagues, Byakuya?" Ichigo interrupted curiously.

"Once, he and Rukia got into a drinking competition after the nightclub was closed and got hopelessly drunk, so drunk that I had to come take them home."

"Ah, I'm so sorry again, nii-sama!" Rukia apologized.

"It's okay, Rukia, getting drunk is something everyone should do once in a while."

"Do you, nii-sama?" She asked innocently, and to everyone's surprise, Byakuya averted his eyes.

"So you do!" Renji exclaimed. Byakuya was spared the need to reply by the arrival of Ishida and Inoue.

"Hello, everyone! Ah, Byakuya-san, you're here!" Orihime chirped. Ishida just waved hello at them.

"Yo, Inoue! And Ishida. Looking as stuck up as ever." Ichigo said. Orihime beamed at him. Ishida just frowned and pushed his glasses further up his nose.

"I'll be going now. Enjoy your evening." Byakuya said and got up.

"Why so soon, Byakuya-san?" Orihime asked, dejected.

"He has work. Bye now, nii-sama!" Rukia interjected. Byakuya nodded and left.

"Sooooooo, Ichigo, out with it." Rukia said, turning upon Ichigo.

"Out with what?" Ichigo asked, puzzled.

"Don't play innocent, mister. I want to know how you already knew my brother."

"Whatever are you talking about, Rukia-san?" Ishida asked, confused. He and Orihime were promptly brought up to speed on the the situation.

"Ah hah! I get it now! Kurosaki-kun and Byakuya-san were in a secret relationship before and then they had a bad breakup and didn't keep in touch."

"That's exactly what Renji said before. You guys think alike." Rukia commented.

"Or maybe Kurosaki was an assassin before and Byakuya-san was his target, but he was so smitten by Byakuya-san that he quit his job and became normal friends with him. And maybe they fucked once and Kurosaki sucked so bad that Byakuya-san was done with him." Ishida said.

"Um, hey? I'm like, right here, so can you stop making up crazy shit about us? And Ishida, what the fuck? Are you high? Why would you assume that I was a friggin assassin? And I'll have you know I'm great in bed." Ichigo said angrily.

"You're capable of anything, Kurosaki. I wouldn't put being an assassin beneath you. And that last piece of information was rather unnecessary." Ishida countered. Ichigo scoffed.

"Asshole, shut up. And you know what, I'm not gonna tell you how I know him. You guys can speculate all you want." He said angrily.

"Aww come on, you're a good Ichi, tell us, we're your best friends, aren't we?" Renji pleaded.

"I should really get some new best friends." Ichigo thought out loud.

"Don't be like that, strawberry!" Renji whined.

"Don't call me that, or else I'll break your nose-" Ichigo started to say, when his face was roughly grabbed and turned to face Rukia.

"Spill it, Ichigo Kurosaki." Rukia said, her eyes blazing. She was serious.

"Fine, midget, just let go of my face. You've got the grip of a fucking ape." Ichigo said and spilled the entire story about Byakuya and his meeting.

"K-Kurosaki-kun...that's something straight out of a movie!" Inoue gasped after hearing out what Ichigo said.

"Don't be so gullible. Of course he's shittin' us." Renji said airily.

"No I'm not! Yeah, I know it sounds far-fetched and all that, but I'm not kidding!" Ichigo protested.

"Ichigo..." Rukia trailed off.

"What is it? I'm telling you I'm not fucking with you! Fine, you know what? If you don't believe me, fine. I don't care." Ichigo said irately, turning towards her.

"Geez, Kurosaki, stop your drama. We believe you." Ishida said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Ichigo's just PMSing." Renji observed, and it earned him a punch on the face from Ichigo.

"No...Ichigo...that's the most heartwarming story I've ever heard! It's beautiful!" Rukia said, her eyes sparkling.

"What's so heartwarming about it? It's just two guys being at the graveyard at the same time, same day once a year for like three years."

"It's much more than that, and you know that, Ichigo." Rukia said, her eyes softening.

"Shut up." Ichigo said, crossing his arms over his chest. He hated to admit it, but Rukia was right. It was more. Much more.

"Besides, I have to thank you. You're officially nii-sama's first friend. Finally, he'll have someone other than me to share his feelings and enjoy with."

"What? His first friend? He didn't have any before?" Ichigo asked, surprised.

"No, well, he did have a few, but they all betrayed him or left. Jealousy, you know. Nii-sama's rich, talented, handsome. They couldn't stand being inferior to him. But you, Ichigo, are different. For starters, you too are rich, talented and handsome, and I know you're loyal, and not the jealous type. And a great friend. Though you have a potty mouth."

"Who in the world says 'potty mouth' anymore?" Renji wondered out loud. Rukia shot him a dirty look.

"I'm honored," Ichigo said, ignoring Renji. "But you guys are his friends too, aren't you?" He asked them all.

"Well, they are technically my friends first, and nii-sama doesn't open up to them that much. But you met him before you met me, so that makes you his friend, not his sister's friend." Rukia explained.

"Wow. So as his first friend, I'd better call him sometime and take him to a bar to drink and flirt with hot girls. He can do with some loosening up."

"Sure, you do that, but do you have his number?"


"Gimme." Rukia said and snatched Ichigo's phone. She entered Byakuya's number in it and returned it to Ichigo.


"No prob. Now you wanna tell me why you saved my name as 'angry midget' and Renji's as 'stupid red tattooed ass'?" Rukia asked sweetly. "Though Renji's is very accurate." She said as an afterthought.

"Damn, you saw?" Ichigo asked, thinking about ways to escape. He eyed the open door.

"You saved my name as what, asshole?" Renji demanded, cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah, Ichigo, please explain." Rukia said in a deceptively calm voice.

"You know what? I'm busy, I don't have time to waste with you guys. Bye!" Ichigo said, got up, and bolted.

"Kurosaki-kun ran." Orihime observed.

"Damn coward." Renji said.

"Whatever, it's getting late, I'm gonna leave too. Bye guys, I had fun!" Rukia said and got up.

"Yeah, I'm leaving too." Renji stood up as well.

"Me too!" Orihime said.

"Wow, you guys love Kurosaki so much that when he leaves you simply cannot stay another second?" Ishida mocked.

"Why you..." Renji said threateningly.

"I'm kidding, Abarai. I'm leaving too. It really was an enjoyable time. Especially Kurosaki's story."

They all nodded in approval, and bid goodbye to each other and went their own ways.

Please, review to tell me how I'm doing! I really wanna improve, and reviews just fuel my motivation, so review away! Thank you so much, and I apologize to those who've reviewed but I haven't replied to. I'll be honest, I'm really lazy. But I appreciate you so, so much! Specially Amaratta, thank you for your constant reviewing, your honesty and pointing out the plot holes.