Today was the day that Hinata was going to tell her family that she had married. She was waiting in her room in the Hyuuga Clan compound. Inside she was anticipating the mischief she was about to cause. She did not know if it was do to being around Naruto so much or kitsune impulses she had picked up since the ritual. She had waited until a time she knew that her father would be talking to some of the clan elders. He often had tea with his father and a few of the others at this time and he should be almost finished. She activated her Byakugan and noticed that they were drifting toward the door of the sitting room they were using. She walked into the room and waited patiently. She noticed several of the Elder's had noticed her and they kept stealing glances at her due to her calm demeanor. Normally she, or usually her persistent clone, would be fidgeting nervously in this situation.

Finally her father looked at her. "Hinata," he said emotionlessly.

She gave a quick bow and said, "Otousama, I have a technique that I have learned that I would like to show you in the training room when it is convenient."

He arched an eyebrow. He clearly was not expecting her to say that and certainly not to speak without stuttering or looking at the floor. "Very well. I have time now. What technique is it, Hinata?"

He started toward the Main Family training room. She walked beside him, which drew stares from those around them. "Otousama, I would prefer to wait until we are in the training room." She was pleased to note that a small crowd had followed her, including her grandfather and the some of the elders that had been in the sitting room.

Her father nodded. Before long they entered the room. Hinata had prepared the room ahead of time, by hiding several Hiraishin markers around the room under mats and floorboards, including the place where her father customarily began spars. That one location would probably be enough because her father, like most Hyuuga, was a creature of tradition and habit, but she preferred to be prepared.

"Outosama, if you would take your place." She gestured to the spot where the more prestigious of two sparrers would start a match. She could hear murmurs from those who had followed them. Her asking her father to spar was unprecedented.

Her father nodded and moved to his spot where he stood in a relaxed stance that he could easily shift into one of the Juken stances. She moved to the other spot. She could tell that her father was pleasantly pleased, but reserved at the turn of events.

"Otousama," she said, "the skill that I will demonstrate is the Hiraishin." She heard gasps from the audience and saw her father blink in surprise. She flashed behind her father using the marker she had already picked out, touched her father and flashed to the marker in the home she shared with her husband. She quickly flashed a few meters away so that she did not get hit by a reflexive Juken strike from her father.

"Peace, Otousama," she said, "I brought you here to talk."

Hiashi activated his Byakugan, most likely to be able to read her better, and asked, "Hinata, where did you learn the Hiraishin?" She could tell that he was very startled, even though he did not show it much on the outside.

She smiled. "From my husband."

"Husband?" he yelled-his outside calm finally breaking. "You can't have a husband!"

"Why not?" she asked calmly.

"Because I didn't give permission!" he yelled.

"Is that all?" she asked, still smiling. "It is very simple. We got married outside Konoha and they never asked us for parental permission." They had been shapeshifted to appear older, but he did not need to hear that now or possibly ever.

"Foreign marriages of Konoha shinobi are not recognized in Konoha without approval of the Hokage and any involved clans," he stated sounding a little relieved.

"Oh, it wasn't foreign," she said. "We were married in Hi no Kuni and we were not shinobi at the time, anyway."

"You were married over four years ago?" he was back to yelling. "It cannot be legal for a 12-year old to marry."

"Surprisingly," she said, "Hi no Kuni does not have a uniform marriage law and the village magistrate allowed it. We made sure that it was properly filed with the Daimyo's office in the capitol."

"Who is the man that thinks he is married to you and why can't I see through the walls with my Byakugan?" he asked. He was no longer yelling, but still clearly angry.

"Just a moment, Outosama. Let me go and retrieve Hanabi-chan and Neji-niisan. I would like to tell you all at once. Please take a seat. I won't be long." She gestured to where two chairs were placed against the wall.

She flashed back to her room at the Hyuuga compound. She activated her Byakugan and saw that Hanabi was in her room next door.

She walked next door and knocked on the door. "Hanabi-chan, can I come in?" she called.

"Yes, Oneechan," her sister responded.

She opened the door and entered her sister's room. "Hanabi-chan, I have something important to tell you, but I would like to talk to you, Otousama, and Neji-niisan in private. I have a technique that will take us to where Otousama is waiting."

"A technique? Like Body Flicker?" asked her sister.

"A little bit. I just need to touch you."

Hanabi nodded permission.

She touched her sister on the shoulder and said, "This is called the Hiraishin." She flashed back to where her father was waiting.

"Please wait with Otousama, Hanabi-chan, while I go and get Neji-niisan," Hinata said.

Their father was fuming where he sat, but was too proud to say anything.

She flashed back to her room in the Hyuuga compound. She activated her Byakugan. She did not see Neji in the compound, but that was not unexpected. She was fairly certain he was at his training ground with the rest of Team Gai. She flashed to the closest marker to that location and looked with her Byakugan. She saw that he was sparring with Tenten and jogged towards the training ground.

As she neared, Neji called a break. All four shinobi called greetings to her as they noticed her approach.

"Neji-niisan, I have something I need to talk to you, my father, and Hanabi-chan about and Outosama is currently available. Is it alright if I cut your training session short?"

Neji looked to Gai and Tenten, who both nodded. "That would be fine," he said. "We were almost done anyway. Is it at the compound?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No, it's not. I'm going to use the Hiraishin to take you there." She enjoyed the gasps and dubious looks the four gave her. She noticed an idea come to Gai as his expression changed slightly. Gai was much sharper than he looked-not that that was difficult. Gai, Li, and Tenten were all talking over each other. She did not pay any attention to what they were saying. Neji simply stared at her with a suspicious look.

"You can tell your teammates about most of it later. I simply want to tell family first."

"Very well," he said.

"I'm going to touch your shoulder and then we'll go."

She touched him and they flashed back to where her father and sister were waiting. Neji took one look at his uncle who was glowering and his younger cousin who was glancing nervously at her father and went still.

"Otousama is upset because I got married five years ago without telling him," Hinata offered.

"Married?!" Hanabi yelled.

"Married?!" Neji yelled. "Wait. . . 5 years ago?!"

"I don't know why he's upset," added Hinata with a small smile. "Now Hanabi can be the clan heir and he doesn't have to worry about giving me the Caged Bird Seal."

"I don't know how you came to the conclusion that your sham marriage would protect you from the Caged Bird Seal," Hiashi said chillingly.

"You think that you can give the wife of a clan head a curse seal?" Hinata said archly.

"Clan head?" her father asked derisively. "Just because you call yourself a clan doesn't give it any legal standing."

"Did you forget how I brought you here?" Hinata asked. She flashed across the room for emphasis.

"Namikaze?" asked Neji thoughtfully.

"Yes," said Hinata. "My husband is the head of the Namikaze Clan and another clan-although the second clan is not incorporated in Hi no Kuni it is recognized by several important treaties with Konohagakure no Sato and Hi no Kuni. Unfortunately my mother-in-law's homeland was destroyed over two decades ago, but until recently they were as prestigious as the Hyuuga-if not more so."

"Uzumaki. You're talking about the son of Uzumaki Kushina-sama and Namikaze Minato-sama," Hiashi said. "Is there any proof he is who you say he is?" Her father had mostly recovered his composure, but he still did not look pleased.

"Uzumaki?" asked Hanaibi. "You're talking about the loudmouthed idiot that beat Neji-san in the Chuunin Exam Finals?"

"Please, Hanabi-chan," Hinata mock scolded with a smile. "Even though my husband frequently acts that way, it's rude to say it."

"Are you saying that Naruto-san is not a loudmouthed idiot?" asked Neji. "I'm not saying it's his fault due to the way he grew up or that he's not skilled in an unconventional way, but he is loud and he frequently acts foolishly."

"Many shinobi forget how important a tool deception is. With the burden that was placed upon Naruto-kun by his father shortly after his birth and the resulting ill treatment that he received by the village, can you blame him?"

"What burden is that?" asked Neji. "Does it have to do with his second chakra source?"

"Yes. I'll leave that to Naruto-kun to explain since there's a law prohibiting the discussion of his burden by anyone other than him or the Hokage." She turned to her father. "Yes, we do have proof. Naruto was able to get past the blood seals protecting the Fourth Hokage's estate and we found a copy of a marriage certificate plus journal entries discussing the name of their soon-to-be son. The Fifth found a birth certificate in the Hokage's secure files and DNA testing performed by Hokage-sama from securely stored samples of Minato-sama and Kushina-sama's DNA confirm his parentage. Additionally, it has all been confirmed by Jiraiya-sama who is his godfather."

"Hmm. . . He would be an acceptable suitor for when you were older, if he stopped acting like a buffoon and if it weren't for the social stigma of his burden," her father said, finally calming down completely.

"Otousama," Hinata said with exaggerated patience, "the Hokage is my husband's cousin through her grandmother Uzumaki Mito-sama and she is very fond of him. Do you really think she will allow you to dissolve our marriage?" She waited until he was about to speak and then said, "Plus, what would people think about our children if you did that?"

"Children!?" her father screeched.

Hanabi and Neji were staring at her open mouthed. Finally Neji chuckled wryly. "You are enjoying this way too much, Hinata-sama. I see that Naruto-san is not the only one who has been practicing the art of deception."

Hinata's smile widened. "The way that Naruto-kun was treated by the village is not dissimilar to the way that I was treated by the clan."

"If you had shown this amount of backbone before, you would not have been treated poorly by the clan," her father snarled.

"Really, Otousama?" she replied serenely. "You don't seem to be enjoying my newly displayed backbone right now. Also, do you think the clan would allow me to continue associating with the one who taught me to have a backbone, if I had started trying to act like a 'proper' clan heir?"

The Hyuuga Clan Head just glowered at her.

"I've also long suspected that someone in the clan was responsible for Okaasama's death. Her disdain for the Caged Bird Seal was well known and there was always more pressure upon me than was justifiable by certain of the clan elders."

Her father's face became calm, but she could see traces of regret mixed with old deep-seated anger. "You've suspected the same, haven't you, Otousama?"

"I have, but acting upon it when I couldn't find any proof would have torn the clan apart. It's also why I've allowed you to be pushed toward the Branch House. I thought it would be better than to have you die a 'mysterious' death."

"Neji-niisan has shown me his father's letter. Hizashi-ojisan didn't feel that way, did he?"

Hiashi sighed. "No, no he didn't. I have always regretted both my brother's death and what has happened to you, but you dying like that would have brought back all the pain of your mother's death."

After a moment, Hinata lightly clapped her hands and said, "I would like to properly introduce you to my husband and children, if Otousama can behave himself?" She looked at her father who nodded. "Hokage-sama is also here to explain what parts of what we tell you must remain secret and to make sure that everyone behaves."

"So, Hokage-sama knew of this?" asked Neji.

Hinata giggled. "No, Naruto-kun sprang this on her and Jiraiya-sama less than a week ago."

"So how did you pull it off?" asked her cousin.

"Shadow Clones and some Uzumaki sealing wizardry," Hinata explained.

"It figures that Shadow Clones were involved," Neji muttered.

Hinata led them into a sitting room. The Hokage was sitting in an armchair and Naruto was sitting on a large couch. There was another large couch across from it. Naruto and Tsunade stood and everyone greeted each other. Naruto was uncharacteristically polite. He greeted Hiashi as "Hyuuga-san" who returned a "Namikaze-san."

"Let me go round up the kids," Naruto said. "It will just take a moment."

While Naruto was gone, Hinata passed out tea to her family.

He returned quickly with three six-year olds. The Hyuugas stared at the children with open mouths.

The children and Naruto grinned while Naruto said, "Children, this is your Ojiisan, Hyuuga Hiashi, your Obasan, Hyuuga Hanabi, and your Ojisan, Hyuuga Neji." He looked up at the nonplussed Hyuuga. "These are our children, Tsukiko-chan, Akane-chan, Haru-chan." He indicated the redheaded girl, the blonde girl, and the dark-haired boy, respectively, all of whom had the characteristic Hyuuga eyes.

Hanabi said confusedly, "Oneechan, they look like they're all six years old."

Hinata smiled and said, "Yes, six last April."

Hiashi looked like he was about to explode. "You had sex with my daughter when she was nine?" he yelled at Naruto.

"No," Naruto said. "We didn't even do that until a long time after we were married at 11."

"They're adopted?" Hiashi asked.

"No, it's complicated. Take a seat." Naruto gestured to the couch across from where he had been sitting. Naruto and Hinata sat with Akane and Haru on their laps with Tsukiko beside Naruto.

"Did Hinata tell you who my parents were?" he asked.

The Hyuuga all nodded.

"What is known by most of the adults in Konoha is that the Fourth Hokage, my father, sealed the Kyuubi no Kitsune into me when I was a newborn. This is why I've been scorned by most of the village. I think many of the civilians believe I'm actually the Kyuubi. The shinobi, most of whom are familiar with storage scrolls, haven't thought that, but some of them think that the Kyuubi could get free or could influence me.

"What very few know is that I'm the third container of the Kyuubi in Konoha. The first was Uzumaki Mito, the First Hokage's wife and Tsunade-baachan's grandma. The second was Uzumaki Kushina, the Fourth Hokage's wife and my mom. The fact that kaachan was the Kyuubi's container while I was in the womb is the cause of my whisker birthmarks, by the way, rather than me being the container. While I was being born, a masked man with a Sharingan freed the Kyuubi and hypnotized it into attacking."

"So it was the Uchiha's fault?" Hiashi asked. "Some thought it was."

"I don't think so," said Naruto. "My mother was best friends with the Uchiha Clan Head's wife. I think it was a rogue-possibly connected to the missing-nin group Akatsuki.

"Since my clan has been involved with the Kyuubi for so long, I found lots of notes on how to deal with it. About six years ago I performed a ritual using those notes and my clan's fuuinjutsu expertise to drain the Kyuubi of power into myself, Hinata, and three foxes. The ritual changed the foxes into Tsukiko, Akane, and Haru using mine and Hinata's genetics, so they're our children in a very real way even though Hinata never gave birth to them. They even have and can use the Byakugan."

"So the Kyuubi is gone?" Hiashi asked.

"Yes. I'm no longer a jinchuuriki and all of the Kyuubi's chakra was converted into the personal stores of the five of us."

"That's a very big accomplishment for a ten-year old," Hiashi said.

"My parents left very detailed notes, as can be seen by our use of the Hiraishin and I'm a fuuinjutsu prodigy, if I do say so myself."

"Why Hinata?" the Hyuuga Clan Head asked.

"She was one of my few friends other than the ramen chefs, and neither of them had awakened their chakra which would have been problematic for the ritual. Also, to be honest, she thought only Hanabi would miss her if something went wrong and that even Hanabi would get over it before too long. We both felt the risk was worth it to get rid of the Kyuubi."

All three of the Hyuuga looked sad at that.

"How big of a risk was it?" Hiashi asked stoically.

"At the time I thought it was small, but present," Naruto said. "I still feel that way after having gained a lot more fuuinjutsu experience."

"Was there any side effects of the ritual?" Neji asked.

"Yes," said Hinata. "We gained some kitsune characteristics. You've never seen them since the persistent clone you've mainly interacted with was made before the ritual and one of the characteristics we gained was true shapeshifting." She stood up and manifested her ears and tails.

Hanabi squealed. "Cute! Can I touch them?"

Hinata nodded and Hanabi started to stroke her tails.

Hiashi frowned. "So does that mean you're a demon now?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, not even the Kyuubi was a true demon. It and the other bijuu were or are basically huge, sentient chakra constructs. What my family and I are, could be considered youkai, but really what's the difference between a supernatural humanoid and a chakra-using human? Our youkai-like abilities are less exotic than what Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara where said to be able to do. It makes sense to just treat it as a new bloodline."

"I don't like it," Hiashi said, "but I'll live with it for now. I suppose this is better than her receiving the Caged Bird Seal. I'll be watching you however."

Naruto laughed. "I wouldn't expect anything less from my hime's father."

Tsunade leaned forward. "Now, the existence of the triplets is to be kept an S-Class secret for now. Their age would raise too many questions that we don't want to answer. Naruto and Hinata's new bloodline is an SS-Class Secret. Their marriage, Naruto's parentage, and that they both know the Hiraishin can be told. In fact, we'd like you to do so. The fact that Naruto got rid of the Kyuubi, I'd like you to keep silent for now, but I'll be releasing that soon. However, even after it becomes known, what happened to the chakra is an SS-Class Secret. Understand?"

Everyone nodded.

"Brat," Tsunade said, "I need you to take me back."

"Sure, Baachan."

Hiashi sighed. "I need to return as well. I'm sure there's enough panic in the clan with me disappearing like that."

"Very well, Otousama," Hinata said. "You're welcome to stay for a bit, Hanabi-chan and Neji-niisan."

Neji shook his head. "I better go and reassure Gai-sensei and my teammates. I would like to talk more about your real life when we have a chance, though."

"I'll stay, Oneechan," Hanabi said.

"Okay. If you would stand beside me, Otousama, Neji-niisan," Hinata said.

She put her hands on their shoulders and they disappeared in a yellow flash.

Author's Note: This is the real end of The Missing Bijuu. It's unlikely that I will produce a sequel since I feel that Naruto and company are too powerful for anyone short of Kaguya to challenge. Naruto, Hinata, and Tsukiko all have the Hiraishin, chakra chains (which suppress chakra), the Byakugan (and the Gentle Fist), extensive fuuinjutsu knowledge, very good infiltration capabilities (shapeshifting and illusions) plus much more chakra than Kisame. Tsukiko knows about Tobi's Kamui intangibility and they will have prepared a fuuinjutsu counter.

For me the fun of this short story was coming up with the background (and yanking around Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Hiashi) and so I didn't put in much action. I hope you have enjoyed it. Thank you for the support in the Reviews.