A/N at the bottom of the chapter!

Eden finally pushed herself off the floor so that she was standing with the others. The enormity of what Thomas had said was starting to sink into her mind making her think that maybe these boys knew even less than she did. This is bad, this is really bad. Eden thought to herself but before she could voice any of the questions from her ever-growing list another boy walked up behind Alby.

"Let me guess, something else has changed?" The boy's tone was dripping with distain and his glare at Thomas made clear to Eden who the dig was directed at.

"Excuse me, but i'm still asking questions here" Eden retorted, suddenly feeling quite defensive of the boy Thomas. The skinny tall boy suddenly took notice of her and coughed away his surprise.

He looked around at the small gathering imploringly, like he couldn't quite get to grips with the situation. He stopped quickly and took three brisk steps towards Eden so that he was only inches from her face.

"Another one!" He exclaimed loudly in a scratchy voice followed by a halfhearted laugh and a loud exhale of air through his nose. The boy's aggressive stance made the other's around Eden visibly tense and Newt stepped forward towards the pair.

"This one yours then Newt?" He noted, looking sharply at the other boy. "With Teresa and Thomas shacking up, maybe i'll get the next one" He yelled, spittle flying from his mouth. Eden caught sight of Thomas' jaw clench in her peripheral a mere second before Alby intervened, also stepping forward towards the pair, his arms still crossed across his torso.

"Rule number 2 Gally, remember it." He said in a flat voice but with a tone of authority that caused him to take a step back and Eden to look more confused.

"Maybe we should take this inside the map room?" Minho suggested, which was met with a chorus of agreement from the others.

"The map room better give some bloody answers" Eden muttered as the small group began to guide her to the right, bypassing the crate she came up in.

Once inside Gally immediately began firing questions again, directed mainly towards Alby and Thomas. Eden began to tune the boys out as she looked around the cabin like structure, trying to assess every aspect of the space around her. The room was flooded with boxes and boxes of what she guessed were the maps the room was named after. Eden noticed that Minho and the other runner had isolated themselves from the argument and appeared to be sketching. Looking over Minho's shoulder she could distinguish some pretty clear outlines but could see no real pattern.

"Thats what's outside isn't it?" Eden didn't dare to raise her voice above a whisper; she hadn't gotten any real answers when she was shouting so a different tactic was in order.

"Yes and no," However was Minho's only reply.

"Mate, I don't buy into the cryptic stuff ok? We're all obviously in the same boat here so just give me a real answer" Eden paused for a split second and with a resentful sigh continued with: "Please?"

"I have known you for approximately half an hour and already you are impossible to deal with!" Minho exclaimed dropping his stick of charcoal. "I was not being cryptic you just didn't give me a chance. The drawing is of the maze outside but tomorrow's maze will not be this one, and neither will be the day after that or the day after that." His brows dropped low casting shadows over his eyelids and his voice lost its edge and grew sombre.

"They're never the same" Eden finished at the same time as Minho. As their voices shushed Eden realised the room had grown quiet; all eyes were facing toward her and Minho signalling that their conversation had been opened to all of the group.

"Listen, I know this must be confusing for you, but we've all been there. Every one of us has come up in that box," The boy Thomas said reaching out for Eden.

"Thats not the point though is it Thomas? The point is that things have changed when some people came up in that box! Changes like her!" Gally had piped up again, even stepping forward and pointing at Eden to truly emphasise his point.

Thomas was clearly getting agitated with this boy, Eden could see his jaw working at either restraining himself or coming up with something to retaliate. He looked towards Alby almost imploringly and so where everyone else. That's when Eden knew that he was the acting leader in the 'glade'.

"He's right that things have changed. He's also right in saying that the changes started with you Thomas" Alby crossed his arms over his chest yet again and lent backwards on the makeshift table.

"Then talk about it." Eden's harsh voice carried through the room and was met with confused glances. Newt was stood sandwiched between Thomas and Alby opposite her and made eye contact that made her knees go weak. She swallowed thickly before carrying on, suddenly wanting to get this next part right, to not mess up when he was watching her so intently.

"I mean, all you guys are doing is accusing one another. Actually scratch that, you-" This time Eden was the one to do the pointing "- are accusing me. It's hardly coming up with a solution is it?" Eden's eyebrows were raised, her eyes were wide and her head shook as if to silently communicate an 'obviously' to the boys.

Newt did a side smile that was more of an amused smirk that Eden hadn't seen in a long time. For the first time in entering the map room he spoke up.

"Now there's a point," He chuckled softly. "So say we listed everything that's different we can start to think of reasons why. At least it's something else to go on other than the maps right?"

"Right" Minho nodded enthusiastically, obviously keen to give up on his artistic side. The conservation quickly fell into a lull where everyone was thinking of how to start. It was in that precise moment of comfortable silence that Eden's stomach protested, and loudly.

"Maybe we can eat first?" Eden suggested rather sheepishly. "There is food here right?"

"Yeah come on I'll take you to Frypan" Thomas laughed whilst heading to the door. The runners and Alby stayed behind in the map room to recount the day's event starting with the new map.

Satisfied now that she had finally eaten something, Eden had some time to think. She had purposefully decided to eat alone so that she could digest all of this new information and emotions by herself, properly. Although she was sat alone, she certainly didn't feel it as all the eyes of the gladers were felt upon her skin. She tried to ignore their probing glances and questioning looks but they felt heavy as if they were judging her. Whenever she turned the younger boys would look away and pretend that they weren't staring, making it perfectly clear to her that she was the outsider, that she was something that had changed for them.

Eden tried for a second time to get some time to herself by leaving the eating area, each step away from them the less she felt their presence leering at her. There wasn't many places for Eden to go as she quickly realised that the Glade was small and very containing but she walked as far as possible and again found herself at the edge, her neck straining up towards the imposing walls that at this point she didn't know where trapping them or protecting them.

"They're impressive and giant at first but now I just hate them," A voice, very gentle, spoke up from behind her. Eden turned and was face to face with her not-boyfriend boyfriend.

"I'd have never believed it if I hadn't seen it. Any of it" She replied almost timidly, not quite believing that she was talking to her boyfriend but he was talking to a stranger.

"I, well I actually, I wanted to talk to you -" Newt stopped and took a breath. Starting over he said: "I wanted to ask if you really said my name, you know, in the box?"

To Eden everything rested on this conversation, her inner commentary was beyond rambling at this point and she knew if any of it were actually said aloud she would look crazy. She thought of telling him their first ever date or the first time he met her parents or just stating that they had spent the last four years of their lives together. She thought of telling him that she believed he was her soulmate or the makeshift family they had created with his sister and Bernard. She thought about telling him that she had been looking for him and how she had missed him.

"Well yeah I think so, I think I heard one of the gladers say it and I guess I just latched onto it" Eden finally said putting on a small smile even though her insides felt like they were being torn apart.

He can't love what he doesn't remember. You're doing the right thing just keep it up. She said to herself almost like a mantra in her head.

"So you didn't know me?" Eden thought he looked a little dejected when he said this, but it passed too quickly for her to be certain. She shook her head in response and quickly changed the subject, not trusting herself to keep up with the lie.

"I was going to ask you a question too actually. Gally mentioned a Teresa before, but I haven't seen any other girls hereā€¦" Eden trailed off.

"Teresa arrived a day before you did. We had never had girl before her and well, the strangest thing is, she was supposed to be the last person"

"Until I arrived"

"Yeah but you arrived awake. Teresa has been in a coma since,"

"Is it weird if I see her?" She asked rather cautiously. Eden had no idea why she would ever need to see this girl other than the guttural feeling deep in the pits of stomach telling her to.

"I don't see why not, its not like it'll hurt is it?" Newt replied leading the way for Eden to follow.

Once there, they met with some resistance from the med-jacks but Newt managed to pull an authority thing that suggested they had to see her.

"So what, you got vice-presidency employment out of this did you?" Eden's smirk lasted all of ten-seconds before she saw the younger raven haired girl lying comatose before them. This could have been you an unwanted voice piped up in Eden's mind.

Eden knelt down so that she was level with the bed to really look at Teresa. She didn't feel any recognition for the girl but a wave of sympathy swelled inside of Eden. Teresa's skin was a pearlescent tone of white and slightly dewy with sweat, her dark hair framed her face in a way that made her look younger than perhaps she was. Crossing her legs, Eden sat down properly next to the young girl. Eden was overcome suddenly with not knowing what to do next, she could still feel Newt's presence behind her but she was not quite ready to leave yet. Taking a brave and unprecedented move Eden took hold of the girl's hand and gave it a tight squeeze before letting go.

Solidarity between sisters, even strangers Eden thought to herself before she got to her feet to leave with Newt. As the pair crossed over the threshold and the door closed behind them they suddenly heard a large intake of breath. Eden and Newt looked sharply at one another eyebrows raised and eyes wide with surprise.

"No bloody way! Is she awake?" Newt exclaimed as both he and Eden frenziedly turned back through the way they came and hurried through Teresa's door.


I noticed a comment about my lack of updates this past year and I am honestly so sorry. I have had this chapter ready for a while like chapter 4 says, but I never got around to posting it. I've had a very busy rollercoaster of a year with family and University so I haven't had much writing time. I've also lost some enthusiasm in this story and I don't know if I am going to continue it. Unless I tell you guys then I will still be writing so you can still expect chapters (They just won't be frequent).

To Sophia P... I'm definitely aiming for friendship but who knows ;) thanks so much for commenting!

If you have waited for this chapter and are still with me and this story, then I thank you with all my heart and again I apologise. Please R&R for this chapter if you're still invested.