Days had past ever since Mia had passed away after their success towards saving the citizens of Trost from the titan threat. Many of the Survey Corps members helped in rebuilding their city. Everything had remained quiet between them all. Especially with Levi. In fact, he didn't even help with cleaning up the rubble and rebuilding their civilisation and the members understood why. After his final confession and break down, Levi had fallen into a pit of grief and despair that he couldn't get himself out of. He didn't know what to do now. He just couldn't end up like Eren since he wasn't a titan. Attempting full on revenge was sure to be suicide.
The raven haired male kept hidden in his office for days. He came out here and there for something to eat but that was about it. He just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts; figure out how he was going to move on again.
Soon enough, the funeral was arranged by Levi's orders. Unlike many of the other bodies which got cremated in a huge pile within the streets that they were killed in, he wanted to give Mia something that he would be able to treasure; maybe even come up when he was alone and talk with. Oh if only Mia could speak back to him. Just one more moment with her was all he wanted; all he needed.
Soon enough, the sun was setting and he was the only remaining person to remain at her grave site, a cold biting wind causing the flower petals to waver.
"Why did you have to leave?" He whispered, placing his hand on top of the stone gravel, reading the engraved writing on the tombstone. The emotion on his face remained lifeless for the time being until he reached a certain line that stated 'Brave Warrior and Loveable Mother.'
That was then…
Until it hit him…
Although he wouldn't be caught dead doing so, he wanted to do something that would please the lingering spirit of the female. What Mia had always inclined to do with having being trapped in the underground city. He wanted to continue her legacy of taking care of the orphan children, become their father. It seemed rather laughable when you thought about it, considering how Levi didn't seem as much as a family man but after seeing how much his lover went through, they were all willing to overlook that.
The frown eased into a small smile as he stared up to the array of oranges and pinks that made up the cloudy sky. He knew exactly what he was going to do next. Sure it was going to be hard taking care of so many whilst attending to his duties, but he was going to work something out.
Soon enough, after the paperwork was rearranged as well as his work schedule changing to meet his needs so he wasn't as overworked, he brought the kids to a house that they would now consider as their new home. Sure, things had started off rather awkward considering it was Levi and Erwin who tore the woman and the children apart from each other but they all soon realised that the captain wasn't as bad as they made him out to be. In reality, he was actually a really nice guy when he wanted to be, despite his cleaning habits was still the same and he always had that look that would make chills run down your spine. It seems that some things would never change.
It had been one of those usual days, Levi had finished off his duties in the Survey Corps before returning back to the home to check on the kids. Of course, Hanji, being as curious as usual, wanted to meet the young ones, despite Levi rejecting her so she simply followed beside him and strangely remaining silent.
The moment that he opened the door, a rush of noise began as a way for the group of young children to greet their new father although just seeing the new woman that they had never seen before, they paused and returned to silence before looking back at Levi. The male glanced at them all before clearing his throat.
"You guys, this is Hanji. She's a member that works alongside me under Erwin's command."
"Oh Levi, you don't have to be so formal! Look how cute they are! I'm sure they are little angels." Hanji replied with a bright smile, wrapping one of her arms around the awkwardly standing male, however what caught his attention was a small voice that sounded out from behind the crowd.
"But when is mom coming back?"
That one question brought a series of emotions to come about in his facial expression and his eyes especially. All those fond and saddening memories began to flood back in his mind. He just couldn't get that vivid picture out of his head, Mia's final smile and tears as the life slowly drained from her body, taking away her spirit that soon became non-existent. Before Levi could reveal his true emotions on the matter, he managed to say something whilst walking past. After all, as someone who relied on himself to bring him back to his feet, he didn't wish to be given pity.
"As I said before… Your mother isn't coming back… She can't come back…"
Before another word could come out of the child's mouth, he went upstairs and into his own room, slamming the door behind him slumping down into the empty corner, holding his knees to his chest whilst he slowly pulled his hair back. However, within moments, he pulled his pale hand back, staring at it with shimmering grey eyes. He was shaking…
"Why… Why did you have to take her away?" He whispered, leaning his forehead against his knees, remaining in silent with the exception of his heavy breathing that came out shakily.
"You know how I promised that I would stay by your side, no matter what?" Spoke a soft tone so familiar to him that it echoed both in his mind and the room around him. It was so soft and subtle but it couldn't be who he was thinking. It just couldn't…
Staring up from his knees, he seen a figure leaning by the window that resembled the one person that he treasured for a short amount of time.
"M-Mia?" He whispered before standing up to his feet, a smile easing on the females face as a response.
"Glad to see that you remember me…" She responded before walking up to the man. "Then again, I shouldn't have thought any less. Although I am surprised that you took the kids on. I never seen you as a father figure though."
The male blinked for a moment before a blush of embarrassment rose onto his cheeks, his sight moving away. At last, he was finally acting like himself; cold and in his own personal way, isolated.
"I…I only did this because of you…"
Sure, this sounded a little rude if a person never knew of Mia's history. However, being as it is, she felt a warm feeling to grow within her, allowing her to hug the man, much to his own surprise, merely because he didn't expect physical contact.
"You… You're not a ghost?" He asked.
This caused Mia to laugh softly before pulling her head back from his shoulders, staring lovingly into his eyes.
"Silly… I'm not a ghost… I'm an angel…"
This brought life to Levi's eyes, a brightness that was so evident by how surprised he was. "S-So, you'll stay? With me and the kids?"
The moment that Mia nodded, Levi wrapped his arms around the females pearl white robe, sweeping her off her feet and spinning her, causing her to laugh even more until he stopped.
"H-Hey! I said I would stay but I do have my duties up in heaven to fulfil so there will be times that I will be away."
"That's fine by me. As long as I get to see you and your face." He stated in a subtle yet flirtatious whisper, leaning up to her face and pushing his lips against hers. However, this didn't last. Whilst in mid-kiss, the door slammed open, much likely in a panic. With hearing the laughter from underneath the floorboards, Hanji and the children all made a rush up the stairs and burst into the room, fear struck their eyes as they spoke out to their Captain.
"L-Levi Heichou, I-I think there is a…"
Before she could finish off her sentence, her words got caught in a twist with seeing Mia. It couldn't be possible that she was alive and standing where she was apparently but Hanji's original thoughts clouded the titan lover's judgement.
"G-Ghost!" She screamed, causing the kids to also scream in an array of high pitched noises. In response, they ran out of the room in terror as well as forcing Levi to flinch from the noise that they made.
"Why does she have to be so obnoxious?" The male muttered in annoyance, a chuckle to escape the female's lips from how serious he was.
"I suppose that this will take some explanation."
"More like a lot…" He stated, a smile slowly but gradually easing on the raven haired male. "But that doesn't matter right now. After all, we are both together once again and even if you are a supernatural being, that won't get in the way…"
Mia's smile remained as she kissed the tip of his nose, her arms wrapped around his shoulders.
It didn't take too long for the strange phenomena to be explained to both the family and the military group she was associated with (Much because of Hanji's loud mouth) and it especially was going to take time for them all to get used to this fact, especially since they all witnessed the day that she died. All in all, they were attempting to forget about it all, as if it was nothing but a bad dream.
Levi quickly got over it quite quickly and was probably the first actually. He even stated that it was more of a miracle than anything that he was so thankful for. They all soon became a happy family; strange but happy none-the-less. Even if Mia had to leave, she always came back to them. Heck, even Levi prepared himself to step out of battle at any time to support the family. Even if Mia couldn't get killed again as easily, he couldn't let any of his family to get harmed.
Not again...