A helicopter buzzed overhead. A drunk man slept on a park bench, with a wrapped bottle of beer in his hand. His sleep was interrupted by a loud explosion, which caused him to fall off his bench. He staggered upright and looked toward the direction of the sound. Two lines of flame went down the street, ending at a strange silver car that apparently crashed into the movie theater. The car pulled out, indicating the driver was still alive.
"Crazy drunk driver," the man grumbled.
Marty exited the car and looked around, not believing his eyes. Everything looked exactly like he remembered it. It worked!
"I'm back!" Marty said. He even noticed the familiar drunk guy.
"Red!" Marty said. The man just replied with a grunt. Marty was thrilled to be home, but that thrill was short lived.
"Doc!" He said, remembering. He checked his watch. Ten minutes left, just like he typed in.
"I got time!" Marty said to himself as he ran back to the DeLorean. He revved the engine, but it died...again.
"No, no, no!" Marty kept pressing on the gear and turning the ignition, but to no avail. Suddenly a suspiciously familiar blue Volkswagon sped by him.
"Libyans," Marty said to himself. Seeing no other option, Marty began running to the mall on foot.
It took him longer than he wished to reach the mall, and already, both his chest and back were in pain from the running. The blue Volkswagon was already there. Marty didn't want this to be true, so he ran up to the mall sign, not noticing that it said "Lone Pine Mall" instead of "Twin Pines Mall."
He saw Doc with his hands up, having just tossed his weapon away. Then the Libyan shot him with his assault rifle, causing him to fall backwards. Before Marty could scream, he suddenly heard a familiar sound.
"NO! BASTARDS!" The Libyan shot in a different direction, and then Marty saw himself running around the truck. Marty's eyes widened. He was witnessing his trip to the past! He saw everything, from the way Marty shut his eyes tight waiting for the gun fire, the gun jamming, him hopping in the DeLorean, the entire drive around the parking lot, before the DeLorean suddenly flashed and it was gone, leaving behind the flaming entrails. The Volkswagon then crashed into the empty security booth, and from the looks of it, knocked the Libyans unconscious.
Marty quickly rolled down the hill to the parking lot and ran to Doc's body.
"Doc!" he cried out, tears in his eyes. He knelt down and turned his body over. His eyes were wide open, and he was stiff.
"No!" Marty sobbed, "Oh God, no!" Marty slumped to the ground as tears streamed down his face. He then heard the sound of shifting sound of plastic cloth. He suddenly looked up, and Doc was upright, looking at Marty in combined happiness and surprise!
"You're alive?" Marty gasped. Doc opened his radiation suit, revealing a black vest with silver dents.
"Bulletproof vest?" Marty said, "How did you know? I never got the chance to tell you." With a smile, Doc reached into his inner pocket and pulled out a fading piece of paper, covered in plastic tape. He handed it to Marty, and he unfolded it. It was the letter he wrote back in 1985, the same one Doc ripped apart!
Marty wanted to cheer or cry, happy that Doc finally listened to him, but instead he tried to compose himself, despite still having a smirk on his face.
"What about all that talk about screwing up future events?" Marty asked, "The Space-Time Continuem?" Doc just gave a shrug with a smile on his face.
"Well, I figured 'What the hell?'" he answered.
They arrived back at Marty's house in the DeLorean. Marty hadn't seen this house all week, and he was relieved to see it hasn't changed. He exited the DeLorean and then turned to Doc.
" far are you going?" he asked Doc.
"About thirty years?" Doc said with another shrug, "Nice round number."
"Cool, uh, look me up when you get there?"
"I will, Marty." They smiled as they shook hands.
"Oh, and watch that re-entry," Marty said, "It gets kind of bumpy." Doc smiled and nodded. As Marty walked back to his house, he turned to watch the DeLorean pull off the driveway and then speed down the street. A flash of light occured, along with that familiar booming sound. Marty yawned, remembering how late it was when he left, and he proceeded through the back fence to his room.
The alarm clock rang. Apparently the station was playing a throwback song from Huey Lewis and the News. Marty was still snoring on the bed, still in his clothes. He suddenly shot out of bed, examining his surroundings.
"Man, what a dream," Marty said to himself with a yawn. Opting to skip the shower today, he walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Through almost shut eyes, Marty looked around. It was the same old house. Same tiled floors, same painted walls, same fancy furniture-
His eyes shot up as he did a double take. Fancy furniture? His parents can't afford nice furniture! All they had were rickity stuff they got from garage sales! But Marty's eyes weren't deceiving him. The living room was filled with fancy white leather furniture!
He then saw Dave and Linda sitting on the breakfast table, and even they were different! They were wearing nicer clothes. Heck, Dave was wearing a suit!
"Say if Paul calls tell him I won't be available tonight," Linda said.
"Linda, first of all I'm not your answering machine!" Dave said annoyed, "Secondly, the home phone rang and some guy named Craig or Greg was asking for you."
"Well which was it? Greg or Craig?"
"I don't know! I can't keep track of all your boyfriends"
"HEY!" Marty called out. Both siblings looked up at him.
"What the hell's this?" Marty asked, thinking this was a practical joke. Linda just looked at him strangely.
"Breakfast," she said awkwardly.
"Did you sleep in your clothes again?" Dave asked.
"Uh, yeah, but what are you wearing?" Dave looked at Marty strangely too.
"Marty, I always wear a suit to the office," he told him, as if this was common knowledge. Suddenly the back screen door opened.
"George, I'm sure you cheated!"
"Lorraine, you know I don't cheat!" Marty fell, causing everyone to look at him concerned.
"Mom?" Marty said in surprise, "Dad?" They looked completely different. Lorraine looked healthier, even thinner and George wasn't a scrawny runt anymore, but rather a well built cool guy with gray hair and sunglasses.
"Marty!" Lorraine cried out in shock, "Are you alright?"
"Did you hit your head?" George asked.
"No, no I'm fine," Marty said still shook up, "It's just- Mom! You look so...thin!"
"Why thank you Marty!" Lorraine said happily, before George gave her a playful pat on the butt, causing her to gasp.
"Hey Marty," Linda called, "Jennifer called on the home phone!" Lorraine gasped.
"Oh I love Jennifer!" she said, "She's a sweet girl! Isn't today the big night?" Marty was partially distracted.
"What?" Marty asked.
"Don't you remember?" Lorraine asked with a raised eyebrow, "Your little trip to the lake? You've been planning it for two weeks."
"Uh, yeah, but mom, we talked about this," Marty said, still unsure of what he's seeing is real, "Besides, how can I go? The car's wrecked."
"WRECKED?" George cried out in surprise. Everybody was shocked at this, and an argument began.
"Quiet everyone!" George said, "The car's fine!" He then led Marty to door and looked through the window.
"See?" he said, "Biff's just finishing it up right now." And sure enough, there was Biff, but he wasn't in a nice suit with a ridiculous haircut. He was instead dressed in a green jumpsuit, by George's car (a new BMW!) with it's hood up.
"Now Biff!" George cried out, "I want an oil change as well, not just a clean exhaust port!"
"Just filled it up right now," Biff called out.
"Biff!" George called out sternly, "Don't con me!" With that, Biff suddenly turned nervous and was laughing like a giddy school kid.
"I'm sorry Mr. McFly!" he said nervously, "I meant that I was just getting the oil ready!"
"Ah Biff! What a character!" George said as he sat down with a newspaper, "I never could keep him straight during high school. Although, if it wasn't for him…"
"We wouldn't have fallen in love," Lorraine finished with a smile as he handed George a fresh cup of coffee. Suddenly, the door opened, and Biff entered with a large cardboard box.
"Mr. McFly!" he called out excitedly, "This just arrived! I think it's your new book!" He placed the box on the kitchen table and used a knife to open the box.
"Honey!" Lorraine cried out happily, "Your first novel!" The box was filled with thick novels, and Marty pulled out a copy. It was titled "A Match Made in Heavan" and had an eeringly familiar image of a guy in a space suit over a boy and a girl holding hands. On the back was a nice picture of George McFly.
"See?" George said, "It's like I told you. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!"
"Hey Marty?" Biff called out, "Here are your keys! You're all souped up for tonight!"
Marty looked at Biff strangely.
The garage door slowly whirred open, as Marty stared inside. The sunlight lifted upward like a curtain, revealing a true beauty inside. It was the black Toyota truck that Marty wanted. Marty gaped at the truck as he slid his hand over the smooth black chrome. He couldn't believe it! Not only did he save his parents' marriage as well as his own life, but he somehow accidentally made it better. Really better! It just felt too perfect!
"How about a ride mister?" a familiar voice called out. Marty turned with his eyes wide. Jennifer was standing there, hands in her pockets with a big smile on her face.
"Jennifer," Marty gasped, "Are you a sight for sore eyes! Let me look at you!" Jennifer gave Marty a confused look as he took her in his arms.
"Marty, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week," Jennifer said.
"I...I haven't" Marty answered, realizing how weird he's sounding.
"Marty, are you okay?" Jennifer asked as she rubbed his forehead, "Is everything alright?" Marty turned to look back at the house, and he saw George and Lorraine, arms wrapped around each other, looking at him with smiles on their faces.
"Yeah," Marty answered, turning back to Jennifer, "Everything's great!" He then leaned forward, pressing his lips against Jennifer's…
Suddenly there was a loud boom that startled both Marty and Jennifer. They turned to see the DeLorean sharply pull on Marty's driveway, knocking over the two plastic garbage bins and covered in steam. The door opened, and Doc suddenly hopped out, wearing what looked like hawaiian clothing under a yellow rain suit with a plastic tie. His eyes were covered by some metal glasses, but there were no lenses.
"Marty!" Doc cried out as he grabbed his shoulders, "You've got to come back with me!" Marty was still distracted by Doc's glasses. He slowly waved his hands in front of them, wondering how the hell Doc can still see.
"Where?" he asked. Doc lifted his glasses up, revealing wide frantic eyes.
"Back to the Future!" he answered. He then ran straight to the garbage bins, and began pulling out random bits of trash, including banana peels and beer cans.
"Wait, what are you doing Doc?" Marty asked. Jennifer was right beside him, staring at the whole thing with wide confused eyes.
"I need fuel," Doc answered. He then ran up to the DeLorean, where Marty noticed something new. It was some white cylinder shape attached to the slot where the plutonium used to go. It was labeled "Mr. Fusion." Doc lifted the white cylinder and dropped the trash inside the small hole.
"Quickly! Into the car!" Marty couldn't believe this. He started to chuckle.
"No, no, wait Doc! I just got here! Okay, Jennifer's here! We're going to take the new truck for a spin!" Doc closed the white cylinder and turned to Marty.
"Well, bring her along!" Doc said, "This concerns her too!"
"Wait Doc, what are you talking about?" Marty asked confused, "What happens to us in the future? What, do we become assholes or something?" Doc momentarily raised his eyebrow in thought.
"Oh, no, no! You and Jennifer turn out fine!" Doc said with a smile, "It's your kids, Marty! Something has got to be done about your kids!" Kids?
Before long, Marty and Doc were back in the DeLorean, with Jennifer on Marty's lap. Doc pulled the DeLorean out of the driveway and then stopped.
"Hey Doc, you might want to back up," Marty said, "We don't have enough road to get to 88!" Doc just smiled as he slipped on his metal glasses.
"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!" Suddenly, to Marty's surprise, the DeLorean lifted up into the air, thanks to some hover devices on the tires. Doc steered the DeLorean around, and then sped up, all the way to 88, causing the DeLorean to flash in a burst of light.
And that was Back to the Future (2015). I still have Part II (2015), Part III (2015), and The Game Episodes 1 - 5 (2015) left to do. And let me tell you, between these, DC Earth 6114, and other upcoming stories, I'm going to have a lot of work to cover, so I appreciate your patience.
Got an idea of what the future of 2045 will look like? Submit your ideas in your reviews!