Marshall was inside the ballroom. It was hotter than he had remembered. Smoke was now covering everything. He could hardly see. He took off the eye patch he had been wearing all this time to try and see better. Marshall tried holding his breath as he searched around. Nothing. Marshall knew he would have to shout to try and get a response, but that would mean using his breath. The Dalmatian would have to breath the smoke. He had no choice. It would happen sooner or later.

"Hello? Where are you? I'm here to save you!" Marshall let out the last bit of clean air in his lungs. He started to breath and coughed at the smoke. He tried to cover his nose, hoping that would help.

"I'm over here!" A voice called.

Marshall ran in the direction of the voice. He saw the woman lying on the ground. A ring of fire nearly surrounded them. "I'm here to rescue you." Marshall coughed again as he spoke.

The woman coughed. "Oh thank goodness you're here to save me…"

"Just lean on me. I'll guide you to the exit."

The two started to make their way to the exit. The building was starting to collapse all around them at this point. They tried to hurry, but their lungs were filled with smoke and their eyes burned. The heat made it seem like they were going to be melted. After a couple of moments of walking, they saw the exit.

"There's the exit!" Marshall exclaimed.

As they made their way to the exit, the lady ran out to safety, who was inspected among paramedics to make sure she was okay. Marshall looked around one last time to make sure no one else was left. Finally, it was a clear. As he ran to the exit, the whole building started to collapse.

Zuma woke up just in time to see the building crumble. "Marshie!" he yelled. He tried to run to the building, but he was held back by Ryder and Katie.

"Zuma, it's not safe!" Katie and Ryder told him.

Zuma started to cry. There was no way Marshall was dead. It couldn't be.

Just then, a figure came running from the smoke. It was Marshall.

"Marshie!" Zuma ran towards his mate, who was now missing his costume.

Zuma gave a big kiss to Marshall and hugged him tightly, which made Marshall blush.

"Hey Marshie, where's your costume?"

"It got burned off just as I escaped. It did shield me from the fire, though. And thanks to that I don't have any more burn marks!"

Ryder hugged Marshall. "You're one brave pup. I'm proud of you."

Marshall blushed. "D'aww! Thanks, Ryder."

Marshall let go of Ryder and went to go put on his pup pack. "Okay, now let's put out this fire!"

A few hours had passed since the incident. Everything was alright now. The pups were back at the Lookout, the fire had been taken care of and put out, and no one had been seriously injured or had died. Everyone was safe. Lots of candy had been eaten afterwards, and the pups were nice enough to each share some candy with the two lovebirds, since they didn't get a chance to go trick-or-treating.

Everyone yawned and called it a goodnight. However, two pups had stayed behind.

"I'm sorry about tonight, Marshie. I didn't mean to ruin our Halloween night together."

"Are you kidding me? I loved it! I mean, it was the most intense Halloween ever! I'm so glad everyone was safe. And I'm glad you were safe too." Marshall nuzzled the Chocolate Lab's cheek.

"I'm still sorry about your costume though. I know you really liked it a lot."

"It's okay. It was just a costume. Everything else is more important."

"I do have another little surprise for you though."

"You do?" Marshall tilted his head.

Zuma took off his Pikachu costume and put it on Marshall. It fit him perfectly.

"Now you're a Pikachu!"

The two chuckled, and Marshall was more than pleased.

"Are you sure you want me to have it?"

Zuma didn't say anything. Instead he replied with a kiss to Marshall's lips. The Dalmatian loved his mate more than anything else.

"Goodnight, Marshall. I love you."

"Goodnight, Zuma. I love you too."

The two curled up next to each other. They were going to sleep in the Lookout that night instead of their pup houses.

"Best. Halloween. Ever." Marshall thought before he drifted off to sleep.

Message: Thank you guys for reading this story, as well as leaving positive feedback. It means a lot. And of course there will be more Marshall and Zuma stories. This was just a rather smaller story, but I plan to make the next one a lot longer like my first story. This one was really fast and short because of time constraints. But stay toon! It might take a while, but I'll be back. I hope you all had a happy Halloween! -Blayke