I do not own Hp.
This story takes place in the Department of Mysteries. Remember, this is a plot bunny and has no leverage on the actual story whatsoever. Let me know if you want to see more of these or if you are done.
Have a nice day!
In a dark, barely-lit room in the bottom of the Ministry of Magic, thousands of feet under the surface of the earth, Harry Potter tentatively reached out to seize a glass prophecy ball sitting on the end of the shelf.
"Be careful Harry, it may be dangerous." Hermione said as she watched his fingertips graze nearer to the crystal.
"It's got my name on it." He replied with quietly driven force behind his words. His eyes had dark bags under them, the mark of sleepless nights and stress.
She leaned forward a bit to watch him as he stretched out his hand and grasped the ball. She took a deep breath as he brought it off its resting place and showed it to them. Etched into the glass was his name, Lord Voldemort, and APWBD. Hermione's eyes narrowed a bit as she decoded the message, but then her head snapped back and she acted as if she had never been reading it at all. Nothing appeared to happen around them, and Hermione, Ginny, and Ron all let out a small breath. No sooner than they had, a voice made itself known in the darkness.
"Very good Potter, now give it to me."
Their small group whirled around. A silvery mask has appeared, seemingly floating in midair. It wandered closer and robes could be made out from the stark darkness. A wand materialized, and the mark lifted from a face in a type of misty vapor. Lucious-The-Father-Who-Would-Hear-About-This-Malfoy was revealed. Bellatrix Lestrange, unmasked, was near him. Harry glimpsed several other death eaters, some with masks, some without, surrounding them. It was a trap.
"Where is Sirius?" Harry asked loudly. The crystal ball was now forgotten in his palm. The Death Eaters laughed.
"The Dark Lord knew if your precious godfather was in trouble, baby Potter would come running. Now, give us the prophecy, and you may make it out alive." Bellatrix cackled in a high voice.
Harry shifted his weight from one foot to the other while he thought. He had been deceived, and he had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. These people were clearly dangerous, and fully capable of killing and torturing him and his friends. He needed time. He needed to get them out of here and the only bargain ship he had was a scar and –
He looked down at the glass orb in his palm again. "A prophecy you say? What is it about?"
Lucious blinked slowly in surprise and amusement. "You don't know? Why, it's no wonder why you didn't come running months ago." Bellatrix chucked savagely before Lucious continued. "That, Mr. Potter, is a prophecy, about you and the Dark Lord. Only one whom the prophecy was made about can remove the orb from where it sits. Since the Dark Lord cannot risk showing himself, you were the only choice."
Bellatrix took a step closer and drew her wand. Harry grasped the glass tighter and raised it high in the air. "I'll smash it! Don't think I won't!" He stepped back lightly and found someone's foot. He pressed down hard and Ginny gave a small squeak. "Smash shelves." He whispered as she pushed her head forward to listen to him.
The room fell silent. All the death eaters watched the prophecy, held aloft in Harry's hand. Bellatrix and Lucious exchanged looks.
"Now!" Harry suddenly yelled. Six different spells shot from six wands and hit the shelves. Prophecies fell, and one fell directly into a surprised Death Eater's hand. To his credit, he stopped and listened. The six Hogwarts students ran in between the shocked Lucious Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange toward the door at the end of the aisle. Harry ripped it open and fell through, falling, falling. He heard Neville, Ron, Luna, Ginny, and Hermione yelling as they hurtled toward the stone floor. About six inches from the ground they stopped, and then were placed lightly on the ground. He stood up, and saw they were in the veil room they had passed before. It was still whispering, and he could almost make out the words.
There were the words, and a strange, shrill whistling. "Get behind me!" Harry yelled, just as the dark masses he knew were the Death Eaters fell into the room. He felt them pummeling him, forcing him to the ground. Invisible hands clawed at his wrists, trying to seize the prophecy, but he held it closer to his chest. When it stopped and he opened his eyes, everyone was gone. For a few seconds he was all alone, and the he stood slowly on shaky legs and saw his friends being held captive around the room, a single respective death eater to each student. Neville's nose was bleeding profusely. Bellatrix was forcing Hermione's head up by the hair while keeping her wand poised at the girl's neck.
Lucious Malfoy stepped out of the shadows. "Did you really think a group of… lucky children would be able to defeat the best the Dark Lord has to offer? Now, Potter, give me the prophecy, unless you want one of your friends to die?" Hermione was looking at him with pleading eyes. Ron let out a strangled "Don't do it!"
"Perhaps," Malfoy said coyly. He flicked his wand to each person as he spoke "We should start with Ms. Weasley? Or Ms. Lovegood, I'm sure her father would love to hear the story of why she died. Or maybe-"
"His wife!" A triumphant voice shouted from the door some forty feet above. Everyone looked up as a black-haired man with tan skin and piercing blue eyes jumped and landed gracefully on his feet. In his hand was a different prophecy. "Why don't we start with your wife, Potter?"
There was some confusion, the tension in the air evaporating. Confused glances to and fro, Bellatrix lessened her hold on Hermione's hair. Hermione herself had a shocked gaze on as she tried to process what she was being told.
"Harry has a wife?" Ron inquired confusedly. Yaxley tightened his hold on him in instinct, but looked just as confused. The man who had jumped in on them held up the shimmering orb in triumphal response, and the room seemed to darken as the prophecy began.
His happiness comes from one source; A secret to most of the world;
His parents gone, his life haunted; a string of bad luck, whichever way you spin it.
But in the darkest of the darkness and the scariest of the scary
his one light prevails, his most treasured lady.
Their binding is a secret, known by none; Hidden from the darkest of the dark lords.
And soon to come to light, a newborn son!
Life is no longer two leaders' chess boards; the tables have turned, beware the Light Lord.
The room lightened. Malfoy was looking thoughtful as his small mind tried to process what he'd heard. Hermione said breathlessly from the corner: "Harry? Married? Why that's absurd! He'd have surely told Ron and I, and to be honest Harry isn't very good at keeping secrets. It's rubbish!" But Malfoy now had his wand trained solely on Harry. "Check her for concealment charms. The Dark Lord will want to know about this."
"Leave them alone! It's me you want! Leave them alone!" Harry yelled. He stared down Lucious Malfoy's wand, completely unafraid.
Bellatrix grabbed Hermione's wand out of her pocket and threw her on the floor. Before the girl could move, Bellatrix shouted a spell that made a nasty looking blue light hit the girl. The room held its breath. For a moment, nothing happened, then a white light started coming from Hermione's hand. She gasped and grabbed it, trying to block some of the blinding rays, but it was not enough. Bellatrix began to cackle. "There is some evidence of recent glamor charms, and a concealment charm on her hand. Wonder what it is?" Bellatrix waved her wand and the light faded, leaving a simple white wedding band with a pearly luster and a blue diamond molded into the center.
The older woman lunged and grabbed the small girl's hand. She brought it up to her face and squinted at it. "There are more important things… Harry and Hermione, HJP." She said with a sneer as she read the engraving. Malfoy threw his head back and laughed. "Well, well, well. I'll see you get a promotion for this, Adams." The Death Eater with the prophecy nodded.
"Well then, back to business. Potter, give me the prophecy, or I will kill your wife." Harry's blood ran cold. He looked around wildly for an escape, and then, seeing no such escape, reached out the orb. He was just about to place the glass ball into the pale man's hand when there was a whooshing sound. Both men looked up as Sirius Black rounded the archway. He stood calmly in front of Malfoy for a moment and the room was absolutely still.
"Get away from my godson." The man hissed. A solid right hook landed itself on Malfoy's chin, and all hell broke loose. Order Members leapt down from the ceiling and appeared in blinding, whooshing mists of white. Harry took the distraction for fire a few spells off, and then to dash off in the direction of the brunette witch still laying on the floor. She was getting up shakily.
"Hermione! Are you alright?" He asked frantically as he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed both her cheeks.
"I'm fine, just remembering why I don't sit down much anymore." She winced as he deftly helped her to her feet.
"That's better."
A spell came blinding toward them, and Harry grabbed her and pushed her down a little, only narrowly avoiding the green light of the Avada Kedavra curse. A stray stupefy from one of the Order Members blazed past them, and with it came a redhead, running leaps and bounds toward them.
Ron ran like a bullet over to them, exclaiming: "You two are married!? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'll explain everything Ron, just not right now!" Harry yelled at his best friend. A jet of purple light flew out of nowhere and hit Ron. He fell on the floor, out cold. Harry pushed Hermione toward the door. "Go! Get out!" He told her desperately. She turned and gripped his forearm, then pulled him out after her. With the Order in retreat, Harry stopped only to cast the levitation spell on Ron to make him follow along behind them. They ran through dizzying corridors and numerous door, only to end up in the Ministry Atrium. Ginny, Luna, and Neville were being ushered into the floo. Ginny cast him a fleeting glance and he saw her face was streaked with tears. His heart twisted at the sorrowful sight; he always knew this day would come. Ginny would have several hard weeks ahead of her before she learned to understand her crush was just that; a crush.
Harry looked down at the prophecy, somehow still holding it after all this time. Hermione pulled him out of the way as a stunner whizzed by him. The prophecy slipped out of his fingers and fell… fell… fell toward the cold, unforgiving floors of the Atrium. It shattered and the death eaters screamed in rage. Harry pushed Hermione down as green lights began flying. He held her down for several minutes before suddenly, all was silent. And then there was a voice, a voice he would recognize anywhere.
"Harry Potter..."
Voldemort himself was standing above them and looking down on the young couple. He raised his wand and his snake-like lips formed the words "Avada Ked-!" The fireplace flared before he could finish the curse that would end Harry or Hermione's (he couldn't really tell which) life, and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore stepped out. His blue eyes took in the sight around him. They narrowed at the exposed ring on Hermione's wedding finger. "It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom. The Aurors are on their way."
"By the time they arrive, I will be gone, and you dead." Voldemort raised his wand, and shot deadly spell after deadly spell at Dumbledore, who dodged them and deflected them so easily it was pathetic.
Voldemort conjured a giant faming snake, and Dumbledore created a flock of glass birds which viciously attacked the snake. After almost ten minutes of them exchanging spells, Voldemort stopped. He took several breaths and then, with a sharp crack, vanished. Harry yelled out. Something was in his head. His scar hurt. Hermione gripped his hands. "Harry!" She screamed. "Harry, you can fight it! Fight it!"
He looked breathlessly up at her, trying to bear the pain. "Harry." The wise voice Of Albus Dumbledore said quietly. "You can beat him."
Harry's body lurched and Sirius appeared, putting an arm around a terrified Hermione. She was such a big part of his life. He remembered discovering their soul bond, and the joy he had felt when they discovered she was with child. How Theodore would be expecting both his parents' home, not one, not the other. Memories flashed quickly past his eyes. Snape has told them they would be weapons for the Dark Lord to use against him.
But he never could have anticipated using his memories as weapons against Voldemort.
"You'll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you." He choked out. Sirius and Hermione looked so proud of him. Dumbledore's face never changed.
"And…" Harry forced out. "You'll never know what it's like to fear losing someone. You'll never know the power people can give you, simply for existing."
There was a crack, and the presence in his head fled. Voldemort stood above him, brandishing a wand. Sirius and even Dumbledore were flown back, but Hermione remained in the circle. Voldemort regarded her evenly, then turned his attention to Harry.
"You're a fool Harry Potter. Love is weakness. Friendships can always be deceived. And it will be your downfall." He chuckled. "You will lose."
The fireplace flared again. Aurors flooded the atrium – some in their pajamas. Minister Fudge appeared in one, turned to see the damage, and witnessed Voldemort as he raised his wand and dissolved himself into a mist of dark vapor. In the silence, the only sound that could be heard was the minister sputtering: "He's back!"
Hermione threw her arms around him and sobbed. He was exhausted, but gathered all his strength and crushed her to him. He kissed the mouthful of hair that he got, then pushed her face away enough to properly kiss her. Sirius looked surprised, but positively gleeful. Dumbledore looked them up and down with a glare.
"Harry, Ms. Granger, I should like to speak with you... Alone." Harry shook his head.
"No can do. Unfortunately, now that you know our secret, Mrs. Potter and I will only be meeting you with Sirius Black present." Said Head of Black family looked positively gob smacked.
Dumbledore glared at them for a moment before saying: "Harry, you and Ms. Granger are too young to be married. You should wait until you are older. I will get the marriage nulled and you will be free to live your lives." Now Sirius was looking at Dumbledore like he had grown and extra, rather unpleasant head.
"No." Harry told him sternly. "We are soul-bonded, so you can't get it annulled. Plus, we have already become man and wife in every way possible. We even have a child to tie us together. There is no going back." Sirius was now hyperventilating as Harry helped Hermione up; she was still very sore from childbirth two days previous.
"We will collect our son from Hogwarts and then move in with Sirius. Expect our letters stating we are leaving the school tomorrow morning." Hermione told the headmaster curtly. "Have a good day."
And with that, they left Albus's plans on the floor in ruins.