Chapter 11! The final chapter of this story. This will be the first story i actually have finished on here. A real cause for celebration. Depending on what kinds of reviews I get for this story I might do a sequel. Review and tell me what you thought of the story!
Harry spent the month of August healing and training. He felt good, this summer had been one of the most difficult ones he had ever had, despite that it was also one of the happiest. He mirror called Sirius every night and wrote letters to his friends often. He also began writing to Remus. In mid-august they decided Harry should take his first crack at removing the horcrux.
"Alright Harry. If you feel you can remove it do so but if you feel at all uncertain don't push it. We have plenty of time do you understand?"
"Yeah. Where's the container we are going to move it into?"
"Right here on the desk. It's a little lead box. If you're ready ask for it and I'll hand it to you."
"Okay. I think I'm ready to try. Give me the strengthener."
Snape handed him the vial of red potion and Harry downed it ignoring the vile taste. He shot a smile at the man and let his magic flow into his eyes. He was seating in a comfortable chair and they had set up a mirror right in front of him so that he could study his own forehead. Snape was going to sit next to him and monitor his health and magic levels.
Harry removed his glasses and leaned very close to mirror. He could see the horcrux clearly now. It was a massive wad of dark magic. In the center was a red glowing shard, the soul piece. Surrounding the shard were long and convoluted threads and roots of magic. They had grown into him as Harry had aged. One even touched his own magical core draining his power and feeding it into the soul shard.
The magical threads were tied around in twisting knots and glowed different colors. It would've been almost beautiful if one didn't think about what it meant. Harry grabbed the parchment and quill they had set up and began drawing the entire horcrux structure. He knew Snape was watching but he ignored that for now focusing on the goal alone.
He would need to remove the ones that attached to his mind and magical core first, use his own magic to push them back towards the shard. Or maybe the ones around his eyes? Maybe he should do the ones that weren't attached to anything important first so he could get used to it. He would have to work on it one thread at a time pushing it back into the center shard, then he would remove the shard and place it in the lead box. It was going be awful and time consuming.
He finished the drawing after thirty minutes. It was a rough sketch but it was accurate enough to work. Harry wanted to remove it as soon as possible but he knew that if he pushed too hard he could hurt himself or cause himself to lose his magic.
"How are my core levels?"
"They're fine. Do you wish to try and remove it today?"
"I think I can. The soul shard in the center is draining my magic to feed itself. If we left it alone too long it would overtake me and cause another Voldemort to appear."
"Delightful. Do you have a plan of action?"
"Yes. I need to push each thread back one at a time into the shard. I'll do the simple and less dangerous ones first and then the ones that are connected to my mind and magical core last. I might need help in the final push. I'll have to use brute force to push it out of my scar and into the lead box."
"I'll give you some of my magic, if necessary, to complete the task. Do you wish to call the headmaster so that he may be there as well? He is a powerful wizard and could provide the brute force required."
They had told the headmaster about the Horcruxes after Harry's birthday and the man had begun searching for the others. Harry trusted the man to help.
"I think that's a good idea. I don't know if I'll need the help but it would be wise to have him here."
"I'll summon him, do not start until I return."
Harry let the magic go and watched as Snape flooed the headmaster. Albus appeared within moments his eyes twinkling in excitement. The man greeted Harry and took a seat.
"Is this the shape of the Horcrux?" He asked pointing to the parchment.
"Yes. The shard in the center is the soul piece, the threads I've drawn here have grown into my body. Most of them have just grown into my muscles and skin, a few went into my eyes, it makes me think that the thing is sentient and is seeing the world through my eyes. It also has grown into my brain and magical core. It's like an invasive weed."
"How interesting. Severus told me you might need some of my magic to help you with the final push?"
"I'm going to use my magic to push each thread back into the shard, then the final push will remove the horcrux from me and into the lead box. That will require a lot of magic I may be quite weak at that point."
"I think with Severus and I combined we will be able to help you push it out. Are you ready to attempt this?"
Harry restarted his magic sight and began the tiring process. He worked for hours without stopping. Each thread fought against being moved with all of its might. He didn't stop to rest or eat or drink. Severus and Albus didn't try to interrupt his concentration and merely stayed next to him taking breaks periodically. He found that when he removed the threads that had grown into his eyes that his sight instantly became clear. Apparently his terrible eyesight was caused by the horcrux.
After 9 hours of pushing and pulling and twisting and brute force, Harry had pushed all of them back except for the ones that were the most dangerous.
"Professor Snape how are my core levels?"
"You can continue without much danger. Are you almost done?"
"The next ones that I push will be the most dangerous. These have grown into my mind and magical core. Removing them could cause me to become an insane squib. It's going to hurt like hell."
"I have full faith in you my boy." Albus said patting his shoulder.
"Headmaster before I start you wouldn't happen to have a chocolate frog on you?"
"I always have candy on me." Albus said with a laugh. "Here you are my boy."
Harry took the chocolate frog and ate it enjoying the taste of the chocolate on his tongue.
"Well here goes. Start praying to Merlin or whatever god you believe in that this works."
Harry began on the mind ones first. Each thread caused him to feel absurd amounts of pain, equivalent to the cruciatus. He gritted his teeth against the pain but couldn't stop the whimper of pain that escaped. He felt the two men place hands on his shoulders in a sign of comfort. Each of the mind threads took an hour on their own to push back. It was 15 hours into the project that Harry finished the mind threads.
"I've successfully pushed the mind thread backs. How are my levels professor?"
"Low but not dangerously so. How many more threads do you have?"
"Just the one, only one thread has grown into my magical core. This one will be the most difficult. I may need help. Be alert."
He felt the men squeeze his forearms in anticipation and Harry gave them a grin.
"If I lose my magic I'll still be able to brew potions and fly so it won't be too awful. I was more worried about becoming insane. Now wish me luck."
Harry went to the bottom of the thread and 'poked' it. His core began to warp and he heard some vials shatter.
"Sorry. Working so near my core is probably going to cause some accidental magic. Be warned."
He was as careful as he could be but he caused quite a mess in his professor's living room. The magical core thread didn't hurt like the mind ones had. Instead it felt like he was walking through a mine field. He worked so diligently and carefully that it was a full four hours before he had pushed it all the way back. The two men had stayed awake the entire time, supporting him.
"Headmaster, Professor. I did it." Harry said almost surprised with himself. "The horcrux is ready for the final push. Be prepared as it begins to leave it will fight back. It might try and attack me or one of you. When I stabbed the diary horcrux it screamed something awful so that might happen here too. Even if I tell you to stop, beg you. Don't. Even if I bleed and scream in pain. We only have one shot at removing this thing and it is going to hurt. Are you ready?"
"I am my boy."
"I will follow this through to the end Harry."
"Good. I don't think I'm strong enough to do this on my own so be prepared. Don't flood me with magic let it trickle in."
Snape handed him the lead box and then the two men gripped his arms. He felt the magic enter him and felt instantly refreshed and alert. Once he had enough power he placed the lead box on his forehead and began the push.
It was the worst pain he had ever felt. It felt like someone was taking a hundred cork screws and screwing them into his head. He screamed and he felt Albus pull back a little. Then the Horcrux began to speak.
Because Snape was giving him magic he felt the man's hurt and pain. The man began pulling away.
"Don't listen to it Severus." Albus commanded. "It's trying to make us weak so that it can stay within Harry."
Snape was back in the game so the Horcrux turned its gaze on Albus.
As the horcrux left the pain increased exponentially and Harry let himself scream. He felt Albus' guilt overwhelm him and he knew the man was close to giving up. Harry couldn't say anything but he knew that if Albus left now the horcrux would win.
"Albus. Don't you listen to that thing's shit." Severus ground out. "You are much more than your mistakes. Now move on from them and help damn it."
Albus seemed to shake himself and Harry felt the man's immense magic flood him. The horcrux decided to try Harry, the final one. It didn't yell this time it spoke in a voice that Harry had hoped to never hear again.
You are a freak, a waste of space.
It was Uncle Vernon's voice. Harry felt himself tremble in fear.
Why do you even bother trying anymore? You'll never succeed. I'll always be here in the back of your mind. I'll live within you forever. You little freak won't ever have someone love you. Anyone who has ever told you so, all one of them, was only saying so because he pitied your little ugly face. The only thing you're good for is cooking and cleaning. You're an idiot and a failure.
The voice continued its diatribe. Each of Harry's fears and insecurities it played upon. Harry's screams reverberating throughout the room. Tears streamed down his face but he kept pushing. He wouldn't listen to that stuff anymore. He thought about Ginny. How she had cried in his arms down in that chamber. He thought about Ron allowing himself to get hurt in the wizard chess game so that Harry could move forward. He recalled Hermione standing tall with him even when the school turned its back on him.
He thought about his parents who had loved him enough to die for him. He thought about Hagrid who when he came to tell him of the wizarding world made sure he was warm and fed first. He thought about Neville who was always so supportive. He thought of Molly Weasley who knitted him, a stranger, a family sweater because he wasn't expecting anything. He thought about Fred and George who always tried to make him laugh. He thought about Arthur Weasley who accepted him into their home and took him to his first professional quidditch game.
He thought about Albus Dumbledore who had done so much to protect him and who had given him an invisibility cloak as an eleven year old. He thought about McGonagall who bought him a professional grade broom and pushed him to do his best in class. He thought of Pomphrey who always made sure he was well before letting him leave her domain. He thought about Dudley's heartfelt apology. He thought about Sirius, who had broken out of prison to protect him and who worried about him every single day. He thought about Remus who taught him the patronous charm and always had chocolate to give him if he was feeling down.
Finally he thought about Severus Snape, the first adult to put him first. The man who had put aside his pain and regrets, his hatred, to care for him. The man who woke him from his nightmares, the man who spent hours brewing potions just for him. The man who reminded him to eat and clear his mind each night. The man who had saved his life so many times. The man who told him that he loved him, who saw him as strong not weak.
Feelings of love and strength filled him and with a pop the horcrux fell out of him and into the lead box. The room was suddenly silent except for Harry's haggard breathing. The lead box was hot in his hand and it gave off a malignant feel. He dropped the box and let it clatter to the floor. His scar was sore and dripping blood. It had taken 20 hours of hard work to remove the horcrux.
"We did it. Now we just need to stab it with a Basilisk fang from the chamber of secrets. Professor where's the fang?" Harry said his voice hoarse.
"Here it is Harry."
Snape handed him the foot long fang. They had collected it to use for when the horcrux was successfully removed. Harry leaned down and lifted the fang high. Just like he had in his second year he stabbed down on the box until its screams stopped. With this done he let himself fall into blissful unconsciousness. He idly felt Professor Snape catching him as the world went black. He was free.
He woke up in his own room much later. The first thing he did was feel his scar. It was still there but now it was just a normal scar. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was free. No connection to Voldemort. He called out for Dobby.
"Yes Master Harry sir?" The elf said once he appeared.
"What day is it?"
"You've been sleeping for two days sir. Master Dumbledore and Master Snape are waiting for you to wake up sirs."
"Thank you Dobby. I'll go to them."
"Not at all Master Harry Potter sir."
Harry sat up and stretched. He felt bone tired. He had used so much of his magic but he had done it. Someone had dressed him in his pajamas and he smiled at their thoughtfulness. He shuffled towards the blue door and opened it. He walked into the hallway with a smile on his face. He looked at the clock and saw that it was around dinner time. He made his way to the dining room and saw that both the headmaster and Snape were sitting and eating.
"Hello. Is there some left for me?"
"Harry!" Severus shouted before continuing like a worried mother hen. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"
"I feel freeā¦ and no all I need is some dinner."
Harry sat down and began to serve himself some food. He smiled at the two men.
"So the horcrux is gone. What happened after I fainted?"
"We took you to your room and allowed you to rest. We called a few house elves and told them to clean up the mess you made of my living room and then we both slept for about 30 hours. Since then we've been waiting for you to wake up."
"I consider our mission a success." Albus said happily. "Harry is still with his magic and his mind is still healthy. We have five more Horcruxes to hunt down but none of them will be as difficult as this one. We also know that Basilisk venom works fine."
Harry broke out into a full grin at the two men.
"I agree. I think we should start our horcrux hunt at Christmas break. Gives me time to recover from this and time to research. I won't hear of me not being a part of this, it's my destiny after all."
They spent the rest of dinner discussing possible locations for the other five Horcruxes and the upcoming school year. Harry listened but didn't comment much he still felt bone tired combined with the fact that he was finally free from the horcrux. It felt nice. When things were said and done Harry realized that he had only a week before school was to start. Before he could bring up the fact that he hadn't even bought school supplies, Albus Dumbledore said something that made Harry stop.
"Severus. I've been thinking, how is your mark feeling? Surely Voldemort is doing something to it." Albus asked with concern in his voice.
Harry grinned. As Snape began to answer that he had had the ugly thing removed months ago and that it was hardly an important matter to even bring up. Dumbledore looked stunned. As Harry laughed, Hogwarts laughed with him. Yes this summer had been one of the hardest yet but it was also the most promising. He knew that whatever was coming his way, it wasn't going to stop him. After all he had so many people on his side.