I do not own any of the characters or shows

Chapter 1

It had been one long week for the two brothers. Two cases back to back in the sleepy state of Oregon, followed by two night stuffed inside the Impala.

Dean nudged his brother with his elbow waking him, "Hey Sam, the Impala is running low. I'm going to stop in the next town to fill her up, do you want anything to eat?"

Sam blinked his eyes opening before rubbing them, "Uh… no I'm good, but if we're going through a town maybe it wouldn't hurt to stop for the night. I don't know about you but I would like to sleep in a bed tonight."

Dean pondered the idea for a moment, going over the options in his head, "Yeah I guess we could stop for a night or two, we deserve a break." Dean continued to drive down the dark highway until he saw a sign that read next exit Gravity Falls, "Well, hello Gravity Falls."

Dipper and Mabel had just gotten back from a long day of chasing some weird floating eyeballs they had found in a cave and were ready to just relax with some duck-tective. As they walked into the shack they found their Grunkle Stan asleep in his chair with the remote in his hand.

"Well, looks like we won't be watching Duck-tective tonight Mabel," Dipper informed his sister, they both knew that even in sleep the old man had an iron grip. They turned and trudged up the stairs to the bedroom the twins shared.

"That was a pretty crazy mission today, I'm pooped," Mabel spoke falling down onto her bed not worrying about changing into her nightgown.

"Yeah, I can't wait to tell Stanford tomorrow," The boy spoke crawling under his covers before reaching over to turn the lamp off, "Night Mabel."

"Night Dipper." And with those words Dipper turned the light off covering the room in darkness.

The sun poured in to the window, filling the small room with light. Sam noticed first as it hit his eyes, waking him up. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up on the bed pulling himself away from the pillow. Glancing at his brother who was just starting to rise from the rude awaking of the sun. Sam got up and walked over to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Dean rolled out of bed and threw on a clean shirt and pair of pants while he waited for his brother to get out of the bathroom. "Hey Sammy," Dean called through the door, "I saw a diner last night when we drove in wanna stop in for some breakfast?"

Sam thought for a moment before responding to his brother, "Sounds good I could eat some real food instead of just chips." Sam chuckled at this as he squeezed toothpaste on his toothbrush. "Just another day," Sam mumbled to himself before brushing his teeth.

Dipper bolted up at the sudden contact of a pillow colliding with his face. He glanced over to his sister with a sleepy gaze before stretching and yawning, "What was that for Mabel?"

Mabel looked over at her brother already dressed in her shooting star sweater and purple skirt, "Well you weren't up and you needed to be. So I threw a pillow at you."

The girl informed her brother.

"But why do I need to be up? It's summer Mabel, we can sleep in."

"The longer you sleep the less time you have to stare at Wendy," Mabel teased she ran out of the room before throwing one more piece of information over her shoulder at Dipper, "Plus We're meeting Soos and Wendy at the diner in ten minutes so you might wanna hurry Dip." With those words she fled out the door and down the stairs to go find Grunkle Stan and try to convince him to let them barrow the golf cart, which shouldn't be hard because he really never cared about the old cart anyway.

Dipper rolled out of bed threw a clean shirt and pair of shorts on along with his vest, he then stuffed in the journal and threw on his hat, "Just another day," He mumbled to himself before walking out of his room and down the stairs to meet Mabel outside on the cart.