A.N.: Each chapter will be a journal entry. I got this idea after watching the Season 3 finale of TMNT. If you haven't seen it yet, this is your spoiler alert. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I only own the story idea. Nickelodeon owns TMNT. Thank-you.
Why would Master Splinter do that? Why would he turn his back to the Shredder? After all these years of telling us not to trust Shredder, Master Splinter of all people – mutants – turns his back to him, knowing just how dangerous he is? What the shell? What made him think it was safe to do so? Did he trust in the fact that Shredder loves Karai/Miwa as much as he loves her and us? Did he honestly think that for once the Shredder would do the honourable thing and actually help us save the world? I mean, come on! It's Shredder! He's deceived us and many others how many times now? Not to mention, just how many times the man has tried to kill us!
I am lost and confused. I am the only one who has openly wept over the loss of our beloved father and ninja master. My brothers hide their feelings much better than I, though I can see it in their eyes that they're as equally upset as I am. Some of them are angrier than normal and snapping as everyone more so than usual. Some days I just wish they'd express how they feel instead of trying to hide it from everyone, especially me. Granted, I have gotten more hugs than normal these days, since I'm the one who is usually feeling down. Feeling this way for so long is odd for me; I'm normally the happy-go-lucky type. The childish one who just wants to have fun and play games and stay innocent for as long as possible. Sadly though, I've seen way more bad than good, so I'm not as innocent as everyone thinks – but I try to remain energetic and silly and naïve in order to keep my sanity. Besides, it gets me more affection and I crave affection.
I've grown rather quiet these days, as part of me is afraid of setting one of my brothers off on a tirade. I've managed to do that a few times already; though once they see the tears in my eyes they take pity on me and apologize for flipping out. Sometimes being the baby of the family is a good thing; and other times it's not such a good thing.
I think part of me is still in shock over what happened. I keep thinking that if I close my eyes long and hard enough that when I open them we'll be back in the lair; that Master Splinter will be standing there before my eyes, lecturing me on falling asleep during a meditation lesson. Then I remember that our home, along with the entire planet earth, got sucked into a black hole right after we boarded the Fugitoid's ship.
How did that happen? Oh you know, Shredder stabbed right through Master Splinter with his blades, and everyone turned to look, thus missing our only chance to stop the Triceraton's device from destroying earth. I guess when I put it that way we were all idiots in a sense. I mean, if we'd not all looked, only of us surely could have finished what Master Splinter had been trying to do – stop the Triceraton's annihilation device. (Yeah big word I know. I asked Donnie how to spell it.) Granted if Shredder had not stabbed Master Splinter the world would have been saved – wouldn't have it? I mean, Sensei would have been able to figure out how to stop the device, right? If Shredder had done the honourable thing, between the two of them, they could have saved the planet and the human race, right? Well, I guess we'll never know the answer to that one – though I'll go on believing that Sensei could have stopped it. He is – was – the smartest person I know – after Donnie of course.
If anyone of the guys were to read this, I'm sure they'd be surprised to learn I have deep thoughts. I have them all the time; I just don't care to share them. There's more to me than my childish antics, but no one ever seems to see past those. Granted, part of me is glad that they don't – while the other part of me sometimes wishes that they would. I'm sure one of these days I'll figure out what I want – if we ever live that long. The life of a teenage mutant ninja turtle is dangerous and scary as shell, yet thrilling and entertaining all at the same time.
I hope we're able to somehow find a way to get the earth back. And I do hope that everyone who was left behind on the planet survives – except the Kraang. They can die. It's their fault the Triceratons came after earth anyway. And had the Kraang not invaded earth, the Triceratons would not have come to annihilate the planet, Master Splinter would not have gone to Shredder for help, Shredder never would have had the opportunity to kill Master Splinter, and we'd all be back home chowing down on some pizza right now instead of flying through outer space to who knows where with a robot who calls himself the Fugitoid.
Phew. I'm glad that's out of my system and that I found this journal to rant in. everyone thinks I'm crazy as it is; I don't need them thinking I've completely lost my marbles.
I think I hear another argument ensuing. I should go check it out – sometimes it's entertaining watching my brothers fight. Especially now since there's nowhere to go to escape one another. Granted I don't think Donnie wants to escape April. Casey on the other hand…I'm sure by now Donnie's wishing we'd left him to get sucked into the black hole. Me, well, I'm missing Ice Cream Kitty right now – she was always good at cheering me up.
And of course, I'm missing Master Splinter more than words can say. I wish we could find a time turner and go back in time and prevent this all from happening. I wonder what Renet is doing, and if she'll be able to find us in space or if she got sucked into the black hole too since her time turning had to do with earth and time portals.
Anyway, I'm off to investigate that argument now. I can hear it getting louder and how I've managed to tune it out this long I have no idea.
Until next time…well, the next time I'm bored really…