"Come on, Sam," Dean sighed as he joined his brother at the war room table. He set a beer beside Sam's laptop as he took a drink of his own.
"No, Dean, it's too quiet," he ignored the drink as he continued to stare at his computer, "something's going on."
"It's not possible we're just catching a break?" Sam didn't even have to answer Dean's question verbally when he gave him a look, "okay, but what do you want me to do about it? Look, MJ is safe, no one seems to be dying of anything weird, we should just enjoy it while it lasts." They'd been home from Sonny's for almost two weeks with no cases. Dean had been able to tell Sam what their sister confessed, and he had reacted just as Mary expected. The time off at the bunker proved to be valuable and MJ was able to tell her brothers more about her life before they met, but it was safe to say the Winchester siblings were beginning to get cabin fever.
"But what's coming?" the younger asked, facing his brother, "what are they rearing up for?"
Their impending argument was interrupted when Dean's phone rang. Seeing the caller ID he immediately accepted the call and greeted his friend, "Jody… yeah, he's right here, what's up?" He pulled the phone away from his face and quickly switched it to speaker phone, "you're on speaker."
"Hi Jody," Sam interjected.
"Hey Sam. Listen, I've got calls about demonic omens all over the Midwest, but-"
" -there seems to be a focus in Nebraska. That mean anything to you?"
Sam and Dean exchanged a look. Dean decided to answer, "not that I can think of. There's a devil's gate in Wyoming, but I doubt that has anything to do with this."
"What omens did you find?" Sam asked, typing quickly.
"Uh, electrical storms, crop failures, cattle mutilations, the works," As she listed omens, Mary appeared in the doorway with her nose in a book. Hearing Jody's voice she looked up, "They're scattered through the region but I'm telling you, Alliance is the center.
"Center for what?" MJ piped up.
Sam remained focused on his laptop, "demonic omens."
"Wait, Alliance, Nebraska?" she asked. The brothers turned their attention to MJ.
"That mean something to you?" Dean asked.
She looked between her brothers, "isn't that where you met the cambion kid? I just finished that book."
Sam looked as if he'd had a major epiphany while Dean looked upset, "book? What book?" MJ hesitated, remembering what Sam had said about Dean hating the books, "are you reading Chuck's books?" She tried to hide the current novel she was engrossed in behind her back.
"Seriously, MJ?" he managed to grab the book from her.
"Dean?" Jody tried again.
"I wanted to know what you guys have been up to and Sam said-"
"You told her to read those books?" he turned to his younger brother.
"Dean," Jody finally got his attention, "can we focus on the demonic omens? What's the deal with cambion? What is it? Think it's connected?"
Sam answered for his brother, "a cambion is a half-human, half-demon. Any cambion can be the anti-Christ, that's what Cas said. If this is Jesse-"
"Then he's why I'm being prepared as a vessel," Mary finished for him. A silence fell over the group as they took in the latest revelation.
"Jesse's gearing up for the end of the world," Sam finally broke the silence.
"Great," Dean mumbled, cursing yet another apocalypse, "so what do we do? Take him out before be can do any real damage?"
"Dean," his sister stopped him, "we're not killing a kid."
"He's the anti-Christ."
"Any I'm a vessel of the Holy Spirit," she snapped, "you've spent months protecting me from people who feel about me the way you do about Jesse."
"You're not trying to bring on the end of the world."
"Guys," Sam stopped his siblings' bickering, "we'll look at all our options but Mary, honestly, that's what it may come down to. We let him go before and now-"
"And what if we can only do that if I give my consent? If I give the Holy Spirit the reigns? What happens then?"
"No, seriously. That's why I'm here, isn't it? To stop him?"
"MJ, you're not gonna have to do that," Dean insisted.
"How do you know, De? We know I'm a threat. If people are hunting me down so that Jesse can go through with it, maybe I'm the only one that can stop him."
"So. We'll put our heads together. We'll talk to Cas, to Chuck, Rowena, whoever we need to. You're not going up against him, especially not alone."
MJ scoffed, shaking her head, "so much for free will, right?" Before her brothers could say anything else, she trudged out of the war room, not wanting to hear about how the boys would do everything to keep her safe when she knew deep down that they were powerless.
Jody spoke up to break the silence that followed, the brothers had almost forgot she was still on the phone, "you guys know she might be right," she reminded them, you need to prepare yourself for that. This is what it's all been coming to."
"I didn't think that it would be our fault that this was happening," Dean sighed.
Jody sounded confused, "what are you talking about? How is this your fault?"
"When we met Jesse," Sam started to explain, "Cas wanted to kill him, but we couldn't do it. He was just a kid."
"He's still just a kid, they both are," Dean reminded them.
"So, this half-demon kid has evil powers," Jody began thinking aloud, "but where are they coming from? Mary's come from the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how is Jesse doing all this? If these powers are just his because he's half-demon, how is she ever supposed to stop him? Is he as powerful as-"?
"Lucifer," Sam cursed, "Jesse becomes more powerful when Lucifer is on earth."
"You think he's back?"
Dean looked at his brother, "has he reached out to you? Did you know anything ab-"?
"No, Dean," he huffed, "don't you think I would've said something? With Mary's nightmares and the vessel stuff, you honestly think I would've kept it to myself? There's nothing to indicate that he's back except the small possibility that Jesse is the cause of these omens, but we don't even know if that's true."
"Have you guys heard from Crowley recently?" Jody suddenly asked, "or Cas?"
The brothers paused to think, "I haven't seen Crowley since we got Mary back," Dean said, "and soon as I do, I'm gonna kill him."
"It's been radio silence from Cas too."
"And Chuck?"
Sam nodded, though he knew Jody couldn't see him, "nothing from him either."
"We can start there," she decided, "you guys see if they'll talk, I'll keep an eye on Alliance and see if anyone has seen a teenage demon spawn with impossible powers."
"Thanks Jody."
"Thank your sister, she's the one who recognized the town," she reminded them