Chapter 8- Digging Up The Dirt

Kurt tapped his foot against the floor idly as he waited for Connor to be done speaking with Annalise. The others had been allowed to leave, but Annalise needed Connor for some extra assignment or something. Kurt wasn't paying attention to what the professor was saying. He was much too busy checking out Connor's ass in his pants, something that Frank had absolutely noticed and didn't hesitate in teasing him about.

While he waited, he checked his phone for any desperate messages from Blaine. He didn't care, but he just wanted to see Blaine had meant what he had implied about leaving Kurt alone to be with Connor. Sure enough, he had kept to his word. First time for everything, Kurt thought with a smirk.

"Can I help you?" A voice startled Kurt from his smug reverie.

He looked up and smiled. "I'm just waiting for Connor."

By Kurt's estimation, the man speaking to him was possibly in his late thirties or early forties with a young, handsome face and smart attire. Kurt's eyes narrowed slightly as a sense of déjà vu washed over him. He figured this was Sam Keating, Annalise's husband. He lived in the house, too, so Kurt had probably seen him around without truly realizing it.

"Is he in with my wife?"

Kurt nodded. "You must be Mr. Keating."


Kurt took the proffered hand and shook it firmly.

Just as they broke contact, Connor emerged from the office.

"Hey, you ready to go, Kurt?"

Kurt smiled lovingly. "You bet. It was nice meeting you, Sam."

The older man nodded silently before mumbling the same.

As Connor and Kurt left the house, Sam turned to his wife.

"Was that...who I think it was?"

Annalise looked him dead in the eyes. "That was exactly who you think it was. The only question is now, what happens next?"

Sam sighed, running a hand down his face. "I don't know, Annalise. What would you do?"

Annalise smirked. "You know what I would do, you just don't want to hear it."

Sam shoved his hands in his pockets and wandered upstairs once more, forgetting what he originally came down them for.

Annalise moved some boxes around, keeping herself busy so that her thoughts didn't dwell on the subject at hand. It was one of her least favourite topics to entertain in the quiet yet sometimes frazzled sanctity of her own mind. So she opted for distraction.

It wasn't as surefire as a cold glass of straight vodka, but priorities had to be had.

Kurt and Connor met up with Laurel and Michaela, the latter of whom was actively trying to make an effort with the group, something that she hadn't done thus far. Connor was appreciative, but he didn't really know Michaela too well and hence did not know what to expect from her. He didn't like enigmas. It was why he hated crossword puzzles. Sure, they were a challenge, but he liked the blanks to be filled in before he got there. Starting from scratch was much too exhausting.

Michaela sat back in her seat on Connor's couch and crossed her legs. "So, are we going to even talk about the exam coming up or just sit here like fools who are going to fail?"

Laurel barely refrained from rolling her eyes. She and Connor had promised each other that they would give Michaela a fair chance at not being…well, Michaela.

"Can you not just have fun?"

"I didn't come to Middleton to have fun without thinking about the consequences. I came here to study under Professor Keating and actually learn something. She's a black woman in a powerful position with a stellar reputation, I need to absorb everything I can that she's willing to teach me."

"Yeah, but all work and no play makes for a bad day," Connor shrugged.

"Poetic. Did Dr. Seuss say that?"

"Actually, the first real mention of it in any variation was by James Howell in 1625," Kurt piped up.

"How on Earth do you know that?"

"I never had many friends. Useless trivia is the alternative to that."

"Amen to that," Michaela crowed.

Kurt smiled at her. "But I do somewhat agree with you, Michaela. Why go to law school if the only thing you're concerned about is tequila."

"Are we talking about Asher?"

"I hope not," Michaela snorted. "Then I'd have to douse myself in bleach to ever feel clean again."

"That was good. Kudos."

"You know who I had a creepy encounter with the other day? Sam," Kurt shuddered.


"What other Sam do we collectively know?"

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure. What's he like?" Laurel questioned.

Kurt grimaced. "Doesn't seem like Annalise's type, if I'm honest. A little creepy. I don't trust the guy one bit."

Michaela nodded. "I was looking for Annalise and he blocked me in the hallway and told me that she wasn't home when I could see her shadow in her office. He told me to go home and not to visit unless it was urgent. Annalise had actually called me to her office but I left before she could vouch for me. I got a really weird vibe from him."

As the four shared somewhat awkward stories about their lives, getting to know Kurt a little more as the others welcomed Michaela into their circle, the night grew later, shots were poured back. Michaela even loosened up enough to do a body shot off Laurel when dared. Connor was delightedly surprised. He slung his arm around Kurt and kissed his cheek tenderly. They were becoming increasingly domestic, even above and beyond living together.

Twenty minutes away, Asher planted his lips on her neck, hands roaming all over her body.

"I never thought this would happen," he moaned.

"I thought you were gay," Bonnie Winterbottom muttered breathlessly. As much as she didn't want to admit it, he was making her feel really good.

Asher stopped, lifting his head up. "Gay? No. Not that I haven't experimented, but it's not for me."

Bonnie grunted. "Stop talking."

Asher moved down her body once more, secretly loving the dominating that Bonnie was doing. He was happy to worship her, to show her how much he desired her.

He did find it a little strange that they were doing such things in the Keating living room, though.

He didn't have time to think about it when Sam Keating stumbled into the adjacent kitchen, voice raised.

"Look, I'm not going to argue this with you anymore! We had our agreement and he broke it! Well, you need to do something about it! I won't talk about this again. Goodbye."

Sam slammed his hand down on the counter. "Fuck!"

Bonnie said nothing, clapping her hand over Asher's mouth. Asher, once again, wasn't going to pretend like he didn't love it.

Sam left the room without noticing them.

Bonnie frowned. Sam was hiding something and she was betting that Annalise had no idea. She owed it to the woman to find out what that was. Sam was not going to screw her over again.

Not if Bonnie had any say in the matter.

Two Weeks Later

Kurt watched them drag the body, too paralyzed to even move. Usually, he would be the rational one, but Laurel had taken up that mantle. Even Asher was handling everything perfectly. Or as perfectly as one could in such a situation.

He looked into the ghostly eyes of the body as it was wrapped up in the carpet.

He would never forget it, the sound, the smell, the sight. All his senses flared up as he wiped his eyes.

"If you felt like helping, that would be great, Kurt," Asher wheezed.

Kurt pursed his lips. "I...can't."

Laurel nodded. "We get it. It's hard enough just being there."

Kurt nodded back, glad that she understood. He stared down at the ground, shame filling his body.

And whatever happened to them after that night, nothing would ever erase the sight of what he had witnessed.

No matter how hard he tried.