Some choices are only choices in theory. No matter the options, no matter the price. No matter how much she had to lose, or to gain. The universe wanted Chloe dead.
And Chloe was dead. But she would always remain alive too, in some perverted way. Waiting for Max to rewind to those moments of utter brilliance. But she had leaned now. Her attempts to change fate were futile, her power but an illusion.
Chloe was dead. Once and for all.
Max wakes up with a gasp. The tornado had caught Chloe in its vortex, her contorted face disappearing and reappearing in its grey depths.
She had been dreaming again.
Max rubs her face, sits up on her bed as quietly as she can. The cold autumn breeze hits her body with force; the window had been left open overnight. The cold awakens her, brings her wandering mind back to her body.
It's Warren, and he's awake now too, eyes twinkling in the darkness, watching her from the couch.
"It's okay." She assures him.
"Can't sleep?"
She looks down at her feet, sighs. "I feel foolish."
Warren pulls the blanket away, shivering audibly as he crosses the room towards her.
"SuperMax is no fool."
He sits down next to her, pulls her towards him gently. His hands are warm and his shoulders steady but comforting.
"This is all my fault, Warren." She says, her voice small and almost unintelligible.
He takes a deep breath. "Max, it's-"
"If I couldn't change anything," she says, pulling away to look at the palms of her hands, "why was I given this power?"
Warren's lips tighten, and he takes both of her hands in his. "You made a difference."
"It's a mockery." She says, pulling her hands away with force. "Chloe is dead, Rachel is dead. Nathan is in jail and everyone continues to live as if nothing happened. Everything changed, Warren. Everything changed for me."
"Look," he says. "You put Jefferson in jail. You saved Kate Marsh. Hell, you saved us all."
She's silent.
"But you didn't save Chloe," he says, sadly.
Her look of defeat worsens. "No," she says, "I didn't."
Max gulps. "What?"
"She was your best friend," he says. "You spent so much time and energy using your powers to save her, only for her to die?"
Max shakes her head. "It was Chloe against everyone else." She says, tears pouring down her face. "If I saved her, everyone would die. Joyce, David, Frank, all the students." She pauses. "You."
The room is silent, even Max's labored breathing subsides. "I'll always love Chloe, but there was never a choice. I'm so foolish for thinking that there was."
"No, you had a choice, Max." Warren whispers. "And the right choices are never easy."
Max sighs. "Chloe saved me in so many ways. I guess I just wish I could save her in return."
"That's the catch I suppose," Warren says. "You can't save everyone."
They remain sitting on the couch, shrouded in the silence and darkness of the night. The wind whistles softly as their breathing, their heartbeats and their thoughts return to normality.
"I think both of us should try to get some sleep," Warren says finally, making a beeline for the couch. Max stops him, "Wait," she says.
He turns to face her again, unsure.
"Stay with me," she says, moving towards the wall to give him space. He doesn't say anything, lies down to face her. They lie there, heads just barely touching, listening to their own heartbeats.
"Warren," Max whispers. "Thanks." Brushes her lips against his. "For everything."
He replies by deepening the kiss, caressing her face as her eyes flutter shut. She pulls herself up against him, drifts to sleep in his embrace.