I own nothing, not the characters, the space where this story exists, or even the eyes that you are using to read it. This is for entertainment purposes only, no money involved.
Jazz was sitting on a bench nearly concealed by two large trees in a bend on a joggers path in the park. A hole in the trees giving her a small view of the tower she had just been in, a large whole metaled in the glass on the top floor and steam coming out of if from what must have been a fire that had been squelched by Danny's ice before it could get out of hand.
"I can't believe this kind of thing happens all the way here in Japan." Jazz mumbled in disappointment. "So much for a vacation." The air around her started to feel cooler, much cooler. "Its all clear, Danny." She said simply just before her little brother stepped out of the trees behind her.
"Told you there was something off about the guy in the trench coat, and that those two girls with the baby stroller were somehow involved." Danny said as he leaned over the bench looking up at the same broken building.
"Alright, fine, you aren't JUST paranoid, everyone really is after you." Jazz said, rolling her eyes. "And congratulations on managing to deface a world renowned monument."
Danny flinched. "You... don't think they are going to try to blame that on me... do you?"
"Did anyone see you... you know?" Jazz whispered a little more seriously. She gave a sigh of relief when Danny shook his head. "What are ghosts doing here? And why would it be attacking children?"
"I don't think it was a ghost. I couldn't sense it, it couldn't fly, couldn't turn intangible, and he weighed a ton." Danny said. "It fell to its death. And when it died it turned into these small light things instead of a blob of green goo."
"Danny, it had to be a ghost. Nothing else makes sense." Jazz said, though she didn't sound so sure.
"I don't know. Where did those kids go anyways?" Danny asked his sister.
"I gave them the slip as soon as we got out of the tower." Jazz admitted with no shame.
"Jazz, how are we supposed to figure out what's going on now?" Danny whined.
"I'm sorry, but would it be us interrogating them about their monster pets, or them asking questions about you going fisty-cuffs with a seven foot, fire breathing, metal headed monster?" Jazz said, crossing her arms.
Danny winced. "Point taken." He said, scratching his head. "Still, it isn't like we can just ignore all this. If I hadn't stepped in..." Well the girl would have been flatted at the least, and the building would have suffered more damage than it already had. "Something's up. I'm going up a stop to it."
"And there goes our vacation!" Jazz shouted dramatically. "Where do we even start. So far we have no way of tracking these things, no idea what they want, no clue what they are."Jazz looked over at her little brother to see him holding a small yellow necklace with a odd symbol in the center of it.
"Whatever that thing was, when it disappeared, this was the only thing that was left behind." Danny said, looking at the tag. "I can't imagine the thing was just carrying around a nicknack of some kind, but I have no idea was exactly this thing is." Danny was a bit surprised when Jazz snatched the thing out of his hand. "Hey!"
"Well then, we will start with a bit of research." Jazz said looking at the symbol. "I think I could get a search program running that compared this image to others over the web. We might be able to come up with something."
"You can do that? Since when have you been tech savvy?" Danny asked, raising an eyebrow.
"It's not that hard, their is an option for it on Facebook that does face recognition." Jazz said simply.
"Facebook? I didn't know you used stuff like that." Danny said, having never actually bought into the whole 'social networking' thing. "Why does Facebook have those kinds of things?"
"So they can get bad press about it and get more people to use them." Jazz said.
Danny's narrowed his eyes as he tried to figure out what his sister had just said. "...That makes no sense at all."
Jazz pretended not to have heard him even though her smile at his confused expression told him that she had. "We can start the search once we get to our hotel tonight. So know we are at the most important problem. How are we supposed to find our parents?"
Before either of the siblings could make a suggestion, an digital voice rang out nearby. "Warmer... warmer..." It said just before their father stepped out of the bushes holding the Fenton Ghost Detector. "There is a ghost right in front of you. You would have to be some kind of idiot to not see it."
Jack looked up to see his children sit on the bench with a blank expression on their faces. "Stupid thing. I thought I fixed it."
"You're kidding me." Taichi said, the goggle headed 'leader' of the digidestines was having a hard time processing what he had just been told.
"You've got to admit, its a little hard to believe." Koushiro added as he continued to type away at his computer, looking at the stats on the digimon that had attacked the Tokyo Tower.
"I swear its true. One of Vamdramon's big mean digimon came to get us, but a really cool boy showed up and beat him." Mimi insisted for what must have been a fourth time. Her hands were clasped in front of her as she looked out towards the clouds, acting more like an actress in a movie than a normal girl. "He was so cool and handsome."
"Mimi, he looked like Jo without glasses." Sora said with a short sigh.
"Wait... wha?" Jo said more than a little surprised to hear something like that. After all, 'cool' wasn't a word people would use to describe a boy like him. He was thin and rather nerdy, with a tangle of black hair and dark eyes behind his glasses. His only remarkable feature was his unusual hight, being nearly a foot taller than the others, which made it all the more surprising to them when they found out he was only eleven years old, just like most of them.
"Don't ruin my phantasy!" Mimi cried, trying to block out what Sora had said.
"But if he was able to bring down at perfect level digimon, then he must be like a superhero or something!" Takeru shouted excitedly. The kid was the smallest and youngest member of the digidestines. He was more childish and innocent than any of them, except Mimi herself, and wore a signature hat over his light brown hair.
"What's a superhero?" Patamon asked as the little bright orange digimon flew over and landed on his partner's head.
"It's like a normal person, only they have superpowers that they use to beat up the bad guys." Takeru said excitedly.
"Alright, now before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we should try to find something that actually sounds logical." Koushiro said before closing his laptop and putting it behind his back.
"Like what?" Jo asked.
"Like maybe the boy was a digimon in disguise. Some of them have managed to play act at being human." Yamato put forward. Yamato was Takeru's older brother, though the two of them hadn't lived together since their parents divorced. He always tried to pull of an aloof cool guy act, though most of the team knew he was just a big softy.
Koushiro nodded. "That would be my guess."
"No he can't be!" Mimi whined weakly.
"I think that you're right about him being a digimon." Piyomon said waving one of her pink wings. "When we were in the tower I saw him electrocute SkullMeromon. He even shouted something while doing it; 'Ghost Stinger'. He must have become stronger after we left by dropping his human disguise."
"So that would mean... You don't think..." Taichi started, but it was Sora who finished the thought.
"You don't think that girl who was with him was the eight child do you, and that he was her digimon?" Sora said thinking back to the unusually calm girl in the elevator. "She doesn't exactly fit the description of what we were looking for. She looked like she was around seventeen and she wasn't from Highton View Terrace, she's an American."
"Well we did only base our search off of conjectures. It was always entirely possible that we had used the wrong search parameters." Koushiro said in what had to be the most nerdy way possible. "However this will make them rather had to find, since we don't know where she is staying. She could have come to Tokyo Tower from any point in the area or even from one of the suburbs. Its hard to tell since it is such a tourist spot."
"Well, maybe we could set up look out points near other tourist spots. It would be a start at least." Taichi said with a grin. "I would actually be a good excuse to go out ourselves."
"Taichi, take this seriously." Yamato said, frowning at the childish way that he had said it.
"Even if Taichi's way of wording it was bad, the idea itself is probably our best bet." Koushiro said tapping his chin. "Alright, we'll start again tomorrow, dividing up into teams and searching tourist traps to see if they catch any American digidestines."
Everyone nodded in agreement with the plan before heading out back towards there own homes. Thinking that they had at least made progress. Not knowing that they were heading in the wrong direction entirely.
Wizarmon flew low from shadow to shadow, his dark blue cloak trailing behind him as he tried his best to go unseen. He briefly wondered if he had managed to shack his pursuers, but that hope was squashed when he heard the rapid whine of insect winds coming from just a few buildings away.
"Keep searching! The tracking tags are detecting something!" The high pitch voice of PicoDevimon screeched.
Wizarmon cursed as he looked down at the digivice in his hand. To find it would be considered a great prize in Vamdemon's army, and it would help track the eighth digidestined child.
Wizarmon would be dammed if he was going to let that rotten bat take it from him and present it as his own find. Wizarmon would make sure that it ended up in Tailmon's paws, so that his friend could earn her freedom.
Wizarmon didn't care about Vamdemon. He didn't care about the battle between good and evil. He didn't care about the human world or the digital world. The only thing that mattered to him was his first and only friend, Tailmon. It was to her who his loyalty lied and who he would serve her to his dying breath.
He had to get some distance between himself and the rat with wings before he could preform sealing magic on the device to stop them from being able to track him with the copies of the crest of light.
So, making sure to stay hidden from prowling eyes, he moved even further forward. Further into the city.
Jazz had yet to find anything meaningful in her search. As far as she could tell, the symbol had nothing to do with evil monsters invading Earth, not that she ever thought it would be easy. Nothing was ever easy.
But as night fell and she had been at it for five hours, she was starting to think it was pointless. They should just walk around and wait for Danny to get attacked by more monsters. As unsafe as that was, it was usually more time efficient that research.
"Any luck?" Danny asked as he entered the room with some cans of soda and handed one to Jazz.
"Nope." Jazz said, popping her 'p' open the lid on the soda. She made a face as she took a sip. It was tea. Why the hell would they put tea in soda cans? Shaking her head, Jazz lifted up the tag and stared at the symbol on it. "Come on, give me a sign. Point me in the right direction." She mumbled.
"Jazz, you probably should get some rest. You know things are bad when you start talking to inanimate... oh." Danny stopped when the tag started to glow pink and seemed to be pulling itself towards the window. "I stand corrected."