Title: Not Ron
Rating: T
Pairing(s)/Character(s): James Sirius Potter/Hermione Granger
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Word Count: 477
Summary: James is everything Hermione needed.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Hopscotch - Prompts Used - Hermione/James Sirius Potter, Hogsmeade (location), cake, "Dammit, Hermione!", hold
The Sims 3 Progression Challenge: Personality Trait - family orientated
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Chocolate Frog - Flora Carrow - Bronze - Prompts Used - Flower, Fertility, Spring, Youth
Hermione walked around Hogsmeade, ignoring all of the youths that raced around the small village. She had always been a family orientated person and had dreamed of becoming a mother. She had married Ron and they immediately began trying for kids, but nothing worked.
After going to a healer, she learned her fertility levels were low and it would be almost impossible for her to have children. Ron couldn't handle the reality of not being a father, especially since he came from a big family, and he wouldn't even discuss the option of adoption or even doing surrogacy. He demanded a divorce, and Hermione had been too heartbroken about not having children to fight him on it. Now, that horrible time in her life has long since passed.
She lifted her nose to the air, smelling the flowers in the spring air, admiring the beautiful day.
She walked into the Three Broomsticks Inn and immediately saw James Sirius Potter eating a piece of cake. She shook her head and walked over to him, holding his wrist before he could bring another forkful up to his mouth.
"Dammit, Hermione!" James groaned.
"You better watch yourself. You're starting to get chubby," she teased.
He pouted. "Did you come just to ruin my fun?"
She sat down across from him. "Of course not. I missed you," she shyly mumbled.
James grinned and reached across the table, brushing a strand of Hermione's hair away from her forehead. "I missed you, too."
The relationship between the two of them came out of nowhere. James had been there for her during the worse of her depression, and she had latched onto him. It wasn't long before their deep friendship became more.
Hermione hadn't wanted to keep it a secret from Harry and Ginny despites James's insistence. She knew her two oldest friends would have a problem with it even if James was 21, and didn't even blame them for that, but she couldn't lie to her best girlfriend and her almost brother.
It had been six months since James and Hermione told them they were dating, and they both were finally starting to come to terms with it since they have realized it wasn't simply a fling on Hermione's part. They saw that their oldest son wasn't going to get his heart broken, so they were trying.
They even invited Hermione to a family dinner as James's girlfriend.
James finished up his cake. "Do you want to get out of here?"
They stood up and grabbed each other's hands, happy to be spending the day with him.
Hermione never thought she'd date someone young enough to be her child, but it felt right with James. She didn't know what would happen when James was ready to have children, but she didn't think he'd abandon her. James Sirius Potter definitely wasn't Ron Weasley.