I was awoken by my friend, Jennifer, who was also the one I'm sharing the house with for more than three years now here in Orlando, Florida. We are both training to be a WWE Diva and we are currently signed in their developmental, NXT, which is based in Orlando. We knew each other since we both take Psychology in same school in college. We became close friends then and even had a stronger friendship when we learned that we both share a love for wrestling. I also planned to train after I finished college because my parents really want me to finish studies before I pursue what I want to be in the future. Jennifer on the other hand, didn't have a plan to train to be a wrestler but I managed to convince her that we should try it and see how it goes, and here we are now. Jen is currently the NXT Women's Champion, while I'm just waiting to debut up in the main roster in a few days on Raw after Mania.

I sat up on my bed, prepared myself a coffee, eat the breakfast that Jennifer cooked, and get ready for the busy day ahead. Today is the last of the signing that I had together with my fellow NXT mates, Sami Zayn, Saraya or as we know her, Paige, and Jennifer. I'm also excited because we'll be going to Hall of Fame tonight with the other NXT Divas.

"I'm so excited for tonight!" Saraya said after the signings were finished. We are now heading back to the hotel that we're staying to get ready for the huge event that's happening tonight.

"I know right!" I told her. "I get to see Lita's speech, oh my God!" I squealed.

They laughed at me. They know how I'm so obsessed with Lita especially Jennifer. I'm like Lita's stalker. I know and I'm updated to everything that's going on with her. She is definitely the one I consider my girl crush.

After I put the dress on myself, I asked Rachel, our fellow NXT Diva to do my hair and make-up. She studied cosmetology that's why she's great in doing it and she's the one we always ask to make us beautiful.

When we arrived at The Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, which is the venue for the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Renee Young greeted us with a microphone in her right hand. She told us that she's going to interview us. We told her sure, and the interview started.

"Here I am, with the NXT divas; Paige, Rachel Bronx, Fiona and the NXT Women's Champion, Jenny Kay." She smiled and introduced us to the camera. "Imma start with you champ. How excited are you for tonight?" She asked Jen.

"Oh, I'm very excited! I can't wait to hear the speeches of these great people who helped this business be what it is today."

"What about you Fiona? You looking forward to tonight and tomorrow night?" Renee asked me next.

"Of course, I am! Who wouldn't? I want to hear what they're going to say, you know. Especially Lita. I love her so much. Oh my gosh!" I gushed all over again; the girls had to laugh at my funny reactions. Even Renee laughed as well. "And yeah, definitely looking forward to tomorrow's WrestleMania! Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar wooo!" I finished my answer and she moves to question the other girls.

After the interview, I went to turn around to head to where we're going to be sitting but I bumped into someone, like literally bumped. Good thing though is the girls are exactly behind me, that's why I didn't fall. When I look up to see the face of this hard-chested man, I felt embarrassed because it's the oh so great Dean Ambrose. He's actually the one who's at fault in this one, but I want to be the one to apologize to him even though I'm not the one to blame because I just turned around and I don't know if anyone is behind me, so basically, he walked into me. Anyways, I said I wanted to apologize so that's exactly what I did.

"Oh I'm sorry. Uh- sorry." I stuttered. Then cover my nervousness by plastering a huge smile on my face.

"Hey no it's my fault. I'm sorry Kath." He knows my name. My fucking real name. Not just my ring name but my fucking real name. I can't anymore. I just smiled then walked past him. It's not rude, is it? I mean, I don't know what to say anymore that's why I left. The girls are laughing behind me because they found it amusing that I got a little nervous back there. I just ignored them and went to sit to where the crew pointed our seats.

After several minutes of waiting for the ceremony to begin, we are currently sitting and laughing at what's Paige is saying. She's telling a story about her ex-boyfriend and how they broke up, and it's funny as hell. In the middle of my laughing, I felt some people take the seats beside me. I didn't give any attention to it because it's probably just some people I do not know because I don't know a lot of people here or it may be someone from the main roster who I'm not close with.

"Hey! Fancy sitting next to you." The one beside me said while I'm texting on my phone. Is he talking to me? I'm not sure, so I just ignored it and continue typing on my phone even though I don't know what I'm saying anymore or who I'm going to send it to. "Kath, hi!" Ohhh now I'm really sure he's talking to me.

I looked up and was shocked to see it's Dean Ambrose sitting beside me. My nervousness once again went to my body. I smiled awkwardly at him and just murmured "hi" very silently.

"I'm Jon." He introduced himself. Of course, I know you Jon dang it! I have a huge crush on you! I thought to myself.

"Uh- yeah hi Jon! Kath!" I introduce myself as well even though I'm sure he knew it already since he said it twice now. "I'm sorry, excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom." I said immediately when I don't know what to say anymore.

"Sure, it's okay." Jon replied. I went to stand up and made my way to the bathroom. I can hear the girls say 'Hey, where are you going?' 'Are you okay?' 'What happened?' when I walked past them but I just ignored them.

I looked at myself in the mirror when I push the door to the bathroom. Gosh! I look… I don't know. I look okay but not great. I need to put more lipstick but sadly I don't have a lipstick with me on my clutch. What an idiot! I scolded myself. Someone walked out of the cubicle and I literally shouted "yes" when I saw that it's Summer Rae.

"Danielle! Oh my gosh!" We hugged each other and dance a little since we haven't seen each other in like a week. That's long for us already because we are very close to one another. "Please tell me you have a lipstick there with you, hunny bunny!"

"Of course, I do!" She gets it from her bag and gave it to me. I applied it to my lips and after I finished, I posed in front of the mirror with my lips pouted. I gave the lipstick back and thank her then we took some pictures. After another hug, she told me that she needs to make her way back to the seats already because her boyfriend is waiting for her there and might be bored already.

I looked at the mirror once again and sighed heavily. I asked myself if I'm ready to talk to Jon once again. If and only if, he's going to talk to me again. He probably thinks I'm super weird. I get out of the bathroom and made my way back to my seats while silently praying.