Sorry for the wait, have been quite busy but here I am with a fresh new chapter for you all :)

Ezra started to wake due to the intense Lothal sunrise disturbing his slumber. Ezra glanced over to Tia, who was sleeping gently on the other side of the fire, he smiled to himself remembering the lovely conversation they shared and the wonderful moment afterwards. Ezra started to think how it all happened, because earlier that day Tia had shot him with a dart and by the end of the day they shared a romantic kiss, talk about moving fast. Ezra just smirked to himself.

"So what are our plans for today?" Tia softly asked, pulling Ezra from his thoughts

"Well since we are fighting against the Empire together, I feel like we need to actually find a place to we could..maybe..possibly..go to my old tower?"

"Yep, sounds great" Tia said cheerfully which made Ezra smile

They both got up and got their things and left the cave. They both hopped onto the speeder and drove to Ezra's tower.

Once they arrived at the tower, Tia was starstruck by how many imperial helmets there were and old and broken pieces of tech that belonged to the Empire, that Ezra must have stolen.

"Wow, pretty sweet place you got here"

" really think so?"

"Yes, definitely"

Tia placed her rucksack down on the floor and sat on a chair, Ezra came and sat on the chair opposite her.

"So what kind of supplies should we get?" Ezra asked whilst looking through his emergency box "I don't have many credits but we could maybe get a drink later?"

"Ezra you don't have to"

"No, don't worry, I want to" Ezra said whilst they just looked into each others eyes, smiling.

"I know this cantina in the city, I've never been inside but people always came out looking pretty happy" Ezra said

Tia giggled. They both left Ezra's tower and got on the speeder and headed to Capital City

They both arrived at the cantina, it was filled with beings of all species, all looking a little too happy. Ezra guided Tia to the bar.

"One 'Plasma' for me" Ezra asked

"I'll have a 'Plasma' too"

The two didn't say anything whilst they waited for the drinks, it was a comfortable silence.

The bartender came back and handed them the 'Plasmas', "One for you my lady, and one with an extra kick for the man"

"Extra Kick?" Ezra curiously asked

"Its what the bar is famous for" The bartender replied

Ezra shrugged it off and was about to start drinking the drink, but then he suddenly felt a familiar presence that was awfully close. Ezra took a sip of the drink and suddenly Ezra started to feel lightheaded and dizzy.

"Ezra, are you alright?" Tia asked who didn't seem affected by the drink

"" Ezra mumbled but then suddenly almost fell off his stool

"Okay, there was strong alcohol put in your drink, we're leaving and going back to the tower" Tia got up and helped Ezra up and put his arm around her neck. It was hard to get out of the bar, there were so many people, it was even harder for Tia having to almost drag Ezra out. Tia reached the exit and left the bar, she then sat Ezra on the speeder, he was still feeling incredibly lightheaded and dizzy, he couldn't even stand up by himself. Tia was about to speed away, but was stopped by a voice.

"Ezra! Ezra is that you?!" A man shouted, he had piercing green eyes

What now?!

Tia turned around, the man was right now by the speeder, looking at drunken Ezra. There was also a Twi'lek, Lasat and a mandolorian girl.

"What did you do to him?!" The man shouted, pointing his finger angrily at Tia

"Me?! I did nothing!"

"Then can you explain why you have got my padawan on your speeder?!"

Padawan? This guy is Ezra's master, the guy he ran away from, this must be the crew...

"You're his master! Ezra ran from you because you didn't trust him! He hates you!"

"Hates me?! Ezra doesn't hate me, we just had a misunderstanding...who are you and how do you know all this about Ezra?!"

"I'm his...friend..."

The crew just stood there speechless, saddened that Ezra had already...moved on, and told this person about...everything. Kanan was about to say something but was stopped by the sudden awakening of his padawan.

"Tia...Tia, boy am I happy to see you" Ezra tiredly said, he then took a deep breath and then let his eyes focus, only to see

"Kanan...Kanan!" Ezra shouted

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