
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here that belong to Naruto that I put into this story except for my own OCs. Neither do I own any of the character in any of the crossovers I do. I'm just using them in this fanfiction and I have no money so don't bother suing me. You'll just lose money instead of gaining any. And remember to leave a review!


The Hozuki Castle also known as the Blood Prison. It's a large castle in Land of Grass that serves as a criminal containment facility. Prisoners interned at the prison are intended to remain there until they die or the village that sent them there officially requests their release. There are several death traps spread throughout the fortress to prevent escape and the prison is situated on a cliff surrounded by whirlpoos, drowning any who may try to swim away. Actual security within the prison is seemingly poor, despite all prisoners being subjected to stip and body cavity searches.

Because most of the prison's population are shinobi or other individuals who can use chakra, neutralising them is very important and is the chief responsibility of Hozuki Castle's master Mui uses Fire Release: Heavenly Prison to seal prisoners' abilities and reduce their bodies to ash if they move too far away from him. Kahyo uses Ice Release: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice to force prisoners to dedicate all their chakra to keep themselves warm or risk freezing to death. Because Mui and Kahyo can activate their techniques remotely to kill prisoners, life within the prison is typically quiet and inmates try to avoid causing trouble.

The prison was originally built in order to hide the Box of Ultimate Bliss. But there's also another reason why the prison was built. It's to house the worse of the worse, that no village could ever risk just killing them. For they can be brought back to life using the jutsu that brings people back to life as all but unstoppable undead puppets. The whole prison is one giant seal that allows those prisoners to be sealed into scrolls, no matter how powerful they are. Which is why the scrolls containing them are lock in the deepest levels of the prison.

The vault door of which open as Naruto worn down from being beaten by the guards of the prisons from the weeks he's been held in the prison. He remember how the people he thought cared for him threw him in this hell hole. He now understood what they thought of him and where he stands with them. He's been searching for a way to escape when the dreams started to come to him at night. The dreams showed him where to go and what he needed to do to get there.

Naruto look around at all the scrolls in the room, each housed in a slot in a beehive pattern shelves along the room. Like a wine celler, a very long wine celler with scrolls instead of wine bottles. Naruto walk along the shelves looking at the names in each of the slots. He took the scrolls with some of the names he was looking for, Butcher, Torment, Fran Madaraki, Veronica Madaraki, Gavrill Madaraki, Sleeper, and Joykill.

He place them on a pile on the floor, took out the lighter he managed to steal. He lit the papers that burst in flames the moment the fire touch the paper. Light filled the room as the people trap in the scrolls were finally freed.

The first figure to form is a woman wearing a heavy brown cloak with bandages covering her whole body. Save for over her eyes, with long broken chains worn randomly over the bandages. Metal clasps are worn on her wrists, neck and ankles of the woman, though the chains connected to them are broken. Torment who has the power to heal herself by using the life energy of those she kills and replacing lost body parts by eating said body part taken from someone she has killed, then ripping the damamged body part off. (1)

Next is a man dress in a green hooded coat and wearing tan pants, his face hidden behind a red metal smiling mask. He carried a cane with a large metal meat hook on top and a sharp pointed end on the bottom. Joykill has the power to make himself one with any surface and change into any substance that he touches.

Then came a tall woman with unkept violet hair, a line of stitching going across the bridge of her nose. Wearing black leather clothing adorned with various arm and leg braces. She is Gavrill the oldest of the Madaraki sisters, a true juggerunat. Her body can reshape itself to deal with any kind of damage she recieves so whatever damage her isn't as effected the next time she is hit with the same type of attack.

Next came a younger woman with long blonde hair and has two large bolts on the side of her temples. Her face is marred with faint stitches, giving her a distinctly inhuman appearance. She is dress as a doctor. Fran the middle sister who is a skilled surgeon who has a unique view of morality, saving lives even when they don't want it.

Then a younger woman with short black hair. She has an X shaped stitching across her face and is wearing a long black coat and a black hat. The youngest Veronica has weapons inside of her that she can pull out whenever she wants. She can change her arms from swords to guillotine blades, just about any bladed weapon she has on her body.

Then came a thin man, who looks prefectly normal. He has black hair and a normal features that would make him blend into any crowd. Sleeper a man who is very nice good natured man who never forgets his manners, always polite, well-spoken and will never swear in front of children that anyone would love to have as a friend. And will fill people's minds with endless nightmares that will leave them screaming till they die. His wholesome persona is genuine, but is a ruthless killer without a hint of remorse.

Then came the final member freed from his scrool prison. A heavy set man who wore a gas mask and a green dyed leather vest that matched his green pants. He carried a belt of butcher tools. Butcher who has the power to bring anyone down to normal within an effected zone around him. He's the leader of the group who call themselves the Slaughter House.

"It's good to be free once more," Gavrill shouted out finally free from that scroll.

"Where are the others?" Veronica ask looking around.

"You were suppose to free the others as well," Fran said looking at Naruto.

"Now, now girls," Sleeper said. "We have this young man to thank for freeing us. So just calm down and let him talk."

"I could only find you people," Naruto said not realizing who are the people he has just freed. "I did everything you told me to do. But, I could only find you all."

"There are alot of scrolls here," Torment said looking around the room.

"So many and so little time," Joykill said looking at all the prisoners who like them just couldn't be killed off. (3)

"Let's just free them all and destroy this prison so we can never be sealed again," Butcher said.

"Well, I have been talking with all of them ever since we were sealed away. I'm sure they will just love to be free again," Sleeper said. He can travel into anyone's dreams at will, and even trapped in a scroll he could still dream walk. But he could only do it with the other prisoners who been sealed away like him. For him to be able to dream walk with someone flesh and blood. All he needed was someone with a powerful chakra to tune into, and he found it when Naruto was thrown into prison.

"And, I come with you?" Naruto ask wanting to be free.

"Of course a deal is a deal," Butcher said. "And just because you help us. Sleeper will put you to sleep, so that Fran here and fix you up."

"Fix me?" Naruto ask.

"Yes you aren't in good shape," Fran said looking over his body. "In fact, I can see that you had a poor childhood and haven't grown as you should have."

"Fran don't you remember what Sleeper showed us?" Veronica said. Sleeper showed all of them Naruto's memories of his childhood. Well those who paid attention that is.

"Just relax my boy," Sleeper said as he used his power to make Naruto start to fall asleep. "When you wake up you'll be better then new."

"And Fran don't get carried away. None of this could have happen without Minato and Kushina's child," Butcher reminded her.

"They're my parents?" Naruto muttered as his mind faded as he fell asleep.

"He never knew," Joykill said looking at Naruto's sleeping form.

"So what? I want to feast on some brains," Gavrill said.

"As do I," Torment said as she lit her chains on fire and started whipping all of the shelves containing scrolls.

"Good point," Butcher said watching as the room began to be filled with other members of his gang and other fellow prisoners who were sealed away.

"I'll just implant Naruto all the information he needs to know about his parents," Sleeper said. "Also there is the matter of the pieces of Minato and Kushina's souls they sealed inside of him."

"Really now?" Butcher said as he saw some members of his gang with the right combo of powers needed for what he has planned.

"Alright my fellow prisoners," Sleeper said seeing all of the scrolls have been destroyed and their prisoners are now all free. "I know all of you are eager to work off all of your bloodlust but before you start killing each other. I should remind you all that you shouldn't be killing and fighting with each other. There's a prison right above us that is full of our fellow prisoners and guards. So let's all work together for now and kill all of the guards and destroy this prison."

"And just to play unfair," Butcher said as he used his power aiming at the complex above him. Above their heads all the guards and other chakra base security, all turned off all at once. The prisoners suddenly finding themselves free from the seals that kept them in line, saw their chance and began a riot.

"Whats going on in here!" a pair of guards shouted as they stood in the doorway of the vault and froze seeing all the prisoners free from the scrolls they're suppose to be sealed in.

"Oh look the guards found us," Torment said before she lash out with her chains pulling both guards inside.

Screams came out of the vault before they were cut off. Then the prisoners burst out of the vault racing up to the floors above to kill more guards. A pair of prisoners carried the heads of the guards leading the charge.


Later -

The Leaf and Cloud ninjas who are aware of the plans of the Grass Village, could only stare at the smoking remains of the prison. Tsuande ran towards the prison with the other Leaf ninjas right behind her. Naruto's arrest was all rehearsed so that the Grass Village plan could be stop. Kakashi had said that afterwards they all can buy him all the ramen he can eat to make it up to him. But now all of their thoughts was on the boy they threw into the prison that is now in ruins.

The group stop as they saw two figures walking away from the prison ruins. Tsuande eyes widen along with the other ninjas as they saw who are coming to them. Minato and Kushina both alive and as they were when they died. And Minato is carrying Naruto who is out cold on his back.

"Minato? Kushina?" Tsuande ask as she runs up to them.

"You bitch!" Kushina shouted as she punch her in the face.

"Kushina?" Tsuande said putting a hand to her cheek, she's was surprise as she's been hit by Kushina before and it wasn't anywhere as strong as it should have been.

"Kushina enough there's no point," Minato said.

"I know that. She's just lucky, I can't hurt her as, I like anymore," Kushina growls.

"What happen, Minato?" Kakashi ask staring at his old teacher.

"We're saving our son that's what. Something that you failed to do. Why couldn't you have died instead. My other students would have look over Naruto growing up," Minato snaps at him, causing Kakashi to step back hearing those words from his teacher.

"Both of them have no chakra," Hinata said as she looks them over.

"Let us explain," Minato said as he saw the other Leaf ninjas and Cloud ninjas come closer to see what's going on.

"Naruto our son after the people we thought would care for him threw him in. Was used to try to open the Box of Ultimate Bliss, his treatment was burtal as they work to break his will before they try to open the box. After weeks of this our son was broken as he truely believes that the people he thought cared for him turned their backs on him and the one who thought as his mother figure turn her back on him. It was then that Sleeper of Slaughter House entered his dreams. He told him how to get to the vault that held all of the scrolls that held all the people like him who could never just be killed. As being brought back as undead soldiers would be a nightmare no one ever wanted to see. In exchange of freeing him and the others they would free him as well. Our son who has given up hope in his so called friends and family to save him, agreed. He got into the vault and freed Sleeper and other members of Slaughter House who then freed everyone else, destroying the scroll and the seal so that they can never be sealed away again," Kushina explain to the group of ninjas who the older members remember the tales or seen Slaughter House in action during the war, paled realizing what that meant for them and their villages.

"And before you ask the reason why we're alive is that, Butcher had several of his gang combine their powers together to bring us back to life. Each of us sealed away a piece of our souls into the seal when we sealed the fox inside of our son. Butcher use those pieces to bring us back to life and made these bodies for us. Ones without any chakra at all. So that we will never have the power needed to stop him and his gang. And to make it clear both of us have been watching everything that has happen to our son up to the point that we were taken out of the seal," Kushina adds.

"The seal is broken?" Tsuande ask.

"Yes and now not only they have the box all of the hell our son went through, which is all for nothing. But they took the fox as well," Minato said.

"All the prisoners escape and all the guards are dead. We're only alive because Butcher made sure we were safe. And allowed us to take our son," Kushina adds.

"Tsuande this is your mess and you and the others who were on the plan to throw our son into that hell hole be the ones who be the ones who fix things," Minato said.

"Wait Naruto will understand when we tell him why we did this and he'll help us take down all the prisoners," Sakura said.

"No, I won't Naruto spoke up having woken up and heard everything. He look at Tsuande and all the others who turn on him. "From this day on, I am no longer a ninja. Better believe it."


Author's Notes -

With thanks to Dreamer-In-Darkness for helping to come up with the plot.

1 - Torment is like Jeepers Creepers. Able to cannibalize body parts from others, even replacing her damage head with another head.

2 - The prisoners sealed in scrolls are just too horrible to ever be allowed to die. Since bringing back dead ninjas can be done, no one wants to deal with people who are already monsters to begin with and would be all but unstoppable if brought back to life as a zombie. Or whatever they're called.
