Well, uh, this is awkward.

I don't know why exactly I felt so strongly about migrating my profile? I kept re-reading over encouraging messages sent to me and reviews and gosh darnit guys i love y'all. There was some family stuff going on at the time and I was nearly a year younger, so that's probably why. I have piles upon piles of ideas for stories, for fandoms like Hamilton, Welcome to Night Vale, Undertale, literally every Studio Ghibli film, and Overwatch. I'll delete all of these author's notes later, as soon as I post the newest chaptor for this story.

I'm sorry for misleading all of you, even if it didn't feel like it to y'all. I don't know why, I guess I feel I've somehow betrayed something? By saying I was going away and then coming back? I'm sorry if that's the case, unfollow me or block me or something if you're made uncomfortable.

Sorry again, at least I'm back now. Love yall!