is so old and so damned tired
Bored like you,
but trying to set the world on fire
is so new and so inspired
And all I want,
is to set the world on fire

Only way I know how is to burn myself (burn myself)
flew up to the sun the only lesson learned (lesson learned)
is that I'll
do anything to get me higher
close my eyes,
I can see the world's on fire

~ Icarus Intro by Nikki Jean (ft. Kevin Olusola (on cello))

Percy watched as Will collapsed to the floor and felt… disturbed. The door to his room slammed open and two teens, Ares kid if their brutish looks were anything to go by, paused in disbelief at what they saw. Percy wasted no time in taking them out and gently closing the door behind them. From his position on the bed, he watched in fascination as deep red blades sliced the campers apart. When, at last, the two teens slumped out of consciousness, Percy manipulated the blades of blood, his own blood, to reenter him. It was a strange feeling, Percy mused, taking one's blood out of their body. It was even stranger guiding it back in. In all honesty, Percy hadn't really thought he'd be able to do it, but he was pleased with the outcome of his experiment. However, there was one issue…

Percy tensed and broke himself out of the, now brittle, chains and stretched himself into sitting position. For a week he had been using his blood to chafe and scratch and oxidize the chains, slowly but surely weakening them all while manipulating the mist to have it appear as though the chains were as strong as they were supposed to be. Percy swung his legs off of the cot and carefully made to stand up. He barely got off the cot before he was flopping back down. He sighed, unsurprised at this development. As far as he could tell, it had been almost a month since he's used his legs. It makes sense that he'd be unable to use them right away, but Percy had a plan.

He looked onto the table where Will had set down his medical kit and stared at it… and stared at it… and stared at it. He pouted when it didn't budge. Once again, the Force didn't work for him. He sighed and looked around the room, his eyes landing on the pools of blood on the floor. His eyes lit up, slightly, and he chided himself for not realizing sooner the solution to the problem. Taking a deep breath and relaxing his body as much as he could without just slouching over, Percy bade the rivers of blood to bend and move to his will. It was harder this time. Maybe because the blood had time to coagulate? Maybe because it wasn't his own? Perhaps because he had already wasted a lot of energy prior to trying? In the end, it didn't matter. Slowly, but surely, the fallen demigods' blood took shape of two arms and, after concentrating to make it as solid and stable as possible, Percy commanded them to move towards Will's bag. Now that the hands were formed, it was easier to maneuver them and grasping the bag was easy. Then he bade the hands to carry the bag towards him.

And down the bag went, onto the floor and causing many of its contents to slip out. Percy growled as his concentration completely slipped and, as a result, the blood arms lost their form and splattered onto the ground.

OK, Percy thought. Just because I can control the blood… doesn't make it strong. He looked down to where the bag lay. There was some ambrosia next to it. It wasn't really far away from Percy now. All he'd have to do was make a few steps, reach down and get it. It'd be a good way to speed up the process of muscle memory and the reward would be worth it. Then he thought back to the blood…

It had felt almost natural for him to be wielding it, when it was his blood, and it was like wielding Riptide, but better. Percy could feel that, despite the not-so-good performance with other's blood, wielding blood wouldn't be so difficult. He had a theory that the strength and stability of any blood-wielding would depend on his physical wellness and practice. Being able to weaponise blood would be very useful. Matter of fact, it could, potentially, cut his entrapment more quickly than if he took time, precious time, to find a well-balanced weapon. Also, it could cut down on time that'd be needed to fight other demigods.

Which brought Percy to the main issue. He pushed aside his battle plan, for now, to look over the demigods and tried to wonder why they were still there. And why was he still there? Percy had been sure that, by killing someone, it would shatter the gods' illusion and set him free. However, there he was. Still in the same infirmary and there they were. Three dead demigods. Locked inside the room with him in the same infirmary.

It didn't make sense to Percy. In all of his readings and lectures, the number one way to release yourself from an illusion spell is by getting rid of one of the main volatile factors. Will's demise should've been enough and, if not, definitely three demigods, yet Percy was still there.

He was still there… and now he was angry again. He glared at the piece of ambrosia and, using his arm this time, he quickly formed a hand with the blood and grabbed the ambrosia. With a flick of the wrist, the hand brought him the ambrosia and Percy unwrapped it and ate it all in one go. Something, as a demigod, you weren't supposed to do. However, Percy was beyond caring about his health at this point. What was going to happen? His "doctor" would scold him? Percy chuckled darkly and used the still tangible hand to take out Will's right eyeball. There was some resistance, but soon, the eye was out and in his real hand. He squished it a few times giggling softly to himself and then flicked it onto the ground. With a smile, he felt the ambrosia do its work and he stood with ease.

So killing Will and two nameless demigods didn't free him from this prison. That was OK. He'd just have to do more. Possibly, kill more. Percy looked at the blood and, in a stroke of genius, he ripped off his patient gown and stood in the center of it all. He was starting to feel hot and bloated- for lack of a better word-, no doubt due to ingesting too much of the ambrosia, and he knew that all he needed to do was let go of this excess energy that was building up inside of him.

Allowing the excess energy to leave his body, the blood on the floors immediately warped and started swirling around him. Percy had a simple thought in mind. Clothing and weapons. He manipulated some of the blood to form a layer of clothing, almost like a second skin, so that it'd cover his torso to half his thighs and, the rest of the blood, formed chains that wrapped and wrapped and wrapped itself around Percy. There were two chains, each one wrapping starting around Percy's ankles before wrapping around his legs and making their way up his torso where they crisscrossed each other. They wrapped themselves, loosely, around Percy's neck, once, before finishing off by coiling around his arms. As a final touch, he let them continue past his hands, until they reached his knees, and then shaped the final blob of blood to take the shape of short blades, with handles made to fit perfectly in Percy's hands.

As the final bits of excess energy petered off, Percy concentrated on his weapon and connected it to his life force. He added a single ribbon of his own blood to the blades and focused on the thought of them being unbreakable as long as he was alive. With all his excess energy gone, Percy stood and smiled darkly. The corpses of the demigods were now bone dry, as Percy had made sure to use all their blood, and the infirmary never looked cleaner. He sheathed his blades into the chains at his hips and moved around. He was pleased that neither the chains nor blades pinched or nicked him. Matter of fact, they felt almost… soft to him.

Percy took out a blade and examined it. Experimentally, he ran the blade across his hand and cocked his head in befuddlement when it glided around him as if it were still liquid. He brought the blade down on Will's head and hmphed in surprise when it came off cleanly, with no resistance. He would've liked to practice with his new weapon more and figure out any more of its abilities, when he heard the slamming of doors that signaled someone, or some persons, were alerted about… something and were no doubt on their way to his room.

Just as he predicted, the door's handle was rattled, but it did not budge.

"Will?" Oh, great. Percy thought with a smile. "Will! Open the door!" Oh yes, he would've loved to practice wielding his new weapon, but practicing on a living and breathing opponent was much better than hacking at defenseless corpses. "Will!" Percy cooled his features and calmly opened the door.

It was time for his revenge to start.

Heeeeyyy… Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. The issue was that college and faulty laptop was making it hard to find time to write. The second issue was that, when I would find the time I wouldn't know what to write, because Frennie doesn't like to plan ahead, like an anushole. So, when Frennie hit a part in his story when he realized that, depending on what he chose to do, the story could turn up in two very different routes and endings. So, I forced myself to outline both storylines and contemplated on which one to do. It was basically a quick and easy, but still sad route vs a long, drawn out, very heartwrenching route and, obviously, I went for the long one because, what's the point of writing this and not causing people emotional borderline physical pain? You're welcome. I do this for y'all. Also, one route was missing a very important (to me) plot device that I've been obsessed over for a few months based off a really deep and AU headcannon of mine. Hopefully y'all are just as excited or, at least, intrigued as I am about it when it happens. It's another thing I don't think anyone has done before and, when that chapter comes out, I'll be sure to let y'all know why I did it and how it came to be.

Next point of this note. I will no longer be doing the song/lyric explanation below the chapters. I don't think anyone is actually interested and, due to that, I think y'all are purposely skipping it and, thus, missing out on important notes from me (notes like this one, but on a smaller scale). If y'all really like them, I'll bring it back, but, from now on, you'll only be getting lyrics at the beginning of chapters and any notes of interest at the end of chapters.


Guest (4 Dec 15)- Did this chapter answer your question. ;) Oh don't worry about the insanity. I'm basically channeling all my paranoia, superstition, and previous depression into Percy, so he's going to be hella insane.

Guest (17 Feb 16)- I did what I had to do. Well, actually I didn't have to do this... I needed to. ;3 Anyway, you were basically on par with the method of death, but did you expect him to kill Will this way?

OK, NOW that's it. :) Please, I can't say this enough, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NAME IF YOU'RE GOING TO WRITE ANONYMOUSLY. Even if it's a bunch of random letters, it's much easier to tell y'all apart. Please and thank you.





I don't really care.

Just don't flame because that's unnecessary and useless.

Until next chapter...