Uh, sorry everyone. This isn't a chapter.

I want to apologize for not posting anything this past year, honestly didn't feel like writing anything much and on top of that, work caught up to me. But whatever, I cam back and saw my work and though 'Holy shit I suck' so I need to improve my writing cause it really looks like the work of a...never mind. Point is, I'm gonna be re-doing this whole thing from the beginning. I know what I want to do with this story and I know where it has to go, I just need to figure out the best possible style to write it in. And really improve upon some of the work I already have.

That being said don't get your hopes up for a chapter anytime soon, I'll be taking this slowly and not rushing things like I did when I started. Baby steps, thats what I need right now. And before anyone says anything about commitments and stuff, is just a free time venture, not a full time job. So go ahead and flame all you want (I'm not gonna name anyone) but writing isn't my job nor is it a commitment, it's only a way for me to release myself.