Disclaimer: Nisekoi belongs to Naoshi Komi. Nothing is mine.

Author's Note: Are you guys ready for the last chapter? I can't wait! I'm so excited! So here's this last retelling of the last chapters before the grand finale. After this one-shot, the following ones will be canon compliant.

Thank you so much for reading this story! I love you all!

I Will Wait For You

Summary: No matter how much time it takes for Chitoge to come back, Raku will always wait for her.

Warning: Spoilers for chapter 228.

"And I'll kneel down

Wait for now

And I'll kneel down

Know my ground"

Mumford and Sons "I Will Wait For You"

Raku sees Chitoge board that plane, and he feels his heart breaking. He doesn't show it, though. He promised her that he would wait, and he'd be damned if he doesn't keep that promise. He waves hello like everyone else. Chitoge's smile is dazzling. He's left breathless for a moment. Yeah, he doesn't have to worry.

"Man, you okay?" Shuu asks him after leaving the airport.

Raku simply smiles. "Yeah, I'm fine." He isn't lying.

It's September, and they're all back to school. A new semester means a new beginning, but for third years it's so much more. They need to get ready for the next part of their lives, which includes college and, of course, entrance exams. Shuu immediately suggest that they get started on their studying.

"Raku, look what I brought!" Shuu exclaims, motioning Raku to come closer to the window.

"What's this?" He asks once he's in front of his friend.

"It's a workbook to prepare ourselves for our entrance exams, of course!" The boy says with his typical cat-like expression.

Raku hums. "Y'know, it's a good idea to start studying."

"Yep! That's why I asked Onodera-san and Ruri-chan for a study session! You in?"

Raku doesn't need to think twice about it. "Of course. Count me in!"


Chitoge is following his dreams, so he should follow suit and achieve his own.

The first study session takes place after school at their local MacDonald's. Ruri is in charge of tutoring Raku, while Shuu tutors Kosaki. Although Raku is focused on what Miyamoto is saying, he can't help but think this is reminiscent of a time not long ago, in which two other girls were part of impromptu study sessions at exactly this place. He remembers fondly how annoyed he was at a certain girl, with blonde hair and a red ribbon. God, he misses her antics, and her pouts, and her laughter…

"Ichijou-kun, are you listening to me?" Miyamoto's voice gets him out of his reverie.

"Hm?" He looks at her worried face, as well as Shuu's and Onodera's. He smiles. "Sorry, Miyamoto, I zoned out. Can you repeat that part?"

The study sessions become a weekly thing.

"It's time to plan what we're going to do for the cultural festival." Shuu, the class representative, announces one day. "Remember this is our last year, so whatever we do for the festival must be memorable~!" That certainly got the attention of the class. "Now, any ideas?"

One by one, the students raise their hands, suggesting different things. A hunted mansion, a maid café, and a hot dog stall were all suggested, before a guy in the soccer team raised his hand.

"How about we stage a play?"

Suddenly, Raku's mind halts. He thinks about his first year. About how Chitoge had acted weird during the summer, and then she rejected being Juliet when Shuu proposed the idea of staging Romeo and Juliet. Then, faith had it that he'd be Romeo and Onodera Juliet. He couldn't be more ecstatic… except for the fact that things with Chitoge were going down the drain. He remembers how Chitoge had slapped him, and they just stopped talking from then on.

But what he remembers the most is that on the day of the presentation, Onodera sprained her ankle, and the first person he thought could save the day would be Chitoge. He remembers telling her that, although he thought they would make an awful couple, he didn't hate her. Chitoge accepted the part. Then, miraculously, the play was a success, although they had many interruptions and difficulties. The play was the start of a close friendship, and then something more.

"I've liked you for a long time now. I first realized it during the cultural festival during our first year."

Wordlessly, Raku gets up and leaves the room, to the astonishment of his classmates.

Later, Shuu finds him sipping a soda can.

"Hey, what happened back there?" He asks his friend, worry evident in his voice.

Raku shrugs. "A just felt like taking some air."


"So, what are we doing this year for the festival?"

"A café. But man, the girls refused to dress up in maid outfits. Though I did get them to wear cute outfits~!" Shuu exclaims and Raku laughs.

"I'll cook then."

"I was hoping you'd say that."

In the blink of an eye, it was suddenly Christmas. Long ago, he would have spent the day with his friends. But now, and taking into account he wasn't doing better in his exams, he was studying. Thank God Yui-nee accepted to tutor him for the time being.

"And that's how you do it." His sister says with a smile once she finished explaining a particularly difficult calculus problem.

"Thank you, Yui-nee!" He says warmly.

"Now, Raku-chan, let's go over this next problem."

The boy nods and continues studying, until from the corner of his eye he manages to catch the glimpse of something white. He turns around in time to see the first snow of the season. His memories drift him back to his first year, a girl, her estranged mother, and resting his head on the lap of the girl, as snow fell down on them.

"Raku-chan?" Yui-nee calls him.

"Right, sorry."

"The snow is pretty, isn't it?" The older girl says.

"Yeah, it is."

"Maybe we should take a break."

Raku plans on arguing, but the look Yui gives him shuts him up. "Yeah."

He gets up and starts exiting the room. "Where are you going, Raku-chan?"

"To call my mom."

The New Year comes and goes without any occurrence. Raku goes to visit the shrine with Shuu, Onodera and Miyamoto. The lack of three other girls is as obvious as red over snow, but they don't talk about it. They all pray and wish for different things. Raku asks for good luck on his coming exams, and to be able to get into the university of his choosing. He doesn't tell anyone, but deep down, he also prays for the health of a pretty blonde girl. He wishes she'd come soon.

"So you and Miyamoto, eh?" Raku says excitedly at his friend.

"Yeah." Shuu scratches his head, feeling bashful. "It's unbelievable."

"Not really." Raku shakes his head. "I saw it coming last year. You guys have a lot of chemistry."

"You think so?"

"I'm sure of!" They both laugh merrily. "Hey man, congrats! You deserve being love after everything you've been through."

"Thanks, dude. And yeah, I guess so. I'm so excited! I think it's good that we're going to the same college! I'll be able to see her almost every day!"

Raku nods. "Yeah, that's good, Shuu."

He ignores the pang of jealousy he feels in his chest.

Upon returning to classes after the break, Raku continues with his hard studying. He's never been a good student, but he feels like he's improving. One day, he goes out from school late after all the studying. Upon walking home, he passes by that wall he had forgotten about. He remembers that day with such clarity as if it had happened yesterday. He was minding his own business, walking to classes, when suddenly a girl hopped off the wall and slammed her knee against his face. She shouted a "sorry" and went her own way, leaving him bleeding on the ground. Never in a million years would he have thought that such an encounter would affect the course of his life.

He smiles at the memory, and walks home.

The day the results of the college entrance exams are out, Raku is not feeling hopeful. Even if he busted his ass studying, he's not confident he made it. Still, he goes. There are tons of people, and he feels like he has not come even a little bit close to entering. He starts feeling miserable. Until…

What's that?

Oh God, don't tell him?

He made it! Right there it's his name written down. He did it! He got into the university he wanted! He gestures excitedly, and feels warm and fuzzy until he gets home. He reaches for his phone and almost calls her, until he realizes she can't answer. The thought dejects him, but his happiness won't be stopped.

He walks to his father's office.

"Hey dad, I've got something to tell you."

The celebration at his house lasts a week.

They did it. Somehow, after studying for three years, and going on never ending adventures with three amazing girls, they have graduated! Onodera cries throughout most of the ceremony, while Ruri gently pats her shoulder. Shuu and Raku exchange looks, and whisper between themselves. Once it's over, they celebrate together, because, goddamn, they are going on a new adventure!

Once Raku gets home, he stares at a picture of Chitoge he has on his desk. He smiles fondly.

"I did it, Chitoge. I did it! I'm following my dreams too. Don't worry, when you come back, I'll be here, and you'll see that I have accomplished my dreams. And, my promise still stands, I'll always wait for you."

A/N: I used Tsurezure Scans's translation of chapter 227.