Italics are Flashbacks/memories.


Two years earlier.

"Can you believe he actually agreed?" Elizabeth asked as they walked away from the lawyers office.

"Actually I can." Sheldon replied as they reached the car.

"How so?" She asked.

"I think Charlie realises that he hasn't been a father at all. He was nothing but a glorified sperm donor. He doesn't deserve the title of 'father'. He can't give Melody the love and stability she needs, I can and I think he finally sees that too." Sheldon explained as they enter the cat.

She nods her head. "I get it. I'm glad he agreed to let you adopt her." She smiled.

"Me too. I've considered her my daughter for a while now but this just makes it so much more real." He said smiling happily.

"What does your mother think? You have told her, right?" She asked as she set off home.

"Yes I told her, she was happy for us but I think she's still hoping we have our own child."

She nods but says nothing.

"I told her I didn't believe it was on our cards, she sounded upset but I think she understands. I'm still trying to get the hang off the coitus thing." He said with a slight smirk.

She chuckles. "I don't know Sheldon, if say you were pretty good." She smirks making him blush.

Present day.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it." Penny squealed as she ran towards Sheldon and gave him a big hug. "Congratulations!" She grinned.

"Thank you Penny." He smiled.

"Wow, two babies it two years, you do work quick." She winked.

He blushed. "They were not exactly planned." He chuckled.

"No regrets though?" She asked as she picked up her and Leonard's daughter, A little girl. Izzy was almost one now with a head 9f curly blond hair and bright green eyes.

"Not a single one." He smiled.

Two years earlier.

"Um, Sheldon." Elizabeth called from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" He asked as he came to the door.

She opened the door and looked at him with a worried expression.

"So you know how you've recently officially become a Daddy to Melody?" She asked.

"Of course, why are you asking this?" He asked confused.

"Um, well how would you like to officially, officially become a daddy?" She asked.

He looked at her confused until she held up the pregnancy test. "Is that?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Positive?" He asked.

Again she nodded.

He grinned and picked her up and spun her around as she giggled. "That's amazing. I'm so happy." He smiled as he put her down.

She let out a breath she had been holding. "I'm glad you're happy. I am too." She smiled before kissing him softly.

Present day.

"When's Leonard home?" He asked.

"A few hours. I think Howard's over tonight too. Bernadette's having a rough time." She said sadly.

"Are they still unable to conceive?" He asked.

She nods slowly. "She keeps taking it out in Howard, poor guy. They've started looking into adoption but I think she feels like a failure. All those years she spent telling him she didn't want kids and now she does and she can't. So sad." Penny explained.

"They will get through it." He assured her.

Eventually they both sat down with a cup of tea and had a proper catch up.

"So what's new in Pasadena? With the group?" He asked. "I only get the odd update from Leonard or Howard." He said.

"Not really much to update on." She replied evasively. "Raj is on his third girlfriend off the year. He insists he already loves her." Penny said rolling her eyes.

"Do you think he will ever settle down?" Sheldon asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I think Emily was the longest he had ever been in a relationship but she was bat crap crazy."

Sheldon nodded in agreement.

"What about-" He sighed. "What about Amy?" He asked.

He hadn't heard from Amy in almost four years. He often thought about her, wondered where she was, if she was finally happy with someone, finally happy with herself.

He was still upset and hurt by what she had done when they last saw each other but he had cared for her deeply for many years, she had been his best friend, he had loved her, he would never completely push her out off his life nor mind.

Penny looked at him curiously for a moment before answering.

"We don't speak as much as we use to. She has other friends now and a boyfriend I believe. I can't tell you much more because I really don't know. I speak to Mike more than I do Amy." She explained.

He nodded.

"You're not still interested in her are you?" She asked.

"Of course not!" He replied offended. "I love Elizabeth."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

He nods accepting her apology.

"Hey, so how's little Jakey?" She asked trying to change the subject.

Sheldon instantly began smiling brightly. "He's great. He's already starting to say some words. I believe he will definitely be as smart as me." He grinned proudly.

"Y-your not favouring him though are you?" She asked.

He frowned. "Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Well because he's your biological child and Melody isn't. She's going to be hurt if you start ignoring her."

He sighed. "What is it with everyone? Even Lizzy though this, I love them both equally. Even though Melody isn't biologically mine I will treat her like she is, I do treat her like she is. I would never favour one over the other, ever." He assured her.

She nodded. Again trying to change the subject she said. "I hope you're more prepared for the birth this time." She chuckled.

He groaned. "Oh god. Don't remind me. My head aches when I think about it."

One year ago.

"Elizabeth you need to push now." The doctor ordered.

Elizabeth nodded and squeezed Sheldon's hand tightly as he whispered encouraging words into her ear.

Elizabeth posh the best she could until she was allowed to relax for a moment.

"We can see the head. Dad, do you wanna see?" The doctor asked.

Curiosity got the better of him as he approached the end off the bed.

Elizabeth watched him sway before hitting the floor.

"We are never going to have sex again." She muttered.

"Oh god! What happened?" Sheldon groaned holding his head as he sat beside Elizabeth once again.

"You saw my vagina and passed out." She said trying to hold back her laughter.

"That's never happened before." He blurted making everyone in the room snigger.

"We can see that." The doctors blurted out making the other nurses and Elizabeth laugh.

She ended up laughing through the last push, she barely registered the pain.

"Oh yeah we were having a baby." Sheldon said grinning sleepily before once again passing out at the sight off the baby boy who was covered in a layer off blood.

Present day.

"Still the best birth story I have ever heard." Penny laughed.

"You're mean." He huffed. "All the nurses were laughing about it when I came too."

"Oh don't sulk it was funny. After Leonard saw Tommy slip right out of me he avoided sex for like four months."

Sheldon raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah I know. He avoided sex." She nodded. "I couldn't believe it either. I thought, he thought I was ugly and fat afterwards but he finally admitted he was a bit traumatised." She chuckled.

"In all honesty I can't remember it. When I can too the first time I thought we were in bed at home but then I heard Jake cry and I finally registered the presence of the doctors and nurses and realised we were having a baby. Then I woke up on the floor again." He explained.

Penny chuckled. "I'm sure you will do better this time. Stay up the top end though." She laughed.

"Don't worry I will be." He said seriously.

She grinned. "So I was on the phone to your mother the other day. She was asking how the kids were, catching up on what had been happening and then..."

"Then what?" He asked.

"She was asking of you had made any plans on marrying Lizzy." She said as casually as possible.

He sighed. "She's always doing that."

"Don't you want to marry Lizzy?" She asked.

He shrugged. "Look what happened the last time I wanted to marry a women, she left me, for married, I moved away and fell in love with my neighbour." He laughed a little. "Hey me and Leonard both fell in live with out neighbours. I've just realised. That's funny." Sneakily changing the subject.

"Oh yeah." She grinned. "And we're both actresses."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay I'm still an aspiring actress and your girlfriend might as well be on the from of the celeb magazines." She grumbled.

He chuckled. "She hasn't been liking the attention recently. She keeps thinking people will find our about the pregnancy before we get the chance to tell everyone. That's why I'm here." He explained.

"Not because you miss me?" She asked.

"Well I guess that too." He smiled.

After meeting up with his old group of friends and staying for two days Sheldon finally went back to New York.

He took a taxi back to his and Lizzy's house. They had bought it shortly after Jake was born instead of hopping from apartment to apartment.

When he arrived he could hear the sound off Melody singing and laughing as e stepped up to the door.

He unlocked the door and entered and was instantly greeted by Melody.

"Daddy!" She shouted as she ran towards him.

He smiled and hugged her. "Hello Melody, have you been good for Mummy?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, jake hadn't. He won't stop crying." She grumbled.

"Oh dear. Let's go see them shall we?" He asked.

She smiled and too his hand leaving his luggage in the doorway.

Lizzy was in the kitchen attempting to cook dinner with Jake on her hip crying dramatically.

Jake caught Sheldon entering the kitchen and his face instantly brightened.

"Dada!" He shouted.

Lizzy turned to see what the fuss was about and saw Sheldon stood in the door way.

"Oh am I glad to see you." She said walking towards him. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and handed him Jake. "Go on Daddy's boy." She muttered. "You are never leaving again and if you do you can take him. He hasn't stop crying all weekend." She explained. She looked exhausted, her hair was all over the place, she had no make up on and was sweating from the heat of the kitchen but to Sheldon he had never seen anything more beautiful.

"I love you." He blurted out.

She smiled shyly. "I love you too."

"So I see spaghetti with little pieces off hot dogs is on the menu?" He asked nodding to the pan.

She grinned and nods. "It's what baby Cooper wants and what baby Cooper wants, baby Cooper gets." She smiled patting her small bump.

"Whatever you say. I think your just using it as an excuse."

She looked at him with fake shock before swatting his behind with the wooden spoon grinning.

"Hey!" He laughed out loud. "I will get you back for that dsrlin'."

"I'm sure you will." She grinned. "Now all of you out off my kitchen." She ordered.

He smiled and carried Jake out to the lounge were melody was dancing around and singing to something on the television.

The house wasn't the tidiest, dishes were in the sink, the kids were not in the correct clothes for the days but nothing had ever look so perfect to Sheldon.

He put Jake down on the play met and went to get something from his luggage. He didn't have a huge romantic gestures planned, they didn't need one, that wasn't the kind of relationship they had.

He walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Lizzy waist and placed the small black box in her hand.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Open it." He told her. He kissed her neck and turned her around so he could see her reaction.

She oped the box and smiled.

"Lizzy, I know the kitchen isn't exactly romantic, you have pasta sauce on your shirt and smell kind of funky but I love you even more so." He grinned. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

She nods her head grinning broadly, a few tears slips down her cheeks. "Yes Sheldon, of course."

He took the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger.

"Don't worry it's not the one I was going to give Amy. I took that back to the shop. This was Meemaws." He smiled as he kissed the finger the ring was on.

She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Do I really smell funky?" She asked finally.

"Hmm...yeah kind of." He admitted.

They both chuckled and shared a kiss.

Change is good...


The End.